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Any theory or little thing you’d like to believe is true in the GFFA despite no direct evidence. Here’s a few to get started.
Oh and before one of you smartasses does it, here’s the obligatory xkcd comid.
Palpatine is hundreds of years old, possibly even as old as Yoda. Through the teachings of the immortality obsessed Plagueis and “secrets only the Sith knew”, he has be able to prolong his life for several centuries. However, it did only the bare minimum to preserve his body, hence the sorry state it’s in when his true form is revealed in RotS.
Obi-Wan Force healed Luke after the Tusken Raiders killed him. Think about it. Why wouldn’t the Tusken Raiders kill Luke? Why would Ob-Wan sacrifice himself when he could have easily made it back to the ship? My explanation is that Obi-Wan gave Luke his lifeforce, meaning he would die instead. He strained himself to last until the Death Star, and when the time came, gave himself into the Force.
Jannah is Finn’s sister. It fixes every problem I have with her character as well as improving Finn’s arc. I genuinely hope to integrate this into an edit.