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SilverWook said:

We have threads for discussion of the new films, so let’s not stink up this one. Irrelevant posts will be deleted at moderator’s discretion.

Thanks Wook. I was going to say something like this, but I lack the authority to make it stick.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Bingowings said:

It’s a real shame about PT:R. These were the revisited projects I was most looking forward to.

Same here, to an extent. I was looking forward to a radically different version. No one has gone far enough with them yet.

doubleofive said:

I’m aware of Ady’s plans for Boba Fett, but I will state my preference for him not being in the movie at all, then move on.

I feel the same way. He would’ve been far cooler as the mystery man in ESB that we never see again.

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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Didn’t expect to see the ROTJ:R thread up so soon. Was expecting more info on the next releases of ESB:R.

So anyway, Ady you are going to add more storm troopers and scout troopers to the Endor battle? More speeder bikes in the battle would be welcome also.

Also, are you sure the B-wing pilots had the ear muff helmets? I don’t ever remember seeing a B-wing pilot in ROTJ. Saw the ships, but never a cockpit shot of a pilot in a B-wing. The only shots of the pilots wearing the ear muff helmets were flying A-wings. However; interestingly, the Y-wing pilots were wearing the funny egg shaped helmets instead of the X-wing helmets we saw them wear in ANH.

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


Ripplin said:

Bingowings said:

It’s a real shame about PT:R. These were the revisited projects I was most looking forward to.

Same here, to an extent. I was looking forward to a radically different version. No one has gone far enough with them yet.

doubleofive said:

I’m aware of Ady’s plans for Boba Fett, but I will state my preference for him not being in the movie at all, then move on.

I feel the same way. He would’ve been far cooler as the mystery man in ESB that we never see again.

It’s true. All of it.


I find it awesome that Adywan is actually going to film new scenes for Endor at the very same location they were filmed 35 years ago.


I’m super glad that Ady is gonna remove “Jedi Rocks” and (hopefully) restore “Lapti Nek.” While I don’t hate “Jedi Rocks,” I feel it was disrespectful to remove “Lapti Nek” in the first place since it was composed by Joseph Williams, the son of John Williams. Imagine how pissed off Joseph must have been to have his only contribution removed from the movie.


Personally, I could do without a musical number of any sort, but as long as it isn’t Jedi Rocks I’ll be okay with it.


ray_afraid said:

I’d like to see the original song return, but instead of stopping to watch a musical number, it’s just in the background like the band in the bar in Star Wars.

That’s basically how it is in the theatrical. It’s really only the SE that makes it a distracting musical number.


Ady and All -

I concur with the suggestion of showcasing the shield effect ala Rogue One when the X-wing crashes into the Field Aperture. Since the shield is invisible to the naked eye, we only see evidence of it in blue when a ship smacks into it - which we should see when Lando tells “all craft to pull up”.

YES to replacing all the bad matte paintings in the hangar of Home One with models. Given what you did in the rebel hangar on Hoth - I can only pant in anticipation what we are going to see in that Revisited set of shots. I LOVE the idea of using the Cargo shuttle from Rogue One for ROTJ:R for the rebel commando crew.

One suggestion is that since Dave Filoni confirms that Captain Rex is the White bearded old rebel guy at the bunker, I wonder if there is a way to get an audio comm announcement in the rebel hangar bay for him to report to the shuttle ala the line in Rogue One for General Sendulla? A little fanboy service, yes… but fitting.

As to a ‘perfect’ Falcon model - have you seen this Perfect Grade baby from Bandai?


1/72 scale which puts it slightly bigger than the less-than -perfect Fine Molds one.

There have been some great modelers who tricked out the Hasbro Hero Falcon with a lot of aftermarket parts, but the time to do that right is a 6-month to a full year project.

My biggest and most eagerly anticipated ‘fix’ is the destruction of the Executor. Plowing into the Death Star in a mushroom cloud was just too lazy. A-wing into the bridge - okay. But existing footage sucks. I’d hate to reference it but some of the 9-11 footage of the plane zipping into the second tower is a bit more like what one would likely see if a snub fighter plowed into the bridge tower. I’m fine with the Executor plowing into the station, but it needs an extended destruction scene with cascading explosions busting the ship apart until the engines blow and then some decent nuke-ish shockwave ( I did always like the engine explosions in the Empire At War battles). Since Rogue One took Star Destroyer destruction to a whole new level - it will be an interesting task to see what you might storyboard out to give fans and oooh and ahhh over that ship’s end.

I find your lack of faith…disturbing


I don’t like at all Jedi Rocks, but the harmonica solo of the SE is quite good. I would love to see it kept along with the original theatrical dance number. Even the twi’lek SE extra shots should be kept.


G E Predator said:

I’m super glad that Ady is gonna remove “Jedi Rocks” and (hopefully) restore “Lapti Nek.” While I don’t hate “Jedi Rocks,” I feel it was disrespectful to remove “Lapti Nek” in the first place since it was composed by Joseph Williams, the son of John Williams. Imagine how pissed off Joseph must have been to have his only contribution removed from the movie.

Lapti Nek is pretty awful too.


I’m sure there will be suggestions aplenty in this thread, so let me just say that your (relatively) few substantial, well considered changes are worth more than many hundreds of small cosmetic alterations. I’m glad that this edit seems focused on those big changes. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Well done Adywan - I’ve just gladly donated £20 to Return Of The Jedi Revisited. One small point is that on the paypal giving page it still lists Empire Strikes Back Revisited as the beneficiary so you might want to swap that to Jedi now.

Also, i’ll take this opportunity to implore all the other commenters and readers of this thread to send a little contribution Adrian’s way. And to do it right now, don’t delay!
The main point of the original post was for a donation drive, although that has naturally been lost somewhat in the excitement at the change list, and the reaction to it. But the main body of info that Adrian has provided isn’t the change list - it’s a well thought out explanation of why he will need approx. £6,000 to make this a reality.

So please do send a contribution however modest.
Here is the page that contains paypal links to donate: https://swrevisited.wordpress.com/


INVAR said:

Ady and All -

I concur with the suggestion of showcasing the shield effect ala Rogue One when the X-wing crashes into the Field Aperture. Since the shield is invisible to the naked eye, we only see evidence of it in blue when a ship smacks into it - which we should see when Lando tells “all craft to pull up”.

YES to replacing all the bad matte paintings in the hangar of Home One with models. Given what you did in the rebel hangar on Hoth - I can only pant in anticipation what we are going to see in that Revisited set of shots. I LOVE the idea of using the Cargo shuttle from Rogue One for ROTJ:R for the rebel commando crew.

One suggestion is that since Dave Filoni confirms that Captain Rex is the White bearded old rebel guy at the bunker, I wonder if there is a way to get an audio comm announcement in the rebel hangar bay for him to report to the shuttle ala the line in Rogue One for General Sendulla? A little fanboy service, yes… but fitting.

As to a ‘perfect’ Falcon model - have you seen this Perfect Grade baby from Bandai?


1/72 scale which puts it slightly bigger than the less-than -perfect Fine Molds one.

There have been some great modelers who tricked out the Hasbro Hero Falcon with a lot of aftermarket parts, but the time to do that right is a 6-month to a full year project.

My biggest and most eagerly anticipated ‘fix’ is the destruction of the Executor. Plowing into the Death Star in a mushroom cloud was just too lazy. A-wing into the bridge - okay. But existing footage sucks. I’d hate to reference it but some of the 9-11 footage of the plane zipping into the second tower is a bit more like what one would likely see if a snub fighter plowed into the bridge tower. I’m fine with the Executor plowing into the station, but it needs an extended destruction scene with cascading explosions busting the ship apart until the engines blow and then some decent nuke-ish shockwave ( I did always like the engine explosions in the Empire At War battles). Since Rogue One took Star Destroyer destruction to a whole new level - it will be an interesting task to see what you might storyboard out to give fans and oooh and ahhh over that ship’s end.

I’d hate for anyone to use a fairly recent real life tragedy for reference footage. Period.

Where were you in '77?


DarkRha said:

I like a lot of the ideas in this video for the ground battle of endor, I know its a video game but still.


I like this a lot. Looks great.
The problem is, it does not work, with what we have.
General Madine:

“A strike force will land on the moon”

A strike force is a team, that is small enough that can evade detection, yet able to carry out the task.


“A small rebel force has penetrated the shield, and landed on Endor.”

Clearly, there are very few rebels on the Moon, and there is no way that they get help, except from the Ewoks.
Remember the shield is up, that Han mentions when they arrive:

“Shuttle Tydirium requesting the deactivation of the deflector shield”

Plus what Vader confirms it:

“A small rebel force has penetrated the shield, and landed on Endor.”

So there is a shield over Endor, and as long as the shield generator is functional, there is no help. They are on their own.

Han even gives us a clue about the size of his team:

“Take the squad ahead, we’ll meet at the generator…”

So we have a pretty clear picture.
A "strike force"
A “small rebel force”.
A “squad”.
In most armies, a squad consists of eight to fourteen soldiers.


nightstalkerpoet said:

Jani-wan said:

Possessed said:

nightstalkerpoet said:

I’d like to suggest completely removing the Leia and Wicket scene. Add a bit of tension wondering where she is, and the Ewoks seem more of a threat if you haven’t seen one nibbling snacks from a stranger and frightened of helmets.

If it makes you feel better the fanedit I’m working on of the film does this. The thread is around here somewhere I don’t post in it much because I’m very on again off again when it comes to working on it, one of these days I’m just going to randomly surprise everybody with it being done.

But without that scene, how does Leia appear in Ewok the village?
And even if she gets there somehow, we don’t know why she wasn’t served for lunch, while Han is certainly getting prepared to be the dinner.
Because one thing is certain, that the Ewoks are not a friendy bunch, and they like to eat people, despite how they look like.
So it is not very realistic that a human female can talk herself out of being eaten, especially if she does not speak the language.
I guess it is safe to say, logically she can not be in the village, without building trust first, what the scene offers that you want to delete.

As you say, there is a logical connection that we make. She is seen there in a dress with braided hair - clearly not in danger. It doesn’t impact the main plot to not show how she got to be there safely, and actually sidetracks from the important plot points to some degree. It also sets a precedent of Ewoks not being a threat which makes the capture scene feel more like a game at the Teddy Bear Picnic.


  1. Ewoks meet and get to know humans through the Empire, so they hate humans
  2. Ewoks eat humans
  3. Ewoks are primitive
  4. Leia has no way to communicate with them

So if Leia is captured, the most probable outcome here, if she retains her gun somehow, that she shoots them and escapes, or becomes a fine piece of Ewok cousine.
There is no alliance in either case, that is essential in the movie.

By the way, not many people know this, but Ewoks were suppose to be Wookies, as it was in the early drafts of Star Wars. With Chewbacca becoming a main character, it had to be changed, but unfortunatelly people associate Ewoks with Teddy bears.


Bingowings said:

Jani-wan said:

iamweasel said:

Bingowings said:

It’s a real shame about PT:R. These were the revisited projects I was most looking forward to. They are even more broken than Jedi. Hopefully someone else will take up the mantle. There is good them, I have felt it 😊 even if Rouge One was part3 of a PT:R. So much technical talent and genuine affection from people who worked on those Star Wars misshapes. It’s a shame if they stayed as they are.

Well, if we are lucky, Disney will do a cool Darth Vader movie where we can see him chasing the remaining Jedis across the galaxy. If they do a cool movie, you can consider Rogue One as Episode 3, this Darth Vader movie as episode 2 and someone can try to edit ROTS (with maybe some (few) scenes from the episode 1 or 2) to be the first episode, removing most of it flaws. This way we can have a prequel that doesn’t contradict anything that was said in the OT.

I was hoping for a Phantom Manace revisited too. That movie could be turned into a good movie too, with some adjustments. (by removing Jar-jar, and fixing Threepio mostly)
But this discussion is for another thread I guess. (I have no idea which one though)

I do not trust Disney anymore. First they made a terribly bad, than a mediocre movie, so they are 0 for 2 right now. Im afraid a cool Disney Star Wars movie is unrealistic expectation at this point.

There is so much potential in PT:R. The PT is so broken in its current form that there are no sacred cows. And yet there are so many wonderful designs and a few nice performances just waiting to be liberated. To be frank this news is almost 1983 all over again, for me personally. Naturally I support and respect Adys decisions. A man must know his limits but it was the possibility of finally enjoying the first three episodes that really interested me much more than reworking the first two movies which are pretty much flawless anyway. At least Jedi is getting fixed. But the real problems with Jedi are the same problems the PT has. The story is lacklustre, the performances are patchy, the visuals are inconsistent. Disney will never repair the PT. Hopefully Adys achievements will inspire someone else.

I watched The Phantom Menace several times, and I think it can be fixed. Not to be great, but to be all rigth. The story ain’t bad, and with some slight modifications it can be even good. The acting is lightyears better than in any Disney SW.
So I guess, we, the Star Wars fans, must convince Ady to do it, and have to come up with Ady’s full time salary for the Phantom Manace project.
Im sure he would get all the help from millions of fans, he just needs to say, what needs to be done.


Jani-wan said:

Bingowings said:

Jani-wan said:

iamweasel said:

Bingowings said:

It’s a real shame about PT:R. These were the revisited projects I was most looking forward to. They are even more broken than Jedi. Hopefully someone else will take up the mantle. There is good them, I have felt it 😊 even if Rouge One was part3 of a PT:R. So much technical talent and genuine affection from people who worked on those Star Wars misshapes. It’s a shame if they stayed as they are.

Well, if we are lucky, Disney will do a cool Darth Vader movie where we can see him chasing the remaining Jedis across the galaxy. If they do a cool movie, you can consider Rogue One as Episode 3, this Darth Vader movie as episode 2 and someone can try to edit ROTS (with maybe some (few) scenes from the episode 1 or 2) to be the first episode, removing most of it flaws. This way we can have a prequel that doesn’t contradict anything that was said in the OT.

I was hoping for a Phantom Manace revisited too. That movie could be turned into a good movie too, with some adjustments. (by removing Jar-jar, and fixing Threepio mostly)
But this discussion is for another thread I guess. (I have no idea which one though)

I do not trust Disney anymore. First they made a terribly bad, than a mediocre movie, so they are 0 for 2 right now. Im afraid a cool Disney Star Wars movie is unrealistic expectation at this point.

There is so much potential in PT:R. The PT is so broken in its current form that there are no sacred cows. And yet there are so many wonderful designs and a few nice performances just waiting to be liberated. To be frank this news is almost 1983 all over again, for me personally. Naturally I support and respect Adys decisions. A man must know his limits but it was the possibility of finally enjoying the first three episodes that really interested me much more than reworking the first two movies which are pretty much flawless anyway. At least Jedi is getting fixed. But the real problems with Jedi are the same problems the PT has. The story is lacklustre, the performances are patchy, the visuals are inconsistent. Disney will never repair the PT. Hopefully Adys achievements will inspire someone else.

I watched The Phantom Menace several times, and I think it can be fixed. Not to be great, but to be all rigth.

If only people had tried to fix TPM into something truly enjoyable… (https://ifdb.fanedit.org/star-wars-episode-i-cloak-of-deception/)

(but to make it definitive I concur that new SFX sequences and unpublished alternate scenes/takes in glorious 1080p would be necessary, in the meanwhile there are several ways to watch good takes on TPM that feel like a natural movie and not something butchered to only one saber fight…)

And since we’re talking about ewoks, is there something to do to enhance their look into a less Teddy bear appareance ? Lucas tried with eyes in 2011 and it looks good but it had not been extended toevery single scene for some reason.


Congrats Adywan on ESB:R…it’s simply incredible !

Have an idea for ROTJ:R, when the Emperor arrives at the Death Star, adding some Star Destroyers in the background will make more sense as the scene is trying to portray an overwhelming security force for the Emperor.

Alt text


I quote this from the ‘saga’ thread.

Bingowings said:

I would start with the Executor dwarfing an already giant Star Destroyer and itself being engulfed in the shadow of the now large in screen second Death Star.

I would make the officers station look less stagey.

I would prefer a new actor to replace Michael Pennington (a fine actor only doing what he was told).

His Moff Jejerrod acts much too cowardly to hold such a high rank and his delivery is awful.

I would have him careful around Vader but not constantly camp and scared shitless. Vader acts demoted in most of this film and yet the opening scenes make his seem more feared than the Emperor.

I would also have him ask for more men to guard the moon (I’ll explain later), not build the station, (don’t they have droids for that?).

The next scene would be Dagobah.

Luke returned there after the events of the previous film and has been continuing his training.

He is constructing a new lightsaber using telekinesis. When he finishes he notices Yoda looking unwell (this can be done with a body double and a bit of digital jiggery pokery).

The Yoda death scene plays out largely as in the film but he doesn’t die. He tells Luke there is another Skywalker in a clear way and is still alive when Luke leaves.

Yoda dying mid-conversation is cornball and unconvincing.

Jabba’s palace, Booush arrives to a calm audience with the Hutt (no Threepio) it’s all done with subtitles.

Any efforts to tone down the cartoonish nature of some of the court would be most welcome.

Luke lands near Ben’s house.

The Falcon and a Y-Wing are also visible.

Luke calls out to Leia and Chewie, Threepio rushes up to meet him in a fuss, “I tried to stop her” etc.

Luke enters the house and Ben’s ghost tells him that Leia is his sister he resolves to rescue her.

Boba Fett leaves the palace and we see his ship take off near the palace.

Back at the palace Leia releases Han and gets captured.

Threepio and Artoo head to the palace, they are scanned by the robot eye thing, it seems to know something is up with Artoo but lets them in anyway.

The Palace is in party mood.

No song (no Lapti Nek or Jedi Rocks) but lots of exotic dance.

Leia is chained up.

Luke’s message is played.

Artoo and Threepio are lead away.

Threepio is put on translator duty.

Artoo attempts to interfere with 9D9 but she reassures him that it will not be necessary (someone is protecting them).


Luke arrives,


He uses the Force to push the skull into position to activate the switch and kill the Rancor.

No crying Rancor Keeper.

Swoop bikes and mid sized barges added to the pit party.

The Sarlacc beak is removed but the mouth is bigger and the creature heaves itself from the sand (yes a bit like the sand worms in Dune but we all know where Lucas got the idea so let’s not kid ourselves).

It’s more active at grabbing people with it’s tendrils than in any other version.

Fett isn’t there so no air swim, Force Kick goes too.

Artoo uses his PT era jets to push Threepio to safety (no comedy magnets).

The barge snaps in half like that boat film with Leonardo DeCaprio.

We see Slave One approach the rebel fleet it lands and Fett gives something to a Rebel official.

He is paid and takes off.

He contacts Vader and informs him that the rebels have the information he supplied.

Vader tells him he will be paid.

Fett doesn’t die, gets paid twice and isn’t seen or heard of again (he is a bounty hunter a mercenary and doesn’t care who wins or loses as long as he is paid).

The Emperor arrives in a shuttle that looks more fancy than Vader’s.

The briefing happens. No medical droids need attend but it would be cool if Dodonna and Rieekan could be there.

I would also like more Wookiees.

Anything that can be done to make the room look less like a cheap set would be welcome.

No Bothan’s died to give us the information which is worth the price they paid.

Tydirium is an Imperial Transporter ship not a shuttle.

The Executor set is returned to it’s ESB glory and the uniforms and insignia are fixed.

When the Rebels land they walk by neglected/damaged wooden sculptures and/or totems.

They find the decapitated head of a stormtrooper which triggers the trap (Wookiees can eat human meat and not be cannibals).

All the pebble eyes of the Ewoks are gone as and less sweet looking teeth would be welcome.

At the village there are signs of dead imperials troops turned into art everywhere (now you can see why Jerjerrod needs more men).

A totem showing a god that looks like Threepio would be welcome.

Artoo uses his holoprojector to plaster scary faces (Maul etc) onto Threepio.

A floating chair alone would not be enough to spook them after all they have seen since the Empire landed (they have a new moon for crying out loud).

The Ewoks have already been planning an attack on the base (those traps don’t appear from nowhere).

When Luke asks about his mother Leia gives him the neckless Anakin made for Padme.

When he tells her she is his sister she knows somehow but she never "ALWAYS KNEW (that snogging was an accident).

The generator base now draws power from a large waterfall.

It is visable and the sound is audible when Vader confronts his son (this will evoke memories of Naboo and add to Vader’s inner turmoil).

He says, “Your Mother once thought as you do”.

The 'backdoor" to the base is now a funicular service elevator to the projector dish.

It takes the Rebels up, not down and leads to a structure under the dish which they plan to sever (there are too many reactor explosions in the saga as it is, we don’t need three in one film).

When Lando calls for the ships to pull back to avoid the shield, some miss and collide with it.

More featured pilots, more A-wing/B-Wing action maybe a really hot-rodded battered old Naboo fighter or two.

There really is an entire legion of troops on top of those you would expect to be guarding an important base.

The Rebels have brought guns with them and there are more of them thanks to the bigger ship (including Wookiees).

The AT-AT enters the ground battle and Tie Bombers set fires.

Troopers get killed with a bit of tasteful gore.

Ewoks are killed.

Leia getting shot is moved up to when Luke is trying not to think about her.

When Palpatine is trying to kill Luke the neckless rolls out of his tunic and Vader sees it.

This is the straw that snaps him back to the light side.

We see Palpatine fall face up and with a better matte.

The Executor gets a better send off.

The dish snaps and slides into the valley (it doesn’t blow up half the forest).

The, “Cop-Pee-Gold-Lee-Dar” guy is gone.

Leia and Han watch the station explode sitting in the remains of the giant dish.

Luke burns the body of Vader.

We see the ghosts of Ben and the Yoda (we now know he has died).

We then see the ghosts of Padme and Anakin (Anakin’s subconscious good has restored him and preserved the people he loves not a too busy to show up Liam Neeson),

Our heroes celebrate.

Weesa Free!” is not the last line of the first six films.

The Corsucant ‘celebrations’ are a riotous uprising. X-wings swoop from the sky and shoot down TIEs.


Bingowings said:

G E Predator said:

I’m super glad that Ady is gonna remove “Jedi Rocks” and (hopefully) restore “Lapti Nek.” While I don’t hate “Jedi Rocks,” I feel it was disrespectful to remove “Lapti Nek” in the first place since it was composed by Joseph Williams, the son of John Williams. Imagine how pissed off Joseph must have been to have his only contribution removed from the movie.

Lapti Nek is pretty awful too.

The soundtrack version is pretty good 😃 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfyLDh_Ea3w