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Actually, in my experience, the two biggest problems I encountered when trying to dig out detail from the dark areas in ESB weren't about compression at all - first is that there is very little additional detail that can be dug out (there seems to be more hidden detail in the SW BD's blacks than in ESB) and second is frozen grain from the Lowry cleanup - it's not always there but there are some scenes, where it's pretty bad and it gets more visible when you brighten the image.


As always, it's a beautiful clip.  Thanks for your hard work and dedication, for sharing something with us and receiving nothing in return.  We appreciate what you do.


adywan said:

That has to stay as a flipped shot for continuity. Not all mistakes can be fixed

 Does the other one have too as well?

I broke my star wars embargo to watch the clip and I did really enjoy it.

Cloud city looks great and the duel is also taken up a notch for sure.

Did you think about using the Gout audio for them running through the crowd without the "look out!" "behind us" lines I think that it's better without that addition from the SE but I suppose you like it better with it.

C3PO when he's asking R2 to over ride the computer systems before Lando's announcement.. It sounds much better than it did in this clip but it still sticks out to me as not sounding correct compared to the rest of his lines. Did you try to use the lines from the radio drama although I know it would be tricky with all the music that is going on. But I reckon if it was possible it would improve that little bit more.

Been to work and pondered one more thought. I thought I could hear where you intercut in the carbon freeze chamber between the SE mix and the other theatrical mix you are using. Whilst I did not think it was an issue the SE mix features a louder alarm. Without checking the SE mix I am unsure how long the louder alarm continues for, The oinly thought I had about this difference in the mixes was that perhaps the louder alarm could be used to advantage and when Luke & Vader move away from the area where it is initially heard the other mix could be introduced at this point. But without checking the SE mix I am not sure how long it stays loud for and if this would really make any difference but it was a thought I had of using different mixes for spacial awareness to the source of the alarm sound.


Just checked the SE mix and it fades at exactly the same point so that makes me think is there any way to keep that alarm going at the same volume for longer until Luke and Vader move away. or have the quieter alarm throughout I think the other mix has this.

Thanks again for sharing the clip I really did think it was very well done.


Wow, I had forgotten just how horrendous the colours on the BD were.  Absolutely loving the colour correction here Ady!

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


Hello Adywan and team,

I haven't posted in many years. Not since initial changes were debated. But I have been watching and waiting, and enjoying this thread ever since. I just want to express, and I think I speak for all lurkers, the appreciation and respect we have for you and the crew. We wait with baited breath. Good god, does this thing look like its gonna be amazing!

I can't wait for Episode 7 Revisited!  When you start building the mo-cap studio, give me a shout.

(You don't need a crystal ball to predict that one!)

Great job on everything so far.

Thanks for the commitment, 


I make movies. Not good ones. Not ones you know. Be completely unimpressed. Everyone else is...

I have been watching the clip again and there is one more audio mistake from the original.

C3PO again "well don't blame me, I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal"

His voice volume stays the same even though he is being carted off by chewie. This really sucks you out of feeling like you are there and obviously shows itself as an overdub audio sample. Could his line be faded out in volume as he is carted away by chewie. In all the other shots it's not an issue but as the camera is static and he is getting much further away from us it really pulls you out the moment.

And of course none of the stuff I have mentioned is the teams fault. On this section of Lando's announcement and the running I felt pulled out of the film on numerous occasions. But like I said it's not a revisited fault. It's the movie  that you are working with that did that.


I don't really know how many more times Ady can say the audio track is temporary.....

And yes, i'm aware you say this is an issue in the original as well, but it's probably best to hold on to these comments until he's at that stage. There's a whole movie of audio and he's not going to want to trawl back through the entire thread for people's audio fixes for specific clips. Just saying.


I think if there was any minor issue I would have, it would be the perspective of the buildings behind the Slave 1 (both when Han is being loaded, and when Slave 1 is escaping).

It seems that the perspective is off, in that the buildings should appear as either level to our eyes along the same level as the Slave 1 platform, or they should be slightly angled downwards, as they would be slightly above us.

Here are the 3 areas in red:

Here are the perspective lines (hash tag is the image; solid line is roughly what the perspective should be):

Granted, the solid lines (especially on the right) are a little too angled, but the buildings on the right should be at least level with our eyes, if not with a slight tilt downwards (or as if we are seeing them from slightly below the roof line).

You have a similar situation in the scene where Leia is firing at the Slave 1: the building tops are angled not so we are slightly looking from below them (as they would still be higher than us, even at a distance), but as if they are tilted towards us, allowing us to see them as if from a bird's eye POV.

I know it's pretty crude, but something like this:

Also, would it be an interesting idea if the Slave 1 had similar running lights as the Falcon (ie little things to give the model a bit more life)?  I know lights on the gantry where Han is being loaded may wind up being too much, but just an idea nonetheless.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Does anyone know if the final version of the Emperor scene has ever been made available yet in HD? I'm planning cobbling together a crude custom SE for personal use and archiving, and view Adywan's version of that scene as the best option. If not, I'll have to wait for the final release. Thanks.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Does anyone know if the final version of the Emperor scene has ever been made available yet in HD? I'm planning cobbling together a crude custom SE for personal use and archiving, and view Adywan's version of that scene as the best option. If not, I'll have to wait for the final release. Thanks.

 No... We have an idea of what it will be like but we don't really know of the final on it.

@brash I thought it was final as it said completed. I just put my gout DVD in and I seriously think it works better the whole Lando announcement scene apart from the bad C3P0 audio about over riding the security systems.

I would love to see it taken back to the original version here with no special edition additions whatsoever. The special edition should have fixed the bad audio take and nothing more IMO. Is that possible? Is there any decent footage of Lando on the microphone? In all honesty I am not discounting the teams work everything they have done is brilliant. But I am becoming of the opinion if I had the skill to take that scene back to the original version I would. But I don't know if it could be done.

Would anyone actually miss this scene with the people standing about in cloud city? Is the 35mm scan print in good enough shape for that?

The gout audio also has the quieter alarm which is far less jarring on the fade down. Gout audio also has fade off as C3PO is carted away by Chewbacca for "don't blame me" I said ti before even checking this mix as it felt natural to me.

No anger here either I am only saying what I think so please don't anyone be angry with me..


I've asked Ady about this scene because I am bothered by a whole different issue here.....but he has said that the audio doesn't exist in separated channels for this to be reverted back to a more original form.....so unfortunately it has to stay as is.


Ronster said:

Would anyone actually miss this scene with the people standing about in cloud city?

I would. I like that it shows the people he's speaking to - in this way, it opens up Bespin even more, and for me that was a positive attempt with the SE. With Ady's enhancements to those shots and all of the other backgrounds in cloud city, they have all become seamless together and very beautiful looking.

muddyknees2000 said:

I've asked Ady about this scene because I am bothered by a whole different issue here.....but he has said that the audio doesn't exist in separated channels for this to be reverted back to a more original form.....so unfortunately it has to stay as is.

If I remember right, it was the idea to swap the order of those two SE shots, right? First show the outside shot of hundreds of people THEN show the interior hallway shot of the 3 persons. I would have preferred this order too, definitely. It makes more sense that people would stop and intently listen to his message after hearing more of what he was saying, rather than immediately at the beginning.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


.Mac. said:

If I remember right, it was the idea to swap the order of those two SE shots, right? First show the outside shot of hundreds of people THEN show the interior hallway shot of the 3 persons. I would have preferred this order too, definitely. It makes more sense that people would stop and intently listen to his message after hearing more of what he was saying, rather than immediately at the beginning.

 While that does make some amount of sense that was not my specific issue with the scene. The original has R2 plugging in and getting shocked immediately......the SE version now has a very lengthy amount of time between R2 deploying his interface tool (sounds dirty no matter how you say it), and finally plugging in. He literally sits there and does nothing the entire time Lando is making his speech....and they're supposed to be in a wicked hurry. They've also trimmed off a couple of seconds of R2 footage in which we see a very cool pulse of tiny lights on his interface tool.....another detail lost to shoddy SE editing.

Just bugs me and I'd have liked to have seen it restored....I even had someone (might have been JT) edit me up a clip that restored the original timing of everything while keeping the SE additions....and another that reduced the wait time before R2 finally plugs in to about half of what it is in the SE (just to have more than one option).....but the problem isn't a visual one, it's an audio one. The original, unaltered audio doesn't exist in enough separated channels for Ady to do a thing about it......most unfortunately.


muddyknees2000 said:

.Mac. said:

If I remember right, it was the idea to swap the order of those two SE shots, right? First show the outside shot of hundreds of people THEN show the interior hallway shot of the 3 persons. I would have preferred this order too, definitely. It makes more sense that people would stop and intently listen to his message after hearing more of what he was saying, rather than immediately at the beginning.

 While that does make some amount of sense that was not my specific issue with the scene. The original has R2 plugging in and getting shocked immediately......the SE version now has a very lengthy amount of time between R2 deploying his interface tool (sounds dirty no matter how you say it), and finally plugging in. He literally sits there and does nothing the entire time Lando is making his speech....and they're supposed to be in a wicked hurry. They've also trimmed off a couple of seconds of R2 footage in which we see a very cool pulse of tiny lights on his interface tool.....another detail lost to shoddy SE editing.

Just bugs me and I'd have liked to have seen it restored....I even had someone (might have been JT) edit me up a clip that restored the original timing of everything while keeping the SE additions....and another that reduced the wait time before R2 finally plugs in to about half of what it is in the SE (just to have more than one option).....but the problem isn't a visual one, it's an audio one. The original, unaltered audio doesn't exist in enough separated channels for Ady to do a thing about it......most unfortunately.

 I knew there had to be good reason for it. Such a shame I did not notice the R2 scene either I will check that today just for curiosity. How ironic though that the decent audio does not exist in enough channels but the shoddy one does.

So the mix Ady is using is not from the Gout for the audio edits he did make? like Fett and Leia's lines...

And that mix obviously has not got the audio needed to restore it?

I have never worked with 5:1 or 7:1 audio surround mixes but I am pretty sure that a bass track could be created from using a filter and slinging that audio on that channel and the mid -top end across the stereo channels. Not everything needs surround sound channel sound. the center channel could just be a mono mix of the stereo. assuming it would not cause any phasing issues. Without fully understanding both surround mixes and the actual problem with the other mix and how they are incompatible I can't really offer any help there but I am sure you have done your best with it. But I would be happy to try and help on this if it's what you wanted to do.

I don't mind the special edition views during the announcement that much but I do feel it pulls the viewer out the moment. the large crowd exterior one is ok. I don't like the corridor shot at all.

You can hear the better take from the radio drama here for C3PO's lines that sound muffled in the original soundtrack. If that could be fixed I think it would be some consolidation.



I don't know what bugs me about this shot more, the bad 1980's mall fashions the ladies are wearing, or the complete non reactions to Lando's announcement that the Empire has taken over. Was it free tranquilizers day on Cloud City? ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


.Mac. said:

Ronster said:

Would anyone actually miss this scene with the people standing about in cloud city?

I would. I like that it shows the people he's speaking to - in this way, it opens up Bespin even more, and for me that was a positive attempt with the SE. With Ady's enhancements to those shots and all of the other backgrounds in cloud city, they have all become seamless together and very beautiful looking.

I would, too. Not all the SE changes are bad; this is one of the good ones. I like these little shots that remind the viewer that the Star Wars galaxy is inhabited by "regular people," too, not just the heroes and villains on which the film focuses. It's a reminder of what the rebels are fighting for. And, as .Mac says, it opens up Bespin and makes it more believable.


Well to me it sounds as if this is the way it is. Nothing I say will make any difference to it and I certainly won't be editing the film myself so I will just have to put up with the way it is now, I have not the audacity [ no pun intended :) ]

But you are right about opening up cloud city is a good thing, and there is nothing wrong with how the shots there were tweaked It's as silverwook said it.

But I have tried to highlight my concerns, about this section not to bash the teams work but to take stock of what the damage is. It's a battle of pro's and con's what has been gained and what has been lost. What were the hurdles and why it is like it is.

I'll hope the audio is still temp and some of what I brought up could be addressed but I have a feeling this is a final set in stone so never mind.


Hmm.. I like the original cityscape and sky better. First, Slave I going up into a bluer sky illustrates better that it is heading towards Space. Second, I prefer McQuarries architecture better. It is not a flaw that some building in the far distance is the same behind both the Millenium Falcon and the Slave I.


Darth Lars said:

Hmm.. I like the original cityscape and sky better. First, Slave I going up into a bluer sky illustrates better that it is heading towards Space. Second, I prefer McQuarries architecture better. It is not a flaw that some building in the far distance is the same behind both the Millenium Falcon and the Slave I.



adywan said:

Darth Lars said:

 It is not a flaw that some building in the far distance is the same behind both the Millenium Falcon and the Slave I.

 Some buildings? Actually it's all of them, including the same clouds because they used the exact same matte for both platforms, so it is a flaw:

 Obvious trolling is obvious. It didn't dignify a response.