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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released) — Page 48


Doctor M said:
Mielr, well, your film frame has definitely aged, but a quick and dirty adjustment to de-age it looks like this: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2910/lukehanceltweaked.jpg

I'm starting to think the orange in the skin tones (especially Luke) that I was unhappy about in my suggested settings on the other thread, might actually be accurate.

Perhaps a bad make-up attempt to give Tatooine residents a tan?

I'm on the fence.

That looks very good- you kept the fiight suit the correct hue of orange, and the skintones look good too. I think they're too reddish in both the examples d_j posted (the flightsuit and the skintones). As I stated, the backlight I used has a fluorescent lamp so it has a tendency to tint everything greenish. The film stock is from 1995....see here: http://www.film-center.com/dates.html
The SW and ESB cels all look quite good to the naked eye. Only the ROTJ cels have faded significantly.


Spending a snowy evening watching V1 (since I had to call a for a raincheck dinner date with lady friend) and it still looks pretty good. I think any of my criticisms have been addressed in V3 (namely the Greedo subs) so any work that's done above and beyond that is just bonus.


Well I don't know what to tell you Mielr, I don't see all this red you are talking about and I really don't like DrM's tweaks as of yet, it barely changes anything, and definitely not worth a new render and encode, like I have said, if more tweaking needs to be done make your suggestions to what you want done, because if WE don't come up with something soon it stays as is, there is NO way in hell I am doing a scene by scene, I really don't think it is worth it to me, I honestly can't see how you don't think this latest tweak is not better than "as is", but everyone see's these colors different I guess.

I mean I think these guys are suppose to be tan, they are in a desert for crying out loud, but look at the guys hands while Vader is choking him, they are not tan, look kind of pale white, couple more days and then I am jumping off this Boat with Dr M.

Obviously I would like to please everyone, but as Dr M has stated, it won't happen, LOL I should just take ALL adjustments to color,levels,etc. and such out and leave it GOUT only and let everyone do there own adjusting.


I think your tweaks look fantastic, DJ, and I'd venture a guess that it's the the best it can look without going scene-by-scene.  I wouldn't expect you to be willing to do that.

I do have to say that I'd be quite disappointed if you decide not to use your tweaks in the final V3, too.  I still think I'm going to do a scene-by-scene coloring for my own use sometime down the road, but if the screencaps are any indication, your tweaks will please the vast majority on here.


I second Chainsaw Ash's opinion. Though in the future, there may be a scene by scene correction release; the current color correction as shown in the screencaps will make a memorable and significant release.


So does it seem like it needs to be a tiny bit brighter? vbangle made the comment it looks dark(if I read it correctly that is)especially in the Cantina.


I rather like those screenshots also.  It seems like the GOUT is reaching the point where it's about as good as it ever could be given the quality of the source material available.  I would certainly be very pleased to watch the movie with it looking like that.


hairy_hen said:

It seems like the GOUT is reaching the point where it's about as good as it ever could be given the quality of the source material available.

This is exactly what I am thinking.



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dark_jedi said:

So does it seem like it needs to be a tiny bit brighter? vbangle made the comment it looks dark(if I read it correctly that is)especially in the Cantina.

I thought it was bright enough.. and I do agree that the GOUT is reaching it's limit.


These samples are awesome dj! Think we could maybe see a shot of the gas giant Yavin?

Forum Moderator

dark_jedi said:

hairy_hen said:

It seems like the GOUT is reaching the point where it's about as good as it ever could be given the quality of the source material available.

This is exactly what I am thinking.

The only criticism I can give from the screen shots posted is that Obi-Wan's face does look quite red in the lightsaber duel pics. But really I agree that this is probably as good as the GOUT gets. Great job!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

The only criticism I can give from the screen shots posted is that Obi-Wan's face does look quite red in the lightsaber duel pics. But really I agree that this is probably as good as the GOUT gets. Great job!

His face looks red even without the tweaks in that scene.


Seriously DJ, these are great.  Please include these tweaks in V3.


As to vbangle's comment about the cantina being too dark... remember, the cantina *was* dark.  All the sketchy bars I've ever been in have also been dark.  I think with a properly adjusted display, the cantina looks no darker than inside the Falcon.


Holy balls, those Yavin shots look awesome...

And I agree, the cantina isn't too dark, it looks great that way.


Should the stars look blue, or am I just not properly calibrated?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Looks great, have you checked to see how the setting suns look?

Forum Moderator

I see a little bit of a blue tint to the stars, but it's not nearly as much as the Jedi GOUT.

Also, most stars aren't really white, anyway.


you know what?

It looks pretty tit awesome DJ. I take back back what I said earlier....I like it.

You've done a great job.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


Those Yavin shots look very good as well.


ChainsawAsh said:

I think your tweaks look fantastic, DJ, and I'd venture a guess that it's the the best it can look without going scene-by-scene.  I wouldn't expect you to be willing to do that.

I do have to say that I'd be quite disappointed if you decide not to use your tweaks in the final V3, too.  I still think I'm going to do a scene-by-scene coloring for my own use sometime down the road, but if the screencaps are any indication, your tweaks will please the vast majority on here.


And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


dark_jedi said:
Well I don't know what to tell you Mielr, I don't see all this red you are talking about and I really don't like DrM's tweaks as of yet, it barely changes anything, and definitely not worth a new render and encode, like I have said, if more tweaking needs to be done make your suggestions to what you want done, because if WE don't come up with something soon it stays as is, there is NO way in hell I am doing a scene by scene, I really don't think it is worth it to me, I honestly can't see how you don't think this latest tweak is not better than "as is", but everyone see's these colors different I guess.

Sorry, I don't mean to confuse the issue - the only reason I chimed in was because you asked for my input (I had not said anything up until that point) and I happened to have a cel of one of the scenes in question from the last batch, and thought that it might help. Of course, I don't expect that you would do scene-by-scene color correction as it definitely would not be worth the extra work.

I haven't looked at DrMs other tweaks. I was only referring to DrM's tweaking of the film cel I provided for comparison, and in comparison to the examples you provided the skin and jumpsuit look redder in your versions, as they look on my MacBook screen. Of course you may not see the red I'm seeing because of the difference in our monitors, and therein lies the problem.

The colors on the V1 and V2 look fine to me, so use your own judgement. :-)