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I don’t know if this has been decided yet, but will there be any blu-ray artwork made for this edit?
I remember seeing a really cool one made for ESB:R, but i cant seem to find it.
There are some on Deviant Art.
I don’t know if this has been decided yet, but will there be any blu-ray artwork made for this edit?
I remember seeing a really cool one made for ESB:R, but i cant seem to find it.
There are some on Deviant Art.
“Red R2” issue now fixed 😃
I guess my eyes are worse than I thought they were. I don’t see a red R2 in the 2011 footage.
The “issue” was Adywan’s original fix for having two R2’s in the scene, which was coloring one of them red (see ANHR and last week’s preview video).
Ohh ok. I see it in the original comparison. So there were always “officially” two R2s in that shot? Never noticed before.
“Red R2” issue now fixed 😃
I guess my eyes are worse than I thought they were. I don’t see a red R2 in the 2011 footage.
The “issue” was Adywan’s original fix for having two R2’s in the scene, which was coloring one of them red (see ANHR and last week’s preview video).
Ohh ok. I see it in the original comparison. So there were always “officially” two R2s in that shot? Never noticed before.
There’s one prop heading toward camera, then the actors turn a corner and another prop heads directly away from camera.
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
“Red R2” issue now fixed 😃
Random internet guy: “Hey Ady, Red R2 loo-”
Adywan: “Hold my beer!”
OMG like how in the hell do you make it looks that flawless that fast. Thats INSANE!
I just hope you like the change cus I think you did a fantastic job.
“Red R2” issue now fixed 😃
I guess my eyes are worse than I thought they were. I don’t see a red R2 in the 2011 footage.
The “issue” was Adywan’s original fix for having two R2’s in the scene, which was coloring one of them red (see ANHR and last week’s preview video).
Ohh ok. I see it in the original comparison. So there were always “officially” two R2s in that shot? Never noticed before.
There’s one prop heading toward camera, then the actors turn a corner and another prop heads directly away from camera.
Was it two props or hidden stitch continuity error? I asumed that lady that crosses the screen was hiding a wipe.
“Red R2” issue now fixed 😃
I guess my eyes are worse than I thought they were. I don’t see a red R2 in the 2011 footage.
The “issue” was Adywan’s original fix for having two R2’s in the scene, which was coloring one of them red (see ANHR and last week’s preview video).
Ohh ok. I see it in the original comparison. So there were always “officially” two R2s in that shot? Never noticed before.
There’s one prop heading toward camera, then the actors turn a corner and another prop heads directly away from camera.
Was it two props or hidden stitch continuity error? I asumed that lady that crosses the screen was hiding a wipe.
It’s two props.
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
Also a surprise appearance from Marvel Jabba!
Oh wow, what an amazing photo, I genuinly suprised they had the budget for two R2s. All the bhs docs ive scene, they were complaining about getting him to work for more than 5 seconds. Tho tbf I guess they could have just pulled one on string for that shot.
Just a question
In RO, the DS plans are shown to be white; but for ANH:R HD it’s shown to be in red like in AOTC.
What brought about this change?
If I may weigh in, I think they look cooler red. Generally the Empire uses red schematics and I think it’s cool that the villain schematics are color coded red.
Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits
I agree they look slightly cooler in red but unless it’s possible to change the plans to red in Rogue One, I think it’s best to keep them white in A New Hope to stay consistent with Rogue One, which is in my eyes more worth keeping consistency with than Attack of the Clones, given the higher quality of the film itself and the fact that it immediately segues into A New Hope.
I agree they look slightly cooler in red but unless it’s possible to change the plans to red in Rogue One, I think it’s best to keep them white in A New Hope to stay consistent with Rogue One, which is in my eyes more worth keeping consistency with than Attack of the Clones, given the higher quality of the film itself and the fact that it immediately segues into A New Hope.
I get the feeling that in the shot where R2 is plugged in and the plans show up on screen, a “software update” of sorts will show, and the white plans will change into the red ones.
Just a question
In RO, the DS plans are shown to be white; but for ANH:R HD it’s shown to be in red like in AOTC.
What brought about this change?
They were red in ANH:R, which was completed 8 years before Rogue One was released, so they are staying the same in the HD version. It will still tie in with the plans seen in Rogue One. Someone has already guessed the solution i have done 😉
Adywan are you fixing shots like these as well to look like the one on the top.
Adywan are you fixing shots like these as well to look like the one on the top.
That’s a problem with the 2020 version , i’m using the 2011 mainly. Although that shot is a little softer in detail than the previous shot, it is nowhere near how badly scrubbed the 2020 blu-ray version is. I did give it a tweak to restore the detail though
2011 Blu-Ray
2020 Blu-Ray
I really don’t know why so many rave about the 2020 blu-rays. ANH & ESB are worse than the 2011 blu-rays in many respects. The static grain is horrendous, the grading is flat and dull, the terribly executed use of power windows to brighten areas of a shot without bothering to move the masked area to track with the section as it moves in frame is mind blowingly amateurish, especially for someone that is supposed to be a professional, plagued with bed DNR smearing, the films have been scrubbed of so much detail and more. Why we can’t have a decent copy of these films in 2023 is beyond me. I’m having to combine the two versions. For ANH:RHD, certain shots or sections from the 2011 version are being replaced with the 2020 version, but only in the places where the 2020 has a better image, which surprisingly, isn’t as much as you might think.
Adywan are you fixing shots like these as well to look like the one on the top.
That’s a problem with the 2020 version , i’m using the 2011 mainly. Although that shot is a little softer in detail than the previous shot, it is nowhere near how badly scrubbed the 2020 blu-ray version is. I did give it a tweak to restore the detail though
2011 Blu-Ray
2020 Blu-Ray
I really don’t know why so many rave about the 2020 blu-rays. ANH & ESB are worse than the 2011 blu-rays in many respects. ESB is horizontally stretched and cropped, The static grain on all 3 is horrendous, the grading is flat and dull, the terribly executed use of power windows to brighten areas of a shot without bothering to move the masked area to track with the section as it moves in frame is mind blowingly amateurish, especially for someone that is supposed to be a professional, plagued with bed DNR smearing, the films have been scrubbed of so much detail and more. Why we can’t have a decent copy of these films in 2023 is beyond me.
I’m having to combine the two versions. For ANH:RHD, certain shots or sections from the 2011 version are being replaced with the 2020 version, but only in the places where the 2020 has a better image, which surprisingly, isn’t as much as you might think. For ROTJ:R though i’m having to use mainly the 2020 version as this is actually better quality than the 2011 version, for the most part, but there are some parts that are going to have to use the 2011
Adywan are you fixing shots like these as well to look like the one on the top.
That’s a problem with the 2020 version , i’m using the 2011 mainly. Although that shot is a little softer in detail than the previous shot, it is nowhere near how badly scrubbed the 2020 blu-ray version is. I did give it a tweak to restore the detail though
2011 Blu-Ray
2020 Blu-Ray
I really don’t know why so many rave about the 2020 blu-rays. ANH & ESB are worse than the 2011 blu-rays in many respects. ESB is horizontally stretched and cropped, The static grain on all 3 is horrendous, the grading is flat and dull, the terribly executed use of power windows to brighten areas of a shot without bothering to move the masked area to track with the section as it moves in frame is mind blowingly amateurish, especially for someone that is supposed to be a professional, plagued with bed DNR smearing, the films have been scrubbed of so much detail and more. Why we can’t have a decent copy of these films in 2023 is beyond me.
I’m having to combine the two versions. For ANH:RHD, certain shots or sections from the 2011 version are being replaced with the 2020 version, but only in the places where the 2020 has a better image, which surprisingly, isn’t as much as you might think. For ROTJ:R though i’m having to use mainly the 2020 version as this is actually better quality than the 2011 version, for the most part, but there are some parts that are going to have to use the 2011
I’m half-surprised that you haven’t needed to use 4K77 or 4K83 to restore shots that are too far gone to DNR or poor color grading.
Nice to see I’m not the only one who thinks 2011>2020 BD’s. I echo the sentiment on the newer transfers having way too much DNR. I am also surprised by not using 4K77 or 4K83 as a source, though. 4K83, especially, is a pristine print with several excellent color grades available, and I don’t think it’s hard to find spots where it blows away the official releases.
Nice to see I’m not the only one who thinks 2011>2020 BD’s. I echo the sentiment on the newer transfers having way too much DNR. I am also surprised by not using 4K77 or 4K83 as a source, though. 4K83, especially, is a pristine print with several excellent color grades available, and I don’t think it’s hard to find spots where it blows away the official releases.
Spots, yeh but not enough to qualify to use fully as a basis for my edits. The BD’s are still the best sources to use for an edit like this, even with their problems. 4k77/83 will be used to remove some of the SE stuff in certain shots, but still mixed in with the BD’s to get the best image.
The only major thing to come out of the 2020 BDs is no longer having a whole film reel scanned out of focus in ROTJ.
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This is the way.
Most of the reason people appreciate the new transfers is because of the color grading. Sure it’s dull, but when I turn up the color on my TV it looks great. It doesn’t have as many unfixable issues when it comes to grading as the 2011, like the crushed blacks. There’s more detail and the original colors are still there and can be restored, where as with the 2011 ones, if you desaturate it it just looks duller. The colors are just completely off. You basically have to redo the entire color map.
Adywan’s color grades are better then any of the official releases, but that’s because he’s an expert colorist. He actually did redo the entire color map. But if I’m just picking a version of the movie that I can easily pull up, and I’m choosing between the ugly ass over-saturated 2011 Blu-Rays and pulling up Disney+ and turning the color on my TV up, I’m choosing the latter.
The 2020 ones may have more issues, but you aren’t gonna notice them as much as a blatant ugly color grade.
But there are shots that look godawful from the 2020 Blu-Rays, like that one in the Millennium Falcon. I noticed it in my last rewatch and wondered what the fuck happened.
Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits
Adywan what do you think of these edits to a new hope? These are from the guy with no name I think that’s his name.
DevEd V.2
Adywan, just Wanted to say that the color grading on the shot of 3PO walking in the falcon looks absolutely amazing. The colors pop beautifully. I love the vibrant gold of 3PO.
I may have asked this before so apologies if this has been answered, but are you going to match the interior Falcon lights to ESB/TFA?
The Falcon is always falling apart. I think you can safely assume work was done on the ship during the three years after Battle of Yavin. Among them, Replacing the lights in the corridor, re-aligning trim light in the cockpit, and the addition of new bunk.