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I'm completely aware of high resolution images, and I stand by what I typed. In the final printout, you won't be able to tell the difference between a 10 MP and a 1 MP file.
I'm completely aware of high resolution images, and I stand by what I typed. In the final printout, you won't be able to tell the difference between a 10 MP and a 1 MP file.
Ah ok, I misunderstood. I agree with you, excepted that it also may depend on your printer. But well, let's forget those details... Too expensive and not important enough ;)
Right, right.
That said, 25 x17 cm at 300dpi is quite better than a postcard... No transformations done of course.
Here's my set completed, took whole summer LOL. But I'm happy with the results.
And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.
Hey guys! I've been a long time lurker here. I love the various fan edits and preservation projects. I've been wanting to contribute something for a while, and finally got motivated to try a few custom covers.
I've been a long time fan of the various Star Wars comics, and liked the idea of using some of the nice cover art for DVD covers. Here's my first set, using the cover from Dark Horse's "Special Edition"graphic novels for the original trilogy comics. I did a few searches, but admitably didn't read all... 100+ pages of this threat, so I don't think anyone else tried making a covers with these yet.
I would love some feedback from the pros here. I used inside art from the various books for the back, I wasn't entirely happy with the ESB one, but will see what you guys think.
Full sized versions:
Feedback definitely welcome. Also if anyone wants to modify these for any reason, like to adapt them for fan edits or whatnot, go for it! It's not my art, so I can't really lay claim to them :) I left a space on the back to add your own features list, so they could be used for any DVD release.
Couldn't sleep, started roughing out another set. This one is modeled after the newer lines of Star Wars comics from Dark Horse. The cover art pieces come from the book "Star Wars: Panel to Panel" and not all of them are explicitly related to their respective movies, but I thought they looked good. I like this style, as it would allow for matching covers for other material (Clone Wars, etc) that would match with the style. But what do you guys think? still haven't decided how to tackle the backs yet.
PolygonAlchemy said:
Hey guys! I've been a long time lurker here. I love the various fan edits and preservation projects. I've been wanting to contribute something for a while, and finally got motivated to try a few custom covers.
I've been a long time fan of the various Star Wars comics, and liked the idea of using some of the nice cover art for DVD covers. Here's my first set, using the cover from Dark Horse's "Special Edition"graphic novels for the original trilogy comics. I did a few searches, but admitably didn't read all... 100+ pages of this threat, so I don't think anyone else tried making a covers with these yet.
I would love some feedback from the pros here. I used inside art from the various books for the back, I wasn't entirely happy with the ESB one, but will see what you guys think.
Great covers, however I think I would have taken out that very over saturated blue hue, I'm sorry but when did Han, Leia and Luke become those stupid blue Avatar aliens? lol
Troy said:
Great covers, however I think I would have taken out that very over saturated blue hue, I'm sorry but when did Han, Leia and Luke become those stupid blue Avatar aliens? lol
Thanks for the feedback! I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean about them being too blue, though? They look pretty flesh-tone to me. All the colors are a bit high-saturated, but that's how the nutritional book covers looked. I'll play with the levels some, see what I can come up with, though.
Anyway, on the other comic style covers, I messed around with a design for the backs some, What does everyone think?
I like how it's coming, but there's something... plain about it still, especially on the two sides of the box with the synopsis. Maybe they'd be a good place for the special features, but they are kinda tight.
Those are looking pretty good. I do like the bold logos on the front. The comics work very well there also. Maybe you could make an alternate set with movie posters or stills in addition to the comics. Both would look great, imo.
As far as the covers looking a little plain, maybe you could add a textured orange background instead of just the plain one.
Just something to give it a little gravitas.
Sluggo said:
Those are looking pretty good. I do like the bold logos on the front. The comics work very well there also. Maybe you could make an alternate set with movie posters or stills in addition to the comics. Both would look great, imo.
As far as the covers looking a little plain, maybe you could add a textured orange background instead of just the plain one.
Thanks! Yea, giving it some thought, I could probably do a variant of that set with the movie posters for a more traditional look. I'd probably change the coloring on the logos and bars for those to a more 3D gold look, since I donno how well the flat primary color look would mesh with non comic book art.
Has anyone done any "Official" versions of logos based around the episode titles, like the ESB and RotJ ones? The ones in that set for eps 1-4 are ones I mocked up using either the RotJ logo as a base (For AotC, and RotS) or just kinda winging it for the other two (Although I think the ANH one looks too small compared to the other 5). I donno, i just like the stylized episode title logos over the more uniform Star Wars: Episode x styles on the newer DVDs. Like I said, it'd lend itself well to making designs for other DVDs that can match with the set.
As for a gradient or pattern, I'll try a few variations, the reason I wanted to go with a flat color is because that's how the comic design does it. It has a certain simplicity to it. I was thinking of some kind of symbols in those dead spaces, or i could move that box with the synopsis over and make room for either a "special features" list, or another small image.
I like doing these, I'm finding it a lot of fun.
PolygonAlchemy said:
(Although I think the ANH one looks too small compared to the other 5).
The ANH logo looks smaller because it is by nature. All the others are 4 words (TPM is 3, but see my next point), and at least one of each of those words has 6 letters.
My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.
Polygon -
You've got some good covers there, but I have 2 suggestions for the logos:
1) Get rid of the little notch on the "N" in "New Hope," and the same for the "M" in "Menace"
2) Consider basing AOTC's logo on the official logo (which has ATTACK on top, CLONES on the bottom, and OF THE in between on a single line, with bars on either side of it). As it stands, AOTC, ROTS, and ROTJ have almost the exact same logo.
PolygonAlchemy said:
Troy said:
Great covers, however I think I would have taken out that very over saturated blue hue, I'm sorry but when did Han, Leia and Luke become those stupid blue Avatar aliens? lolThanks for the feedback! I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean about them being too blue, though? They look pretty flesh-tone to me. All the colors are a bit high-saturated, but that's how the nutritional book covers looked. I'll play with the levels some, see what I can come up with, though.
Hey man
Dunno what happened but I swear the covers I looked at gave everyone blue skin! Maybe the monitor I was on was broken, ah who knows. As I look at them now they look perfect!
Han has blue eyes now? Guess he's a melange-addict.
Imrahil said:
Han has blue eyes now? Guess he's a melange-addict.
Have you not seen the 2004 DVDs? Everyone has blue everything.
Imrahil - just noticed your avatar. Very clever!
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Damn, that is cool. I glanced right over it and never noticed.
Hey again, guys. Have been kept busy with real life work stuff recently, as well as this little game called Minecraft which has been eating up a lot of my free time :)
I kinda put the comic cover set on hold for a bit until I have a chance to flip through some more comics and look for other covers to use, as well as art to use on the back. I took ChainsawAsh's advice about tweaking the logos as well as using the proper "Attack of the Clones" one, (which I had completely forgotten about) I also moved the bar on the back to the side, which will make room for a "Special Features" box.
Jumping through earlier pages on this thread, though. I came across ChainsawAsh's covers based on the 90's VHS tapes. Seeing them made me all nostalgic as those where the original set I owned growing up as well. So naturaly, wanting to have as many projects ongoing at once, I had the idea to try and do a set of covers for the prequels in the style of those classic covers.
What do you guys think? I haven't done the backs, yet, which is what will really complete the look. These are just mockups basically. The hard part was finding poster art that matched the style of the originals. These I went with still feel a bit too... photographic for me. I donno. I thought of trying to tweak the colors to make them match better. I notice the 3 original trilogy covers had a lot of blue on them. I tried to bring out the blue on these a little without over-filtering them.
Any suggestions, guys? Thanks!
LexX said:
Here's my set completed, took whole summer LOL. But I'm happy with the results.
Are these Finnish covers? Cool.
BTW, I hear it isn't very common to do Finnish dubs of films outside Finland except if the film is for younger audiences. Would that be right?
donovader said:
Are these Finnish covers? Cool.
BTW, I hear it isn't very common to do Finnish dubs of films outside Finland except if the film is for younger audiences. Would that be right?
Yes they are. Thanks. :)
And yes, you are right. We have subtitles in our films. Thank goodness! Except for younger audiences like cartoons but usually they also have the original English versions in bigger movie theaters.
And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.
PolygonAlchemy said:
Hey again, guys. Have been kept busy with real life work stuff recently, as well as this little game called Minecraft which has been eating up a lot of my free time :)
I kinda put the comic cover set on hold for a bit until I have a chance to flip through some more comics and look for other covers to use, as well as art to use on the back. I took ChainsawAsh's advice about tweaking the logos as well as using the proper "Attack of the Clones" one, (which I had completely forgotten about) I also moved the bar on the back to the side, which will make room for a "Special Features" box.
Jumping through earlier pages on this thread, though. I came across ChainsawAsh's covers based on the 90's VHS tapes. Seeing them made me all nostalgic as those where the original set I owned growing up as well. So naturaly, wanting to have as many projects ongoing at once, I had the idea to try and do a set of covers for the prequels in the style of those classic covers.
What do you guys think? I haven't done the backs, yet, which is what will really complete the look. These are just mockups basically. The hard part was finding poster art that matched the style of the originals. These I went with still feel a bit too... photographic for me. I donno. I thought of trying to tweak the colors to make them match better. I notice the 3 original trilogy covers had a lot of blue on them. I tried to bring out the blue on these a little without over-filtering them.
Any suggestions, guys? Thanks!
I toyed around with doing those, but I just used the Struzan art. It never felt quite right to me, so I dropped it.
I agree that those feel too photographic, but I like the yellow logos for AOTC and ROTS (it helps that you based them on the official logos). Not sure about the TPM one, but that's a hard one to make a logo for. I think that's why Lucasfilm never bothered making an official one.
Give it a shot with the Struzan art and see how that works, if it does at all.
I'd also consider switching up the logo placement a bit, as they did on the OT covers.
Also, is it just me, or is the ROTS spine logo too high up?
ChainsawAsh said:
Give it a shot with the Struzan art and see how that works, if it does at all.
I'd also consider switching up the logo placement a bit, as they did on the OT covers.
Also, is it just me, or is the ROTS spine logo too high up?
Yea, the logo was low. Originally I made a variant of the long RotJ logo before I remembered that there was an official RotS one.
Anyway, let's see, toyed with these some more (incoming picture spam, but then again isn't this thread about looking at all the pretty pictures?)
First I touched up my previous versions, toyed with the color some, corrected the spine logo, and tried the usual photoshop tricks to try to get more of a drawn look.
Second, I have them with the Struzan poster art. the tricky part was that these pictures were designed with black space around them, and with the idea of putting the logos at the bottom, so trying to make them fit with the OT designs is a bit tricky, at least requiring blowing them up some.
Third, I tried playing with the colors some, again noticing that the OT covers had a lot of blue in them, I tried making them a bit more blue to match, don't think it works too well, though.
And here's a quick look at how all 6 would look together.
These are still just mockups, as I was dumb and didn't set the sizes up properly when I started, I have to re-make whichever version I decide to go with for the final, but then that'll let me take some more time on it.
I like the blue in TPM and AOTC, but not so much in ROTS.
I disagree and actually thin the blue works best on the ROTS cover. My major issues is that the color / design doesn't really extend onto the spine like the mock-VHS covers of the OT do. If you can manage that (if only a simple blue color), please do.
Although I must say even though your first set (aside from ROTS) reeks of photocollage like many DVD covers today, I do rather enjoy those and wouldn't mind having them.
A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em