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It could be my computer monitor but did Ady do something with the contrast/brightness/colours in the new clip? I know he was changing the colours from the 2004 transfer anyway, but something seems slightly different compared to his previous clips.


Steady Rogue three audio edit.


Lowered the pitch of the "three" down by 0.53 in Audacity it obviously screws with the music pitch also in this rough example but It might make the tone of the voice a bit better?

I think the actual line in the clip is very close to being all the way there but I think a pitch down slightly would help the "three" audio sample fit more smoothly with the previous voice sample and be more similar to the "two" we are all familiar with.


Ronster said:

Steady Rogue three audio edit.


Lowered the pitch of the "three" down by 0.53 in Audacity it obviously screws with the music pitch also but It might make the tone of the voice a bit better?

I think the actual line in the clip is very close to being all the way there but I think a pitch down slightly would help the "three" audio sample fit more smoothly with the previous voice sample.

Ady hasn't got to the audio stage yet. All this scrutiny is about something he has only done a cut and paste edit on.


Not scrutinizing I said it a couple of pages back that we are all jumping the gun on temp audio but I wanted to try and identify what It might be about the "three" that makes it sound off. And in conclusion I think it is only the pitch of the sample.

Sorry just trying to be helpful


Humby said:

The only complaint I could make towards Ady's new Vader hologram is that he looks a little short and stout for some reason. 

He's just a little teapot.


I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


TV's Frink said:

Humby said:

The only complaint I could make towards Ady's new Vader hologram is that he looks a little short and stout for some reason. 

He's just a little teapot.

Earl Grey, of course.  It helps with the burns.


Ronster said:

I had an idea today about re-authoring the DVD chapter titles and where possible use official canon titles that read better and are more inspiring.

5 Escape From The Wampa >>> The Wampa's Lair
8 Search Party >>> Snowspeeders Take Flight
12 Preparing For Battle >>> The Coming Storm
13 First Transport Away >>> The Ion Cannon
14 Battle In The Snow >>> Fire and Ice
17 Escape Aboard The Falcon >>> Escape From Echo Base
23 "Found Someone, You Have" >>> Luke's Nocturnal Visitor
24 Interrupted Kiss >>> Han Solo and the Princess
27 "This Is No Cave" >>> The Mynock Cave
28 Jedi Training >>> The Training of a Jedi Knight
29 Failure At The Cave >>> An Evil Place
31 There Is No Try >>> Yoda and the force
35 Meeting Lando >>> Lando's Palace
38 Imperial Surprise >>> Betrayal at Bespin
39 The Deal Gets Worse >>> Deal with the Dark Lord
41 Luke Enters The Trap >>> The Trap
42 Confronting The Dark Lord >>> Confronting The Dark Lord / Vader
43 Lando's Second Surprise >>> Lando's Dilemma
44 Lightsaber Duel >>> The Clash of the Lightsabres

The original is on the left an edited version on the right.

Good suggestions, Ronster. I think many of your changes are more appropriate than the originals. "Clash of the Lightsabres" is a little over-the-top, but I think the rest work well.


BlueCardinal said:

Ronster said:

I had an idea today about re-authoring the DVD chapter titles and where possible use official canon titles that read better and are more inspiring.

5 Escape From The Wampa >>> The Wampa's Lair
8 Search Party >>> Snowspeeders Take Flight
12 Preparing For Battle >>> The Coming Storm
13 First Transport Away >>> The Ion Cannon
14 Battle In The Snow >>> Fire and Ice
17 Escape Aboard The Falcon >>> Escape From Echo Base
23 "Found Someone, You Have" >>> Luke's Nocturnal Visitor
24 Interrupted Kiss >>> Han Solo and the Princess
27 "This Is No Cave" >>> The Mynock Cave
28 Jedi Training >>> The Training of a Jedi Knight
29 Failure At The Cave >>> An Evil Place
31 There Is No Try >>> Yoda and the force
35 Meeting Lando >>> Lando's Palace
38 Imperial Surprise >>> Betrayal at Bespin
39 The Deal Gets Worse >>> Deal with the Dark Lord
41 Luke Enters The Trap >>> The Trap
42 Confronting The Dark Lord >>> Confronting The Dark Lord / Vader
43 Lando's Second Surprise >>> Lando's Dilemma
44 Lightsaber Duel >>> The Clash of the Lightsabres

The original is on the left an edited version on the right.

Good suggestions, Ronster. I think many of your changes are more appropriate than the originals. "Clash of the Lightsabres" is a little over-the-top, but I think the rest work well.

I don't think "The Clash of the Lightsabres" is over the top at all... Isn't that actually the title of the musical cue that plays during that scene?


Via @swrevisited:

Calling all effects artists. We need your help!





I think that explosion is PERFECT for the generator scene. Is there any particular reason it can't be used? No HD, no permission granted or something like that?

With some tweaking like adding the snow floor and geneator (which shouldn't be hard for Ady) plus some other details this could work very well.


I absolutely loooved the shockwave in the middle of the explosions. Loved it.


I'm imagining a shield generator sitting there and the sand recolored to look like snow... that would indeed be a perfect explosion for the shield generator!

Wouldn't it be possible to contact that fellow in the vid and ask for his permission to use his video as a source? (and add his name to the credits for supplying the explosion)

If he has any love for SW and/or the work Ady is accomplishing, I'd imagine he would be more than happy with that (I know I would be perfectly fine with it if I were he) - this way it helps save time and, whenever possible, it's just always best to do practical effects ;)

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


.Mac. said:

I'm imagining a shield generator sitting there and the sand recolored to look like snow... that would indeed be a perfect explosion for the shield generator!

Wouldn't it be possible to contact that fellow in the vid and ask for his permission to use his video as a source? (and add his name to the credits for supplying the explosion)

If he has any love for SW and/or the work Ady is accomplishing, I'd imagine he would be more than happy with that (I know I would be perfectly fine with it if I were he) - this way it helps save time and, whenever possible, it's just always best to do practical effects ;)


You're not asking for permission to use the other 99% of what you're using, so why bother with this?

Lemonstein said:

You're not asking for permission to use the other 99% of what you're using, so why bother with this?

Because using Empire itself, being the whole point of the project afterall, is a given. 

Stealing elements from other people's work on the other hand isn't really right.


brash_stryker said:

Lemonstein said:

You're not asking for permission to use the other 99% of what you're using, so why bother with this?

Because using Empire itself, being the whole point of the project afterall, is a given. 

Stealing elements from other people's work on the other hand isn't really right.




Have you thought about blowing up your model using pyrotechnics?

They are relatively cheap but you would need to have someone who knew what they were doing to get the right effect and to be safe also.

But this is another option you could look in to perhaps.

I have fired pyrotechnics on a couple of occasions... But the law is a lot more strict now with things of this nature but they are not that complicated but I would advise you to speak to local Lighting Stage supplier could help you on this but money is the problem with this stuff I understand.

Try this dude



Hello there. I'm new here (although a long time lurker) and I thought now would a good time to register since I think I might have something to contribute to this topic.

I must say I agree that the video that Adywan posted looks like a great fit for the shield generator explosion. But I also think I figured out why he won't be using it in ESB:R.

First of all, I failed to find any version of the video in higher quality than the 480p one on Facebook. I did find a HD clip from a show on the Discovery Channel that featured this video but even they used the low quality version, leading me to believe that a higher quality version simply isn't availible online. 

I also discovered that the video was made by a US weapons contractor in Iraq who as a test exploded 100 ton of ammunition in Iraq back in 2006. It’s needless for me to say that it's pretty unlikely that Adywan would be able to get permission from a US weapons contractor to use footage of one of their weapons tests in a Star Wars fan edit…

Not only that but since the video was made in 2006 we can't even be certain that it was recorded or stored in an HD format, since they weren't as widespread back then.

Ronster, pyrotechnics are an option I guess. It's what they did with the generator in ROTJ and I must say I really like that effect. But you have to be extremely professional when dealing with pyrotechnics. Everything has to be set up correctly. And assuming Ady has only one model of the generator, that means he has only one chance and one take to get it right.

Also, I like the work of the guy whose demoreel you posted. Adywan, I have some links to demoreels and possible candidates as well and since I'm a bit of a compositor myself I might be able to give you a few tips as how to go about something like this, do you mind if I PM you on the subject?


Tantive said:

And assuming Ady has only one model of the generator, that means he has only one chance and one take to get it right.

Not to mention the model in question is destined to be a part of the give-away for fans who donated to the project....the winner of this particular piece might be a little disappointed if all they got in the mail was a ziploc bag filled with ash and tiny bits of burnt plastic.


=> This

(would be like the Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru "playset" - after the Stormtroopers came for the droids, that is)


Though it is safer to make an explosion with CGI, it is not as nice looking as the real thing (maybe if you use a pro-tool and being a pro-designer to use it ...)


Ronster, pyrotechnics would be fine if you can get help from the studio who did the practical effects for the Independence Day White House blow up or the Mythbusters or something like that, AKA someone with years and years of experience in the film industry/blowing up stuff.

Otherwise it just won't look right no matter what.

THEN you need to rent a high speed HD camera so add that to the cost of the pyro people/supplies. Because this isn't just Sid blowing up toys in his back yard, it needs to have the "weight" of a huge explosion, just like in the FB video.

So, to me, first option would definitely be to try to use this already existing (and fantastic) footage of a big ass explosion. Even if no HD version exists as Tantive has pointed out, the generator could be farther away so the explosion footage could be smaller in frame....or something.

Getting this guy's permission might prove even harder given the new info about him. But who knows, can't hurt to ask, can it?


If using this footage is definitely out of the question for whatever reason, then it's gonna have to be digital, and we could only ask whoever ends up doing this to match that video to the best of their abilities.



Neither Ady or his team have the funds for that level of SFX, so it's a moot point. Ady confirmed himself on the Facebook page that he could never afford anything of the sort. There's no use discussing it further unless one of you is an eccentric millionaire with their own pyrotechnics yard.

In which case, I'm both in awe and a bit scared.

VFX can work really well, with the bonus that you have more control over it.

Skip to 2:04 in the following video and you can see a digital effects breakdown of CG fire. Yes it's green fire in this one, but the principle is the same.



i really hate in the bluray version during the battle of hoth that the dish gun when it fires at the walkers leg just vanishes.it doesn't show the leg light up anymore to show it took some kind of damage.adywans version doesn't show this either.still hoping he puts that back in.

"you make a living by what you get,but you make a life by what you give"           winston churchill


lastjedi said:

i really hate in the bluray version during the battle of hoth that the dish gun when it fires at the walkers leg just vanishes.it doesn't show the leg light up anymore to show it took some kind of damage.adywans version doesn't show this either.still hoping he puts that back in.
This is a change I'm not sure I'm familiar with, and knowing changes is kind of my thing. Please elaborate.

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@ 3:32 in this video you can see what lastjedi is referring to:


Though I can't remember if it was like this all along or if it's been changed tbh.

If in ESB:R is still like that ^, it could certainly be upgraded with some sort of hint of damage or a flash at least not to diminish the idea that the "armor is too strong", but would improve with some kind of reaction from the leg being hit.


brash_stryker said:

eccentric millionaire with own pyrotechnics yard

That would I have on my card, if I had this kind of "hobby" - and they would call me "Rico" ;-)

brash_stryker said:

VFX can work really well, with the bonus that you have more control over it.

Yes it's green fire in this one, but the principle is the same.

well, I don't know what program they use, but they surely got some experts using it ...

If in ESB:R is still like that ^, it could certainly be upgraded with some sort of hint of damage or a flash at least not to diminish the idea that the "armor is too strong", but would improve with some kind of reaction from the leg being hit.

yeah, some blackening of the leg or knee would be ok, doesn't need to be a major damage, only to show that the rebels try to bring the walkers down, and fail until they find a better strategy!