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Not triplets.








My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


That's beautiful Ady. The whole thing. How long did it take you to amass all of those sound effects?

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Sevb32 said:
Scotty Balls said:

Just for my own piece of mind. Here are a few points I'd like to make about what I'd like to see/not see...

1 - Implied violence is ALWAYS more frightening than shown. For that reason, we don't need to see the Wampa.

2 - Get rid of the recycled ROTJ Vader Shuttle footage. It was HORRIBLE, and should never been seen (except in ROTJ) again.

3 - The Emperor hologram sequence. While I never saw a problem with the original look or Clive Revil's voice in the first place. I rather enjoyed hearing Ian McDiarmid. However, I thought he looked like total shite. Can you use footage of him from ROTJ, and make it look more "hologram-y". The 2004 ESB DVD had the hologram not looking tranparent enough. Also, PLEASE cut out all the new dialogue that Ian recorded for the 2004 DVD, and leave only the original conversation between Vader & The Emp. the new dialogue makes Vader's reveal to Luke completely redundant to the viewer, and takes away ALL of the emotional tension.

Of course, I'm sure you've thought of all this already.

You must be new here!


Nah, Scotty has been here for years.  He just doesn't post much.  Most of you guys are newer than he is, so be careful where you wave the noob wand, noob!  ;)


Well maybe not new, but not reading up much, and I guess he didn't see the updated Emperor hologram among other things.


Looks great, but I am hoping he added sky traffic, because that is after Lando advised people to leave.

adywan said:

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The buildings are tilted towards the viewer. They had obviously been "shot" at a tilted angle originally.

In this shot, the camera is level and at eye-height. If you draw a horizontal line from the trooper's eyes, a circular row of windows above this line should not be curving down in the middle as they do on the left.

adywan said:

I don't think the two entrances need to be made to look the same. Don't forget there is a north and south entrance to the base. although the mattes need enhancing they don't need to be exactly the same

i have things planned for the sequence where the shield generator is destroyed but i'm keeping this one secret until the edit is released.

as for vaders chamber, i do like the corridor idea abut not an airlock or lift. he wouldn't need a sterile environment so his wounds wouldn't get infected because they would have healed after all this time. i've always thought that the actual  meditation unit had some sort of inbuilt force field protecting Vader when he has his mask off and that his breathing apparatus was linked into its systems which would allow him to have his mask off for short periods of time. i won't be doing any changes to that apart from the entrance.


I've just noticed that this original post has disappeared. very strange. hmm

vaderios said:

Oh! Sweet new matte! One question, the bluish part of the sky should be there to previous shots right?

Sevb32 said:

Looks great, but I am hoping he added sky traffic, because that is after Lando advised people to leave.

this is a temp shot to check the composite before final render so many of the elements are unfinished or missing. I have to do this to check that the tracking of the new mattes matches the original footage. if you notice the original footage is hardly stable and adding a new matte without tracking the originals motion would look odd if the new matte was static but the original element was unstable. This shot was more of a teaser as i won't be showing any more finished shots until after the trailer is released. So it already has a different sky & sky traffic since i posted that pic as the shot is now complete. you'll just have to wait til either the trailer or the movie is released to see the finished shot .lol

Tobar said:

That's beautiful Ady. The whole thing. How long did it take you to amass all of those sound effects?

I've been collecting various sound Fx over the years but i managed to get hell of a lot of Star Wars effects from HERE.

ben_danger said:

wow ady, are you inserting completely new sound effects? (did you do that in ANH:R)

yes the soundtrack for ANH:R featured a rebuilt  sound mix with new sound FX and the same will be done to ESB:R




Hey Ady, thanks for responding, I know I sound like a nag, but what you have done has got me so excited!


Thanks again!


Slightly off topic here.

I can't open the TPM game sound files at the site you linked to Ady.

Does it have the extra Darth Maul (performed by Peter Serafinowicz) dialogue in there?

I have the PSone version of the game and I was going to investigate and possibly sample that for TPM edits but if someone has already done that I'd like to avoid duplication of effort.


Can't wait till its all done now, i can see ur up bright and early today Adywan.


Cant wait for this new trailer u mentioned either, you have reawakened the OT fan in me, i was so hooked on PT that i often chose to watch it over OT. Thanks for bringin me bk to the light lol. Just like to say cant wait till u start on ROTJ and PT. Got so many thing in episode 1 that need changin lol.


Many thanx

Du Twan


Is anyone else having issues downloading those sound files from fan-files.com?

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia


One change that came to mind while I was talking with vaderios:

Vader's helmet flaps in the breeze during the last moments of his duel with Luke. It makes Vader's helmet seem too flimsy. I don't know if anyone here is even capable of changing that, but it's worth noting.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)


I emailed the guy at the website....we will see if that leads to anything. Bummer too becuase I would LOVE to have those sound files

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia


Wow, love that everything is coming along ady. I see our donations for your powersupply came in handy in the end, which I'm pleased about.

How do you do it? How does one balance doing this edit, working, family life, social life? This is the one reason why I think many of us can't/won't do edits on the same level as you. Which, I suppose makes your edits that extra bit special because you're prepared to go the extra mile.

On another note, I'm familiar with Vegas myself but I've always been curious how you do those new mattes for video footage. Do you make them in photoshop and insert it into a piece of video as a filmstrip, frame by frame?




No, he has more than clones, HE has droids... Does anybody have a cryochamber, I can't wait. 

I fail.

The person your searching for simply does not exist


That screenshot of your Vegas screen was perfect, as it doesn't let us ask questions like"how's it coming?" and lets us see a new preview shot!

I don't think the two entrances need to be made to look the same. Don't forget there is a north and south entrance to the base. although the mattes need enhancing they don't need to be exactly the same

Makes sense to me, though I loved (as always) Vaderios' new version.

i have things planned for the sequence where the shield generator is destroyed but i'm keeping this one secret until the edit is released.

Awesome.  It must be so hard to keep secrets like that!  Its hard enough to have such secrets kept from us!

as for vaders chamber, i do like the corridor idea abut not an airlock or lift. he wouldn't need a sterile environment so his wounds wouldn't get infected because they would have healed after all this time. i've always thought that the actual  meditation unit had some sort of inbuilt force field protecting Vader when he has his mask off and that his breathing apparatus was linked into its systems which would allow him to have his mask off for short periods of time. i won't be doing any changes to that apart from the entrance.

So you are changing the entrance.  Sweet.  So, new entrance to Vader's Chamber, no new entrance to the Rebel base.  Vaderios, what's next for us to debate?  LOL

yes the soundtrack for ANH:R featured a rebuilt  sound mix with new sound FX and the same will be done to ESB:R

Awesome.  You do too much.  Now, I've been telling people you redid every sound effect and its a whole new mix of the music for ANHR.  Am I exaggerating, or did you truly scrap everything and start from scratch?

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doubleofive said:

yes the soundtrack for ANH:R featured a rebuilt  sound mix with new sound FX and the same will be done to ESB:R

Awesome.  You do too much.  Now, I've been telling people you redid every sound effect and its a whole new mix of the music for ANHR.  Am I exaggerating, or did you truly scrap everything and start from scratch?

no, i didn't scrap everything. I used various sources including the laserdisc 5.1 and foreign audio tracks which had different mixes but with many scenes only the English centre channel was used and the other channels were created from scratch





Hey, you have already probably thought of it Ady, but when showing the sky traffic sfter Lando's evacuation announcement make sure to have some of them as if they're just blasting off (rising up), not all already in the sky flying horizontally across.

adywan said:
adywan said:

I don't think the two entrances need to be made to look the same. Don't forget there is a north and south entrance to the base. although the mattes need enhancing they don't need to be exactly the same

i have things planned for the sequence where the shield generator is destroyed but i'm keeping this one secret until the edit is released.

as for vaders chamber, i do like the corridor idea abut not an airlock or lift. he wouldn't need a sterile environment so his wounds wouldn't get infected because they would have healed after all this time. i've always thought that the actual  meditation unit had some sort of inbuilt force field protecting Vader when he has his mask off and that his breathing apparatus was linked into its systems which would allow him to have his mask off for short periods of time. i won't be doing any changes to that apart from the entrance.


I've just noticed that this original post has disappeared. very strange. hmm


Thanks for mentioning this 'missing' post.  I wondered why I couldn't see it!

I'm really looking forward to your eventual outcome for the Shield Generator's destruction....

Your preview of that incomplete Bespin platform shot looked a terrific improvement over the original version.  Going by what's been shown so far, these Bespin sequences are going to be wonderful.

Bingowings said:

I can't open the TPM game sound files at the site you linked to Ady.

Does it have the extra Darth Maul (performed by Peter Serafinowicz) dialogue in there?

I have the PSone version of the game and I was going to investigate and possibly sample that for TPM edits but if someone has already done that I'd like to avoid duplication of effort.

The PS1 game's sound effects and voices if I recall are of MUCH lower quality than the PC version.  I have both, fun - however tedious - game.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


So many interesting ideas being discussed here lately. As far as Vader's meditation chamber, I definitely like the idea of an isolated hallway leading to his chamber, as it does seem to open up the scope of the ship, as well as isolating Vader even further, and appearing more intimidating. Also, I think it looks better without all the others outside peering in.

In regards to how Vader's helmet is lowered in the chamber, with the front faceplate apparently attached to the helmet as it is lowered, I always felt that the front piece is able to come off, but is not normally intended to. So when Luke tries to remove his helmet in ROTJ, he is sort of just trying to figure out how to remove it, and sees the clips that would release the front faceplate, and unlatches it, whereas maybe in Vader's meditation chamber the entire mask is normally removed as 1 piece. Just a thought.

Monroville, I really like your idea about the Taunton's eyes. Just the mock-ups you provided seem to add alot more life to them, and I hope Adywan considers it.


DarkFather said:

One change that came to mind while I was talking with vaderios:

Vader's helmet flaps in the breeze during the last moments of his duel with Luke. It makes Vader's helmet seem too flimsy. I don't know if anyone here is even capable of changing that, but it's worth noting.

This was brought up about 50 to 150 (?!) pages ago, but the thing is, I'm not sure if anything was decided one way or the other.  My thing (as well as a lot of other people) is that when the helmet is lowered in the Vader's chill-out chamber (or would that be his "iPod"?), you hear that suction sound, indicating that that sucker is on there to STAY.

Soooo wouldn't it make sense to "lock" Vader's wobbly helmet in the Bespin duel due to what we've seen in said previously mentioned scene?

Oldfan said:

Monroville, I really like your idea about the Taunton's eyes. Just the mock-ups you provided seem to add alot more life to them, and I hope Adywan considers it.

Thx!  That's the thing: puppets can go either way.  They can work or fail on just how much work is put into them, specifically in the face and the eyes. 


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


I am looking forward to seeing the emperor hologram now that it has been a year since we first saw it with ANH:R. I want to see the side view of that scene.