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So, I want to make a hybrid...

of Dr. M's conversion of moth3r's excellent PAL transfer and the EditDroid set. I want to put the menus, including chapter select and special features, onto it; I'd also like to be able to get the isolated soundtrack on it. Is there a FREE program out there that could help me do so? Thanks in advance.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

go to videohelp.com it has lists of programs. It tells if they are free or share or whateverware.
PgcDemux, Vobblanker and Muxman.

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Okay; now that I have the programs, how would I use each?
Is there a simple way to explain it? I'm currently DLing both versions of ANH. I'm assuming I use pgcdemux to get the audio from EditDroid, vobblanker to somehow merge it, and Muxman (could DVDshrink work?) to author the DVD and burn it.

Is there a tutorial available for vobblanker in a situation like this, or could someone supply one for me? I feel so STUPID compared to you people.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Quick process:

Use PgcDemux to demux the video and audio from the Dr M disc, and the chapter points (celltimes.txt) from the EditDroid disc. (You can try demuxing the EditDroid isolated score but I doubt it will sync up to the Dr M video.)

Now use Muxman to remux video and audio with the new chapter points.

Then use Vobblanker on the EditDroid disc to replace the main title Pgc with the one you've just created above.

That's basically all there is to it. You should be able to find tutorials at doom9.org or videohelp.com, or you could teach yourself by trial and error. Give it a go and post back if you get stuck.

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