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Ronster said:

The first shot inside the deathstar control room with tarkin facing the screen would be better to remove Alderaan entirely and outer space have a graphic or readouts… The reason being if Alderaan is on the screen why is Leia so surprised when he says “home planet of Alderaan” as if it was not there already. This was meant to be a “reveal” Leia looks stupid. It’s not your fault but it could be better to hear the sound of screen changing then cut to viewscreen with Alderaan in orbit.

I don’t this that would fix the issue as Admiral Motti litterally says they have entered the Alderaan system quite clearly as Leia walks up to Tarkin. I also don’t feel like she is surprised by them being at her “home planet of Alderaan” I think its more the “I have chosen to test this station’s destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan” bit, that she was upset about.
Personally I don’t this is an issue the way it already is.


Telion said:

Ronster said:

The first shot inside the deathstar control room with tarkin facing the screen would be better to remove Alderaan entirely and outer space have a graphic or readouts… The reason being if Alderaan is on the screen why is Leia so surprised when he says “home planet of Alderaan” as if it was not there already. This was meant to be a “reveal” Leia looks stupid. It’s not your fault but it could be better to hear the sound of screen changing then cut to viewscreen with Alderaan in orbit.

I don’t this that would fix the issue as Admiral Motti litterally says they have entered the Alderaan system quite clearly as Leia walks up to Tarkin. I also don’t feel like she is surprised by them being at her “home planet of Alderaan” I think its more the “I have chosen to test this station’s destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan” bit, that she was upset about.
Personally I don’t this is an issue the way it already is.

Point taken but you know the control room shot during battle of yavin has Motti in the background which preceeds him walking up while Tarkin is looking at the screen. And his footsteps sound effects are on the tail end of that establishing shot used for the white uniform imperial officer instead walking out the shot. It’s a chopped up sequence audio and video and literally that establishing shot of the viewscreen could literally have meant to have been for the final battle or go somewhere else. But it does do a good job of showing us the control room. If you listen to the radio drama it plays out as I said like a “reveal”. Try to picture Motti saying “we’ve reached the Alderaan system” with his footstep sounds restored too and then cut away to the viewscreen with a graphic then Leia appearing instead after that insert so it would not feel so all at the same moment and she was not present and privy to that comment by Motti.

There is of course also if Alderaan is on the screen why does Tarkin need Motti to tell him also.

One more point regarding the chess game inserts of R2D2 in death star armory room above docking bay…

These 2 shots I think were meant to be the deleted chess pieces animation shown in the special effects documentary. Especially telling because it would seem R2D2 takes another of chewbaccas pieces triggering han to say “pulling peoples arms out of their sockets when they lose” I appreciate that could be tricky to pull of given the quality of the footage but they could easily be luma keyed as elements in of themdelves and there is also the blank chess board shot is also presented in the documentary. So it’s doable but probably not very good quality. Or alternatively it went with “now be careful R2” after the warning they were given by ~Han,

The first chess shot is the character bashing another over the head. Problem in that though I’m not sure if the reciving character animation is shown. My memory is not good on this.


Now even though this is a TV 4:3 presentation observe how it’s cropped to oust the backdrop also on the R2S2 shots.

Anyway Would be good to use Lukes muffled audio from radio drama for “with the blast shield down how am i supposed to fight”


adywan said:

kg1977 said:

does the reedit of this (planned but not start) in 720P HD version really mean 816 x 1920? bluray size of empire revisited is this I believe. And if I am understanding this right, there is a 816 x 1920 adywan regarded version already (minus the additions)?

The HD version of ANH:R will be 1080p, same as ESB:R & the upcoming ROTJ:R. There is a 1080p regraded version of ANH that i released that used the 2011 Blu-ray as a source

@adywan, Nice to see this coming along…Love the alderaan explosion. To have that is HD will be amazing!


'Cause Vader got a new helmet. He’s not even totally dressed the same and his voice is a tad different as well. Things happen between movies.

So long 🙌


Tantive3+1 said:

Since Vader’s eyes will be tinted red for ANH:RHD, why aren’t they red throughout the whole OT?

Wait, this is a thing? Awesome. With the release of Rogue One I’d say it’s kinda important to keep things they way they are with Vader in ANH.


Wouldn’t taking out grain make the image worse? I mean, what if the video looks like it’s been grain scrubbed or had DNR used?

(I’ve watched a lot of older films [other than Star Wars], that had been remastered in 4K/HDR UHD, and I came to a conclusion that, if you have a solid grain structure, it could give a more appealing filmic look.)


adywan said:

Quick update:


For those without Facebook…

adywan said:

I’m Back!!!

Well what a shit start to the year. facebook has finally given me back posting rights to this page after all he fuss with my phone number . Took them bloody long enough to accept it. I would have been back early last month but i had to go and get bloody covid. Knocked me for six and still suffering with the after effects. Energy levels of a 90 year old now. lol.

Anyway, since Facebook blocked me i decided to stay off the net and concentrate on working on ANH:R. Bloody hell i got so much done. Its surprising just how much longer its taking me to do each shot compared to when i did the same shots in the Standard Def version all those years ago. Working in HD really does slow things down. Rotoscoping especially. Things you could get away with when working in DVD res you just can’t with HD. But it will be worth it in the end.

Work on ROTJ:R, at the moment, has almost halted. I want to get ANH:R HD out of the way first. Working on both at the same time became a bit of a nightmare. Burned me out almost. That doesn’t mean to say that nothing is being done on it though. I’m about to start building some of the models that will hopefully be ready to shoot in the summer ( need the good weather to shoot some outside) . I’ll also be tacking some of the FX shots when i take a break from ANH. But the majority won’t start until ANH:R HD is complete and released

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Awesome to here this
! Glad you recovered from covid ady, and I bet it’s a totally different ball game playing with high definition, we will be here waiting patiently for a new hope, keep up the great work


Going to be great!
No pressure though.
Thanks for the update. Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks for the update. And remember: The force will be with you, always.

For seventeen years the renegade Pfhor scoutship jumped between the closely packed stars of the galactic core. And all over the ship, dancing through the wreckage of the Pfhor computer core, Durandal was laughing…


Each and every one of those sound wonderful. Will have a good night that night!

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


You followed my suggestion of fixing Vader’s helmet in the cockpit! I contributed to Revisited! I feel so honored!

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Beautiful. Cannot wait to see the finished copy with your glorious color correction.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I really liked the Death Star reveal and the extended battle. I hate to see them go.


I appreciate ditching the extended reveal and battle, along with shortening the approach to Mos Eisley. Anything that brings the pacing more in line with the theatrical cut is welcome.

While I did appreciate the extended stuff from the SD version, it did feel like “showing off” instead of fundamentally adding to the movie. The lack of dialogue in the extended battle definitely hurt it, from my perspective. It’s why Purist was the only version I watched for many years. I’m glad to see that HD will be more like Purist than the other versions.


exitzero said:

I really liked the Death Star reveal and the extended battle. I hate to see them go.

Agreed. But obviously it’s Adywan’s edit, so I’m not complaining. It will be amazing in any case.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


I absolutely cannot wait for this to be released, my entire weekend will be planned around the release of this long awaited edit.


I agree with most of the comments on Facebook. Loosing the extended Death Star battle especially is a sore loss.


I’m very glad it’s gone. Definitely my least favorite change.