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Ryan McAvoy said:
m_s0 said:
Ryan McAvoy said:
Just watched the first part. I'll avoid any kind of spoilers...
First things first, the animation is indeed terrible, amateurish, floaty, overdone, underdone, uninspired etc. However, everything else is soooo right that that first major flaw is quite easy to overlook.
It only took 31 years but finally somebody has made a film/video that actually felt like honest to goodness Star Wars. You care about the characters, the story, the stakes and the drama. It's got blaster shootouts, dogfights, last-minute-escapes and danger. After watching, it seemed easy and obvious: Just take all the good things about the OT and then make a show featuring them. Maybe it just took GL not being in the way to do this seemingly simple thing.
When one of the characters pulls out a certain thing towards the end it felt like something special and epic. I was so pumped by the end that when a certain other character from the OT uttered a certain 3 word refrence back to the OT, I suddenly surprised myself and shoved my fist in the air and shouted "Yes!".
I cannot wait to see more of this show and if the ST is even just a little better than this then I'll be happy.
(Oh and no crawl, there's always fanedits)
You might be missing the point here. Rebels is the crawl.
Whaaa? I made no point about the crawl for which I could have hit or missed.
You say there's no crawl and imply it's missing (that's how I took it, at least). I say there shouldn't be a crawl, because it would've been like having a crawl to set up the crawl in Star Wars. This show is a purely a side-thing and it should stay this way - it ties into the OT, it can do its own thing on a much smaller scale (I hope) and that's very cool. It creates opportunities for different kinds of stories.
Ryan McAvoy said:
m_s0 said:
Aside from that... the show on the whole feels very much inspired, it's just that the character animation is lacking... we're in agreement.
I never said the show as a whole felt uninspired (Quite the opposit!), I said the character animation was lacking (e.g. "the animation is.... uninspired"). We are in total agreement about all aspects, unless I'm not understanding your point.
'Lacking' isn't the same as 'uninspired', though, and that was my point. You may lack the resources to make something look great, but that doesn't mean there's no will make it look so in the first place. I just disagree with the use of 'uninspired' in this context. Unless, say, the animators were huge PT fans and thus had no passion for Rebels whatsoever.
Vozlov said:
Literally the only thing I'm not liking at the moment is some of the high octane animation sequences because they don't seem to have the right 'weight', and the actual models and textures seem quite cheap.
Agreed. Another issue is that it's way too frenetic at times and the storytelling suffers because of it.
DominicCobb said:
C-3PO and R2-D2 struck me as nothing but fan service. It was weird, when I saw them appear I was like "yeah okay whatever"
Yup, it was a bit jarring to me as well. It's obvious stuff like this is going to keep popping up, but I'd love it if the show had as little to do with the main story of the OT as possible.