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Congratulations on the Wampa, Ady. It looks fantastic already, so when you’ve added the weathering it should be perfect!

I can’t wait to see all your hard work in the final film, as I suspect ESBR will knock the socks off ANHR, and we all know how good that is! 😃


Snaketibe said:

Congratulations on the Wampa, Ady. It looks fantastic already, so when you’ve added the weathering it should be perfect!

I can’t wait to see all your hard work in the final film, as I suspect ESBR will knock the socks off ANHR, and we all know how good that is! 😃

wish a new hope revisited hd was out along side it oh well. 😦



That’s twice in the last 24 hours you’ve wished for ANHRHD. It’s understood that people are excited for that, but you probably shouldn’t bring it up all the time.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


If you squint really hard you can make it look like HD.


That Wampa body suit is amazing ady! This should look great on screen!

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


I’ve suggested before that for future Adywan projects there needs to be two threads
One thread is news and nothing but.
The other thread is the official thread for whining and moaning that he isn’t doing what you want and can’t you put Thrawn and Grevious in Return of the Jedi and how much longer is it going to take and that column is 1mm off in the frame and it drives me nuts I thought that your edits were about quality control and are we there yet and will the wampa have cling ons in its fur because you know it’s pretty hairy and why don’t you answer my pms am I on your ignore list ady…

Valheru_84 said:

I always see new posts for this thread that I then click into to read what people are discussing about revisited and always end up just reading random bullshit LOL (well about 9/10 times).

It would be nice to actually talk about Ady’s revisited once in a while guys. It’s been a long wait but now we have a release month and I’ve had to read through a page or two about smh?





regularjoe said:

I’ve suggested before that for future Adywan projects there needs to be two threads
One thread is news and nothing but.
The other thread is the official thread for whining and moaning that he isn’t doing what you want and can’t you put Thrawn and Grevious in Return of the Jedi and how much longer is it going to take and that column is 1mm off in the frame and it drives me nuts I thought that your edits were about quality control and are we there yet and will the wampa have cling ons in its fur because you know it’s pretty hairy and why don’t you answer my pms am I on your ignore list ady…

Valheru_84 said:

I always see new posts for this thread that I then click into to read what people are discussing about revisited and always end up just reading random bullshit LOL (well about 9/10 times).

It would be nice to actually talk about Ady’s revisited once in a while guys. It’s been a long wait but now we have a release month and I’ve had to read through a page or two about smh?




The news and nothing but that is what this site is for https://swrevisited.wordpress.com

Analog Releases of Films That Contain Deleted, Extended, & Alternate Footage That’ve Never Been Released on DVD/BluRay


regularjoe said:

I’ve suggested before that for future Adywan projects there needs to be two threads
One thread is news and nothing but.
The other thread is the official thread for whining and moaning that he isn’t doing what you want and can’t you put Thrawn and Grevious in Return of the Jedi and how much longer is it going to take and that column is 1mm off in the frame and it drives me nuts I thought that your edits were about quality control and are we there yet and will the wampa have cling ons in its fur because you know it’s pretty hairy and why don’t you answer my pms am I on your ignore list ady…

Valheru_84 said:

I always see new posts for this thread that I then click into to read what people are discussing about revisited and always end up just reading random bullshit LOL (well about 9/10 times).

It would be nice to actually talk about Ady’s revisited once in a while guys. It’s been a long wait but now we have a release month and I’ve had to read through a page or two about smh?




That’s not a bad idea. Maybe Ady might adopt it for ROTJ and the PT edits. Can’t wait either way for him to start on those, though knowing the time it took for ANH and TESB, I know I will have to wait 😛 (take all the time you need Ady as we all know it will be worth it in the end 😃 )



doubleofive said:


That’s twice in the last 24 hours you’ve wished for ANHRHD. It’s understood that people are excited for that, but you probably shouldn’t bring it up all the time.

Sorry just a little upset about that that’s all. It just feels like fellowship without the two towers you know incomplete.


jedimasterobiwan said:

doubleofive said:


That’s twice in the last 24 hours you’ve wished for ANHRHD. It’s understood that people are excited for that, but you probably shouldn’t bring it up all the time.

Sorry just a little upset about that that’s all. It just feels like fellowship without the two towers you know incomplete.

I know, having to watch a really good movie in SD is totally the same as not getting to watch it at all, right?


I’m glad SD and HD look about the same to me. Gotta love poor eyesight!


TV’s Frink said:

jedimasterobiwan said:

doubleofive said:


That’s twice in the last 24 hours you’ve wished for ANHRHD. It’s understood that people are excited for that, but you probably shouldn’t bring it up all the time.

Sorry just a little upset about that that’s all. It just feels like fellowship without the two towers you know incomplete.

I know, having to watch a really good movie in SD is totally the same as not getting to watch it at all, right?

Let’s ask frevious.


Ady, do you find it hard to watch Star Wars now that you’ve spent so much time analyzing, edition and creating it? I’ve found that, while I still love Star Wars, the extensive editing of the film’s makes me kind of ADHD when it comes to watching them. I can’t seem to just sit there and watch them anymore.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


DigMod said:

Ady, do you find it hard to watch Star Wars now that you’ve spent so much time analyzing, edition and creating it? I’ve found that, while I still love Star Wars, the extensive editing of the film’s makes me kind of ADHD when it comes to watching them. I can’t seem to just sit there and watch them anymore.

I always have been thinking to ask the same question. It would seem nearly impossible to do so after investing so much time in it.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


TV’s Frink said:

If you squint really hard you can make it look like HD.

Or just sit further back. You move far enough away from the TV you can even pretend it’s 4K.


I think I remember years ago he said he doesn’t watch anh much anymore.


Poor Adywan…he has to take one for the team.

George Lucas said when TFA came out that he’d never actually really seen a Star Wars movie.

Do they not see the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? none holds them up except Allah. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe. – Quran (16:79)


With all this discussion about these films, be it trying to save them, preserve them, fix them, unfix them;It’s been a long time since I sat down and actually became immersed in that world. I don’t even enjoy them as movies anymore. I re-watched the first film a month ago via Harmy’s brilliant latest update, and I was looking more than I was watching. Seeing what looked better than the last time. Each frame is so cemented in my mind, I keep trying to look at things I never focused on. I look at the extras in the back. I look at the matte paintings. I take my focus off the actors and the story when I watch it now. At least with Ady’s upcoming release, I’ll have something different to see.

Maybe I’ve analyzed Star Wars to death. Maybe I’ve watched it too many times. Who knows? Perhaps it will be special again when I have kids to share it with, but for now…I think I wore it’s magic out.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I think it’s less a frequency thing than a “Looking for the Perfect Set.”

When Ady finishes the OT I’m sure my personal OT preference will be met.

Preferred Saga:
1,2: Numeraljoker extended
3: L8wrtr
4,6-9: Hal9000
5: Adywan