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Spot the errors: ROTJ!


I wouldn't want Ady's ESB:R thread to get bogged down by this topic, so here's the thread. It's in this forum, because it's not limited to fan edit purposes, and it's not limited to Original vs SE.

So, where in ROTJ are there mistakes?

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Somehow Hayden's head ended up on Shaw's body.


Why are the wookies so short?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


The "magically appearing swarm of Tie fighters" is the biggest problem for me. It's a nasty glitch in what are otherwise the best space-battle FX ever commited to film.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


That isn't an error, it's a bad decision. Errors are things that weren't intended to be in the movie the way they were.


Oola's wardrobe malfunction. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


RicOlie_2 said:

That isn't an error, it's a bad decision. Errors are things that weren't intended to be in the movie the way they were.

 ^ This. Please everyone read what RicOlie_2 is saying before posting... unless it's a joke then post away ;-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Almost all the lights are out on The Executor model before the deflector shield is destroyed.

There are also a lot of cut and paste model shots of rebel ships out of the bridge window (the bridge itself is a bit of a mess).

Many of the officers are wearing the wrong uniforms and many have no insignia at all (this may be a creative decision but with a long EU history that I don't care about but it all adds up to the scary ship from ESB looking a bit tatty and undermanned).


Is Han gaining 20 pounds in carbon freeze an error?

I would like to see the arc of Luke's saber cutting through the speeder bike match the subsequent pieces or vice versa .  

The speeder that was trying to get away would have run into the log even had he not been blasted.  I would be good to see that fixed.

The infamous Luke kick that totally missed the guy who then reacts (late) as if Luke connected, (as Fett flies by in the back ground)

The non-matching Boba Fett rocket exhaust.

The size of the bunker explosion doesn't match the reaction to the explosion of Han and the strike team just a few yards away.

The nearly cartoonish matte painting behind Han and Lando while they discuss Lando using the falcon as a point vehicle in the upcoming offensive.




KilroyMcFadden said:

The size of the bunker explosion doesn't match the reaction to the explosion of Han and the strike team just a few yards away.

 I'm pretty sure that isn't an error. When the rebels are in the bunker, you see a long row of reactors, or whatever they are, and they're probably meant to lead to the deflector shield dish, etc. I think it's supposed to be a chain reaction, and the bunker is only an entrance (isn't there something in the movie about them going around to the back entrance instead of going straight to the shield generator?) to the larger complex. That's how I've interpreted it since I was 10 or so.


RicOlie_2 said:

KilroyMcFadden said:

The size of the bunker explosion doesn't match the reaction to the explosion of Han and the strike team just a few yards away.

 I'm pretty sure that isn't an error. When the rebels are in the bunker, you see a long row of reactors, or whatever they are, and they're probably meant to lead to the deflector shield dish, etc. I think it's supposed to be a chain reaction, and the bunker is only an entrance (isn't there something in the movie about them going around to the back entrance instead of going straight to the shield generator?) to the larger complex. That's how I've interpreted it since I was 10 or so.

This was how I always thought of it. I just figured the bunker was the doorway to a much larger complex. I mean, we're generating a shield large enough to completely encapsulate an entire moon-sized object here. I figure that takes a big facility.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Wasn't there some bad rotoscope on Luke's saber originally when he is fighting on the sand skiff.  I think they had someone outside ILM do it or something.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


The fire brand not fully connecting with the droid's feet and the steam jet being off in Jabba's Palace.

Background of Droid's feet being lifted onto the skiff isn't at all convincing. It looks like what it is, a painted board a few feet away.

While not a true error, more a limitation... it would be nice if Max Reebo's fingers could actually move properly in time onto the piano keys along with the tune he's playing.

Another 'limitation'... make the Gamorian Guard's fingers move properly.

Sort that tentacle out that grabs Threepio. Daniels does his best with it mime wise.

Ewok eye beads being missing in the back of a couple shots.

Cab of the AT-ST that gets crushed between two logs feels empty. A more suitable explosion is needed.

Animated smoke from burning Cab of the AT-ST that Chewie blows up isn't that great.

Lando's voice echoing when he says the "That was too close" line.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


I think in the scene where Palpatine is frying Luke with his lightning, the moments when the bolts leave his fingers don't quite line up with the moments when he makes his lightning-casting hand gestures.


On that topic ^. In the last reaction shot of Vader just before he kills the Emperor somebody has polished his helmet (LOL) but in all the previous shots it is caked in dirt and dust from the battle he's just had with Luke.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Self cleaning armor. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The fingerprints all over Darth Vader's helmet always bugged me. You'd think he'd keep it clean and not let people put their grubby hands all over it.


RicOlie_2 said:

That isn't an error, it's a bad decision. Errors are things that weren't intended to be in the movie the way they were.

 The molten thing used to torture the droid doesn't even touch it. Not only it is an error it is a bad decision as well.


...I wish droids that can feel pain was an error, instead of a bad decision.


Red Three was played by a British woman but voiced over by an American man.

Luke's lightsaber was portrayed by four different props with small differences, and even some small dimensional differences. The one sticking up of R2-D2 lacks a knob at the end of the emitter, which the other props have.

There are at least three different lightsaber props for Darth Vader. The one he throws is unique for that scene and the blade is coming out of the back end. The prop held by the severed hand is also unique. In all other shots, Vader is using a prop like the one in ESB.

Han Solo wears restrains when he is frozen in ESB, but not when he is thawed in ROTJ. (This continuity error would be easier to fix in ESB, though.)

Bantha herd (SE...) looks like a cut and paste job.

BTW, there is a long thread in the Fan-Edit forum called ESB and ROTJ Wishlist where lots more errors are mentioned but there is a lot of other stuff to wade through.


When the Death Star fires at the MonCalamari ship, it always bothered me that the beam didn't just punch right through like it was made of paper and keep going.  It can destroy a whole planet, so a ship shouldn't have stopped it...  Maybe it could even take out another ship(s) in the background.


There are several shots of the Death Star firing its laser where a portion of the surface becomes transparent and you can see the star field through it.

JEDIT: check out the bottom left corner at 3:38