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STAR WARS: REBELS (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread — Page 9


I think the alien sidekick has been glimpsed in the pre production art and some of the Lego toy photos that have leaked. They might be using McQuarrie's proto Chewie for the design.

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Where were you in '77?


I guess someone won't be watching the show. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


I'm going to avoid these videos from now on, because they are really making me want to avoid this show at all costs.

I don't want to hate the show before it starts, so I think I'm done spoiling myself.  I'll give the show a proper chance, and if it doesn't live up to what I want, I'll just ignore.  But maybe, just maybe, it will satisfy.


The first thing I thought when I saw the EZRA video  was 'Oh it's Aladdin in space' and while neither of the 2 announced characters have really grabbed my attention, I think the relationship dynamic is sounding interesting in an almost Luke and Han dynamic from the first movie.

Obviously Filoni and co have a lot of love for the original trilogy.


buddy-x-wing said:

Obviously Filoni and co have a lot of love for the original trilogy.

Or lack of good creativity...

I mean it is fine to get some inspirations from the OT. But trying to replicate the concepts is kinda dumb.



NeverarGreat said:

So Ezra's another Jedi in training? How many of them are there going to be in this show anyway?

At this rate, it's looking like...


NeverarGreat said:

So Ezra's another Jedi in training? How many of them are there going to be in this show anyway?

 I like the idea of a kid discovering his connection with the Force. How many of us didn't imagine ourselves doing the same when we were younger?

It's Kanan that I have issues with. As Tyr mentioned, I hope he doesn't stick around long.

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Kanan looks young enough he might not have even finished his training when the Empire took over. If he trains anyone, the rule book goes out the window.

Growing up able to use the Force in a climate where it could mark you for death hasn't really been dealt with onscreen. Luke's abilities likely blended with being a good bush pilot. Others might not have been so lucky.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Growing up able to use the Force in a climate where it could mark you for death hasn't really been dealt with onscreen.

Growing up able to use the Force in a climate where it could mark you for conscription and indoctrination into the Empire's version of the Hitler Youth (Palpatine Youth?) would be more interesting to seen dealt with onscreen.

I guess ROTS has all but tossed that possibility out the window, however.


Was there any evidence in the OT the Empire would use Force sensitives that way? Seems like any kid with the power would be a potential threat to Palpatine, even if they were turned.

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Where were you in '77?


I think Palpatine's fully capable of nurturing Dark Jedi into serving as extensions of his will without losing control of them and creating dark side rivals capable of challenging him.


As much as I share the sentiments about wanting to see something a little less Jedi-centric, perhaps this could bring a chance to explore the parts of Jedi training we never saw.  One of my favorite scenes in Star Wars is the one onboard the Falcon when Obi-Wan tries to teach Luke to act on instinct with the aid of the Force.  

Then again, I never did catch Clone Wars -- so maybe it's been done already.  So long as it's not the driving force behind the plot, it could be okay.  Just a piece of the puzzle.  One can hope.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Astromech droids that can fly, heaps of comic relief, and endless numbers of lightsaber battles.   Sound familiar? 


KilroyMcFadden said:

....heaps of comic relief, and endless numbers of lightsaber battles.

 Can you provide any evidence of this?

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New stuff from ToyFair.

Looks like SilverWook was right about MacQuarrie alien companion. Also looks like we'll be seeing a friendly Mandalorian female on the show. That could be awesome.

Beyond that, there's an "Agent Kallus" who seems to be an Imperial Agent/heavy trooper fellow.

Ezra's saber is an interesting design, too.

Really digging the old-school look of the vehicles, in terms of design. Everything is still pretty rough at this stage, since they're all prototypes, but I'm liking what I see so far.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I hope you're right about them being prototypes, as they seem to be taking a giant step backwards in articulation.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Tobar said:

KilroyMcFadden said:

....heaps of comic relief, and endless numbers of lightsaber battles.

 Can you provide any evidence of this?

 Nope.  I'm sure that I'll be proven totally wrong #EyeRoll


Tyrphanax said:

Ezra's saber is an interesting design, too.

Another boring blue blade and a handle that looks like it came from this ...

Colour me very unimpressed.