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Bingowings said:

Wasn't he one of the Norwegian Army chaps?

In which case he might not have originally spoken the line in English.

Actually that's Bob Anderson's cameo.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


"Too much time on your hands" is a lazy excuse people make to shelter themselves from knowing that they're not as creative or hardworking as someone else.

On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that scene and you spent way too much of the time on your hands, however much that is, working on things that people will not notice.


ImperialFighter said:

Monroville, although I quite liked darth_ender's possible explanation HERE of how Luke managed to be 'sucked into' the side from the middle of the wide chasm, your theory of Vader using the 'Force' to steer him over is interesting too.  

But I've finally settled on this alternative notion now  -

Since Luke has had some 'Force' training by this point, I guess he might have been able to 'influence' his trajectory mid-fall towards the 'vents' himself ..

It's not a big deal, as it's more a "using your own imagination to explain a little thing".   I felt Vader was possibly giving him a push, as it was his son and he wanted him alive.  Luke, on the other hand, was committing suicide... so regardless of him having the power to push himself to one of the vents, I don't think he would have done it, as the whole point of allowing himself to fall was to keep himself from Vader and the Emperor (think of the music John Williams used when Luke takes the plunge, and how Luke was NOT screaming when falling.  People tend to AHHHHH! when they fall when it's unintentional.  Luke intended to fall [to his death], so no AHHHH!).

Regardless, whatever makes one comfortable with the scene is all that matters.. you know... as opposed to refilming the entire shot with a stunt double.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


I think if anything about that scene needs to be corrected/updated/fixed, it would just be the matte paintings of the chasm. They always looked a little too... papery. 

On the same subject as changes, I made up a little video of suggestions for Adywan the other month, if anybody cares to take a look:



aalenfae said:

...a little video of suggestions for Adywan the other month, if anybody cares to take a look:


(Fixed da linky - there was an extra space at the end)

I really like the idea of Vader having his saber lit up, and ready for action when he enters the base.


On a slightly off-topic, techie note: Why was the frame rate of the video so...bad/weird?


Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

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Davnes007 said:

aalenfae said:

...a little video of suggestions for Adywan the other month, if anybody cares to take a look:


(Fixed da linky - there was an extra space at the end)

I really like the idea of Vader having his saber lit up, and ready for action when he enters the base.


On a slightly off-topic, techie note: Why was the frame rate of the video so...bad/weird?



I like the idea of Vader being more willing to kill in the shots, though I don't think having him have the lightsabre on is a very subtle way.

Remember OT is almost medieval-like in some aspect (before PT came up with more shit), with knights, princesses, etc. I always figured out that, unlike the Jedi, Vader only drews his sabre against other knights; as if only someone of his status deserves to die by his blade. A rather superb, an ancient-regime thought btw, something that someone over confident and fond of his ego like vader or any sith could believe. In fact, I think that's something that could be eventually pulled out as an interesting line in future PT:R.

We see Obi Wan attack the guy in the cantina with his sabre. Luke uses his sabre for chopping out the AT AT in Hoth, and later he uses it in the whole Jabba thing. But we never see that of Vader.

Those who are "lesser beings" always die choked, or in some other way that doesn't imply the sith lord moving a finger.

Again, a very medieval thought, and an interesting approach to what Jedi and Sith could believe of knighthood.


But even if this video is nice and insteresting, there's one thing I don't really like, cause it brings Vader down to real life. It's between 1:23 and 1:26, when he walks and has to evade an obstacle, passing between two pillars of the base. I always felt that part, even in the theatrical release, looks ackward and TVish. NOTHING can stand in vader's way if we don't want him to become some quotidian villain.



I actually like the motion blur on the AT-ATs, nice job. And most of these effects are really quite good for just mockups!

Only, I didn't like the troops debarking (though again, the effect was nicely executed) because it looks like the AT-AT's defecating. Seriously.


Haha, it's true what you say about the AT-AT. I really just kind of rushed that shot, but it'd be ideal to actually have a close-up of the doors opening or something to add more clarity. 

For Vader walking between the pillars, it might be awesome to see him force-blast the obstacles like he does to that poor door on Kamino in The Force Unleashed II.
(at 5:08)



Great video aalenfae  ... I dig all of those ideas. Even if AdY doesn't use any it would be interesting for someone else to implement some of them in an edit.

You guys are amazing with the things you can accomplish.


Those are lovely ideas (if Ady doesn't want them it might be worth someone doing them for an alternate edit).

For me it makes very little actual sense to see Vader with his blade out like (we don't see him stomping around the Tantive in ANH with his saber on) that but it adds visual impact.

It might be construed by the audience that this makes Vader seem more vulnerable (if he feels the need to have his saber on all the time when the only threats to him are a few stray Rebels which his troops can clean up).

It might be an idea to have that little laser on the underside of the Falcon shoot the hanger bay on the way out, obscuring the hanger exit in an avalanche to shield their escape.

The internal structures are already weakening (as demonstrated by the collapsing corridors) and it is the last ship to leave so it seems like a Han sort of thing to do.

The last shot from the hanger would then be Vader nonchalantly observing himself and his troops being temporarily walled in.


cool video. My 2 cents:

-Motion blur looks great on that shot.

-Vader with a lightsaber seems wildly unnecessary. Putting him on the defensive damages the coolness of the character as well, IMO.

-As far as the residual green screen goes... perhaps it's there; however the "fix" doesn't make any sense as the pilot's goggles are tinted orange... you wouldn't see blue sky through orange goggles, obviously. Those shots are probably fine as-is.


aalenfae said:


I think the most good addition on this are the AT.ATs at the end when the MF escapes. Really solves the mystery why they are gone and reminds me the promo picture of the battle aftermath.

Good work




It might happened offscreen when the troopers were deploying.

i like the visual interest here




Davnes007 said:

aalenfae said:

...a little video of suggestions for Adywan the other month, if anybody cares to take a look:


(Fixed da linky - there was an extra space at the end)

I really like the idea of Vader having his saber lit up, and ready for action when he enters the base.

I like the idea, but I think it's too soon on the video. Maybe only activate it from 1:51 onwards (on the video). This way it gives the idea that he could sense he's near, thus making more sense.


Rick2525 said:

by the 25th pic I was afraid that this guy has an abnormally high OCD

by the 30th pic I figured that my own desire for the pursuit of perfection pales in comparison to this guy (hehe, I was actually going to make this comment BEFORE I mentioned the OCD above)

by the 35th pic I just succumbed to the realisation that this guy just has WAAAYYY too much time on his hands ... either that, or he subscribes to the "Sam Raimi" style of story-telling where eventually it's all so over-the-top that it actually creates its own wicked vein of humour within ... check out Evil Dead to know what I mean here

Now see, this kinda sloppiness really gets my abnormally high OCD 'goat'...

...as there were only 34 pics in my original post, not 35!  ;)


Vladius said:

"Too much time on your hands" is a lazy excuse people make to shelter themselves from knowing that they are not as creative or hardworking as someone else.

On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that scene and you spent way too much of the time on your hands, however much that is, working on things that people will not notice.

Er...but I *did* happen to notice these things...although I can't speak for others.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course, but whatever amount of spare time I chose to use to draft up my original post is absolutely irrelevant...as the point is that because I noticed them, they were something I personally wanted adywan's thoughts on, to see if *he* agreed, or not.  Simply that.

A lot of things can be considered very trivial and unimportant at the end of the day, but I'm always personally interested to see whatever someone finds worthy of bringing up for adywan's attention, no matter how they go about it.  But I'm kinda uncertain whether to post my nearly finished, but lengthy 'Dagobah' screenshots/comments here now, if they're going to be a problem for some to scroll down past.  Maybe I should just put those and any future screenshots/mock-ups/comments I've got planned for 'ROTJ:R' onwards into a seperate thread altogether?  Or perhaps I should just PM them all directly to adywan?  I'm happy to go by what he wishes.


aalenfae said:

I think if anything about the scene needs to be corrected/updated/fixed, it would just be the matte paintings of the chasm.  They always looked a little... papery.

Well adywan's colour correction is certainly going to improve them throughout the sequence, but I just wonder if the inconsistent, darkened 'vents' during the shots I showed somehow made things look more obviously 'painterly', or not?

Some worthwhile efforts on your mock-up clip there aalenfae, and it's been interesting to see some of your other recent stuff too.  :)

While the overall effect looks really neat, I'm not sure that Vader would have his saber drawn as he storms the base with the troopers (unless he took someone out with it just before we see them break through, in which case he might then switch it off as he enters the area we see him), as I think he already comes across as pretty intimidating in the scene as it is, and is probably confident that his 'Force-powers' are more than enough to deal with the ones that he's after, should they give him any problems...  (although if Luke *had* been there and drawn his lightsaber, I'm guessing Vader would have done the same at that point) - additionally, Vader is only seen drawing his saber *after* Luke challenges him in the Carbon Chamber, and also only turns it on *after* Ben does in adywan's version of the 'ANH:R' duel.

But I'm certainly curious to see if there'll be any kind of 'embarking' from the AT-AT's in this particular edit, or not, eventually.  (I didn't really agree with Harmy's observation about it, but perhaps if you'd showed troops rappeling down from another of those AT-AT's at the same time too, it wouldn't have seemed like that to him.  Just a thought.)

Also, I'm uncertain that AT-AT's would have reached the 'back'(?) of the base that the Falcon flies out of...  (although I seem to remember wondering if more of them might been deposited to attack the base from other directions too, unseen by us, in the past...)

Just some of my own thoughts on that, but it's adywan's feedback that counts for this edit, of course.



I encourage you to post your Dagobah comments regardless of others' opinions.  I find your insight valuable and in the end, who cares what everyone else thinks.  But I think it was all meant in good fun anyway, so don't take it too hard as I've mistakenly done before.  Just post away.


Helping with ImpFight's analysis is what helped get me where I am today with the project, I'm always up for another in-depth review. The worst thing that could happen is someone would have to skim over it.

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Watching the OT on Spike right now, something I always noticed but don't remember seeing come up in the thread (although with almost 1000 pages, it's hard to go back and check for it)...

When Vader chokes Needa then turns to Piett for an update, at the end of the scene when Piett says "Alert all commands - deploy the fleet", for some reason the sound mix on that line sounds like Ben Burtt left the "comm link filter" on - it doesn't sound like Piett is there saying it but saying it over a comm channel.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


Just a quick heads up for any and all who might be interested in helping out on Revisited and/or sending Ady a little Xmas cheer....theres a Christmas donation drive going on right now. Its called "Donate 1". The idea is that if every Revisited fan donates just £1, which is easily affordable for just about anyone, then we should be able to raise fairly significant amounts towards the completion of ESB:R.

If you would like to join us in wishing Ady a Happy Christmas and sending him a little something to help him finish ESB:R, here are the links:

The "D1" page on the facebooks: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/265682046813540/

And the official SW:R website which has a donation link on the upper right hand side of the page: http://swrevisited.wordpress.com/

Hope you're all having a great Holiday Season! Cheers!


muddyknees2000 said:

Last I heard, yes. But that was some while ago.
Part of its up to you, 3rd Unit Director!

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