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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) — Page 8


Setting the Utapau scenes at night and making it a less fiddly and more sparse planet is bordering on a radical change.

If you get the time Angel please post some those ideas back over on the Radical Redux Thread so even if bobgarcia74 doesn't use them someone else might run with them.

The same with all these other great projects going around (ideas for one may help another).

Going back to what we talking about earlier about sources of Dooku speech Chris Lee speaks in much the same mode in Sleepy Hollow perhaps some phrases and words can be borrowed from there.


hi just a quick one has you paid any thought yo pitching down the boga beasts sounds during the seens of obi-wan riding or summoning it. I just thought a really large beast should have a more menacing sound




oracle said:

hi just a quick one has you paid any thought yo pitching down the boga beasts sounds during the seens of obi-wan riding or summoning it. I just thought a really large beast should have a more menacing sound



 Well it seems to me like the Boga is quite similar to a lizard with feathers, like half between a dinosaur and a bird. Maybe replace bird sounds with raptor sounds from Jarassic Films?

Maybe a little something of either one of these sounds




Not to highjack this thread, but I'm also looking for sounds. Not just for creatures, but for the entire Geonosis battle in Episode 2. So sabers, blasters, blaster impacts, shockwaves, explosions, ricochets etc

If anyone can direct us to some good sound libraries for these, It'll be a great help to both of us, I imagine.


 I know I am a n00b here, but I wanted to chime in.

This looks like it can be so amazing. Great work! Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Not trying to hi-jack your thread, but I do VFX and am in High School and have a lot of free time. Here is a link to my work: http://vimeo.com/snicket

I am very willing to help you if you want it, and anyone else for that matter.

Kudos to all of you for making Star Wars into something more than it is.


Really looking forward to this, and I usually couldn't care less about the prequels! Seriously, awesome stuff.



It's a first draft, audio and one of the wipes needs fine tuning.

Also some of the images will be upgraded.

Thank You Angel for the backdrop help.  Fine work as always.  


This change serves several purposes.

1.Cut down on the insane amount of footage of ships landing.
2.Show a different side of Utapah. Cause based on the original movie, it always Noon time on Utapah.
3.To better setup the scene that follows. I'm not a huge fan of really evil dudes in pretty places.
4.Changing this clip also allows for Utapah to retain some mystery until later in the film when Obi-wan arrives. (To almost the same exact footage as the original Grievous landing clip.)

I want to send a thank you to Snicket for offering his help with this monster edit that seems to be unfolding. And to everyone giving kind words about the work being done here, thanks a ton. It helps more than a full cup of coffee at 3 am. Cheers

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Dude I can't get a grin of my face!

You fudging rock! This is beautiful!


Oh man. I'm in work right now and can't view youtube vids, but just the description has got me excited! :D


The only...only thing I would think of changing is removing Han's lines from Anakin's moment with Padme.

It's one of the few scenes where Hayden is actually acting and it's blown apart by the rather ham-fisted shoe-horning of Harrison's greatest hits.

Otherwise it's brilliant.

Really well done indeed.


fishmanlee said:

i have a suggestion, do we actually have to see the dream? i mean Anakin explains the dream to padme later on so wouldnt be more OT to not show the dream? similar to lukes vision in ESB?

 While I agree (shock horror) with fishmanlee on this point, this version is a great improvement because it implies something sinister is going on with Obi and Padme...it's very subtle but suggests so many possibly horrible interpretations that could be swimming around in Anakin's head which could add to his fall.

Have the Jedi found out about the pregnancy and are forcibly aborting it, are they killing her or torturing her for information about him?

It's a really good addition but it might help sell it better if it was made more nightmarish (maybe even a bit Lynchian) the tree cave in ESB is a sort of premonition (even if it is of a possible future) and that is more symbolic than a flash forward.


That cut looks awesome! Super excited.


The visions are still up for grabs. I was planning on keeping them, cause both have added Obi-wan dialogue to help drive Anakin futher away from the Jedi and better help to explain his fall.

At the start of the movie Palpatine gets Anakin to give into his hatred when he kills Dooku, But then he's pulled back away from Palpatine by his feelings for his master. Palpatine sees this. So then the visions can be seen as a tool of Palpatine. Placed into Anakins mind to get him right where he needs him to be.

I wasn't planning on relying mainly on the whole "I gave into the Dark Side to save the one I loved" angle. It's more along the lines that Anakin feels that the only one who understands his frustration and that he can really trust is Palpatine.

The visions help promote the idea of distrust in Obi-wan from Anakins point of view. Which helps better explain Anakin's hatred for Obi-wan in their final showdown. Without it, its just. "OK, I'm a Sith now, and I have to hate you, because thats what us Sith do."

 After watching the visions with the extra dialogue from Obi, a few of the conversations between Anakin and Obi-wan seem different. The looks that Anakin shoots Obi sort of say "What are you plotting, old man?". And they also help explain why Anakin wont go to Obi-wan for help.

But like i started this post saying. This part is still up for grabs. So I'll give it some thought.


****Edit. As I was typing this, Bingowings pretty much summed up what I was trying to accomplish with the dreams. lol

 And yeah, the second vision is worse than the first. this one just lays down the tracks." ****

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


I love the change to the dream sequence. I say definitely keep them in.


I suppose you could argue that a Sith would "suggest" something as a threat.  "I suggest you do this, or I will smack you down."

Probably not in the context of that scene, however.


Bingowings said:

fishmanlee said:

i have a suggestion, do we actually have to see the dream? i mean Anakin explains the dream to padme later on so wouldnt be more OT to not show the dream? similar to lukes vision in ESB?

 While I agree (shock horror) with fishmanlee on this point, this version is a great improvement because it implies something sinister is going on with Obi and Padme...it's very subtle but suggests so many possibly horrible interpretations that could be swimming around in Anakin's head which could add to his fall.

Have the Jedi found out about the pregnancy and are forcibly aborting it, are they killing her or torturing her for information about him?

It's a really good addition but it might help sell it better if it was made more nightmarish (maybe even a bit Lynchian) the tree cave in ESB is a sort of premonition (even if it is of a possible future) and that is more symbolic than a flash forward.

 it could be cut so its just a shot of anakin with the voices playing "Padme's Ruminations" style.

John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:



Hey Bob, have you seen this edit before?


It's definantly interesting to see...I'm not sure how I feel about some of the cuts...but it feels a little more energetic. And some of the weird choreography is gone! :D

Another thought...are you looking at altering when Dooku flings Obi-wan into the railing? It's very um...CGI, ya know? not sure what would need to happen....it might look better if you could have Obiwan moving just a tad slower at first...then speed him up as he hits the railing? Also it might help to bring Obiwan slightly into the shadows as he passes right by the camera...I mean, that would most likely happen had they actually filmed it, right ;)

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:


Bobgarcia, your video was perfect. I'd prefer not to see the vision, personally, but I don't know what you could have there instead prior to Anakin jerking awake (behave yourself TV's Frink)

SSWR, nice find on that vid. I like how it cuts to the exterior space battle as he beheads Dooku (obviously without the everyone dying part though)


brash_stryker said:

Bobgarcia, your video was perfect. I'd prefer not to see the vision, personally, but I don't know what you could have there instead prior to Anakin jerking awake (behave yourself TV's Frink)



SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

Hey Bob, have you seen this edit before?

It's definantly interesting to see...I'm not sure how I feel about some of the cuts...but it feels a little more energetic. And some of the weird choreography is gone! :D

Hmm now this is interesting..

See how different the duel looks with the close ups here an there. Very Very nice add! Plus all the talking is gone.

Nice find and reference there SSWR :D

One idea: Can you cut Sidious saying "I suggest..." Since when does the dark lord of the Sith SUGGEST anything?

Hell yeah! :D





i liked how it cut away to some other scene when Anakin cut off dookus head. its more dramatic that way.