I quote this from the ‘saga’ thread.
Bingowings said:
I would start with the Executor dwarfing an already giant Star Destroyer and itself being engulfed in the shadow of the now large in screen second Death Star.
I would make the officers station look less stagey.
I would prefer a new actor to replace Michael Pennington (a fine actor only doing what he was told).
His Moff Jejerrod acts much too cowardly to hold such a high rank and his delivery is awful.
I would have him careful around Vader but not constantly camp and scared shitless. Vader acts demoted in most of this film and yet the opening scenes make his seem more feared than the Emperor.
I would also have him ask for more men to guard the moon (I’ll explain later), not build the station, (don’t they have droids for that?).
The next scene would be Dagobah.
Luke returned there after the events of the previous film and has been continuing his training.
He is constructing a new lightsaber using telekinesis. When he finishes he notices Yoda looking unwell (this can be done with a body double and a bit of digital jiggery pokery).
The Yoda death scene plays out largely as in the film but he doesn’t die. He tells Luke there is another Skywalker in a clear way and is still alive when Luke leaves.
Yoda dying mid-conversation is cornball and unconvincing.
Jabba’s palace, Booush arrives to a calm audience with the Hutt (no Threepio) it’s all done with subtitles.
Any efforts to tone down the cartoonish nature of some of the court would be most welcome.
Luke lands near Ben’s house.
The Falcon and a Y-Wing are also visible.
Luke calls out to Leia and Chewie, Threepio rushes up to meet him in a fuss, “I tried to stop her” etc.
Luke enters the house and Ben’s ghost tells him that Leia is his sister he resolves to rescue her.
Boba Fett leaves the palace and we see his ship take off near the palace.
Back at the palace Leia releases Han and gets captured.
Threepio and Artoo head to the palace, they are scanned by the robot eye thing, it seems to know something is up with Artoo but lets them in anyway.
The Palace is in party mood.
No song (no Lapti Nek or Jedi Rocks) but lots of exotic dance.
Leia is chained up.
Luke’s message is played.
Artoo and Threepio are lead away.
Threepio is put on translator duty.
Artoo attempts to interfere with 9D9 but she reassures him that it will not be necessary (someone is protecting them).
Luke arrives,
He uses the Force to push the skull into position to activate the switch and kill the Rancor.
No crying Rancor Keeper.
Swoop bikes and mid sized barges added to the pit party.
The Sarlacc beak is removed but the mouth is bigger and the creature heaves itself from the sand (yes a bit like the sand worms in Dune but we all know where Lucas got the idea so let’s not kid ourselves).
It’s more active at grabbing people with it’s tendrils than in any other version.
Fett isn’t there so no air swim, Force Kick goes too.
Artoo uses his PT era jets to push Threepio to safety (no comedy magnets).
The barge snaps in half like that boat film with Leonardo DeCaprio.
We see Slave One approach the rebel fleet it lands and Fett gives something to a Rebel official.
He is paid and takes off.
He contacts Vader and informs him that the rebels have the information he supplied.
Vader tells him he will be paid.
Fett doesn’t die, gets paid twice and isn’t seen or heard of again (he is a bounty hunter a mercenary and doesn’t care who wins or loses as long as he is paid).
The Emperor arrives in a shuttle that looks more fancy than Vader’s.
The briefing happens. No medical droids need attend but it would be cool if Dodonna and Rieekan could be there.
I would also like more Wookiees.
Anything that can be done to make the room look less like a cheap set would be welcome.
No Bothan’s died to give us the information which is worth the price they paid.
Tydirium is an Imperial Transporter ship not a shuttle.
The Executor set is returned to it’s ESB glory and the uniforms and insignia are fixed.
When the Rebels land they walk by neglected/damaged wooden sculptures and/or totems.
They find the decapitated head of a stormtrooper which triggers the trap (Wookiees can eat human meat and not be cannibals).
All the pebble eyes of the Ewoks are gone as and less sweet looking teeth would be welcome.
At the village there are signs of dead imperials troops turned into art everywhere (now you can see why Jerjerrod needs more men).
A totem showing a god that looks like Threepio would be welcome.
Artoo uses his holoprojector to plaster scary faces (Maul etc) onto Threepio.
A floating chair alone would not be enough to spook them after all they have seen since the Empire landed (they have a new moon for crying out loud).
The Ewoks have already been planning an attack on the base (those traps don’t appear from nowhere).
When Luke asks about his mother Leia gives him the neckless Anakin made for Padme.
When he tells her she is his sister she knows somehow but she never "ALWAYS KNEW (that snogging was an accident).
The generator base now draws power from a large waterfall.
It is visable and the sound is audible when Vader confronts his son (this will evoke memories of Naboo and add to Vader’s inner turmoil).
He says, “Your Mother once thought as you do”.
The 'backdoor" to the base is now a funicular service elevator to the projector dish.

It takes the Rebels up, not down and leads to a structure under the dish which they plan to sever (there are too many reactor explosions in the saga as it is, we don’t need three in one film).

When Lando calls for the ships to pull back to avoid the shield, some miss and collide with it.
More featured pilots, more A-wing/B-Wing action maybe a really hot-rodded battered old Naboo fighter or two.
There really is an entire legion of troops on top of those you would expect to be guarding an important base.
The Rebels have brought guns with them and there are more of them thanks to the bigger ship (including Wookiees).
The AT-AT enters the ground battle and Tie Bombers set fires.
Troopers get killed with a bit of tasteful gore.
Ewoks are killed.
Leia getting shot is moved up to when Luke is trying not to think about her.
When Palpatine is trying to kill Luke the neckless rolls out of his tunic and Vader sees it.
This is the straw that snaps him back to the light side.
We see Palpatine fall face up and with a better matte.
The Executor gets a better send off.
The dish snaps and slides into the valley (it doesn’t blow up half the forest).
The, “Cop-Pee-Gold-Lee-Dar” guy is gone.
Leia and Han watch the station explode sitting in the remains of the giant dish.
Luke burns the body of Vader.
We see the ghosts of Ben and the Yoda (we now know he has died).
We then see the ghosts of Padme and Anakin (Anakin’s subconscious good has restored him and preserved the people he loves not a too busy to show up Liam Neeson),
Our heroes celebrate.
“Weesa Free!” is not the last line of the first six films.
The Corsucant ‘celebrations’ are a riotous uprising. X-wings swoop from the sky and shoot down TIEs.