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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released) — Page 34


Thanks ChainsawAsh. That's pretty much what I thought.

I'm more of a fan of the more common Beru dub just because it's ingrained in me from growing up with that version and the "Close the blast doors" line is more important to me than the tractor beam line so I'm kind of s**t out of luck.

That was the only good thing about seeing the SE in '97, I was excited the close the blast doors was back. 

"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt



dark_jedi said:

Sluggo said:

dark_jedi said:

Don't have any covers.

I thought someone had volunteered to make covers for this bad boy?

I think ABC was going to make some up when I got closer to completion and have all the final specs, ABC are you still willing to work some up?


I'd say "no" but... As they're already made it would be stupid you don't have these !

Sorry I've left the ship without a word for you about this, but as you may remember these computer issues I had got me bored and I just gave 5 days ago a look on my old computer and despite I washed his brain I just spotted I took care not to erase the 500mb of files that were destined to your covers !...


... So, I only need the new specs If I understand... I'm PMing you an e-mail in case Moth3r kicks my butt out of here for multi profile creation & destruction !... :)

Otherwise I'll post some covers here or in your art section topic.


PS: Looks like I've made both vertical & horizontal covers btw. Only the backcovers are vertical only.


Edit: here's so far what is finished (300dpi) and I also have an alternate horizontal Empire.

Tell me what looks best for RotJ backcover and Empire vertical background (blue or white?)

Let's make it at lightspeed ;)







I don't have much ideas for the backcovers, if just keeping it simple like this...



If any of you wants to deal with the backs, I'll just upload what I've made and you'll deal with it.

PS: D_J, watch your pm's


I'd even remove the screenshot. Less is more here, and having the alternate poster faded in the back is genius!

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

I'd even remove the screenshot.

Damn you're right !


I've seen D_J watching here two times and didn't take a look at his pm's neither he replied here. I must say I just watched this thread when I saw the covers on my computer a few days ago, that's why I'm posting here right now.

If there's no further reply, I send you the baby as it is. Should be easy to finish.


So are these definitive specs ?


Star Wars
16:9 Anamorphic @ 2.35:1
1977 Theatrical Stereo
1977 70mm Dolby Digital 5.1 Six-Track Reconstruction
1977 Theatrical Mono
1985 Home Video Stereo Remix
1993 Home Video Stereo Remix

The Empire Strikes Back
16:9 Anamorphic @ 2.35:1
1980 Theatrical Stereo
Dolby Digital 5.1 Remix
1985 Home Video Stereo Remix
1993 Home Video Stereo Remix
Rare 1980 "Empire Hotline" Recordings Featuring - C-3PO, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

The Return Of The Jedi
16:9 Anamorphic @ 2.35:1
1983 Theatrical Stereo
Dolby Digital 5.1 Remix
1985 Home Video Stereo Remix
1993 Home Video Stereo Remix

If yes, your covers will fall tomorrow. (And don't misread me, I'll be glad to finish these).



Sorry ABC, yes those are going to be the specs, had a really, really bad day today.

also why the name change?


... Because I left. I like to put things in the trash when it's finished. ;) ... Sorry mods.


bkev said:

I'd even remove the screenshot. Less is more here, and having the alternate poster faded in the back is genius!

I agree. That cover is pretty slick, though.

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




Damn, ABC - I may just have to ditch my yellow-logo VHS-style covers in favor of yours!  Especially since you're using my favorite single-line ESB logo for the spine (the one nobody else seems to use)...


Those alternate horizontals are really cool, btw.
I always loved that concept, just like ESB Imperial.
So you ditched the ABC alias? And you're now known as Leguman? :)

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




... So, errrr... Yes Radion, the horizontal ones are a reconstruction of the Quad UK posters.

Ok, I'll finish the covers not tomorrow as I said, but around the end of the week ;) Glad you like these.



PS to Moth3r:

C'mon Moth3r ! I know you've been dreaming of this since a long time but now we can't read a damn thing in the "Imperial Audiophile" presentation anymore !

... What?... A film dedicated site only? Nevermind. It sums up a lot.


I see you coming, you're gonna say "I like to put things in the trash when it's finished". You're lucky I'm not the kind to spend my creativity and time transforming any ideas into topics otherwise I would post two new threads a day in the Off-Topic section, as useful as the Frinky's ones !




I like the horizontal ones.

With the vertical ones I know they look like more of a set if Jedi has the "faces" poster, but in 1983 (in the US at any rate) that lightsaber on the back cover was what was in all the theaters and in the papers.

ABC, I'm not sure I'm following why you left and now have a different username, but what does this mean for the status of The Empire Strikes Back Audiophile Edition?


– Bill

Never tell me the odds.


By the way Leguman, if you take the horizontals for example, and imagine them folded around a dvd case, it provides the SW and ESB logos on the left, as in the front of the case, but the ROTJ logo appears at the back.
Was that intentional, or lack of proper source material?

OT Forum_; FanEdit.org:_ Radi0n FanEdit Forum: Kal-El
tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




Leguman said:

I don't have much ideas for the backcovers, if just keeping it simple like this...



If any of you wants to deal with the backs, I'll just upload what I've made and you'll deal with it.

PS: D_J, watch your pm's

I'm looking forward to seeing the final version of these finished, ABC,..A B C,.. um... Leguman.


Sluggo said:

I'm looking forward to seeing the final version of these finished, ABC,..A B C,.. um... Leguman.

You forgot *ABC*


Tallguy said:


I like the horizontal ones.

With the vertical ones I know they look like more of a set if Jedi has the "faces" poster, but in 1983 (in the US at any rate) that lightsaber on the back cover was what was in all the theaters and in the papers.

I'll try this one out then. I don't like a lot that poster I'm using. just influenced by classical OT idea. It appears that I just found out yesterday a newly uploaded lighsaber poster on a site I ignored, and I've never seen this poster in that shape before: damn true colors as I remind from the best visuals of the CD or LP, and fine natural grain in the grade color at the left of the lightsaber. (all the posters we usualy find in high res have quite a blured grain).

ABC, I'm not sure I'm following why you left and now have a different username, but what does this mean for the status of The Empire Strikes Back Audiophile Edition?

Looks like enthusiasm about this work on the Empire score have totally fell, perhaps because the 30th anniversary is passed, perhaps because one more version was too much for followers.

I adverted I would move on since the begining of the topic, after that I adverted I'd take pm's for two weeks and move on, and that's what I did.

I always acted relying on people's judgement around here: is this work worth ? Then let's make it turn (requests/pm's). I've made it, I've uploaded it, then I consider it's no more up to me to maintain the thread(s). Looks like it has never been obvious for no one, and I'm afraid many may take such an attitude for despise or such. If it's the case I'm sorry, they just don't know how much it costed me to fulfil this work, speaking only about my cheap bad functioning equipment (things I wouldn't have been confronted to for a private only purpose). Oh well.

And I've said it since the beginning: I was just passing through with these sound works. The best thing I'm glad about is D_J bring it to your knowledge through the bonus DVD we made together ! :) That's the best of it.

... Right now I just registered to send my contact to D_J. I took advantage of this to show and ask about the covers here, it always help rather than beeing said "do as you want". This lack of discretion costed me - not the A B C profile cause I banned it myself 3 weeks ago (but Moth3r prefer making you understand HE decides) - but all the update of the IAE thread that we can hardly read now.

Moth3r, can you set that cool ?... Or should Leguman intervene...?...

You are the child of the Earth

The Sun is your Father

You make bite the dust

the ones who look for war

Leguman !

Leguman !!!


PS: Ah. Radion, the horizontal are just the front covers ! ;) (Like a *badass cassette* as someone said before).

PPS to Tallguy: pm me if you're interested in the set... But I miss one of the links. Maybe someone else will help better.


What are you using for the backs of Star Wars and ESB?


A close up of the teaser poster works really great for ESB. For SW I tryed a close up of the horizontal .. Errr, what style is it.... this one. I'm not convinced yet.


Did I see a G rating on the back of your covers?


Sluggo said:

Did I see a G rating on the back of your covers?

Of course ! What do you think ? Stupid times !

PS: Well spotted and thanks for the reminder... I totally forgot. ;)



Leguman said:


I'm really liking this cover Leguman.  I'm always for DVDs that use original theatrical poster artwork, and the overall design and colours are very sleek.

P.S. I agree with bkev... ditch the screenshot on the back.  I think less is more here.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


Leguman said:

I don't have much ideas for the backcovers, if just keeping it simple like this...




WOW , fantastic covers just like the old U.K. VHS style from the nineties.


Yeah, you definitely want to swap out the G rating symbol with PG.  Other than that, I see no flaw in the cover!

One suggestion - have you tried justify-formatting the crawl text?  Don't know if that will look better or worse, just a thought.


WOW , fantastic covers just like the old U.K. VHS style from the nineties.

^mmmhh. True that if I don't like a lot the poster, it still fits well on black with the grey blue strokes. Anyway, what is done will be found as main or alt covers.

For the screenshot on the back of course, as soon as Bkev said it I realized he was right.

We never had the luck to own a video tape recorder when I was young. So I have no memory of old covers. Funny it matches here.

Yeah, you definitely want to swap out the G rating symbol with PG

Are you mad? Who needs a parental guidance ? Just to make like they decided 30 years ago ? Haha.

For the text I didn't try to make it the same shape than the original, I don't think. Just the same familly... You know, I don't really remember.


I did up a design for a t-shirt (ages ago) of the opening crawl with enough of a tilt that it definitely suggested the movie, but was still readable all at the same time.  Would that be a good idea for the back covers?


Murry Sparkles said:

WOW , fantastic covers just like the old U.K. VHS style from the nineties.

Ouch.  Please don't use "old" and "nineties" in the same sentence.


– Bill

Never tell me the odds.