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Shadowman99 said:

After a bit more thinking I have some more notes of the second shot in the SD Collision sequence:


Good call on those other two Destroyers.  I can't believe ImperialFighter missed them! ;-)

Just teasing IF!

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Me neither!  I must have had 'Fleet' fatigue by that point....  :)

I'm interested to have a look at the shots in question tonight.  For some reason, the original 'unaltered' screenshots don't seem to be shown anymore in Shadowman99's original mention of them, 7th post from the top, on page 111.  His 'alternative' ideas look good though.


imageshack flaked out. I re-posted the image on 111 so you can see it.

Thanks for the feedback.

edit: I started a discussion on a really cool technology for upsampling video using photographs to add missing information/improve resolution.

Don't post responses in Adywan's thread, but check this out:



I was watching Empire today and I had a quick little idea. I was on the menu with Bespin and I noticed there is a really cool flyby of the falcon towards Cloud City. I was wondering if there is any chance it could be included in this new edit. It would eliminate one more cut, since there are so many in that one scene.


That's actually a good idea methinks, if Adywan deems it good enough quality.  It certainly looks as good as any of the SE cloud city additions.  The only issue I suppose is how it would look upscaled alongside the HD footage from the film itself.


if someone could post a clip of it that would be great so everyone can see it. If I knew how to rip it I would.

teharri said:

if someone could post a clip of it that would be great so everyone can see it. If I knew how to rip it I would.

If you want to do it quickly just to show people what you're describing, maybe just record it with a digital camera or something? :p You're showing us the scene, not the quality, so it doesn't matter if it's just a camera video.


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Ripplin said:
teharri said:

if someone could post a clip of it that would be great so everyone can see it. If I knew how to rip it I would.

If you want to do it quickly just to show people what you're describing, maybe just record it with a digital camera or something? :p You're showing us the scene, not the quality, so it doesn't matter if it's just a camera video.


If nobody gets to it this afternoon, I can post screenshots of it when I get home in a few hours.


Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


i can rip scenes from the movie but I am having a hard time ripping the dvd menus




I thought it would be worth showing this. This is an image from the new Lucas Arts game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I believe this part of the game takes place on Cloud City. My understanding is that the timeline falls somewhere around the first couple of films. I think a lot of the details shown are interesting, especially the ship.


Blade Runner: The Complete Collection


That was cool, teharri. Takes a while doing that many screengrabs, then uploading them, too. :p It's a good looking scene with a nice simple transition into that long shot of Cloud City. The Falcon's engine glow is just nutty!

Just watched the video, too. They did do some nice little things for the menus and such on the DVDs. A lot of effort that maybe should have gone into preserving the movie itself? Heh.

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Nice going teharri.  I like the dynamic shot much better than the two seperate ones.  That was one thing Star Trek Revisited was good at, cutting down on, well, cuts.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

doubleofive said:

Nice going teharri.  I like the dynamic shot much better than the two seperate ones.  That was one thing Star Trek Revisited was good at, cutting down on, well, cuts.


 Star Trek Revisited? Never heard of it.


Nope. That was a prompt to add that to the list, with ROTJR and the Dark Knight Revisited, once the prequels revisited are done as well, that is (no smiley thingey, this time).

God, being god, doesnt need permission to take time out, he just does.

In the meantime i'll provide the comedy interlude.

Could be a few bleek months ahead..... :-/

Sluggo said:

While we are on the subject of the approach to Cloud City, the 2004 Empire DVD has a cool animation of the Falcon breaking through the clouds to land before the DVD goes to its main menu. It might be worth looking at as a possible addition to the movie.


 A little something from page 52

*cough, cough*


Thats the ball ache with the new forum software. To get back there aint as easy as used to be to read your comments Sluggs (attacking Jays software aint for comedy value only - im a little miffed without saying so directly, perhaps). Thought there was something about that before.

Just going back through the last 10 pages made me remember how much i hack myself off, reading my posts :-P


does anyone know how to rip a dvd menu. I think it would be cool to edit this scene into the movie somehow. I also like the CGI falcon in the asteroid field on the Special Fetures Disc.

Shadowman99 said:

Throwing something new into the mix, a continuity issue concerning ship positions and lighting:




Hi Shadowman99 -  having now had a chance to check out the section of the movie that your above 3 shots and comments recently referred to, I have to say in all honesty, that I see these particular effects in a different way to you, and don't think they require the proposed overhaul.   I happen to see a different interpretation of the juxtaposition of the 'angles' in the sequence, and it will be interesting to see what Adywan decides in the end.  Watching the actual sequence in motion gives me a different impression of it, where these shots are concerned, and as I'm only re-using your own previous 3 screenshots, my descriptions here will need to do, as to why - 

....in the top shot, the Millennium Falcon is indeed coming towards us, closely followed by the 4 TIEs.  However, I'd say that going by the moving footage (and the supposed scale involved), that the Falcon seems to be just ahead of the prow of the Stardestroyer 'Avenger' chasing it, and that the Falcon and the 4 TIEs are still just ahead of it as they all exit the frame.  The nose of the Stardestroyer does look as if it would pass just below us if it went 'off-frame' at the bottom....however, what the top shot doesn't indicate, is that although we see 2 of the TIEs exit the top of the frame, and the other 2 exit the side of the frame, is that we also see the Falcon itself passing below us, as it exits the bottom of the frame.  This gives a very direct, 'head-on' point-of-view of the 'close-up' Falcon and TIES just in front of the Stardestroyer as the shot ends.  It's only my own opinion, but because of this 'angle', I see them all as being just above the height of the Stardestroyer's prow at this point, overall.

....and then what's not obvious in the middle shot above, is that the moving footage initially starts with a fast-moving 'close-up' of the underneath of the Falcon as it enters the top of the frame, very closely followed by all the TIEs also entering the top of the frame, still just ahead of the prow of the Stardestroyer that enters downwards into the frame from the top, too.  To me, and again it's only my own opinion, rather than the Falcon and TIEs appearing to be underneath the Stardestroyer now, it seems that the continuity is okay, and this 'angle' still indicates them to be somewhat just slightly ahead, and just slightly above of the Stardestroyer's prow.  Halfway through this brief shot, the straight-ahead trajectory of the Falcon and the TIES now moves upwards a little, disappearing out of view, as the Stardestroyer steadily continues to move downwards into the frame before the shot ends.  (If the shot is kept as it is, this slight 'upwards movement' in the Millennium Falcon's trajectory explains why we wouldn't see 2 distant Stardestroyers in this shot, as they are seen to be directly ahead of the Falcon's cockpit, a few seconds later, and are already very small and distant initially)

....immediately after this middle shot, we then cut to approx. 4 seconds of Chewbacca roaring, and Han saying "I saw them, I saw them", and Leia asking "Saw what?"....before then cutting to the next shot showing the 2 distant, tiny, fast-approaching Stardestroyers ahead, seen through the cockpit windows....followed by a further approx. 10 seconds of C3PO unsuccessfully trying to tell Han about the damaged 'Hyperdrive' before Han says "Great, well we can still outmanoeuvre them"....before we eventually then cut to the shot seen in the bottom shot above.  This approx. 10 seconds is plenty to explain the fact that the 2 distant, fast-approaching, oncoming Stardestroyers are now almost upon the Falcon and the Stardestroyer 'Avenger' following it.  And the approx. 14 seconds in total from the end of the middle shot onwards, can certainly account for any eventual change in positioning of the Falcon in the bottom shot.  Although to me, it seems in the moving footage, as if the Falcon and it's TIE pursuers are still just slightly ahead of the closely-following Stardestroyer, and haven't moved far from their previous positions in front of it overall. 

Although the shot 'angles' convey a consistency to me as they are, I do like the idea of a slightly more 'manoeuvreable' Falcon in the middle shot above.  And I'd never spotted the 'reversed' lighting between the top shot and the bottom shot before! 



Back to the discussion last night, I meant "Star Trek Remastered".  Obviously had this project on the brain.

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