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I’m not crazy about QGJ having a purple saber, but I’d still like to check this edit out, if you’ve uploaded it.
In the works for over two years now at Fanedit.org, i present Episode I; The Ancient Lore.
Episode I is the best-looking of the three prequels, with a lot of devotion put into them from both the crew, actors as well as the director himself before he went all ludacris on Digital Moviemaking. It is also the most dull of the three prequels, with little to no character motivation or even plot explanation. It had to be remade.
The Ancient Lore’s narrative does not resemble anything close to what you have seen before. It is completely new, and with that a completely new beginning.
/////// VIDEO PREVIEWS /////////////////
THE ANCIENT LORE’S TRAILER : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7pa7CNSIMI
BRAND NEW 7-MINUTE PREVIEW CLIPS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH7wznxvDVI
/////// CHANGES & ALTERATIONS:: ////////
/////// THE PLOT IS AS FOLLOWS:: ///////
Dispatched by the Jedi Council, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jin and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi is on a highly important mission to the planet of Meera in the Naboo system, to find and secure the Queen of Naboo herself, after having received intel on invasion plans from the presumed, Rpublic-friendly The Trade Federation. They are revealed to be co-operating with dark forces not known to the Jedi Council nor the Republic, having killed Senators, Queens and Politicians for years, overtaking their planets and intelligence.
As The Trade Federation is revealed to be creating Droid Armies - with one already in possession, the goal is to invade the planet of Naboo, control the Queen until she is no longer needed, and then execute her.
As the Jedi are soon to figure out, the Queen has just left the planet of Meera after finishing up political business, and is back on Naboo. [Now, this is where the edit picks up and we are brought right into the action after the opening crawl.] Unbeknownst to her this entire plot is in motion - though suspicious, but not before the communcation is shut down does she realize that her planet is under attack.
The Nemodians have gathered political supporters, systems, planets - and most importantly - techonology and intelligence - through the co-operation with Palpatine, aka. Lord Sidious, for years. Naboo is the movie’s target for invasion, because this is where Palpatine sees fit to create his Clone Army; Naboo has everything they need - the huge space travel gap between them and the Republic, and all the resources needed. But this plot is not known to anyone but the Nemodians and Palpatine himself, which is something they only discuss in great secrecy.
It is not before the defeat of The Trade Federation (the separtists) on the Planet of Naboo, that Sheev Palpatine realizes his recklessness and executes his plans far beyond the reach of the Republic, in the dark corner of the galaxy on the planet of Kaminoo, with the help of corrupted Master Syfo-Dius and Count Dooku - plotting for even more years to come - which is what leads into Attack of the Clones.[/SIZE]
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
You can go over to fanedit.org for full overview of the project, although I’ll happily answer any questions regarding the project right here.
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
Have you uploaded this edit anywhere? If so where? I’d love to check this out.
Current Edits:
Obi-Wan Kenobi - TBC
The Mandalorian (Season 1) - V1 Complete
The Mandalorian II (Season 2) - TBC
The Mandalorian Returns (TBOBF) - TBC
I’m not crazy about QGJ having a purple saber, but I’d still like to check this edit out, if you’ve uploaded it.
It’s not out yet guys…
Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329
Sorry haha. By the way he worded it, it seemed like he was saying it’s been completed after two years of work. My mistake.
Seemingly I haven’t made myself clear and failed to say that; this is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS. I’m very much open to feedback and ideas. 😃
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
I’ll be keeping an eye on this edit, I like the idea of Anakin intentionally killing Sebulba, foreshadows quite a lot. However the music could definitely use a change, another thing I would change would be how Sebulba’s death is executed, here’s how I might’ve done it:
*Anakin + Sebulba have they’re scuffle as usual
*Sebulba’s Pod goes out off control, pod impacts ground at high speed
*Cuts back to a close up shot of Anakin, in the distance behind Anakin we see the explosion of Sebulba’s pod. Anakin maybe even grins slightly (As if, A. he’s glad Sebulba’s dead, or B. He’s simply happy he’s gonna win the race or both lol)
I would make video to demonstrate this, but I can’t since I’m stuck with iMovie so the demonstration wouldn’t be very effective.
I agree. 😃
The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.
I really love Jar Jar’s voice in that preview, save for the sound he makes after Qui-Gonn lets his tongue go. However, I’m not a fan of how you handled Sebulba’s death. I think it’s a good idea that he dies, but the slowing down and speeding up are really jarring. I also don’t like Palpatine’s voice, it’s really obvious that it was just reversed, and his speech goes on too long. It might work better if he pops up and says;
“The Jedi have a strong presence with them. They have come across someone special. That force-sensitive has a future with us, bring him and kill the rest.”
And then have Maul turn away with his binoculars.
Hope I don’t come across too negative, I AM looking forward to this.