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Will the Falcon itself look more realistic in the finished version, Ady?
Angel, you actually proved my point with that podcar comparison shot. The illusion of the podcar becoming darker as it passes the sun is due to the light bleed surrounding the object fully. As you can clearly see the podcar is in fact the same brightness but the illusion is created. Now the falcon doesn't pass the sun so the light bleeds all around it so the illusion of it becoming darker wouldn't be there. Don't forget that this is still a work in progress so all the colouring etc is incomplete. But the falcon DOES have a strong orange hue. It also hasn't had the shadow pass added as it flies behind the cloud and the engine glows from the pod cars is missing also. But they are above the clouds so light is bouncing from all around off the clouds which would light up the underside of the falcon. The falcon has never been as dark as the cloud it passes and darkening it much more looks odd. But the lighting on the original falcon shot as it passes the cloud is wrong as it has the entire light source coming from below, which made the original falcon look darker.
And angel, the AVCHD TIEs were returned to how they looked originally before the red tint added in 2004 as that was a '97 preservation. They are not as they will appear in ESB:R
Anyway, here's a couple fo photos of the things i ahve been working on recently for the Hoth Troopers 2nd unit shoot
1: backpack frames. Unassembled
2: Trooper costume accessories (the rank insignia, glove decal and hat communicator). These are just the clay versions ready for the silicon moulding stage
Will the Falcon itself look more realistic in the finished version, Ady?
rpvee said:
Will the Falcon itself look more realistic in the finished version, Ady?
More realistic? I think it looks fine now
adywan said:
rpvee said:
Will the Falcon itself look more realistic in the finished version, Ady?
More realistic? I think it looks fine now
It still screams "CGI" to me, as I said on the previous page. I know it is CGI, but it just really, really looks animated. Not model-like. Compared to the rest of the film where the Falcon is the original model, it's going to stand out big time.
I hate nitpicking your work Ady... you produce something far beyond what most of us could ever hope to achieve, and still we find fault in it
... and yet, I have to agree with those that think the Falcon looks a little "off" in that clip. The physics of the ship are bang on (size, speed, trajectory, etc.); as others have pointed out it's the colour that seems to be the issue. Some have said it needs more orange light reflecting off it, some say it should be darker. Personally, I think it just looks too white. The Falcon always looked dirtier/greyer to me.
That being said, the clip does look amazing, and as is would still stand as a terrific effect in the film. However, you did choose to post it, so I'm figuring you aren't adverse to getting some feedback on it.
“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers
Hi Ady, your new clip looks really great and so does the molds for the second unit, cannot wait to see them in "action".
Monroville said:
The Falcon (especially when it is to the right of the cloud, immediately before moving past the sun and the camera swinging around) looks either too bright (in comparison to the cloud right next to it) or there is not enough detail... something just looks odd or CGI about it.
I do not think the Falcon is too bright. I do think there is not enough detail, or that the detail that is there is not sufficiently dark/pronounced, to the effect that the Falcon seems whitewashed and artificial as it comes up to the point at which it is closest to the viewer.
Here's the same clip with the falcon's shadow pass added
(and i do not want this posted to youtube. thanks)
That looks as close to perfection as could possibly be called for.
Fluid motion but not phony looking, rich colours applied with care.
Everything fits comfortably.
This is much better than anyone could have expected (possibly even yourself Ady).
I can't wait to see how this flows with the footage on either side in the final cut, it's clearly a labour of love.
Bee-you-tea-full! :D
I run the comparison in photoshop :D
I like that some colors actually burned on the falcon giving the retro look..
Ady just a thought, considering revisiting your previous ideas.
Have in mind that the building that our heroes land is roundish.. or at least its round from the one side? Im not suggesting alter the design, just give the indication that its round :)
Nice props you got there :D
That clip looks amazing! I can't wait to see it with a huge roar of the engine as it passes the camera.
adywan said:
Here's the same clip with the falcon's shadow pass added
(and i do not want this posted to youtube. thanks)
This looks fantastic!!
Nice one :D
Children in the backseat of a car can cause accidents, but accidents in the backseat of a car can cause children.
Thaaaaaaaaat's Her!!
Nice 1 Ady!!
Now that is much more like it. Well done, Ady!
adywan said:
Anyway, here's a couple fo photos of the things i ahve been working on recently for the Hoth Troopers 2nd unit shoot
1: backpack frames. Unassembled
2: Trooper costume accessories (the rank insignia, glove decal and hat communicator). These are just the clay versions ready for the silicon moulding stage
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDD Can't wait to see these and suit up fully armed and operational. ;)
I talk to my film crew today over a few drinks. They're in good spirits and we'll be looking at alternatives to snow just in case. Obviously actual snow would be best but if not we'll make it snow somewhere... The impossible is what we do best after all. =D
The impossible is what Rogues do best...
Holy smokes Dr Jones! That shot is looking very grande!
Shameless self promotion...
Haven't posted here in quite a while, but I've been trying to keep up with Ady's progress...
That clip with the Falcon is stunning! It can only imagine how much better it would be with music and sound effects added, watching it on the big screen... er, ok, a 40' LCD TV.
Can't wait to see TESB:R finished. Pardon me for asking, but the thread is quite large, are there any parts of the restoration (or, to be precise, enhancement) project that are completely finished and don't require any additional work?
The clip is amazed me, and from my point of view the falcon as real as it can be. It doesn't seems CGI...not at all. Moreover it is like an old fashioned model from the old time which is great and makes the scene more believable to me. It is simple perfect, no need to change at all.
Zééé said
The clip is amazed me, and from my point of view the falcon as real as it can be. It doesn't seems CGI...not at all. Moreover it is like an old fashioned model from the old time which is great and makes the scene more believable to me. It is simple perfect, no need to change at all.
The recent clip posted on this page has been modified by Adywan.
That's why you don't see anything wrong with it!......it's Ace!!!
Considering ady fixed the bad colored matte here is my try :)
Giving it a more dynamic look and now it is round!
Details and all match the live action close ups as well the walls are white and not orange..Still the floor has to be white but..whatever :P
And yes i left the backdrop intact because i was lazy to make a morning one :P
I hope you don't run into any problems getting the props sent to for location shooting.
They look just the sort of thing that :
A) Some over zealous security jobsworth would wreck to make sure it's not hiding something or going to explode.
B) A nice little item to slam a huge customs charge on.
Or are you doing the filming close enough to home to avoid this?
vaderios said:
the new one reminds me of a video game.
John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed: