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I hope you'll forgive me for not reading 127 pages of posts but did anyone mention that R2's head pops off his track a bit during the scene where Luke says, whines. "Oh we'll never get it out now.!" When they are on the shore watching the X-wing go glug, glug, glug.

I also thought that some Stormtropper reflections in C-3pos shell would be interesting during the scene where he wanders off and get's shot on Bespin.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
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Oh well, soon i will have my upgraded pc. At this time i will remain pc(less).

Edit: I love the new lightsaber and coloring of the bespin shot ady! Its me or Vader's saber is smaller now?

Also add a slight blue (10-20 %) blue in the cannon shot. It looks like gray

Anyways keep it up :D



Monroville said:

Thanks for the kudos, Imp Fighter.. <:)

Ady: I understand that if anything is to be changed or added, it has to fit the logic of the situation (I can see why you would go back to 5 AT-ATs, being that Veers is essentially the "shock troop first wave" sent quickly to punch a hole for the main assault, which would come AFTER the shield generator was destroyed).   Regardless, everything is looking fantastic and it is just making it even harder to wait for the end result.  You know, it's almost like 1980 all over again waiting for EMPIRE to come out for the first time (and sad as it may be to say, I am looking forward to this more than WATCHMEN)

Imperial Fighter said:

:  Is it really the 'Avenger' that is the most foremost Stardestroyer here?  The foremost one (seen in this shot) is the one that gets disabled isn't it?   The 'Avenger' is another one that eventually chases after the Millennium Falcon, isn't it?  

I believe it is the Avenger, being that it is Captain Needa that is saying: "Good, our first catch of the day". 


Eh? That's not Needa who says that!



Imperial Fighter said:

:  Is it really the 'Avenger' that is the most foremost Stardestroyer here?  The foremost one (seen in this shot) is the one that gets disabled isn't it?   The 'Avenger' is another one that eventually chases after the Millennium Falcon, isn't it?  

I believe it is the Avenger, being that it is Captain Needa that is saying: "Good, our first catch of the day".  Man, what did Lucas have against poor Captain Needa?  First, he gets hit right in the face with an ion cannon blast (imagine him looking out the front window when that second blast hits the bridge square on), then he almost WRECKS a Star Destroyer trying to get the MF, and then he loses a head-on confrontation with a ship as big as the SD's nose (as in "tip of").

And to top off his illustrious career of losing, he gets dragged off the Executor bridge (and no doubt dumped out an airlock) after Vader force-chokes him to death for simply being himself.

And to think: he could have been a moisture farmer on Tatooine and lived a much more peaceful life... well, unless he had some droids the empire wanted...



Cabbel: "Sir, Rebel ships are coming into our sector."
Captain Lennox: "Good. Our first catch of the day."

It is not Captain Needa that utter the following line: "Good, our first catch of the day"

It is in fact: Captain Xamuel Lennox and his Star Destoyer is called The Tyrant.

Captain lennox

Captain Lennox was portrayed by the actor: John Dicks, but credited as: Imperial Officer.

captain Lennox 2

The other person you see coming in on the left side informing him about the rebels is: Lieutenant Cabbel, he served as first officer aboard the Tyrant.


Cabbel was portrayed by Oliver Maguire.


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& that has what to do with Adys cut exactly?

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Ganamae -  thanks for clearing that up for Monroville.  I really liked his recent suggestions. 

So that particular one is called the 'Tyrant' eh?  I didn't know that either. 



BarBar Jinkx said:

is anyone else reminded of the scene in airplane where they all line up to beat the tar out of the woman going hysterical?? LOL



 As much as this one I guess ; )


LOL good point ;-)

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?

ImperialFighter said:

Ganamae -  thanks for clearing that up for Monroville.  I really liked his recent suggestions. 

So that one particular one is called the 'Tyrant' eh?  I didn't know that either. 

I guess that would kind of make sense, being that it is the Avenger chasing the Falcon... or is it?!?!

I would think that the SDs hit with the ion cannon would take a little while to recover.  But can't we just say it was Needa?  You know, because everything just went his way...

Next up: Captain Needa's best seller - "How to go from starship captain to corpse in less than 24 hours"



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

OzoneSherrif said:

Why did you remove the little laser cannon on the ground in that shot?


I was wondering that myself. It doesn't seem to make sense that they'd leave their biggest weapon totally unprotected.

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I'm sorry, this is off topic, but I gotta ask: Steamboy, where is your avatar from?

It reminds me of this:


Stay on target....stay on target....  (in best Gold 5 voice)  or vbangle will get you...

Monroville said:

I guess that would kind of make sense, being that it is the Avenger chasing the Falcon... or is it?!?!

I would think that the SDs hit with the ion cannon would take a little while to recover.  But can't we just say it was Needa?  You know, because everything just went his way...

Next up: Captain Needa's best seller - "How to go from starship captain to corpse in less than 24 hours"



Monroville, It's certainly Captain Needa's 'Avenger' that chases the Falcon after it has blasted off from Hoth. 

In the the final shot of the (middle) 'chasing Stardestroyer' nearly colliding / (actually scraping!?) with one of  the 2 'oncoming' ones , we see it noticably 'dip' downwards.  This ties-in with the previous 'interior' shot that tilts downwards when it takes 'evasive action', showing Captain Needa being thrown off-balance.  The 'Avenger' continued after the Falcon, and caught up with it again, later on.

I quite liked an earlier suggestion that the ION Cannon might take a little while to 'power-up' up again, between shots, throughout the AT-AT battle, after it's initial couple of bursts....although we'll never know for sure, just how many more times it fired at other Stardestroyers during the evacuation.... 

But whether there would have been a 'delay' between it firing or not....while it seems that the (foremost?) 'Tyrant' Stardestroyer was hit, we know that the 'Executor', the 'Avenger' and a couple of other 'standard' Stardestroyers don't seem to have been targeted out of the remaining Stardestroyers left.  (Unless ships are only disabled very temporarily , which is not a theory I really like)  I've always thought that there needed to have been other, UNSEEN Stardestroyers as part of the 'Fleet', for the scenario to work that there could be a few ships aimed at during the AT-AT battle, while STILL leaving us with the ones we know stayed intact....  This will seem more likely now, since Adywan has confirmed he plans to add a couple more Stardestroyers to the 'Fleet approaching Hoth Planet' shot.  These extra ones that will be SEEN now, could be the ones which actually ended up as ION Cannon fodder.... 













The Golden Idol said:

I'm sorry, this is off topic, but I gotta ask: Steamboy, where is your avatar from?

Great pic! : ) I stole mine somewhere, but can't for the life of me remember where or when... Ah well, back to topic I guess.

I know this thread has already gotten a bazillion replies, but I just wanted to get in the mix and cheer Adywan on as well. You're doing amazing work and it's so exciting. Stuff like this makes my little fangirl heart go pitter patter. :)

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Adywan, I have a different suggestion instead of using this scene.  Restore the original scene of Lando, Leia and Chewie running down the hallway but put windows on the left wall, instead of the balcony.  I suggest this for three reasons.

1) The very next scene after this one, you see the three of them from behind back inside a hallway again with no real segway.  It just doesn't look right.  The lighting is wrong and you get no hit that they were ever outside.  Also when 3PO is talking to R2 while on Chewie's back we see R2 in the hallway, when he should still be outside on the balcony, the lighting again doesn't fit.

2) This scene was just a spot for the Lucas' special effects team to showoff the Cloud City skyline, nothing more.

3) I remember you saying when you first started this edit you liked the tight feels of the hallway when our heroes are running and trying to catch up to Fett before he leaves.  What changed your mind?

I don't mind the balcony too much.  I just think a wall with large windows would work better.  Our heroes stay indoors, so the scenes stay consistant, but we still get to see the skyline.  As always the choice is yours.  Keep up the good work, Adywan.


Nice new shots Ady..............the re-coloring and new laser bolt look awesome.


The shot of Luke and Vader is sweeeeeeet. So crisp and clean and the sabers look great. I also like the little touch of the red lights down in the pit! Subtle but nice!


I'm glad you are leaving the balcony shot.......I think it's one of the things that the SE's did right. I just wish the new backgrounds on Bespin had been a bit more consistent.



Gorilla said:

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Adywan, I have a different suggestion instead of using this scene.  Restore the original scene of Lando, Leia and Chewie running down the hallway but put windows on the left wall, instead of the balcony.  I suggest this for three reasons.

1) The very next scene after this one, you see the three of them from behind back inside a hallway again with no real segway.  It just doesn't look right.  The lighting is wrong and you get no hit that they were ever outside.  Also when 3PO is talking to R2 while on Chewie's back we see R2 in the hallway, when he should still be outside on the balcony, the lighting again doesn't fit.

2) This scene was just a spot for the Lucas' special effects team to showoff the Cloud City skyline, nothing more.

3) I remember you saying when you first started this edit you liked the tight feels of the hallway when our heroes are running and trying to catch up to Fett before he leaves.  What changed your mind?

I don't mind the balcony too much.  I just think a wall with large windows would work better.  Our heroes stay indoors, so the scenes stay consistant, but we still get to see the skyline.  As always the choice is yours.  Keep up the good work, Adywan.

I must say I agree with what Gorilla said, the idea of windows instead of balconies is interesting. And what's more I always found the rotoscoping of the characters quite ugly in this shot, but yet again the decision's all yours Ady :)


Bewy said:

I must say I agree with what Gorilla said, the idea of windows instead of balconies is interesting. And what's more I always found the rotoscoping of the characters quite ugly in this shot, but yet again the decision's all yours Ady :)

Well, the corridors in Bespin do wind quite a bit.  My thoughts are they round a corner and are on a balcony.  After this shot, they go down another winding corridor that masks the opening to the balcony in the background, hence no remaining visual cues of being outside.  Rationalization to be sure, but logically, it works.


O.T. or No T., baby!

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In response to the Bespin balcony scene, could Lady Ferry or someone else post a link to that segment via a video link on Youtube?  I think it is not so much a matter of how that one shot looks per se, so much as how it fits with the rest of the sequence.

Llike Gorilla mentioned, if you see the balcony, but then when you see the same hallway but from a different perspective and there is NO balcony, or in the case where Leia and Co. go outside the door R2 opens and we do not see a balcony from the outside - as in on the side of the buidling that they just came out of- that would pose a problem.  Consistency is the key and making sure that everything "fits" from an architectural point of view; it is the same with the Carbonite chamber and how it fits with the rest of the scenery (regardless of what in particular is done).

Savage:  I understand your POV as well - that's how I thought of the carbonite chamber: it was inside the shaft wall and Luke went into the arm connecting the Fin Pod to the air shaft.  We don't have to see Luke or whoever go down every flight of steps or ladders to understand that a large distance is covered, but in circumstances where you literally go from one set to the other (or you can SEE bits of what looks like the previous set) you try to fit it all together in your mind after the 10th viewing or so.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


I just watched it on my iPod, and I think with a little orange lighting on the proceeding two shots it could be just fine, as one is looking up at Chewie from R2's perspective as Chewie turns a corner and the next is from 3PO's perspective down, neither of which would show the balcony anyway.

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Since I'm in favor of keeping the balcony shot, I'd assume (as I guess I always have) the following shot is simply a moment or 2 later when they've returned inside.


Ady could add a bit of orange lighting into the following shot though I guess as suggested above.


This particular scene honestly never jarred me out of the movie in terms of being inconsistent, like other SE's scenes have.


Here are a few more points to consider:

(1) maybe Ady could add a "bit" of the balcony on the left-side of the building Leia and Co. leave from.  Sure you could assume the balcony was on the other side of the building or just out of sight, but that would definitely "cement" the balcony's place by referring to it as an actual part of the building's architecture other than just a thrown in shot.

(2) I like 005's idea of adding in some orangish lighting in the back left areas of the hallway to further insinuate the balcony's existence.

(3) Ady: would you consider showing ships leaving Cloud City or some similar activity outside the balcony shot, as well as some moving clouds?  Maybe even some of those red lights that most buildings have on top to keep airplanes from crashing into them or alarm lights and/or sirens in the distance to indicate the entire city is on alert and being evacuated.

This could also be applied during all of the outside escape shots:
(4) when Leia and Co. are first outside the building and the stormtroopers are shooting at them, in the distance you can see large groups of small to large ships leaving - not so much actually taking off of landing bays, but moving from behind buildings and moving up into the air.  Again, could add faint background sirens.

(5) when we see the Falcon take off, you could show hundreds of specs of light of all the escaping ships (ala something along the lines of the Battlestar Galactica fleet - maybe not so much AS enormous in scale, but something to show an entire city is evacuating and the Falcon is escaping either in the middle of said evacuation or at the tail end of it - hence we can see the vast majority of escapees already far in the distance.

visual references:
Space 1999: Wargames (when moonbase alpha is evacuated)
Deep Impact (I believe there is a scene where multiple helicopters are leaving a city)

(6) when Leia picks up Luke, possibly continue to show in the extreme distance the lights of the hundreds of Cloud City escapees, but maybe have the Falcon do the "immelman" manuveur because there is an escaping ship or two the Falcon has to "loop around" in order to head back to Cloud City.

(7) defintely consider upping the TIE fighter number to 8 or larger, since Vader would definitely not be pulling punches at this moment and would think that he would have them cornered.  The 4 TIES before and during the asteroid sequence could be explained as Vader "herding" them to a hiding place (ie. he was doing an alternate version of the same plan he concocted with Tarkin in ANH - make them think they escaped while making it look good), whereupon he would intercept them, capture them and then set a trap for Luke. 

Now that it is definite that they are all together, there would be entire squadrons of TIES from the Executor itself going full force to herd them directly to Vader.  Now since the TIEs would be there to "herd" them and not destroy them, it would explain a large number (be it 8 to 20) chasing the Falcon and still NOT destroying them. 

It could also help explain why the Falcon wasn't tractored in during that first "Executor hull shot" - so many fighters flying around the Falcon it caused trouble for the lock-on.  An officer would give an order to the TIE pilots to back off, then allowing for a lock-on, whereupon the Falcon makes the hyperspace jump.

While not necessary, it would be interesting to hear the officers frustration in the background of the Executor bridge shots (as if they are coming from the pit crew a good 10 to 15 feet away from Vader, who is in the foreground in all of the bridge shots), something along these lines:

"sorry sir, we're having a hard time locking on.  There's too may fighers around the target"
"(talking to TIE captain) TIE leader, you're too close.  Back off and we can make a lock with the tractor beam"
In fact this dialogue could happen directly before Piett goes to Vader and tells him "they will be in tractor beam range shortly".  You could even overlap the dialogue a little (time the last part of the second sentence to blend with Piett turning to face Vader) - being that it would be quieter and behind Piett, as in the above situation is what provokes Piett to say something to Vader, who has to be wondering why they haven't tractored them already.

Maybe even have multiple background chatter (that is a little fainter so we can't hear specific words, but still indicate a busy bridge) which then goes silent once the Falcon makes the jump.  IE. everyone on the bridge is intent on capturing the Falcon as Vader (be it out of fear of Vader or just pissed at the ineptness of the other SD captains - I would think these people would be a bit more elite serving on the Executor and would have something to prove) hence the bridge chatter to indicate the busy-ness of the crew to make "this" work - which then goes silent to further emphasis the "holy crap, we failed.  What is Vader going to do now?" ambiance.

In fact, if you like this idea, maybe this is how you could have a contest so to speak so 2 lucky people could get audio cameos.  Even if you limited it to those in England (being that  the Imperials do all seem to have a British accent) you could pick either some friends or winners to do said (or similar) dialogue as well as bridge background chatter.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Another idea in regards to the AT-AT heads and windows:

I can understand the "red" going away, due to the difficulty in creating the lighting effects inside the cockpit.  Would you consider adding "bluish-white" windows to the AT-ATs instead, so in the close-ups we can see into the windows and see the cockpit crew (ie the "inside window" shots in ALIEN, be it the bridge or Narcissus)?

In fact, if you considered this, you could keep the bluish view of the original 2004 SEs in regards to all of the "window shots looking out" when we are inside the AT-AT bridge (ie, the internal bridge shots are color corrected, but when we are behind the AT-AT drivers the stuff in the window view is the bluish tint, which would then match the bluish-white of the AT-AT windows on all of the outside head shots)

I suggest this because it would help to give the AT-ATs a sense of scale if we could actually see into the window and thus the model.  It is not so much the red color that is important as the idea of the AT-ATs having a viewable interior to help build the illusion that there are people inside.

Vaderios: is there any way you could do some mock-ups (maybe a mix of the what you created before: keeping the original color-corrected cockpit shot looking out at the fleeing rebels (without the red tint), but adding the extra display alterations and lighting) - both inside and outside the AT-AT head (you could take one of the previous AT-AT head shots and take the Veers shot and shrink it down to fit into the window slat). 


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson