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Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! *** — Page 47


I'm gonna be "that guy" and ask you when I will be able to watch this. Very excited!


Well I'm at my parents' house right now for a reunion, but when I get back I'm going to master the DVDs and send them to Ripplin (if he's still up for it). Should be ONLINE within a month.

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

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What's the word on these, any update?


I didn't give you guys the update because I was too embarrassed to say, but I can't afford to mail out Renascent to Ripplin right now. I'm honestly about a hundred dollars in debt. I have food, rent is paid, phone bill is paid, but I'm currently out of a job and don't see myself getting one until May. I'm really sorry guys. Hopefully when the semester is over I can get my tax returns filled out and sent and get some money ASAP. I've also got a few things in the classifieds to get sold.

Sorry again guys!

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread


Hey I've been there before man, no worries.

Good luck with everything, things'll turn around, and when they do I'll be excited to see this edit finally =)


We're not going anywhere, don't worry. You'll get things done, both here and work-related.

RedFive, small question, who's the blonde beauty?

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




I gotta tell ya A-Man, I've had next to no interest in this project. Almost anything to do with the prequels turns me off instantly.* However, I caught that there was a clip up and I'm bored so I thought I'd give it a look.

I'm impressed! I'll be checking this out for sure! Neat!



*exception made for Natalie Portman

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Almost anything to do with the prequels turns me off instantly.

My edit has a sad.


has it really been 4 months since anyone replied to this once hot topic? anything changed or complete or avail yet?


46fleetline said:

has it really been 4 months since anyone replied to this once hot topic?

Nothing to reply to.


thats what i am saying, a-man, nothing going on in the last 4 months? just curious, it was all steam ahead, and then..........a brick wall and silence. even the local nerf herder is wondering.


Hey Asteroid-Man! Any new news on this?


any news on this dvd or download or if it is finished? last we heard was back in may, you were a bit broke, yet donations are ready to flow your way......


DVD is burned. I'm going to ship it to Ripplin on Monday. I'm still super broke and I have no idea how I will make it through this next year (God help me) - but I'm not losing hope. Also, the reason I've been so reluctant to take donations were because I haven't really put money into this project, wholly for its sake. I mean sure I've spent over a grand for equipment, but that's equipment I would have needed either way. I'm also not a charity case to take donations because I'll fall about $300 short of my budget a month over the next year, and I hold zero entitlement to profits over this edit itself.


Here is what I will say though, if (and only if) you were to watch the edit and thought you would like to donate money for buying better equipment for my future films (and I don't mean just the fan-edits - although I would use it for fan-edits as well) - short films to be specific, I will gladly take them. I'll be uploading a couple of my short films to vimeo soon, and once I do, people can watch what I've done so far before decided whether or not they would like to donate to my future film prospects.



I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I've been swamped with so many things this Summer - it was ridiculous.

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread


Asteroid-Man said:

DVD is burned. I'm going to ship it to Ripplin on Monday.

That's great news. Will Ripplin upload it? I am excited to see this eventually. You seem to have put a lot of effort in it... It's a brand new take on Star Wars.

I'm still super broke and I have no idea how I will make it through this next year (God help me) - but I'm not losing hope.

Sorry to hear that; I must say good luck. As a young film maker, it may be tough but talent could make it all pay off. I'll be interested to see your short films in Vimeo.


well, i'm ready to donate via paypal to a-man or info or anyone else who does great work like this, equipment or not, it still took it to help make the edits. i myself enjoy and like all the flashback vids made that are out there. they really tie the films together. you almost need them to make everything work...


Hey guys, I'm filling out a submission for for Fanedit right now, but I hadn't kept track of all the cuts in the film. There has to be hundreds of them. What should I do?

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread


Asteroid-Man said:

Hey guys, I'm filling out a submission for for Fanedit right now, but I hadn't kept track of all the cuts in the film. There has to be hundreds of them. What should I do?

I assume you're talking about the FE.org form?

Just say "hundreds."  It's not terribly important.


TV's Frink said:

I assume you're talking about the FE.org form?

Just say "hundreds."  It's not terribly important.

+1 Just make sure you briefly describe the main narrative of your edit. People don't need to see every single edit. If you forget some, it doesn't matter. Some fan edits don't even have cut lists.

Out of curiosity, since you are already submitting to FE.org, does that mean the edit is ready for spreading over the internet?


Well I'm not sure how and where to upload it. I was going to get Ripplin to do it, but he can't anymore.

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

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You can do either RS or MU with a free account.  I've rescued a few lost SW edits and I've done it with a free MU account and a bit of patience.


Is WMV ok for a digital copy? And what size do most people go with for Digital Copies? I've got a 1.8GB WMV file for the Digital Copy - I'm rendering an MP4 though, so it can be played on a Mac and also because they are much smaller. As it renders, I'm going to try and split Disc One into parts.

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread