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 - never mind - (post deleted)


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Monroville said:

 - never mind - (post deleted)

 Be careful!

At any rate, it does seem a bit odd now that the side view has been pointed out as not showing the chamber.  Vader only takes one step and then poof it's gone.  Now I imagine seeing it retracting off to the left with a faint mechanical sound when I look at it.


Kenobius Prime JediTray said:

Monroville said:

 - never mind - (post deleted)

 Be careful!

Joke FAIL.

Especially considering you put it in adywan's thread.


Thanks for the links to Ady's previous comments re: the meditation chamber doorway ImperialFighter.

On a related note, I was re-watching the scene where Vader's helmet gets lowered onto his head while in the meditation chamber, and I started wondering: given the two piece configuration we see in ROTJ and ROTS, as well as the way it's removed/installed in each, wouldn't his face mask already be on?  If so, shouldn't we be seeing the top of the mask (the raised portion that sits on top of Vader's head)?  (See pictures 1 and 2 for reference).  I suppose one could argue that the mask and helmet are being lowered simultaneously, however we never see them put in place/removed together at any other time.

Right click and open in new tab or window for full size:




Also, when the helmet is lowered in ESB, there appears to be some sort of appendage on the front of the helmet -- I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the triangular vent of the front of the mask or not, but again, going by all other images of Vader's mask, I don't think we'd see any such protrusion, even if the mask were indeed attached at the time (see images 3, 4 & 5).  (Note: the appendage in question is more visible in motion than in the screen cap below).  That being said, I'm not sure if it's possible to digitally erase this portion or not in motion.




“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


If we go with that route then ady must add the face plate on vader's head.

That i think is something that he will not do.

ESB's helmet was meant to be 2 pieces i think






vaderios said:

If we go with that route then ady must add the face plate on vader's head.

Are you referring to the right side of Vader's face mask?  If so, this doesn't need to be added as it wouldn't be visible in the scene (part of the meditation chamber is blocking the front of Vader's head).  Only the raised crown-like section is visibly missing (assuming the mask is on). 

ESB's helmet was meant to be 2 pieces i think

Doesn't that just support what I said?


“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers



But still even the side part of the mask was not visible the upper lock should be (Like the image you posted in ROTJ)

This lock part almost embraces the top oh vader's head. :)

I dont even try to think that ady will do such a change :P


Also for the visible arm discussion.. here is an attempt.

I tried to fix most of the surrounding problems too

I like the new details on vader btw. Less dark areas :D





This may be getting into EU retconning, but who's to say Vader doesn't have multiple spare helmets?  Maybe different ones are designed differently internally and that particular day in TESB he just happened to be using a "one piece" helmet, or a "two piece" version that one day in ROTJ.  Maybe he started with the two-piece in ROTS, changed to the one-piece somewhere along the way and then went back to the two-piece somewhere after-ESB/before ROTJ.

Of course, the real reason is that ESB is the first time we see him without his helmet so they hadn't fully thought through how his helmet would break apart - they just did what worked for the scene - then re-designed the concept when they got to ROTJ.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


Made a quick time lapse shot of the cload car turning its engine on in reference to my earlier post. The sequence can be seen in this video, at the 1:58 mark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHwBJuwpD6E&feature=related

The SE now has a different angle on that same pod lifting off from the pad, but its engine is already lit, and then it cuts to this original shot, trimming a couple seconds off the begining of it, which cuts most of the fade on of the engine, but you still catch just a little of it, which makes no sense as it was already on in the previous shot.


What would have really made that sequence is Lando appearing just in the second to last frame.*


If you notice this pad is in the wrong position/height in the SE. Everything that Ties the SE flyby and the OT matte pointing to wrong angles and wrong positioning of everything.




Personally what I'd love to see is the Cloud Car removed when its lifting off in the SE shot.......or have it much lower....with the engine at appropriate brightness considering the following shot......and then have the original shot with the couple seconds at the begining restored. Easy enough fix in my opinion. (though I AM aware that hours of work would probably have to go into making it happen)


Ady I ve noticed some variance that might be interesting.

Impfighter i want your put here if you want :)

In the first image (i brighten it up in purpose) you can see before the holo appeared a different pattern on the wall.. That have two rentagle holes.

I tried think what would be more easy. adding a similar pylon like the rest of the others to that spot or make the back walls like they should be?

Assuming that not only one pylon with that pattern would be present thats why i ve made 2. Maybe im wrong and its only one.

Fancy that this room is full of surprises and variations

For the more radical ones the double rentagles might be the emitters of the holograms :P ;)





vaderios said:

Also for the visible arm discussion.. here is an attempt.

I tried to fix most of the surrounding problems too

I like the new details on vader btw. Less dark areas :D



That looks great! I agree on the more details, less darkness part for sure. Original looks a little dull imo.

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tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




Monroville said:

Ripplin said:

I like the idea of the entrance to the meditation room either being guarded or extended (like in vaderios' old mock-up) being brought up again. Makes sense that it would be more secluded, not open so that every no-name Imperial noob could see Vader in his big black egg as they walk by, especially if he has his helmet off.

 Or at least another set of doors behind Piett to serve as an airlock... Vader is in that suit for a reason, and to have one set of doors where everyone's germs can get in and infect him (being that the pod was open for Piett to see his knarly head BEFORE the helmet was lowered and re-attached to his suit) wouldn't serve a Sith Lord too well if the one thing that killed him was the common flu.

I'm not going to be adding anything to the doors or behind them. I'm going to keep this shot exactly the way it always has been. It makes more sense to me that the chamber would be just off from the bridge control room. Anyone walking outside would be able to see vader inside the camber anyway. Just look at the height of the largest bottom sides of the chamber. There is one directly between vader and the door, so you wouldn't see him in there. The meditation chamber itself would have some sort of force field to protect him then when he has his mask off.

Also the mask could be take off in one piece as this is a mechanical device that takes it off then re-fits it. Luke had to take Vaders mask off manually in ROTJ so wouldn't have had the electronic devices needed to remove it all in one. (well this is my interpretation on it anyway), so no fix needed here, especially when the scene where he gets the suit won't be seen in ROTS:R anyway.

Monroville said:

I guess a couple of points to bring up too:

(1) will the holo room walls be toned to grey to match the meditation room wall colors?
(2) will there be anything coming out of the "red lights" on the posts to indicate the hologram projector(s) (nothing as harsh as say when R2 projects a hologram, but maybe have the red lights turn brighter blue and flicker a bit - even if there is no hint of a projector beam - just to show that the holo-room is on and active).

1. The walls have been toned down but not grey as the walls in the chamber have a blue tint to them which has nothing to do with the 2004 colouring

2. no

DarthJarJar said:

Why does he communicate with Ozzle via a monitor, but with his ground troops and the Emperor via hologram? It is inconsistent. Do you plan to address this Ady?

no. no problem here. He communicates through hologram to all off ship personnel but uses the monitor for on board communication.

muddyknees2000 said:

I've got another quick question concerning cloud city......if you dont mind. Theres an establishing shot of leia up in a tower through a window.....this is the scene where she indicates she's worried about c3po.....in the establishing shot of the scene, pre SE, there used to be a pod car lifting off from a landing platform, and its engine slowly came on and got brighter before it flies off.......and in the SE, they've actually added another shot of the pod lifting off from the platform, but its engine is already on, and THEN they cut to the original shot (or a new one made to look like the old), a few seconds past its original start, meaning that the engine no longer comes on, its just on. It was a tiny detail, but I always liked it......are you restoring little things like that, or no?

No, i won't be restoring that effect. tracking the ship in the previous SE shot and replacing it with a new ship which replacing background elements that are all moving would be a nightmare, all for just a small effect. Also, the building position problems between the SE and the older matte will have to stay. I made a new matte and placed the buildings/platform in the correct position and boy did the shot looks bad. The composite just didn't look right at all. It has been slightly tweaked, but the positioning remains almost the same

The Golden Idol said:

Hey Ady, I'm very sorry to hear about your health, feel better! I really hope none of ESB:R was lost when your motherboard was fried. :(

Still in a lot of pain and my face is the size of a football thanks to the abscess but on the positive side nothing was lost when the board fried. It was all down to the new heatsink/fan i installed on the board. The northbridge was getting too hot with the standard pipe/heatsink and this was affecting the heat inside the case and the board itself, so i replaced it with a fan based one. The thing is that the fan failed and the board then failed to shut down, like it is supposed to do upon fan failure, and the northbridge  burned out part of the board. It was usable for a while, but running at a much lower speed and with half the memory slots disabled but after a few days it gave up. looking for a new one now although this will take a while to afford. Unfortunately aswell the guarantee is void due to changing the northbridge cooling. I suspect that it was the board that actually failed and shut the fan down as none of the case fans that were attached to the board were running when i discovered what happened, but they all worked perfectly once the pc was restarted.

ImperialFighter said:

And while I remember, here's something else I've been meaning to bring up adywan, and I've included a few shots for easier judging -

Do you reckon that the black, circular 'hologram' prop seen in shots 1, 3, and 4 is actually missing from shot 2, or not? 

Should we still be able to see a little bit of it, or not?  Or has shot 2 just been filmed from a deceiving angle?


it probably should be in shot but the holograms are also in a different position so the pod should be behind them anyway so i won't be changing this





Adywan sir, I can't wait to see what you have in store for fans with the prequels....years away though they may be.


I think I will be old and graying posting here when RotS arrives. But hey, the fun is in the doing.


Update: Hopes for added content for ESB:R?

Lucasfilm has officially announced the Blu-ray release of the entire "Star Wars" film series in September. Three distinct sets are being made to meet the needs of every fan:

Star Wars: The Complete Saga (9-Discs w/ all six films)
Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy (3-Discs w/ Episodes I-III)
Star Wars: Original Trilogy (3-Discs w/ Episodes IV-VI)

All of them will be issued with the highest quality possible picture and audio presentation. The 'Complete Saga' set includes three additional discs with more than 30 hours of extensive special features including never-before-seen deleted and alternate scenes, an exploration of the exclusive Star Wars archives, and much more.


Sounds like there may be some good stuff maybe to add to the ESB:R, lets just hope it isnt tinted blue, green or whatever else Lucas has in his mind while dreaming of Jar Jar.


Yes, Adywan is hoping that the "Deleted Scenes" includes the original scenes so him and others could recreate the theatrical edition in HD. Also, some actual deleted scenes could provide alternate angles or shots he could use. Maybe the sound mix would be better as well, who knows at this point?

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gurgle1624 said:

The 'Complete Saga' set includes three additional discs with more than 30 hours of extensive special features including never-before-seen deleted and alternate scenes, an exploration of the exclusive Star Wars archives, and much more.

Somehow, I can't but hope and feel...

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tehPARADOX**Galen_Marek_True_Jedi **(I know… <span style=“padding: 0px; margin: 0px; text-decoration: underline;”>don’t ask</span>)
My Man of Tomorrow (Superman Returns) Fan Edit (FanEdit forum link)




Wait.  So, in order to get the new deleted scenes, you have to shell out for all 6 movies?



adywan said:

the scene where he gets the suit won't be seen in ROTS:R anyway.

Hang on a second.  How will we know who is in the suit?