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I ve made a request to the 501st garison to someone can provide us a ESB accurate Vader for the AT-AT hologram scene.

Fingers Croshed :D




Ripplin said about the SE Wampa:

I don't like it mostly because it really, really looks like a guy in a suit.

A guy in a suit that don't know how to act.




HotRod and Ripplin - Yeah, by their very nature, all of these 'edit' threads are always going to be full of 'errors' we never noticed before.  Ontop of the ones I already knew about, there's been quite a few mentioned here that I never spotted once during the numerous times I've watched 'Empire' previously!  And there will be many more mentioned about the rest of the saga too, lol.

Thankfully, Adywan is correcting the majority of these, so all's well really.


Gorilla -  I'd be more than happy if Adywan would consider going with your slightly alternative route of 'dropping' the elements you mention, instead of 'raising' the existing long 'support arm' in line with the circular window.  Either way gives the same result of lining up where Luke exits the support arm tunnel, which some seem to agree with....although he seems to enter the inside of the Wind Vane with the window on his left side, rather than his right side, in this scenario....

But if Adywan is considering ruling this out because he really wishes to include the Carbon Chamber above this area, in the Wind Vane itself....I can only think that his new structure's width is going to be very different to how it currently looks.  I've no doubt he can make it work, but it seems a lot more work for him. 

ImperialFighter said:

HotRod and Ripplin - Yeah, by their very nature, all of these 'edit' threads are always going to be full of 'errors' we never noticed before.

And it's fun to discover them. :) Fortunately, it doesn't ruin the movies for me as it might for some. Haha.


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I don't believe the holograms should be changed. I don't think the Leia hologram was changed in ANH Revisited. And actually I hope Adywan will OT'ize the prequel holograms. downgrade them you know

OzoneSherrif said:

I don't believe the holograms should be changed. I don't think the Leia hologram was changed in ANH Revisited. And actually I hope Adywan will OT'ize the prequel holograms. downgrade them you know


The Leia hologram wasn't that bad. Those...just dont look right


Prop working on This, or family stuff....or you know......

He got abducted by aliens, illegal aliens, by GL's secret mexican ninjas.

The person your searching for simply does not exist


I just wish a lot of the designs in the Prequels had seemed more OT'ized!

OR seemed more PRE-OT'ized in fact, if you see what I mean.  ;)


About that 3 'holograms' scene -  something that I always wondered about was where they actually eminated from?....  They just seem to appear in the middle of the corridor in front of Vader.  I would have preferred to have seen them originally placed in the 'section' on the right of that shot, above the black 'circular' object for instance, as it sure looks like it could pass for a 'projection' unit' of some sort.

Adywan, I'm not sure, but perhaps some kind of very subtle, faint 'projection glow' could be added to be seen coming to each 'hologram' from small starting points on the black structure above the 'circular' object, as if it's 'throwing' the images out into the corridor?  (like a more sophisticated version of R2D2's 'projection' of Princess Leia)  I would have suggested just having this effect come from directly above where the 'holograms' stand, but we see what the overhead ceiling detail looks like in the first shot of Admiral Ozzel heading towards the 'Bridge', and also later on, when Vader chokes Captain Needa. 

By the way, that 'circular' object seems to be missing in the next shot where we see the 2 remaining 'holograms' in the foreground!

Bingowings said:

Thanks Tobar, it looks more like just a mouth in a pit (a bit like the OUT Sarlacc only really big).


Lucas asked Archie Goodwin to not show the slug's body coming out of the case, in order to preserve the visual surprise for those reading the comic adaptation who had not seen the film yet.  If I remember correctly, the first couple of issues of the 6-issue adaptation were in circulation prior to the film's release date.  Especially for those who had comic subscriptions (ahh, the days of anticipation of getting a new comic in my mailbox!), we were reading comics a month or so before they hit the comic racks in stores....

vaderios said:
Darth Solo said:

Dont believe ya! Have you followed this thread?

Work that mind -Angel ;-)

(Im provoking you into action now!) ;-P

Back to action :P



 yea i agree it looks like a machine. if it went out quicker maybe it would work. i would say though to do something like this in ROTJ. it just looks like luke,s missing the gangstars/bounty hunters with his lightsaber.




vaderios, I really like your idea for the 'armless' Wampa shot!  And because I like this shot and concept so much, I'd love to see another version with the following amendments, if you find the time....and if you can be bothered!

You see, although I also like the brief new SE Wampa 'left arm/and side' that we see in the foreground now (when Luke cuts himself free), the shot above is the ONLY other new one that I cared for in the sequence (although I would rather lose the first half where he 'holds his wound', and would rather only see the second half of the shot where he outstretches his left paw, for an even briefer final 'reveal').  I thought the others lingered far too long, and didn't match the look of either(!) of the original designs anyway.

As Adywan previously noted, the arm 'prop' is too short to have been cut off at the shoulder, so there should have been more of a hairy 'stump' left at that area! 

Although these mock-up versions looks too 'fiery' for my own taste, I reckon if the brighter 'glows' of your 'cauterization' effect was toned down slightly on the 'arm on ground' shot (which comes before the 'reveal'), and you removed the 'flying embers' coming of it, that it might look better.

And then with the 'final reveal' shot (but on an added 'stump'!), I reckon that if you again toned down the brighter 'glows' here also (with perhaps a little more orange in places now, instead of yellow?), and cut the effect down by about half the amount against the black, and again remove the 'flying embers' coming of it....that this might look better too.

This may all be a moot point of course vaderios, as I seem to remember Adywan confirming that he won't be using ANY of the new SE shots for his edit.  It's certainly good to see your ideas though.



To me, the cut would be so fast that you would barely see any damage at all. Maybe a faint wisp of smoke coming from the shoulder and maybe from the stump on the ground, which I figure would all but be "lifeless" (i.e. no smoke or boiling blood or anything) by the time it hit the ground.

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Ripplin said:

To me, the cut would be so fast that you would barely see any damage at all. Maybe a faint wisp of smoke coming from the shoulder and maybe from the stump on the ground, which I figure would all but be "lifeless" (i.e. no smoke or boiling blood or anything) by the time it hit the ground.

Kinda like Adywan's arm in 'ANH:R' then.  Yes that could work on the 'stump' shot too, but I still like the idea of a little 'cauterization' effect when we see the 'arm' in 'close-up' before it.  Also, we immediately cut to the arm hitting the ground after it's sliced off by Luke here, whereas there were a few seconds before we saw Ady's 'arm' after Ben sliced it off, during which time the effect would have gone, just leaving the faint wisp of smoke.... 

However, I guess we're not getting this shot anyway.


The Golden Idol -  As to where Ady's been, I reckon he's busy with all this stuff he's cobbling together.  Last I heard, he was trying out a Wampa suit concept to tie all it's shots together.... -   http://www.swfn.de/images/mitglieder/stefan_v/stefan_v5.jpg 




Of course, I'm sure any head that Adywan comes up with, will surely be better than the look of the original 2nd Wampa appearance, as seen 'lunging' towards Luke in the cave....  It seems that this suit was only intended for 'certain' shots (hence the Tauntaun here), but I wonder if they eventually realised the face was so bad, that they had to re-design it for it's 1st 'close-up' appearance?!






vaderios, while I'm on the subject of the Wampa(s?) for a moment, I'd also really like to see you take a shot at making the head on the 2nd appearance of the Wampa look more like the one from it's 1st appearance in the top shot here, sometime.  (No wonder they kept it's 'lunge' so brief, and had it's paws up in front of it's face, obscuring it a little, lol....)

Here's a couple of good angles of the 1st appearance prop.  As well as the obvious differences on the faces, I preferred the 'lop-sided' look to it's ears in it's 1st appearance, compared to the 'pointy' ones in it's 2nd one.  (However, I do prefer the 'gnarly' horns seen on the new SE suit, and would like to see more of a hint of these (or even just 1!) added to the 1st appearance shot too!) -




That was thoughtful of you to contact the 501st guys about a Vader suit for the 'hologram' by the way, and neat that they got back to you about something of use too.  I'm curious to see the one that Adywan made for himself that may be used in that shot though.


Anyway, I'll leave you with my favourite piece of artwork of a 'lunging' Wampa -






Blue ion cannon shots?

Somebody's been doing too much EU-acid! ;P



It's not like people can't tell that it's a "special" weapon, considering the special gun and the fact that they call it an Ion cannon which we never have seen before or since, and does all those electrical effects on the ship.

The SHOT isn't an electrical weapon, it's a bolt that disrupts the systems of the ship, shields, electronics, etc. like a turbo laser with an EMP warhead.


And please ignore that silliness in the Clone Wars cgi series with their "ion cannon" (which is nothing like either the one in ESB or the ones in the video games, which is where the blue stuff comes from).


Love the mock ups though... at this rate ESB:R should be done in time for the 40th anniversary! ;)


I personally think what this movie needs is more blood. It's unrealistic that Han slices open that Taun Taun and its guts just fall out like wet rice noodles. I'm thinking you could put in some of those "Kill Bill" style blood geysers there. It would really pay homage to the old Samurai movies that Lucas was inspired by, like Shogun Assasin.

Kurgan said:


I personally think what this movie needs is more blood. It's unrealistic that Han slices open that Taun Taun and its guts just fall out like wet rice noodles. I'm thinking you could put in some of those "Kill Bill" style blood geysers there. It would really pay homage to the old Samurai movies that Lucas was inspired by, like Shogun Assasin.

Not sure about that blood thing, but at the moment we just see the 'saddle straps' flame-up when they are cut by the lightsaber.  Perhaps there could be a brief hint of that 'cauterization' effect along the edges of the cut 'opening' too, Adywan? 

That reminds me, I wish there had been a good shot of the 'full-scale' Tauntaun 'prop' similar to this production photo.  Adywan could have really made it come to life I'm sure, if we'd seen this much of it -



Okay, last thing from me for the moment is this interesting collection of deleted shots from the 'Rebel base Wampa attack'.  I'd never seen some of these before. Scroll down to comment no. 14 by DarthVader2932.  Now THAT'S one sad Wampa suit, lol! -






Oh yes. Maybe the cut glows were a bit toned up. Possibly because it was morning and there was no coffee in my veins.

I believed though that some fire it will be awesome from the burned fur.


ImpFighter, The hologram thing. I was awaring to make a transmiter that shows where the holograms came of, but i thought in the PT in the jedi council holograms there are no "visible" emiters. So i left it alone.





F+++! These pics are so great. When I see them, i hold my breath. Will these in the ESB:R? It's so cool... 8-O

vaderios said:

ImpFighter, The hologram thing. I was awaring to make a transmiter that shows where the holograms came of, but i thought in the PT in the jedi council holograms there are no "visible" emiters. So i left it alone.


That is a good point, and therefore those black 'sections' that could pass as some kind of 'projection unit', could be a sophisticated version of those types, and does indeed 'project' them out onto the corridor near it.

It does seem to lose the black 'circular' unit during the scene though...


The point is now ImpFighter if its good to add it to the next shot or remove it from the previous.

Maybe a new something device that emits the holos.



Edit: Ive just noticed in that marked area the light is trembling with no reason.

