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Some Contradictions of the OT with the Prequels


in ANH Owen and Beru talk about Luke father and they dont talk about him as if he was Darth Vader in the scene where Luke is arguing with Owen about his admission to the Academy Owen and Beru talk as if Luke father also liked to have adventures if Vader is indeed Luke father why does Beru talk so happily about him knowing what Vader does to the Galaxy? i think that dont make sense

In ANH Obi Wan tells to Luke that his father was a great Pilot and a great Jedi Warrior i feel that originally Obi Wan had Two Apprentices Luke father and Vader,Vader betrayed Obi Wan and Luke father died thanks to Vader and Obi Wan felt guilty about it even some old Marvel Star Wars Comics support this idea

Han Solo dont believe in the Force or the Jedi how he cant if he was a Kid during the Clone Wars? he never watched the Holonet or what? in the Prequels the Jedi were part of the Galaxy Government and always appeared publicly

I think the most serious contradiction is Leia mother issue Luke tells to Leia what her mother was like? and Leia says she was sweet but sad i dont think Leia was lying when she said that to Luke but Lucas dont cared or forgot about this when he make Padme not surviving in ROTS now we have to pretend Leia had a bad memory and even worse in the Kenobi Show Leia knows she is not Bail Organa real daughter so the argument that Leia was referring to her adoptive mother no longer makes sense

Obi Wan is supposed to be in his 50s in ANH and he looks much older Owen and Beru are younger than him and they still look very old in just 19 years later after the Clone Wars

Well i like the Prequels Movies but i wish they did not contradict the OT so much


According to Ben in SW, the Old Republic was around for a thousand generations. In AOTC, it’s a thousand years.

A year and a generation are not the same thing, George!

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


In fact, Ben says that ‘for a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic’, which could mean that the Old Republic was around long before the Jedi. Either way, one of them is way off in their reckoning.

This is just more evidence that each trilogy takes place in its own self-contained universe, with only the illusion of continuity to connect them.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


At this point I’m starting to think that the kind of mental gymnastics people use to resolve the contradictions between the PT and OT is funny. The contradictions are a blessing. They make the movies more enjoyable because I now get to listen to people spew horseshit about how the Ruusan Reformation explains how the Republic is simultaneously 1,000 and 25,000 years old. I wish there were more of them.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

At this point I’m starting to think that the kind of mental gymnastics people use to resolve the contradictions between the PT and OT is funny. The contradictions are a blessing. They make the movies more enjoyable because I now get to listen to people spew horseshit about how the Ruusan Reformation explains how the Republic is simultaneously 1,000 and 25,000 years old. I wish there were more of them.


If I have to hear about these “Ruusan Reformations” one more time I’m going to lose it.

Move along, move along.


If I get to hear about these “Ruusan Reformations” one more time I’m going to giggle.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Maybe this is not from the Prequels but the Kenobi Show contradicts ANH a lot in there Vader meets Obi Wan again and for some reason Vader says “When i left you i was but the learner but now im the Master” obviously this was a clear reference that the last time Vader saw Obi Wan he was still his apprentice even some dubs versions of other languages of ANH Vader says “When i left you i was but the apprentice but now im the Master” but well Revenge of the Sith also Retcons that quote because Anakin was not longer Obi Wan apprentice but a Jedi Knight during that Movie but i dont care what Disney says they Retcon Vader and Obi Wan Duel original meaning

In ANH Leia hologram tells to Obi Wan that he had served alongside his father in the Clone Wars and it sounds like she is introducing herself to him for the first time in the Kenobi Show Leia meets Obi Wan and she is with him for a short time

In the Kenobi Show Luke is trying to escape from the Inquisitor Reva and for some reason Luke dont remember her during ANH and Luke says that he had never seen a Lightsaber before Obi Wan showed him Luke father Lightsaber Luke was not a Baby during Kenobi Show he was a 10 years old Kid also why Obi Wan give Luke the Lightsaber in which Vader helped the Empire exterminate the Jedi? Anakin should have had a Red Lightsaber in Revenge of the Sith Movie

C3PO tells to Luke that he didnt know Leia very well that they were owned by Antilles but in the Kenobi Show C3PO and R2D2 appear

In ANH Obi Wan says that he is too old to be a Jedi and want Luke to go with him in Alderaan but in ROTJ Retcons this and Palpatine is a old man like Obi Wan but he continues to be very powerful in the Force in the Prequels Movies Count Dooku is like 80 years old and he is still powerful and even can do long jumps with the Force its like Yoda and Obi Wan they just didnt wanted to help Luke to defeat the Empire

When they talk about the Clone Wars in the OT and old Marvel Comics and old Star Wars Novels it doesnt sound like they talk about the Clones being Boba Fett Dad Clones it seems that the Clones were just Regular Humans who Cloned themselves or Clone Beasts i like more that version of the Clones than the Boba Fett Dad Clones from the Prequels Movies version

Tarkin tells Vader that he was the last of his religion Tarkin doesnt know that Palpatine was a Sith and a Force User like Vader? maybe not but what about the Inquistors? in ANH alludes that Vader is the only Force User in the Empire i think originally the Emperor was not a Force User

When Vader and Tarkin refer to Leia as “princess” it sounds like Alderaan is a monarchy and Leia father is a King

I feel like Lucas cared more about what is commercial,merchandise and toy figures than the continuity of the Movies and Disney is not different i think for that reason he make the Clones being Boba Fett Dad Clones because without Troopers figures Prequels toy figures would not have sold well


Meh. Plot holes-smot holes… It is all in good fun. I love that there are gaps in continuity and plot holes. It would not be Star Wars otherwise. If the original trilogy had plot holes that contradicted themselves, why should the prequel, sequel trilogies and Disney spin offs be any different?

I would actually argue that if everything in the star wars universe actually aligned perfectly, then it would not be star wars anymore.


erichf69 said:

Meh. Plot holes-smot holes… It is all in good fun. I love that there are gaps in continuity and plot holes. It would not be Star Wars otherwise. If the original trilogy had plot holes that contradicted themselves, why should the prequel, sequel trilogies and Disney spin offs be any different?

I would actually argue that if everything in the star wars universe actually aligned perfectly, then it would not be star wars anymore.

Being apathetic about plot holes, I can understand. But loving plot holes? That doesn’t make sense to me at all. It’s not like Star Wars needs sloppy writing to feel like Star Wars. If the continuity were more polished, it wouldn’t suddenly feel less Star Warsy.


erichf69 said:

Meh. Plot holes-smot holes… It is all in good fun. I love that there are gaps in continuity and plot holes. It would not be Star Wars otherwise. If the original trilogy had plot holes that contradicted themselves, why should the prequel, sequel trilogies and Disney spin offs be any different?

I would actually argue that if everything in the star wars universe actually aligned perfectly, then it would not be star wars anymore.

I think some fans believe that the Prequels Movies fits well with OT Movies i think Lucas dont cared about continuity or about what is Canon that much i like the Prequels Movies but there are many inconsistencies with the OT for example why Obi Wan use his Jedi Tunic when he is hiding? Owen Lars wears a similar Tunic from the Jedi Robes of the Prequels but that is just Tatooine Farm Tunic for some reason the Old Jedi Order used Tatooine Farm Tunic for their uniforms Obi Wan says he hadnt used the name of Obi Wan since before Luke was born but in Kenobi Show they always call him Obi Wan and in Revenge of the Sith too i also think that C3PO and R2D2 should not have appeared in the Prequels Owen Lars doesnt remember C3PO why R2D2 dont helped Luke with the Tuskens if R2D2 can destroy Super Battle Droids like we see in Revenge of the Sith? Captain Antilles should have always been the owner of C3PO and R2D2 in ANH the Imperials are concerned that the Rebellion will have more sympathy in the Senate i thought the Empire is a dictatorship why they let them talk about the Rebellion in the Senate?


Servii said:

erichf69 said:

Meh. Plot holes-smot holes… It is all in good fun. I love that there are gaps in continuity and plot holes. It would not be Star Wars otherwise. If the original trilogy had plot holes that contradicted themselves, why should the prequel, sequel trilogies and Disney spin offs be any different?

I would actually argue that if everything in the star wars universe actually aligned perfectly, then it would not be star wars anymore.

Being apathetic about plot holes, I can understand. But loving plot holes? That doesn’t make sense to me at all. It’s not like Star Wars needs sloppy writing to feel like Star Wars. If the continuity were more polished, it wouldn’t suddenly feel less Star Warsy.

In regards to my fondness with continuity errors and plot holes, I mean that only where Star Wars is concerned. There have been movies and TV shows that have turned me off due to massive plot holes and / or retconning. Likely those programs took more of a serious tone, and/or were very intellectual and thought provoking.

But Star Wars in its purest form was never meant to be taken seriously. No one knew back in 1977 that Star Wars would become a worldwide phenomenon, or that it would spur a massive industry brand. It was never “all planned out” as Lucas later commented. The very fact that Luke was playing tonsil-hockey with Leia 1980, and then three years later “surprise! she is your sister!” in ROTJ speaks VOLUMES on how much Star Wars was intentionally, that’s right I said it, INTENTIONALLY inconsistent and full of continuity errors and plot holes.

Don’t you think someone, somewhere during the writing, filming, and production of Return of the Jedi would have raised their hand and said “hey… This does not make sense. If Leia is his sister, it will kind of make things… a little weird and creepy?”. I am sure it was brought up. Had to be. Hundreds of people worked on that film. But in the end, it still comes out to “who cares?” “It’s star wars, no one will take it seriously”.

To me, Rogue One was a VERY polished movie. I really enjoyed it. That being said, in my humble opinion, it did feel a little less star warsy. Primarily because it did not have the cheesy writing, humor, or as many continuity errors as the OT movies did. They really nailed the look down though. I walked out of the theater knowing it would be an immediate Blu Ray purchase once available.

When I want really excellent sci-fi, I don’t go for star wars. When I want fun and adventure and memories of being a kid, I go directly for star wars and always will.


I wonder how fans would have reacted if Ki-Adi Mundi (the conehead Jedi) said, “The Sith have been extinct for 1000 generations” instead “the Sith have been extinct for a millenium.” It would be consistent with ANH, but it would contradict the dates of the Sith Wars in the Tales of the Jedi comics.


There have been Star Wars stories that have had tight continuity between them, and they don’t feel any less like Star Wars as a result. The Kotor games still feel Star Warsy and have all the Star Wars qualities while still having tight writing and telling a competent story.

If the 1977 movie had been poorly written, none of us would even be on this site or so invested in this fictional universe. The fact that Star Wars has had so much sloppy writing since then isn’t something endearing or worth celebrating, because we know Star Wars can be better than that. All that sloppy writing and confusing continuity will do is drive away potential fans from checking Star Wars out.

To me, Rogue One was a VERY polished movie. I really enjoyed it. That being said, in my humble opinion, it did feel a little less star warsy. Primarily because it did not have the cheesy writing, humor, or as many continuity errors as the OT movies did. They really nailed the look down though. I walked out of the theater knowing it would be an immediate Blu Ray purchase once available.

To me, Rogue One felt less Star Warsy because it reveled in violence and moral ambiguity a little bit more than the Lucas films did. I wouldn’t say it was devoid of continuity issues, either. The ending of the movie doesn’t really line up with how ANH starts, and ends up making both Leia and Vader look stupid and the Empire look less overbearing and tyrannical.


Servii said:

There have been Star Wars stories that have had tight continuity between them, and they don’t feel any less like Star Wars as a result. The Kotor games still feel Star Warsy and have all the Star Wars qualities while still having tight writing and telling a competent story.

If the 1977 movie had been poorly written, none of us would even be on this site or so invested in this fictional universe. The fact that Star Wars has had so much sloppy writing since then isn’t something endearing or worth celebrating, because we know Star Wars can be better than that. All that sloppy writing and confusing continuity will do is drive away potential fans from checking Star Wars out.

To me, Rogue One was a VERY polished movie. I really enjoyed it. That being said, in my humble opinion, it did feel a little less star warsy. Primarily because it did not have the cheesy writing, humor, or as many continuity errors as the OT movies did. They really nailed the look down though. I walked out of the theater knowing it would be an immediate Blu Ray purchase once available.

To me, Rogue One felt less Star Warsy because it reveled in violence and moral ambiguity a little bit more than the Lucas films did. I wouldn’t say it was devoid of continuity issues, either. The ending of the movie doesn’t really line up with how ANH starts, and ends up making both Leia and Vader look stupid and the Empire look less overbearing and tyrannical.

I have never read any of the star wars books / expanded universe stuff outside of shadows of the empire, which… honestly I did not really care for.

Despite “All that sloppy writing and confusing continuity”, the Star Wars movies still manage to endure. Have you seen how many people show up at star wars conventions and celebrations? I also hear there was a theme park somewhere as well…

I do agree with you about rogue one though, I never did care for parts of the ending. I don’t feel the vader “slaughter” scene was needed at all. I really feel they took that overboard. As far as the ending lining up, you have a good point there as well. Does anyone know how Rogue One was originally going to end? I kinda had the impression they tossed out the original ending in favor of fan service.


Another bit of discontinuity between the OT & PT. In the OT, only the darksiders are determinists (It is your destiny, I have foreseen it, yadda yadda), while the Jedi believe in free will (Always in motion is the future.) The Chosen One prophecy is at odds with the cosmology of the OT.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


Superweapon VII said:

Another bit of discontinuity between the OT & PT. In the OT, only the darksiders are determinists (It is your destiny, I have foreseen it, yadda yadda), while the Jedi believe in free will (Always in motion is the future.) The Chosen One prophecy is at odds with the cosmology of the OT.

I want to agree, but Obi-Wan does tell Luke “You cannot escape your destiny.”


Servii said:

Superweapon VII said:

Another bit of discontinuity between the OT & PT. In the OT, only the darksiders are determinists (It is your destiny, I have foreseen it, yadda yadda), while the Jedi believe in free will (Always in motion is the future.) The Chosen One prophecy is at odds with the cosmology of the OT.

I want to agree, but Obi-Wan does tell Luke “You cannot escape your destiny.”

Though I find Ben’s POV questionable at the best of times, touché.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


erichf69 said:

To me, Rogue One was a VERY polished movie. I really enjoyed it. That being said, in my humble opinion, it did feel a little less star warsy. Primarily because it did not have the cheesy writing, humor, or as many continuity errors as the OT movies did. They really nailed the look down though. I walked out of the theater knowing it would be an immediate Blu Ray purchase once available.

“Fuck this movie, I’m just gonna leave. Not enough plot holes.”

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

erichf69 said:

To me, Rogue One was a VERY polished movie. I really enjoyed it. That being said, in my humble opinion, it did feel a little less star warsy. Primarily because it did not have the cheesy writing, humor, or as many continuity errors as the OT movies did. They really nailed the look down though. I walked out of the theater knowing it would be an immediate Blu Ray purchase once available.

“Fuck this movie, I’m just gonna leave. Not enough plot holes.”

I LOL’d, I did.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


Superweapon VII said:

SparkySywer said:

erichf69 said:

To me, Rogue One was a VERY polished movie. I really enjoyed it. That being said, in my humble opinion, it did feel a little less star warsy. Primarily because it did not have the cheesy writing, humor, or as many continuity errors as the OT movies did. They really nailed the look down though. I walked out of the theater knowing it would be an immediate Blu Ray purchase once available.

“Fuck this movie, I’m just gonna leave. Not enough plot holes.”

I LOL’d, I did.

Me too.


In the OT Obi Wan said that Yoda was his Jedi Master but he was not his Master in the Prequels
Obi Wan tells to Luke in ROTJ that if Palpatine found out that Anakin had children they would be a threat to him but in ROTS Palpatine knows that Anakin is married to Padme and he will even try to help Anakin in the OT sounds like Palpatine wouldnt approve of Anakin being in a Romantic Relationship also Obi Wan tells to Luke that Anakin was already a Great Pilot that dont sounds like Anakin was a Kid and Qui Gon dont existed the OT implies that Obi Wan was the one who found Anakin


MinchD36 said:

Obi Wan tells to Luke in ROTJ that if Palpatine found out that Anakin had children they would be a threat to him but in ROTS Palpatine knows that Anakin is married to Padme and he will even try to help Anakin in the OT sounds like Palpatine wouldnt approve of Anakin being in a Romantic Relationship

Was Palps even aware of Padme’s pregnancy? Been a while since I last watched that video game, so I genuinely don’t remember.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


darklordoftech said:


Some good and funny points made in there 😃

oojason’s unfinished ‘OT vs PT inconsistencies - 50+ issues list’ thread has some nice and amusing points too:

Original Trilogy vs The Prequels: inconsistencies, retcons, plot holes and discrepancies…

as a part of his George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist… thread.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.