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Star Wars Headcanons — Page 8


“Wannabe serial killer” Mark Twitchell being a big fan of prequel Anakin was no surprise to me. The man even defended the youngling slaughter scene on TheForce.net forums back in the day.


How is that a Star Wars headcanon?


BedeHistory731 said:

“Wannabe serial killer” Mark Twitchell being a big fan of prequel Anakin was no surprise to me. The man even defended the youngling slaughter scene on TheForce.net forums back in the day.

Reminds me of EU fans who defend the Sith Holocaust. Those folks are definitely sus.

“The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul — like pincers to catch hold of God.”

― Simone Weil

“Reality is the original Rorschach.”

― Malaclypse the Younger


BedeHistory731 said:

“Wannabe serial killer” Mark Twitchell being a big fan of prequel Anakin was no surprise to me. The man even defended the youngling slaughter scene on TheForce.net forums back in the day.

I’m a fan of PT Anakin too, but I don’t defend the younglings massacre, nor the sand people massacre (although I think it’s slightly more understandable than the younglings massacre). So what? I don’t understand the problem with being a fan of PT Anakin. Being a fan of the character doesn’t mean justifying all his actions, it simply means being able to put yourself in place of the character, understanding what he’s going through and consequently being able to sympathize with him in most of the cases, but at the same time understanding what his mistakes are. Those scenes are designed specifically to be seen by viewers as something unacceptable and horrendous, they’re not meant to arouse sympathy towards Anakin. The fact that a serial killer defended PT Anakin doesn’t mean all PT Anakin fans are serial killers or psychopaths,especially when you consider that Mark Twitchell was inspired by the character of Dexter Morgan in committing his actions, not by Anakin. Frankly I feel a bit offended by your comment.

How is that a Star Wars headcanon?

I think he wanted to post it in the Random Thoughts Thread, but he got the wrong thread.

«This is where the fun begins!»
(Anakin Skywalker)


I think he wanted to post it in the Random Thoughts Thread, but he got the wrong thread.

Yes, that’s the case. My B.

Also, I’m not implying that about all PT Anakin fans. I’m implying it about one guy who went out of his way to defend that one scene and say things like “could you imagine the guts it would take to do that?”.


BedeHistory731 said:

I think he wanted to post it in the Random Thoughts Thread, but he got the wrong thread.

Also, I’m not implying that about all PT Anakin fans. I’m implying it about one guy who went out of his way to defend that one scene and say things like “could you imagine the guts it would take to do that?”.

Obviously the guy’s crazy, and there’s no question about that. But such a sentence is not a symptom of a homicidal mind in itself, because it depends on what you mean. If you say it takes courage to do something like that but at the same time you say it’s right, then I agree with you in saying that whoever says that sentence has a homicidal mind. But if you say that, meaning he was wrong in doing that, then no, the meaning is different and there’s no sign of a homicidal mind. Anyway, I prefer to not talk about courage when I talk about that scene. I just think the Dark Side was beginning to cloud Anakin’s mind so much to prevent him from totally realizing the magnitude of what he was doing. Even though, as we’ve seen, there were times when he understood what was going on and felt tremendously bad. For example, after killing all the Separatists on Mustafar he cried, because he realized he was doing something wrong.

«This is where the fun begins!»
(Anakin Skywalker)


Getting back on topic and away from real world homocide, I don’t get why people think time dilation is necessary to explain TESB’s timeline. The Falcon’s trip probably last a long time, long enough for Luke to train up, and more importantly, his training seems pretty negligible, going by his performance against Vader. That is exactly the sort of results you’d expect from a student who only trained somewhere between two days and a month. Vader’s toying with him and still demolishing him.


Ben Solo’s middle name is Quadrinaros.


Lol, maybe Han was also a fan of podracing.

If he did really have a middle name, I would guess that it would be Organa. I would think Leia would still want to carry on the family name of the Royal House of Alderaan.

Speaking of which, I always liked the idea that Kylo Ren was sort of a “dark prince”, since he would have some claim to the throne of Alderaan. I could imagine citizens of the galaxy whispering amongst themselves one of his nicknames, Prince of Ashes.


RogueLeader said:

I could imagine citizens of the galaxy whispering amongst themselves one of his nicknames, Prince of Ashes.

“Prince of the Asteroids” would also be a potential nickname, probably in a timeline where Ben didn’t turn.

The whole thing reminds me of DBZ Abridged’s bit where Vegeta “the Prince of All Saiyans” experiences great euphoria upon being called “King Vegeta” for the first time. I guess he remains a prince out of respect for his father (who was also a “King Vegeta”)?

But back to headcanons - Qui-Gon learned the trick of becoming “one with the force” from traveling to ancient Jedi strongholds in the unknown regions during his knighthood (maybe Ach-To even). These readings and studies are why he doesn’t play along with the council and what he hoped to teach Obi-Wan and Anakin. He didn’t learn how to become a ghost fully until several decades into his time with the force, so that’s why he only starts taking physical form during Kenobi. His limited ability to become physical is also why he looks older and why his beard looks like a cheap fake.


Rey’s parents are nobodies and she isn’t Palpatine’s granddaughter. Sorry, three years later I still have a hard time swallowing that one.


Starkiller in The Force Unleashed II is in fact the real Starkiller, just with a bad case of amnesia. All the other clones of him are failed mutants, and other cloned Force-users in the EU were mad (Luuke for example), or had to transfer essence or whatnot. Besides, thematically I think it works better with Starkiller’s story about identity and I do believe it would have been revealed in the third game.

Yoda is from Kashyyyk. I came up with this when I was younger to explain Yoda’s good relationship with the Wookiees in Revenge of the Sith. I know The Clone Wars was going to give a reason for it in an unproduced arc, but I think its possible it could have worked out still. (Not that it needed an explanation of any kind, nor is my theory the only possibility of course, I just like clinging to the idea since I’ve had it for so long.)

The Academy Luke references in A New Hope and its deleted scenes was not the Imperial Academy, but rather just the Star Academy. Luke was either referring to the Academy founded on Tatooine, or one that was more of a galaxy-spanning institution. The Imperial Navy was known to sift through these Academies for promising students to lessen the amount they needed to train themselves.

Move along, move along.


R2-D2 is Palpatine’s centuries-long arch nemesis. As Palpatine fell to his death, his last thoughts were “Somehow, this is all that damn droid’s fault.”


Nerfs are gasbag lifeforms which resemble Nerf balls.

“The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul — like pincers to catch hold of God.”

― Simone Weil

“Reality is the original Rorschach.”

― Malaclypse the Younger

  • The Sith use red lightsabers in honor of the Sith species and the surface and sky of Korriban.

  • Many believed that Darth Vader was of the Sith species.

  • Palpatine used mind-tricks on his advisors to make them think that he was a puppet ruler and that they were in control.

  • One of the plays performed at the Galaxies Opera House is “Shen and Rahasia”.

  • The Nagai call Palpatine “Emperor Sheev I of Skyriver”.

  • Sion and Nihilus were training each other in the Trayus Academy when the Mass Shadow Generator went off and turned them into the undead beings we know them as.

  • Hego Damask was known as “The Wolf of Muunilinst”.

  • Duel of the Fates is Dathomir’s national (planetary?) anthem.

  • There’s a holofilm called “Night of the Living Rakgouls”.

  • The Tales of the Jedi comics are the contents of the Jedi Holocron seen in Dark Empire and Jedi Academy: Dark Apprentice.

  • The Korriban Sith don’t recognize the Banites as “Sith”, but Vader went through the trials and got knighted by them on his own, hence the scene in Empire’s End.

  • Exar Kun let the Rebellion use his temple as a base because he hated Sidious.

  • Shortly after ROTS, Vader built E-3PO to do the things that C-3PO did for him when he was Anakin.

  • There is an Imperial propaganda film called “Clone Madness”.

  • Tessek was Tikkis’s accountant. When Tikkies died, Tessek fled to Tatooine.


Hego Damask was known as “The Wolf of Muunilinst”.

It took me some minutes to get the reference, but now I’m laughing so hard, lol.

«This is where the fun begins!»
(Anakin Skywalker)


The Falcon’s hyperdrive was an “overclocked” device, possible to replicate on any YT-1300 or similar model.


Luke was the Chosen One. Since while he didn’t physically kill any Sith, he was the catalyst for the destruction of the Sith Order.


The Lego Star Wars Holiday Specials are not non-canonical spinoffs of the live-action movies but are instead spinoffs of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and canon to that game’s timeline.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Cassian Andor’s real name is simply And-Or. His homeworld is a planet called Conjunction Junction. He has two brothers, For-Nor and But-So-Yet.


Each Trilogy happens within its own self-contained universe.

In light of this, the Emperor in the OT has no Force sensitivity but has merely cultivated an illusion of its power by the use of simple tricks and nonsense in order to win and keep Vader under his command.

-All of his ‘predictions’ in ESB and ROTJ are simple extrapolations where they are not him simply claiming that things Vader had just told him had been foreseen.

-His unlocking of Luke’s cuffs could be done by remote.

-His lightning is identical in look and function to a simple ion beam such as the one used by the Jawas on R2, and such a weapon could be easily hidden in his robes. The beam seems to work only weakly on the biological Luke but almost instantly fries the electronics of Vader’s suit, just like a droid-disabling weapon. Nobody else in the OT uses Force Lightning, not even the powerful Vader, which could be further evidence that it is merely a trick.

-When he is thrown down the reactor shaft, the resulting explosion could be from his power source exploding or from striking some sort of reactor on the way down.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


And he would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those meddling Rebels and their damn Wookiee.