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If Ady has that one dude who did the younger Vader dub then I’d definitely prefer that. But the last thing I think any of us wants is an impression that immediately stands out. At the end of the day, Lucasfilm has already been doing AI Vader for Kenobi, so it’s not like this is something completely disagreeable.


When it comes to the shuttle they use to get to endor. THE BAD BATCH season 3 trailer shows a lambda shuttle with a cargo box underneath which might work better than the rogue one cargo shuttle which reminds me of kylos shuttle.



Jar Jar Bricks said:

If Ady has that one dude who did the younger Vader dub then I’d definitely prefer that. But the last thing I think any of us wants is an impression that immediately stands out. At the end of the day, Lucasfilm has already been doing AI Vader for Kenobi, so it’s not like this is something completely disagreeable.

That’s also the same guy who did the ANH Vader for DSG’s edit, matching the ANH-style distortion well. I’d say either him or another competent Vader impersonator would do the job well.


Obi Wan is gung-ho on killing Vader throughout the entire trilogy. Especially in this movie, where he says the Emperor has already won since Luke won’t kill his own father. He seems to imply that was always the plan for Luke, too. Which means Vader’s line suggesting that Obi-Wan once told him to run away together contradicts itself within its own film. So I seriously hope this line is amended. Even ignoring the prequels, it makes zero sense based on what we know about the characters.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Obi Wan is gung-ho on killing Vader throughout the entire trilogy. Especially in this movie, where he says the Emperor has already won since Luke won’t kill his own father. He seems to imply that was always the plan for Luke, too. Which means Vader’s line suggesting that Obi-Wan once told him to run away together contradicts itself within its own film. So I seriously hope this line is amended. Even ignoring the prequels, it makes zero sense based on what we know about the characters.

First, Vader says “Obi-Wan once thought as you do”. Originally Obi-Wan was gonna try and bring Vader back to the light after he turned, but failed. He’s referring to a past attempt.

Second, Lucas didn’t intend on it coming across that Obi-Wan was gun-ho on killing Vader. Obi-Wan saying that Luke not being able to kill his father means “the Emperor has already won” is simply him acknowledging that if Vader refuses to turn and puts Luke in a position where he has to kill him and he refuses, then yeah, the Emperor will win.

“He knows that, eventually, Darth Vader is gonna come looking for them. He knows this thing is going to blow up in a big war. He knows a confrontation is brewing between Luke and his father. Ben hopes that Luke will either save his father or kill him, because whatever extra powers Luke’s got in his lineage, he is the one person that can probably fight his father and win.” - The Star Wars Archives: 1977-1983, 2018

Now, obviously Obi-Wan isn’t optimistic that Vader can be saved. He does think Luke will be forced to kill him, hence why the dialogue is the way it is.

Regardless of if it came across well in the film itself, the Jedi don’t explicitly send him to murder Vader, they just tell him to confront/face him. And we also circle back to my first point.

I’m indifferent about the line change. I think the original line works because I view the originals as a separate entity from the prequels as is (even if I still enjoy ROTS to a degree) and the new line works because Vader acknowledging Luke’s mother is rather touching. I don’t think it’s a make-or-break type of deal.

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Even back in the original Star Wars, Ben appears to have zero hope for redeeming Vader. “Only a master of evil, Darth.” The problem with Vader’s ROTJ line is that it’s a reference to a hypothetical prequel story that will never exist. The Obi-Wan show had the opportunity to right this wrong, but instead Ben just expressed how sorry he was and nothing beyond that.

I think the idea that the Jedi dogma is to destroy evil instead of redeem it is what makes the entire OT and sequels so good. Luke is doing what his mentors would never do with Vader, blazing a new path forward. It pays off in the end, but he instinctively relapses toward his old teachings with Ben Solo, thus why he feels the Jedi need to end.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Adywan, or anybody making an edit of ROTJ, is free to use these:


If for whatever reason these two particular takes of the line aren’t up to snuff I’ll add more.

Impressive most Im- okay that ones old. I remeber a few years ago people were trying this and it was janky, but holy moley thats flawless (to me ear at least). Insane, I can’t beleive we live in an age were we have access to this technology.


BedeHistory731 said:

I’d prefer using an actual voice actor to the AI, but it’s sounding pretty good.

Ryan golden does a great Vader and he’s gotten even better.


Something popped into my head last night before going to sleep. It goes back to the old marrying the original trilogy to the prequel thing.

Obi-Wan technically didn’t own a droid in the prequels. He was a Jedi and the order had access to droids. He was friendly with them but didn’t take them too seriously. He wouldn’t mourn a decapitated R2 unit like he would a youngling but he also didn’t treat them like furniture.

When he comes across Artoo in episode 4 he may not of expected to see him again. His brain would possibly dismiss the idea that this blue astromech was the same one Padme owned or Anakin had flown with because there were only so many colours and probably millions of units made.

But once Luke mentions Ben’s true name the nagging suspection that the R2 unit was Artoo must have entered his mind as well as the implication that this was the moment when training Luke would be necessary.

So my suggestion is, if possible, add a “Artoo?” to the scene from Ben and have Artoo respond. Maybe just before he says to Luke that doesn’t remember owning a droid.

A bit like him saying to Artoo “I going to pretend to not know what’s going on but I do remember.” an exchange that they would share and the audience would see but went completely over Luke’s head.

Alternatively it could happen while Luke is unconscious but that would mean Ben recognised Artoo right away and deduced the situation immediately which might very well be a Jedi thing. Though he might still suspect an Imperial trap.

If I went back to 1977 and saw such an exchange I would be intrigued by what’s going on. I think that’s a good criteria for changes like this. But it’s probably impossible to do anyway.

Just a thought.


I prefer the current retcon where it just looks like he’s trolling R2. LOL

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Just realised I posted in the wrong thread. Oops.


ROTJ:R is back in production.

After over a year i have finally finished restoring the 2020 blu-ray, removing as much of the static grain possible without impacting the detail in the picture. There is some minimal static grain in a few places, but for the most part that problem is gone. I have also replaced a few shots throughout with better quality ones taken from the 2011 blu-ray. These shots were so scrubbed of grain thanks to their algorithm that is removed so much detail in the image and made them really soft. But, thanks to a bit of tinkering with grading an image processing, you won’t really be able to tell that 2 different sources have been used.

It wasn’t an easy task, which is why it took so long and so much work. You can’t just apply digital noise reduction to the image to remove the static grain, or just place a layer of grain on top to try to hide it. Using an all over DNR that would be enough to eliminate the static grain would just destroy the detail in the image and give everything a waxy look or worse. So you have to go shot for shot, creating many layers with different levels of DNR or a level with none at all. Then you have to rotoscope every level in a shot so that foreground objects that don’t require a great amount of grain reduction, or any at all, would not be affected. But faces that have bad static grain then need a different technique. Reducing the grain that is visible on the skin while keeping the original level of detail in the facial features. So you have to rotoscope eyes, eyebrows, nose & mouth to keep those elements intact. Its backgrounds that suffer the most in the 2020 blu-ray and that was a bit of a godsend with the depth of field used in this film. so the backgrounds are out of focus and the only real detail that you perceive was caused by the static grain. this is not the case with all shots though, so that’s what took so much work and took so long. Once this was completed and a layer of minimal grain was added, the static grain problem was no more for the most part.

Here’s a sample you can download that shows a before and after comparison that will give a better example of what i mean by all of this:


there are still one or two shots that i’m not 100% happy with, but i can tweak those as i go along. But at least i now have a suitable version to begin this edit.

And thats what i have done this week. I have completed about 5 fixes so far, but at the moment i’m concentrating on the colour grading.

I can’t understand why people rave about the 2020 blu-ray so much. It’s a mess. Not just the static grain and over softened shots, but the grading. Jedi never looked like this. It was vibrant and colourful. Not this flat, almost sepia, desaturated version we got with this release. Its like they heard the complaints with the 2011 releases, about the oversaturated image with the overuse of a blue filter throughout and though " we better do something about this" but when in the completely opposite direction and muted all the blue tones and desaturated the image far beyond what they should have done. It’s horrible. All the high levels have been muted. There’s no definition in the image at all. The bright levels in objects look flat, especially noticeable in skies with clouds. Mids have been raised to brighten the image but have gone overboard in places. Take the scene when the emperor arrives on the Death Star. They have raised the levels in many of the shots in that scene it’s almost blown out the image. What was the grader who worked on this release thinking? . I’ll be posting a comparison video of this scene next week sometime and you can see just how bad it is. But, for now, here’s a sample image comparing the 2020 official grade with the Revisited one…

So the colour grading stage has begun. I’m using the 4k83 & 97SE versions as a rough guide to the grading. Over the next week or so i will be posting 3 comparison videos showing the new grade, so watch out for those. But here’s a little teaser of the first video i will be posting over the weekend…




Thank the maker. Looks amazing. Cannot wait for the trilogy to be completed.

And cannot wait for that HD remake of ANH to replaced my upscaled DVD version 😉

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Wow! This is nuts. I’m so glad people like you exist in this community. Absolutely insane level of detail.

Here’s a sample you can download that shows a before and after comparison that will give a better example of what i mean by all of this:


The blackest eyes… the devils eyes.

LOST Season Finale Restorations:


adywan said:

ROTJ:R is back in production.

Great to hear!

Good to see the vibrant blue skies of Tatooine restored again, and looking forward to the video comparisons of your grading improvements.


Adywan, what do you think of Jar Jar Bricks’s AI line of Vader saying “Your mother once thought as you do”?


I believe somebody said he could bring on Ryan Golden. Honestly, I’d prefer he does it. But if it’s any other impressionist than him, then AI is definitely the way to go.


I’m loving what I’m seeing!

It’s superb that you solved the static grain issue (which sounds utterly laborious and tedious to fix) and to see the colors brought closer to the original intent. You’ve done fantastic work thus far, and it’ll be lovely to see the comparisons.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I believe somebody said he could bring on Ryan Golden. Honestly, I’d prefer he does it. But if it’s any other impressionist than him, then AI is definitely the way to go.

I’d like Adywan’s personal opinion, though.


Jedi122 said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I believe somebody said he could bring on Ryan Golden. Honestly, I’d prefer he does it. But if it’s any other impressionist than him, then AI is definitely the way to go.

I’d like Adywan’s personal opinion, though.

Adywan has said countless times that he already has a darth vader voice voice actor. there is no question about it.



That guy with no name said:

Jedi122 said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I believe somebody said he could bring on Ryan Golden. Honestly, I’d prefer he does it. But if it’s any other impressionist than him, then AI is definitely the way to go.

I’d like Adywan’s personal opinion, though.

Adywan has said countless times that he already has a darth vader voice voice actor. there is no question about it.



Jedi122 said:

Adywan, what do you think of Jar Jar Bricks’s AI line of Vader saying “Your mother once thought as you do”?

As far as I can remember Adywan said that in his Revisited Trilogy the prequels don’t play a role and therefore don’t have to correct mistakes of the prequels. I therefore assume that Darth Vader’s text will not be changed here.

Although this information is already a few years old.

To the Update:
Great Sample and a pretty nice work!


I can’t begin to imagine the tedium involved. Fantastic, and will be wonderful to see.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.