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Yes, but he did engineer an entire war just to gain power, did he not? Seems to me to be yet another crafty lie. :P


Yeah it was a lie, but the fact that he was scarred he was able to use that as evidence he was attacked.


Lol. Are we agreeing on the same point? I think I misinterpreted your first comment. :)


GM....your latest emporer/vader scene is great! I still think the interuption really adds a lot. The Emporer theme is a welcome addition as well. I didn't have any audio on Ady's latest mix thing, but that original emporer was a freaky looking fella. Not at all like palps, just some random sith that was hanging around for the weekend or something, while sidious was out of town? I just want to say that like it or not, the story George wrote, is the story. His story is canon, so although so many feel like the way they imagined it is the way the story should have been, you were wrong, deal with it. Peace.....

The Golden Idol said:



I can't believe I just noticed this, but is that Zuckuss at the right of the screencap? If it is, then that's two bounty hunters in this scene!


It is actually the Zuckuss head on a 2-1B body.

Siliconmaster482 said:

Octorox said:

Iv'e always hated Palp's transformation in Ep III. I'd prefer to think the disfigurement came through the years of artificially prolonging his life using the Dark side of the force. I wish Palp could have just have looked like himself (pre-transformation) but paler and with sith eyes that flare up at times throughout EpIII. A slow transformation through the Dark side makes more sense than instant disfigurement.


My thoughts on that were that due to his increased Dark Side usage in the prequels, Palpy was already beginning to look older and creepier, as seen in the numerous Darth Sideous holograms. I know he was cloaked, but he still seemed older and uglier than "Senator" and "Chancellor" Palatine did. I thought he might have been using the force to disguise his features. When zapped by his own lightning, he said, oh, here's a nice excuse to look evil like normal. Also, this might further explain the "I can't hold it anymore..." line. It could refer to his lightning, but it doesn't really make a lot of sense. Why would he hold his attack if it were crippling him? Would it not make more sense that he were losing his disguise? Note that he also does not seem very concerned that he looks creepy. Without even looking in a mirror he draws up his cloak to hide his disfigurements, suggesting he already knows what he looks like.


Anyways, ontopic, I like the droid gag idea. :P Would be something fun to look for while watching the original trilogy.



Yep...that's the way I've always seen it. I think I gave a big explanation on that theory on another thread somewhere here. I mean, the guy has just been frazzeld big time, but does it hurt him? No..Does he really give a shit? No. He just gets up as if it has all gone to plan. Also, if he was just disfigured due to the lightning, I doubt his face would have been so symmetrical looking.

My take on it was that he was using the force to disguise his true face. Using all that power in the lightning was draining the power to disguise himself. Once his plan was in motion, there was no need to look like kind, friendly old Palps he could just use the excuse that the Jedi disfigured and scarred him. Just more bullcrap to help his move to become Emperor





I havent had any problems as yet with my wireless Sky connection (other than it was running like a 56k modem a few days back).

I read somewhere there were several IG-88s made, and upon activation killed their creator, which could explain the white IG-88. Its all cannon crap though.

Sluggo said:

The Golden Idol said:



I can't believe I just noticed this, but is that Zuckuss at the right of the screencap? If it is, then that's two bounty hunters in this scene!


It is actually the Zuckuss head on a 2-1B body.

 Um, why???

Zuckuss isn't a droid, so WTF?


Seems like the logical thing would be to replace Zuck-1B with the super battle droid someone mentioned. I like the idea of a broken battle droid cameoing in each film in the OT, as a sort of running gag, especially given there's a reasonable place for it to happen.

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The Golden Idol said:

Sluggo said:

The Golden Idol said:



I can't believe I just noticed this, but is that Zuckuss at the right of the screencap? If it is, then that's two bounty hunters in this scene!


It is actually the Zuckuss head on a 2-1B body.

 Um, why???

Zuckuss isn't a droid, so WTF?


Because its just a movie. They needed props so they cannibalised existing ones to make new ones. A Zuckuss head on a 2-1B body looks like a new robot when it just goes by in the background. Thats why IG-88 is grey--its not IG-88. IG-88 is black, but thats one's grey, its supposed to be a different droid, thats why its at Bespin and painted different, they just re-used the props so they wouldn't have to fabricate new ones from scratch. EU writers couldn't resist turning it into a highly contrived story point because EU has such little room to go that they have to latch onto every petty detail in the film and enlarge into something it clearly was never meant to be.

I think this should be left alone. Its not IG-88. And even if it was black, I'm sure that in scrap yards around the galaxy there are droids that are the same model as him rotting around. Thats kind of the justification.

HotRod said:

Oh and does everyone else see the green and red text above?

Yep. Looks strange. So is this Sky a satellite internet connection or something? One of my friend's whop lives well out of town has that, since cable internet is currently impossible to have out there and they can't get DSL either, for whatever reason. Anyway, it's awful. :p Very inconsistent and unreliable, from what I've heard. (and seen a bit, too)

Anywho, I'm sure Ady will be doing something with that incinerator scene and I think it would be fun if he kept it a complete secret! ;)

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HotRod said:

ooops...stupid wireless Sky crap connection...Double post


Oh and does everyone else see the green and red text above?   Goddam shitty, shitty sky!!!!!!


I also see the green and red text here.

ben_danger said:

maybe another battledroid reference could be added?

But would'nt they have melted that droid by then? I mean, I doubt battledroids were used after the clonewars right? So it should've been deactivated for 20 years... unlikely to be collecting dust in a recycling facility.

Maybe I'm just thinking too much :P


ady, i don't know if this has been mentioned before but if possible i'd love to see some signs of re-entry burn through luke's viewport as he plummets into degobah's atmosphere



that just looks so much better than the white IG88


on palpatines disfigurement, the ROTS novel certainly gave me the impression that he was masking himself

it's just a shame the makeup was so unrealistic - should have been much more subtle

i think in the end we will get a truely awesome revisited OT

the PT?  well you can pollish a turd - but it will still be a turd

it's going to take something godlike to bring them into the same ballpark as the OT:R

skive hard, play hard
professa skiving at work said:

ady, i don't know if this has been mentioned before but if possible i'd love to see some signs of re-entry burn through luke's viewport as he plummets into degobah's atmosphere



that just looks so much better than the white IG88


on palpatines disfigurement, the ROTS novel certainly gave me the impression that he was masking himself

it's just a shame the makeup was so unrealistic - should have been much more subtle

i think in the end we will get a truely awesome revisited OT

the PT?  well you can pollish a turd - but it will still be a turd

it's going to take something godlike to bring them into the same ballpark as the OT:R


Good to know my theory has some backup. :P Also, I think a more refined edit along the lines of MagFan's prequels would work nicely, with the combination of the touch-ups seen in the OT:R. Obviously, the graphics are almost completely refined, due to their more recent creation. Also, with GoodMusician's complete scores, any voice changes/overdubbing would be much more easily carried out, since the background music would not have to be compromised.


professa skiving at work said:

the PT?  well you can pollish a turd - but it will still be a turd


Yes, but one must find the diamonds the animal ate before the turd. GL may fail at dialogue work, but he definitely had some great ideas. The trick is to isolaate them from the rubbish.


DarthBo said:

ben_danger said:

maybe another battledroid reference could be added?

But would'nt they have melted that droid by then? I mean, I doubt battledroids were used after the clonewars right? So it should've been deactivated for 20 years... unlikely to be collecting dust in a recycling facility.

Maybe I'm just thinking too much :P


It's been 20 years or so: let's look for a relevant RL example. Old audio receivers. :D There are still '80s or earlier audio receivers lying around junk shops, even though much newer and more advanced models exist. I think it makes sense that at least some battle droids would have been utilized for guard duty, etc. Lol.


But these are junk shops and garbage piles we're talking about. This scene makes it look like everything onscreen is seconds away from the fire. Why would it take them that long to melt the battle droids from 20 years ago? Heck, I bet that whole facility was built AFTER the Clone Wars...

The one added to the sandcrawler scene was enough. Subtle. Lucas has lost all sense of subtlty, there's no need to copy him in all his mistakes! These are recycled props... so there's no need to turn that into IG-88, and make Zuckuss sitting there smoking a cigar and reading the Bespin Times.


Personally I saw enough Battle droids in the prequels. Why do I need to spend the rest of the OT seeing them lying around?

Is Adywan the next George Lucas that he needs a "trademark" to drop into every fan edit like the overused THX-1138 or "I have a bad feeling about this"?


*tears* Leave Britney... I mean... the Battle Droids, ALONE! PLEASE!

Kurgan said:

But these are junk shops and garbage piles we're talking about. This scene makes it look like everything onscreen is seconds away from the fire. Why would it take them that long to melt the battle droids from 20 years ago? Heck, I bet that whole facility was built AFTER the Clone Wars...


Personally I saw enough Battle droids in the prequels. Why do I need to spend the rest of the OT seeing them lying around?

Is Adywan the next George Lucas that he needs a "trademark" to drop into every fan edit like the overused THX-1138 or "I have a bad feeling about this"?


*tears* Leave Britney... I mean... the Battle Droids, ALONE! PLEASE!

 I agree, seeing PT battle droids in the OT only reminds me of the PT and ruins  my OT experience. Burn battle droids burn.  LOL guys


Hahaha. I was only making a point. :P The one battle droid in ANH was probably enough. We wouldn't want to end up emulating the very one whose errors we seek to repair. A subtle droid might work though. :)


Just one unpopular post for those of us who actually really like the PT......go PT go.....great movies!!!


personally i think a small battledroid reference would be fun, but perhaps kurgan has a point. does ady plan to do a purist/non purist version again? it could be something that features in one and not the other.

gavin77 said:

Just one unpopular post for those of us who actually really like the PT......go PT go.....great movies!!!

on the topic.....GO BATTLE FOR ENDOR!




I was digging through T-bon'e Star Wars Universe and was just reading his review of the 2004 DVDs.  He never mentions the bad colors (he believed they were deliberate changes), but I did find this part very interesting:

Right before the DVDs were released, I received a message from a friend who’s in the industry asking if I’ve seen the bad rendering of R2-D2 in Episode V. I really didn’t have any idea what he meant but he sent me a few pictures to compare the shots. I did and to be frank, I don’t really see anything all that upsetting. He seemed to be really upset about the big eye in particular.

Here's what he had to say:

What we are seeing here, is what appears to be a horrible re-rendering job of R2-D2. What I mean by this, is that they took the actual R2-D2 from the scene (that didn't have any 'blue' in it because it would have disappeared into the blue screen effects work) and placed CGI rendered 'blue pieces' over the originals to change the color of him from black to blue. What has incompetently occurred here is two serious flaws.

The first is the obvious poor rendering of R2's 'EYE' (the view port in the head that Kenny Baker could see out of) that is the square-ish panel on the front with a rounded lens in the center of it. What you will see, is how this horribly rendered replacement view port recreates R2's lens in an absolutely ridiculous and flawed way. Instead of being the right size, it is roughly 35% smaller and has the extra space around the lens made up with blue coloring. Just do a quick comparison between R2 in ANY other shot in the saga and you will see how HORRIBLE this looks and how poorly executed this change was.

Secondly, you will also notice in the same shot, that the side blue panels on R2 now also have an overlay of 'blue' to cover the original 'black' panels. These are just below the 'eye' and go around his head. The problem here is that by the end of the shot, R2 is moving his head back and forth, but the blue overlays move at a different speed to the rest of his head! So instead of a quick fine tuning that the effects element and rendering could have had, they sloppily just threw this overlay on, and didn't make any effort to perfect this effects shot.

In general, this is a horrible rendering job, and another embarrassment that no filmmaker should ever let get out. This DVD set was rushed, and the flaws of the rush are evident; especially the incompetent and inconsistent sound mix on A New Hope including the reversed music channels in the surrounds.

After looking at it for a while, I do see what he means but since my eye wasn’t looking for it, I didn’t notice it. The dark inset part of the eye is a bit small. Click on the image to the right for a nice comparison of all three versions of the shot in question. The top shot is from the new DVD set, the bottom left is from the original release (note the black panels on R2), and the bottom right is the 1997 Special Edition version. Looking at them all together it does seem they went a little overboard with the blue for the DVD release. Personally, I still don’t think this shot looks that bad but my friend was pretty adamant that it didn’t look so hot so I’d be remiss not to mention it. I mean, this is really nit picky stuff, after all. He’s a good guy and very professional so I’m sure his complaint is valid. I think he’s an R2-D2 fan so of course he’s a little biased. The set may have been rushed but it's OK for a set to hold us over until...whenever.

Here is the comparison:


I think I've noticed the drift before and this shot has R2's panels way more blue than the others, but CG panels when the 1997 version looks just fine?  What do you think?  Are they CG panels or just a product of the higher resolution?

And to bring it back to the revelency of the thread, how should Ady handle this?

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satanika said:

Here's one (tiny) thing that's always bothered me... (Not sure if it's been mentioned, if so, sorry :) )

It looks like one of the claws of the Tauntaun model broke off... Makes it look a bit fake.

It's actually the webbed part between it's claws. So doesn't need fixing

ben_danger said:



maybe another battledroid reference could be added?

Sluggo said:

seven said:

We first see IG-88 here in the bounty hunter scene.


In the book "Tales of a Bounty Hunter" Boba Fett 'killed' IG-88 and he wound up here in the junk pile (next to the furnace). But for continuity, his color will have to be changed to match.


Ady's not gonna make a change based on an EU book. The book should have matched the movie.

I have said before that the EU does not exist to me and there will be nothing changed or added because it has been referenced in anything outside of the movies. There are many protocol droids that look just like 3PO and are different colours so there is bound to be other versions of IG-88. Also there will be no PT droids anywhere in ESB:R. The reference was there in ANH:R because it was a nod to link the two trilogies. There doesn't need to be any more in the other movies.

R5D4 fan said:

Not for nothing, but there's a music bridge that was in the 1980 version that was "improved" for the revisions. It's right when Yoda pulls the X-wing out of the swamp and answers Luke's scepticism with "That is why you fail..." Then there's the shot of the shuttle going to Vader's ship and Captain Needa hitting the floor. The original bridge was less busy, minus the blaring horns.........

Adywan, will you be using the original or the new "special edition" version?



The pre-SE version was a horrible cut to a different secton of the music. For the SE it was returned to the way it was originally recorded (and was on the soundtracks LPs) and IMHO sounds 100% better, so the SE version will be staying.

Ripplin said:

Taken from the 35mm thread, this is a still from the Vintage Edit, but is present in the other examples as well:


Very crooked saber there, Luke. :p

Yeh, all crooked sabers will be fixed.

gavin77 said:

Just one unpopular post for those of us who actually really like the PT......go PT go.....great movies!!!

God, you're really gonna hate me when i get to the PT. I'm going to be ripping those movies to shreds, beyond all recognition. lol

doubleofive said:

I was digging through T-bon'e Star Wars Universe and was just reading his review of the 2004 DVDs. He never mentions the bad colors (he believed they were deliberate changes), but I did find this part very interesting:

Right before the DVDs were released, I received a message from a friend who’s in the industry asking if I’ve seen the bad rendering of R2-D2 in Episode V. I really didn’t have any idea what he meant but he sent me a few pictures to compare the shots. I did and to be frank, I don’t really see anything all that upsetting. He seemed to be really upset about the big eye in particular.

Here's what he had to say:

What we are seeing here, is what appears to be a horrible re-rendering job of R2-D2. What I mean by this, is that they took the actual R2-D2 from the scene (that didn't have any 'blue' in it because it would have disappeared into the blue screen effects work) and placed CGI rendered 'blue pieces' over the originals to change the color of him from black to blue. What has incompetently occurred here is two serious flaws.

The first is the obvious poor rendering of R2's 'EYE' (the view port in the head that Kenny Baker could see out of) that is the square-ish panel on the front with a rounded lens in the center of it. What you will see, is how this horribly rendered replacement view port recreates R2's lens in an absolutely ridiculous and flawed way. Instead of being the right size, it is roughly 35% smaller and has the extra space around the lens made up with blue coloring. Just do a quick comparison between R2 in ANY other shot in the saga and you will see how HORRIBLE this looks and how poorly executed this change was.

Secondly, you will also notice in the same shot, that the side blue panels on R2 now also have an overlay of 'blue' to cover the original 'black' panels. These are just below the 'eye' and go around his head. The problem here is that by the end of the shot, R2 is moving his head back and forth, but the blue overlays move at a different speed to the rest of his head! So instead of a quick fine tuning that the effects element and rendering could have had, they sloppily just threw this overlay on, and didn't make any effort to perfect this effects shot.

In general, this is a horrible rendering job, and another embarrassment that no filmmaker should ever let get out. This DVD set was rushed, and the flaws of the rush are evident; especially the incompetent and inconsistent sound mix on A New Hope including the reversed music channels in the surrounds.

After looking at it for a while, I do see what he means but since my eye wasn’t looking for it, I didn’t notice it. The dark inset part of the eye is a bit small. Click on the image to the right for a nice comparison of all three versions of the shot in question. The top shot is from the new DVD set, the bottom left is from the original release (note the black panels on R2), and the bottom right is the 1997 Special Edition version. Looking at them all together it does seem they went a little overboard with the blue for the DVD release. Personally, I still don’t think this shot looks that bad but my friend was pretty adamant that it didn’t look so hot so I’d be remiss not to mention it. I mean, this is really nit picky stuff, after all. He’s a good guy and very professional so I’m sure his complaint is valid. I think he’s an R2-D2 fan so of course he’s a little biased. The set may have been rushed but it's OK for a set to hold us over until...whenever.

Here is the comparison:


I think I've noticed the drift before and this shot has R2's panels way more blue than the others, but CG panels when the 1997 version looks just fine? What do you think? Are they CG panels or just a product of the higher resolution?

And to bring it back to the revelency of the thread, how should Ady handle this?

Only that shot and 1 other looks fine in the '97 version (and in the 2004 version but heavily saturated). That comparison shot is very misleading because the 2004 shot is from a different section where the colouring is really bad. If they had put the correct shot in there for the 2004 version then it would ahve looked almost the same as the '97 versionthey overdid the rest of the shots and there are times that you can see the new colour overlay doesn't line up correctly. Its going to eb a bugger to fix but it the colouring needs taking back a lot.

ben_danger said:

personally i think a small battledroid reference would be fun, but perhaps kurgan has a point. does ady plan to do a purist/non purist version again? it could be something that features in one and not the other.


There will be no Purist edition