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I am not saying you should change anything... I'm merely pointing out that If the Wampa was given a bit more respect in terms of the score it could perhaps improve upon what is there already.

Who and what to score to in the cave.... as 2 things happen simultaneously and which should take precedence?

What do you think fishmanlee?

Ben's death is not comparable... It works and hits the right emotinal tone... Nothing wrong with it Leia knew Ben better than Luke and he sacrificed himself to save them all.


do you think it could be done better then?

That was what I was trying to get across and I agree... And I appreciate that tinkering and tampering is sometimes taboo on some things.....I guess I am just sick of the Wampa being treated like a joke... I'd like to feel a bit scared again like when I was a kid... If that makes any sense... Basically doing what ever possible to make the wampa cave make me feel something like that again.

Kids today don't even scare as easy as we did back then. And this was the motive for the re-scoring suggestion.

I used to run and Hide when the Hulk (Bill Bixby) used to change the Wampa never was up there with this but It could be. I used to love the Hulk aswell did not stop me from watching it I just had to hide at this point where he turned for a while.

Bill Bixby = fine

Hulk = fine

Half hulk / half Bill = Run like a looney behind the sofa and hide


I don't know.

My Godson has only been able to put money in the dragon's mouth at the mummers play on Boxing day for a couple of years and it's not even a real dragon.


I think it depends on the individual... Some people find things scary that others do not.


I looked at the clip again Ronster & I know what you mean, but there's so much happenining at that moment, there are sinister stabs through the Force theme which acknowledge the threat of the Wampa, but the Rebel Fanfare is the relief  from the tension.



fishmanlee said:

That is not the Rebel Fanfare, that is the main theme (or Luke's Theme)

Ah yes, but you know what I mean

(just making sure you were paying attention, Mr Fish)



Jaitea said:

I looked at the clip again Ronster & I know what you mean, but there's so much happenining at that moment, there are sinister stabs through the Force theme which acknowledge the threat of the Wampa, but the Rebel Fanfare is the relief  from the tension.


Thanks guys for understanding, I was feeling like a bit of a nutter... But it took me a long time to realize that the sound and score are potential tools to utilize to improve upon what is there...

I'll be honest and say I don't really feel much tension in the Wampa Cave now being adult and I don't feel the need for the musical relief fan fare.

As soon as Wampas Arm get's chopped off the score reverts back to darker tones again...

I am just glad that people finally understand what I was trying to say... But that was probably my bad communication skills earlier as I was having a hard time getting the point over.


Ronster said:

Jaitea said:

I looked at the clip again Ronster & I know what you mean, but there's so much happenining at that moment, there are sinister stabs through the Force theme which acknowledge the threat of the Wampa, but the Rebel Fanfare is the relief  from the tension.


Thanks guys for understanding, I was feeling like a bit of a nutter... But it took me a long time to realize that the sound and score are potential tools to utilize to improve upon what is there...

I'll be honest and say I don't really feel much tension in the Wampa Cave now being adult and I don't feel the need for the musical relief fan fare.

As soon as Wampas Arm get's chopped off the score reverts back to darker tones again...

I am just glad that people finally understand what I was trying to say... But that was probably my bad communication skills earlier as I was having a hard time getting the point over.


I'm sorry I still don't understand what you mean.


















For those of you not on the book of faces.....3rd Unit is shooting this Friday. One step closer to a finished product!


I am one of many on the book of faces...and I 'liked' that excellent news.




What is being filmed, if that's public information?


A few Vader shots to replace some bad rotoscoping and to fix a continuity error.


Who get's to dress up as Vader then?

This man deserves a Medal damn it...


As long as it isn't adding an extra shot of Vader looking down at luke falling and going "Noooooooooooooooo!".

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


adywan said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

As long as it isn't adding an extra shot of Vader looking down at luke falling and going "Noooooooooooooooo!".

Hmm, now you have given me an idea.........



It would be a funny easter egg for the project to add Vader going "Noooooooooooo" into every concievable scene like I'm sure Lucas would like to do.

After Falcon blasts out of Hoth Hanger bay... "Noooooooooooo"

Luke knocks vader down with that gaspipe in Bespin "Noooooooooooo"

After R2 repairs the hyperdrive "Noooooooooooo"

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


adywan said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

As long as it isn't adding an extra shot of Vader looking down at luke falling and going "Noooooooooooooooo!".

Hmm, now you have given me an idea.........






...soooooooo was anything done to fix the continuity mistake in terms cutting in cave? You know how Luke swipes 10-meters away from the Wampa and the arm falls into frame? 

Every time I ask this question, people go off on a tangent about icicles and music and things that don't need to be changed. 

I'm merely asking if this was even addressed by ady.

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

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Asteroid-Man said:

...soooooooo was anything done to fix the continuity mistake in terms cutting in cave? You know how Luke swipes 10-meters away from the Wampa and the arm falls into frame? 

Every time I ask this question, people go off on a tangent about icicles and music and things that don't need to be changed. 

I'm merely asking if this was even addressed by ady.

I don't know, but I don't recall it ever being something that adywan mentioned as bothering him in the scene.

It's interesting that yourself and DominicCobb seem to see this shot as looking very wrong, as it's never been something that stood out to me over the years personally.  So I had another look at it in motion after your comments, and here's what I reckon -

The positioning still works fine enough for me I'd have to say - I don't see Luke as being a huge distance away from the Wampa at the point where he swipes his lightsaber...because the creature is meant to be very big compared to him anyway, and the camera seems to be close to the Wampa's rear view on top of this, perhaps giving you the impression that Luke is further in the distance than he really is, during the shot.  But I just see Luke looking small compared to the Wampa, rather than being too far away from it in the distance.

In addition, the Wampa is still rushing towards Luke at the moment we cut to where he swipes at it, and at that point the main body of the Wampa totally obscures a lot of the swiping lightsaber anyway, so we can't see how close to Luke it's outstretched right arm was at this point.  But while that overall shot works fine for me still, I'm really looking forward to seeing adywan's new Wampa look to replace the dodgy 'lunging' shot design before it.


About the Easter Egg with a bunch of Nooooooo's, I say do it lol.  Just thinking about Vader when Luke falls will be bloody hilarious!

And speaking on the subject of Wampas, wouldn't it have been cool if Ady and Co.  recreated that deleted scene to take out some Stormtroopers etc.  Could even hire that Vader actor to get a little more involved too.

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”