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adywan said:

Thanks you everyone for your well Wishes, and i’m so sorry for your loss Ronster. I was rushed into hospital again on Sunday but i’m back home now and thankfully it wasn’t anything too major, although it does look like i will need another operation to insert another stent if the artery that caused Sundays emergency gets any worse. So i need to take it very slow now during the long recovery. But, thanks to the amazing work the NHS have done for me, for the most part i feel better than i have for over a decade. Looks like i’ve been having mini heart attacks for years now and this was the one that finally knocked me down.

Thankyou for kind words and others too. My Mum also had issues with Vascular but it really came down to being the small blood vessels rather than problems with main arteries but it combined with other problems like Diabetes and Kidney Disease.

Blood flow around your body is very important not only to stop you say getting pins and needles but if yoh need treatment for an infection and anti-biotics don’t make it to where the infection is due to blood vessel damage then it can not be fought off effectively. Anyway I hope you can take that in. For my Mum whom was 77 nearly 78 which is relatively young but you see it’s multiple issues that is when you get in a real difficult situation. I hope you get on the mend soon Ady.


Heaping thoughts and wishes onto you too, Ady. I’m glad that it came to your attention since it evidently needed to, and hope that it’s being addressed in a way that can give comfort.

My stance on revising fan edits.


So glad your ok ady, wishing you a speedy recovery.


Ronster said:

adywan said:

Thanks you everyone for your well Wishes, and i’m so sorry for your loss Ronster. I was rushed into hospital again on Sunday but i’m back home now and thankfully it wasn’t anything too major, although it does look like i will need another operation to insert another stent if the artery that caused Sundays emergency gets any worse. So i need to take it very slow now during the long recovery. But, thanks to the amazing work the NHS have done for me, for the most part i feel better than i have for over a decade. Looks like i’ve been having mini heart attacks for years now and this was the one that finally knocked me down.

Thankyou for kind words and others too. My Mum also had issues with Vascular but it really came down to being the small blood vessels rather than problems with main arteries but it combined with other problems like Diabetes and Kidney Disease.

Blood flow around your body is very important not only to stop you say getting pins and needles but if yoh need treatment for an infection and anti-biotics don’t make it to where the infection is due to blood vessel damage then it can not be fought off effectively. Anyway I hope you can take that in. For my Mum whom was 77 nearly 78 which is relatively young but you see it’s multiple issues that is when you get in a real difficult situation. I hope you get on the mend soon Ady.

First thing I wanna say is I always pictured you as American. Hmm. Oh well. Lol. But sorry for your loss, man. My mom died of pneumonia back in 2003. My dad died in 2014, one of my four (now three) sisters died last year, my uncle died last month, my (wife’s) dog of 15 years died a couple of months ago, and I also had a niece on the wife’s side that died at only 6 months old a couple years ago. Amoung many others as well. Death sucks, man! But time does heal all wounds, even if only temporarily, until you think about it again. But it does get easier anyway.

Adywan, sorry to hear about you as well, glad you are getting better. A good reminder that we all need to take better care of ourselves.


Just caught up with your recent health troubles Ady. How awful. But I’m heartened to hear that you are feeling much improved after your latest treatment in the NHS Bacta Tank.

All the very best for your recovery, and I’ve just added a lengthy update of your marvellous recent work over on the ‘STAR WARS REVISITED by Adywan’ thread on the Fanedit(.)org site.

May the Force be with you.


While you’re recovering Ady, thought you might want to take a look at this. It’s Scene 38 once again but much more appropriate…


“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


I don’t know why people are so obsessed with Scene 38.

It’s not that well done, it doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the original film, and it’s just so obvious that it isn’t the same set or actors for that matter.

The whole “we are going to make something that can seamlessly be entered in” is easily the biggest fail of that project. It is a fun supplemental thing, but to this day I do not understand the obsession with shoehorning it into every fanedit.

Ady’s version of the duel has been just fine. The movie came out in 1977. You have to accept the slower-paced duel the same as Yub-Nub. It was never a “problem” until the fast-paced prequel duels were a thing…

EDIT: Forgot to include, but the link above appears not to include any clips of Scene 38, but it does seem like it is respecting the source material much better when they were editing it. It feels really similar to Ady’s existing duel though.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Yeah, I didn’t mean THAT Sc38. The more I watch it over time it does look too out of place.

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


I’ve tried to make a donation recently but my bank refuses to play ball with the PayPal account for some reason. Is there a direct payment option?


I’m personally a fan of Ronster’s edit of the duel. FVDnz’s video is probably a better realization of what people in the editing room were trying to create and, by extension, a more obvious tribute to the fast paced swashbuckler sword fights that Lucas was trying to riff on. But Ronster’s duel just flows so well and works better at showcasing the pure choreography.



ifjg said:

I’m personally a fan of Ronster’s edit of the duel. FVDnz’s video is probably a better realization of what people in the editing room were trying to create and, by extension, a more obvious tribute to the fast paced swashbuckler sword fights that Lucas was trying to riff on. But Ronster’s duel just flows so well and works better at showcasing the pure choreography.


It needs the better angle overhead slash when Vader hit’s the wall from the trailer though which “that guy with no name” may have done… Hoping he sorted that? and as Adywan did fixing Ben’s unrotoscoped sabre before cutting to the hangar. Looks like a sparkler you get on bonfire night otherwise.

There is also more sound effects needed to do with light sabres touching I lost the video of first batch of edits on this I did but I never nailed the correct scene order until this attempt. It still needs a cut away or insert to stormtroopers shooting I feel also too long on Luke shooting at not a lot. The same stormtrooper being hit 3 times before falling over is problomatic but it is better here.

The Cloak… when Vader prods the Cloak with his foot needs smoke added also and perhaps douse flames.


I’m curious as to what Vader’s voice is gonna sound like in the HD version. The original, the SE one more in-line with ESB and ROTJ, a new modified version of one of those two?

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


R.I.P. James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader …

I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


What a career and legacy he has had!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


How’s life going for Adywan right now? Has he been feeling any better these last few months?


ThiscouldbeR2D2 said:

How’s life going for Adywan right now? Has he been feeling any better these last few months?

His profile was active as of today so that’s a good sign.


Glad to hear you are feeling better!
The color grading looks great to me. All the elements stand out and are more defined. Especially the image with Luke and the gang pulling up to the Death Star. Great work!
Stay healthy!


I hope you pass the Gundark ear pulling test soon.


Just got back from seeing Episode 4 at the cinema. It was the “Maclunky” 2020 version but, f**k me, it looked and sounded gorgeous. This is NOT the same grade that is on the blu-rays/ Disney+. the colours for about 90% of the movie looked great. Not the flat/ sepeia looking grade we have on the official physical media releases. Skin tones looked great, the highlights were punchy and not suffering with the flat highs of the blu-rays. The Tavtive IV corridors looked beautiful. Even the static grain problem that the latest blu-rays suffer with wasn’t noticeable at all. On thing however is that most of the special edition additions ( especially mos eisley) looked horrendously bad. Not just because they were suing 90’s CG tech, but they looked low res compared to the rest of the film. Blurry/ soft and a few shots didn’t even look HD.

There seemed to be some alterations in the sound mix too. Sound effects that aren’t present on the blu-ray mix. The music was much more prominent, a bit too much in places.

They’ve got a movie marathon on sunday starting with rogue one followed by eps 4, 5 & 6. Can’t go though because its my bloody wedding anniversary. ARGHHHH. Can’t really sit in a cinema the whole day. But luckily they are showing ep 5 next tuesday evening and then the following week ep 6, so i’ll be able to check them out. If the other two films look as good as Ep4 did then, why the hell do the blu-rays look so bad? If they looked that good then it would have saved me years of work regrading them.




adywan said:
why the hell do the blu-rays look so bad? If they looked that good then it would have saved me years of work regrading them.

Yeah, same experience here man. They looked better on screen for some reason. Perhaps the version shipped out to cinemas is graded differently? the shot entering mos eisley is by far the worst one. the foreground characters look nice and sharp and so do the mice, but the background is like 360p.



adywan said:

Just got back from seeing Episode 4 at the cinema. It was the “Maclunky” 2020 version but, f**k me, it looked and sounded gorgeous. This is NOT the same grade that is on the blu-rays/ Disney+. the colours for about 90% of the movie looked great. Not the flat/ sepeia looking grade we have on the official physical media releases. Skin tones looked great, the highlights were punchy and not suffering with the flat highs of the blu-rays. The Tavtive IV corridors looked beautiful. Even the static grain problem that the latest blu-rays suffer with wasn’t noticeable at all. On thing however is that most of the special edition additions ( especially mos eisley) looked horrendously bad. Not just because they were suing 90’s CG tech, but they looked low res compared to the rest of the film. Blurry/ soft and a few shots didn’t even look HD.

There seemed to be some alterations in the sound mix too. Sound effects that aren’t present on the blu-ray mix. The music was much more prominent, a bit too much in places.

They’ve got a movie marathon on sunday starting with rogue one followed by eps 4, 5 & 6. Can’t go though because its my bloody wedding anniversary. ARGHHHH. Can’t really sit in a cinema the whole day. But luckily they are showing ep 5 next tuesday evening and then the following week ep 6, so i’ll be able to check them out. If the other two films look as good as Ep4 did then, why the hell do the blu-rays look so bad? If they looked that good then it would have saved me years of work regrading them.

That’s bizarre. I wonder if Disney is sitting on another edition they plan to roll out in the future. Maybe 50th anniversary? It’s only a few years away. I can’t imagine they would do a theater only regrade.

The blackest eyes… the devils eyes.

LOST Season Finale Restorations: