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Valheru_84 said:

Tantive3+1 said:

Hi, adywan

During the Sarlaac Pit scene when Han is aiming the blaster at the Sarlaac’s tentacle around Lando’s leg, will you be keeping Han’s original line “It’s alright, trust me” or the SE “It’s alright, I can see a lot better”?

As a suggestion, I would say using the original one.

If this is up for discussion then I agree. The original line is building their relationship again after the betrayal at Cloud City while the SE line is making a joke during a moment of dramatic seriousness, deflating the tension as we wait to see if he will shoot the Sarlacc or Lando.

IIRC that “I can see a lot better” line was on the read-along LP in 1983, so I found it familiar when it showed up in the SE. Agree the “trust me” line fits better, but not much.

They told me they’d fixed it!


Valheru_84 said:

Tantive3+1 said:

Hi, adywan

During the Sarlaac Pit scene when Han is aiming the blaster at the Sarlaac’s tentacle around Lando’s leg, will you be keeping Han’s original line “It’s alright, trust me” or the SE “It’s alright, I can see a lot better”?

As a suggestion, I would say using the original one.

If this is up for discussion then I agree. The original line is building their relationship again after the betrayal at Cloud City while the SE line is making a joke during a moment of dramatic seriousness, deflating the tension as we wait to see if he will shoot the Sarlacc or Lando.


On the other hand, IMO, “Trust me,” doesn’t sound as reassuring as “I can see a lot better.”


I mean I would just really love to have some more of ady’s insight on what he thinks are the inferiorities of ROTJ (besides the Ewoks) even if he doesn’t plan on editing the scenes. Also I’m just wondering what everybody’s consensus is on Yub Nub vs Victory Celebration and if Ady has 100% decided what he’s going to do with that?


Personally I will always vote Yub Nub as that’s what is ingrained in my memories and just goes with those scenes. I don’t mind Victory Celebration, though the opening 17-18sec are a bit odd with the sounds used especially the deep “AWHHHHawhhhAWWHH” which makes me think of Trolling Saruman LOL (if you don’t know what I refer to - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaqC5FnvAEc)


Haha, I am not going be able to unsee that comparison now.

I might be wrong, and Ady or 005 can correct me if so, but I think Ady has said the ending is going to be entirely different, so it’ll be neither Yub Nub nor Victory Celebration. I think he was planning on the final scene being Luke and the funeral pyre, so the tone will be more bittersweet than joyous, if I had to guess. But he might not be 100% on that.

EDIT: If I had to personally pick between just those two options, I prefer Victory Celebration. It’s what I grew up with, and I think it has a more appropriate and grander feel than Yub Nub. But I’m glad Ady is considering a new approach.


MalàStrana said:

Who says Han wanted to be reassuring ? 😄

Definitely one way it could be taken, especially since the betrayal would still be pretty real and fresh in Han’s mind after being frozen in carbonite till not long before. The fact Lando is obviously there helping with the rescue effort wouldn’t undo the emotional affects of the betrayal.


At 1:37:40 in Return of the Jedi (despecialized) it appears that Leia fires off a blank from her blaster pistol yet no blast was ever animated nor sound effect added. Its easier to see if you watch the film itself but I’ve included a screenshot of the original and my own fan edited effect. I’m not sure if Ady is aware of this continuity error but I found it myself pretty recently.



*Also Ady please uncross Yoda’s eyes 😉


INVAR said:

I know this personal wish is probably a ridiculous question to even suggest and probably even more ridiculous to even make happen - but hey, Ronster tends to rub off on you after awhile.

Best regards.

Why is the shot from Empire Strikes Back of the Shuttle approaching the executor in Return of the Jedi Lobby Cards? Whoops saw it has Empire Strikes Back there now oh no!

My Conclusion when I saw this is that the Shuttle was actually Tydirium… Or it could be?

And I suppose the Shot of the Imperial Shuttle Leaving Bespin was actually meant to be with Luke on board leaving Endor.

So Rub off on that 😃

But the Whole Special edition shots at the end of Empire Strikes back feel like they belong in Return of the Jedi I think.


4throck said:

Yes, those shots are from Jedi.
You can see Luke walking behind Vader on this shot:

Look here for more info: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_changes_in_Star_Wars_re-releases

Unless you Serious never noticed that !!!

Ok Apart from that one but all the rest some have footage in them from ROTJ and the Shuttle shots could be used to expand upon spaceship shots of which there are very little until the end of the film.

I always felt one of the things about ROTJ was it’s lack of Spaceship shots or that it re-used footage on a few occasions also like The Luke in the x-wing shot from ESB.

It was pretty stale until we got towards the end of the film… But it could have done with a few original shots of Space ships for the first half , if it could of done and the whole reaching Endor Part. Leaving Tattooine and the Fleet shot are good but there really is nothing outside of this. Even the opening shot was a rehash from Star Wars so yeah that is what I mean and it looks like that is what the shuttle shots were meant for and not so much Vader going to his Star Destroyer which was pretty lame.


Valheru_84 said:

MalàStrana said:

Who says Han wanted to be reassuring ? 😄

Definitely one way it could be taken, especially since the betrayal would still be pretty real and fresh in Han’s mind after being frozen in carbonite till not long before. The fact Lando is obviously there helping with the rescue effort wouldn’t undo the emotional affects of the betrayal.

Ugh, here we go with this again…

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Valheru_84 said:

MalàStrana said:

Who says Han wanted to be reassuring ? 😄

Definitely one way it could be taken, especially since the betrayal would still be pretty real and fresh in Han’s mind after being frozen in carbonite till not long before. The fact Lando is obviously there helping with the rescue effort wouldn’t undo the emotional affects of the betrayal.

Ugh, here we go with this again…

Then which line from Han during that scene do you think is more appropriate?

Analog Releases of Films That Contain Deleted, Extended, & Alternate Footage That’ve Never Been Released on DVD/BluRay


Tantive3+1 said:

adywan said:

Look Who’s back… (W.I.P.)

With the Sebastian Shaw force ghost of Anakin restored in this shot the scene of Luke removing Vader’s helmet revealing Anakin’s face should without a doubt be the unaltered original face.

But with that in mind, should the eyebrows be removed or left alone?

Removed eyebrows makes sense considering the burns and the lack of hair. They do look nice though. Perhaps the dark side is a pathway to eyebrows some consider unnatural.


He has eyebrows in Rogue One and Rebels, funnily enough.


Tantive3+1 said:

adywan said:

Look Who’s back… (W.I.P.)

With the Sebastian Shaw force ghost of Anakin restored in this shot the scene of Luke removing Vader’s helmet revealing Anakin’s face should without a doubt be the unaltered original face.

But with that in mind, should the eyebrows be removed or left alone?

Idk I just think the scene has more emotion with the eyebrows lol


snooker said:

He has eyebrows in Rogue One and Rebels, funnily enough.

There is just one second of film in Rogue One (as he gets out of the bacta tank) where his face is visible, and he doesn’t have eyebrows there.

He has them in Lego form. 😉