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"You are a true believer. Blessings of the state, blessings of the masses.

Thou art a subject of the divine. Created in the image of man, by the

masses, for the masses.

Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill. Work hard; increase

production, prevent accidents, and be happy."

JEDIT:Missed it by that much!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Monroville said:

muddyknees2000 said:

To be fair, I WAS just joking. It's Shaw's ghost.....already decided, ages ago. But if you want MY opinion on the best way to end ROTJ....it would be to have Luke see the ghosts at the funeral pyre instead of at the party. They smile at him, fade away, and then Han & Leia come looking for Luke....no dialogue, the music does the talking, but we clearly see that Luke tells them he has to go, and can't join them at the party, they shake hands/hug....he walks over to his X-Wing and Han & Leia go back to the party and the films ends as it does now. 

I think this would have strengthened the idea that the "Returning Jedi" wasn't Luke....but THE JEDI....the order, not the individual....and Luke is off to go make that happen. Unfortunately I think Lucas had had his fill and wanted a nice unambiguous ending.

I know this should be in the JEDI WISH LIST thread, but here's an idea:

Why not have no ghosts at all?

There is nothing saying that you couldn't edit it so you start at the party, Leia goes to look for Luke, cut away with her looking pensive, cut to Luke roasting Vader's body and camera moves up to show the X-wings dropping fireworks... but instead of the shot stopping, it continues to pan up and move towards the stars, where you then edit/fade/montage into the galaxy celebration scenes.

I like this idea



Ok back to empire strikes back...

In the asteroid chase the tie fighters stop firing at the falcon for quite a long part of the chase is there any plans to keep the tie fighters shooting and chasing for the duration and not just chasing? They only start shooting towrds the end of the chase again.


Also on scenes of the falcon manouvreing laser hits or misses on these scenes?

Perhaps some cockpit shield hit flashes also?

It as if the pursuing tie fighters are forgotten about to introduce the asteroid field and not they are being chased by tie fighters into the asteroid field.

I think it would add more continuity to the chase.


Ronster said:

Ok back to empire strikes back...

In the asteroid chase the tie fighters stop firing at the falcon for quite a long part of the chase is there any plans to keep the tie fighters shooting and chasing for the duration and not just chasing? They only start shooting towrds the end of the chase again.


Also on scenes of the falcon manouvreing laser hits or misses on these scenes?

Perhaps some cockpit shield hit flashes also?

It as if the pursuing tie fighters are forgotten about to introduce the asteroid field and not they are being chased by tie fighters into the asteroid field.

I think it would add more continuity to the chase.

Ady at one point had added lasers to the TIEs, but for reasons I don't recall, removed them and had the scene go back to how it's always been. I assume that it's more realistic to have the TIE pilots more focused on steering to avoid the asteroids rather than use Jedi-like multitasking skills to fire lasers while dodging big space rocks.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


Interesting that it was added and removed....

Although i would not want to see anything over the top i think the chase feels a bit disjointed in the the middle and especially when they first head into the asteroid field.

from like 1:14 to 2:12 in the clip we could do with being reminded that the tie fighters are there still either through sounds (blast hits) and mild shakes when they are trying to fix the hyperdrive or visually through cockpit flashes and or lasers on the swoop manouvre the falcon does.

It's about a minute of disconnect that they are still being chased.

Found that clip you mentioned Oh_riginal


And I actually think that it is over the top (I actually like the first edited shot of the ties) but would not mind a toned down version of the this and the others or like the original. Basically to me it's more the part before the chase through the asteroids I think needs the padding and reminding that the tie fighters are still there while fixing the hyperdrive talking in the cockpit and the falcon swooping through.

I think it was removed so as to not interfere with the music and if any lasers were re-added it would have to be done in a way that complimented the music and it's rhythm.


I think the only weird part is where Han and Chewie try to fix the hyperdrive or something ... there could be laser and hitsounds, maybe even a softer shake (because we need to have a difference, when the Falcon enters the asteroid field)

on the other hand, IN the asteroid field, I wouldn't change anything, as I have played many space simulators, and trying to NOT getting hit by a rock and to successfully target an enemy is nearly impossible - at least if you aren't a Jedi ;-)


brimforge said:

IN the asteroid field, I wouldn't change anything, as I have played many space simulators, and trying to NOT getting hit by a rock and to successfully target an enemy is nearly impossible - at least if you aren't a Jedi ;-)

Well, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 : 1 ;) And I agree, the crazy imperial pilots must have been too focused on surviving the chase than concerning themselves with shooting.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


^ Hands up if anybody didn't read that really fast in Threepio's voice ;-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


.Mac. said:

Well, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 : 1 ;)


It depends on the asteroid field (how much rocks and dirts fly around) and the pilots skill - but it's sure a foolish task to do ;-)



Yeah i am pleased that the idea was tried out but i would be interested in seeing a version of the ties firing much more sparcely that would not interfere with the music.

I think there is nothing wrong with the idea but ideally we should have only seen a small number of laser blasts like 3 at the begining before the music kicked in.

But as said before the roughly one minute disconnect from them being chased


one idea could really make sense "inverse", that distracted pilots get hit by asteriods more likely (and they do, as they try to slow down/ stop the Falcon)

so yes, maybe one or two "crazy" pilots could fire some shots and pay the price for being fools ;-)


the "one minute gap" should at least be bridged with offscreen laser shots (the slight shakes could be ignored, because we are inside the "body" and not in the cockpit - and it makes the impact with the asteroids more meaningful)


brimforge said:

.Mac. said:

Well, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 : 1 ;)


It depends on the asteroid field (how much rocks and dirts fly around) and the pilots skill - but it's sure a foolish task to do ;-)

Actually, the chances of you even coming close to an asteroid are over a million to one. 

See, this is another classic symptom of mankind's inability to grasp the vastness of space.

I think If I did a fan edit of the movies I'd cut the 3po 'chances' dialogue. Of course, it's quite a fan beloved piece of banter, so that's just me. 


Akratus said:

brimforge said:

.Mac. said:

Well, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 : 1 ;)


It depends on the asteroid field (how much rocks and dirts fly around) and the pilots skill - but it's sure a foolish task to do ;-)

Actually, the chances of you even coming close to an asteroid are over a million to one. 

See, this is another classic symptom of mankind's inability to grasp the vastness of space.

I think If I did a fan edit of the movies I'd cut the 3po 'chances' dialogue. Of course, it's quite a fan beloved piece of banter, so that's just me. 


The asteroid chase is a perfect example of art vs. reality. In reality, these sorts of bob-and-weave flying through asteroid field scenes in movies wouldn't happen because asteroids are miles, hundreds of miles, apart.

But from an artistic standpoint, it makes for a great piece of cinema. The asteroid chase, and the cave/space slug setup and payoff, is one of the most memorable parts of TESB. It's visually and emotionally exciting, which is what we're after as an audience watching a space fantasy. Not meticulous realism.


Ronster said:
I think there is nothing wrong with the idea but ideally we should have only seen a small number of laser blasts like 3 at the begining before the music kicked in.

It wasn't a bad idea, but it wasn't something I felt was missing. Here's why: To me, the asteroids replace the lasers as a new threat to our heroes (as well as to the Ties) and the music signifies this new danger perfectly.

When the asteroids become less of an obstacle and threat for everyone, then the chase goes back to normal with the remaining two Ties firing again.

If Ady is open to the idea though, and manages to seamlessly fit in a couple extra blasts in, I could live with it. What brimforge said is why I'd be fine with it, where the Ties who do keep firing a few extra shots are the same two who die earlier on. But still, it's fine as it is now.

Things I for sure wouldn't want to see changed in this sequence that I've read about are: Adding more Ties to the chase and removing that collision of the small asteroid into the larger one (just after "Never tell me the odds.").

On a near-related topic, has Ady decided what he'd like to do about the Mynocks, so when they are flying in the cave they look less like puppets waving around by someone off-screen?

+1 to asterisk8

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


I can imagine mynochs being perhaps a nice surprise if something could be done to improve them.... I am sure it has been thought about but there is no mention of them what so ever in the change list so it raises my suspicion.

I would be more interested to know if the cave will move to the correct side han points his finger at...because as far as i know this error was spotted here on this thread and nowhere else on the internet.


It may be a bit late in the game for a change like this, but am I the only one who finds it odd that the emperor waited several years after the events of ANH to talk to Vader about Luke Skywalker? It seems like this is the first time they're talking about it. Doesn't this seem like the type of conversation that should've occurred shortly after the battle of Yavin, and not several years later once he's not only destroyed the Death Star but probably done far more rebel activity that was bound to draw their attention?


Would it be possible to move this to the beginning of the film and add an indication that this is shortly after the events of ANH? Or at the very least could someone give a justifiable reason for why the emperor and Vader waited so long to talk about such a major new figure in the rebel alliance?


And please note I am not suggesting making the entirety of ESB take place shortly after ANW, only the scene between Vader and the Emperor and then jump to several years later with the probe droids being launched.


Luke hasn't popped up on the Emperor's radar until now.

Probably because Luke is beginning his training with Yoda.

Yoda is probably shielded by the Force (Vader hasn't killed him yet) but Vader can sense Luke.

The Emperor can see a fully trained Luke in the future as a threat, a threat soon coming to pass (only Luke gets a couple of days training before Yoda drops dead mid-sentence in the next film but hopefully someone will fix that in ROTJ:R ...hint, hint).


I get why he hasn't been a threat as a trained Jedi, but he should've been seen as a threat as a rebel. He was the one who destroyed the Death Star and the Emperor and Vader know this. And Vader could sense the Force was strong with him during the battle. Yes Obi-wan was dead, but they still should've seen him as a threat to be dealt with sooner than they decided to.


Well I think Vader sensed the force and decided not to tell the Emperor about that fact, so as to not jeopardize possible plans to team up against the Emperor. 

Without the crucial knowledge that Luke is strong with the force the Emperor would have no need to tell Vader that he would be a great asset if he was on their side. 


Lmao I've been waiting on this fanedit to be released since I was in junior high and I'm in my second year of college now... hmmm... 


Well, that makes sense. Thank you two for clearing that up.


well things happen. life complicates things. But from what we've seen, the wait will be quite worth it.


Oh yes.  I'm not criticising or saying it's a rip off or anything.  I understand.  I'm just pointing out how high interests are.  It's just kind of a strange feeling you know.  Going thru my teen years waiting for a movie to be released.  Now in college and working... still waiting for the same movie to be released.  I'm sure it will be worth it tho!


sonofjones said:

I get why he hasn't been a threat as a trained Jedi, but he should've been seen as a threat as a rebel. He was the one who destroyed the Death Star and the Emperor and Vader know this.

Up until recently with the new Dark Horse Star Wars title it was always held that they didn't know who it was. At least not for a while. In between SW and ESB, Marvel comics made it an ongoing mission of Vader's to find out who was responsible for the destruction of the Death Star and they'd show him hunting down rebels and questioning them until he found out.

So it wasn't supposed to be until shortly before ESB that they finally found out who he was.

Forum Moderator

I think it could work both ways, as told in the Marvel comics, to bridge the years between Episode 4 and 5, aka "Vaders Search"

Or it could be that Vader soon after the Battle of Yavin found out (through interrogating rebel soldiers) who that mysterious pilot was, keeping the "info" for himself ...

in the end, the Emperor only recently came to the conclusion, that "the son of Skywalker" would become either a threat or his new apprentice ;-)