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Yeah i mean the blinking really brings him to life, and I love how expressive he is now.
Well for what it’s worth, Rodians do indeed blink in both The Clone Wars and Rebels.
Yeah i mean the blinking really brings him to life, and I love how expressive he is now.
Didn’t I see that Adywan was doing away with the blinking Ewoks?
The eyelids (and the new eyes, really) changed them from “teddy bears to Furbys”, according to Ady. Rodians (and most other alien creatures) are a different case.
Somebody who likes Star Wars.
My best to worst Star Wars movies: 546739128
I do have another question. Concerning that Adywan doesn’t intend to re-use footage from ESB and ROTJ, will those sequences be recreated from scratch? (New CGI-Recreation)?
I’ve noticed on the changes sheet that, the TIE Fighters were going to be color-changed to blue.
But, I’ve seen a photo gallery of changes from May 2009, saying that the TIE Fighters were going
to remain gray to add consistency from ANH:R. Are the TIE Fighters really gray or blue, what ever
color they are are they going to remain?
Adding on to re-watching ESB:R, I’ve also noticed that the video format/dimensions were 2.35:1.
CinemaScope Format, a real win for me (I’ve grown to like that format). Will that remain in the
upscale of ESB:R, ANH:RHD, and ROTJ:R?
Since the release of either the 2020 Disney+ Editions or, the 2020 4K/UHD Blu-Ray Disc Set, what are
your thoughts about it, particularly the color-corrections? Is there a chance for them to be
implemented, or a hybrid between yours and Disney’s?
I do have another question. Concerning that Adywan doesn’t intend to re-use footage from ESB and ROTJ, will those sequences be recreated from scratch? (New CGI-Recreation)?
(Edit: I just re-watched ESB:R and, I have two more questions.)
I’ve noticed on the changes sheet that, the TIE Fighters were going to be color-changed to blue.
But, I’ve seen a photo gallery of changes from May 2009, saying that the TIE Fighters were going
to remain gray to add consistency from ANH:R. Are the TIE Fighters really gray or blue, what ever
color they are are they going to remain?Adding on to re-watching ESB:R, I’ve also noticed that the video format/dimensions were 2.35:1.
CinemaScope Format, a real win for me (I’ve grown to like that format). Will that remain in the
upscale of ESB:R, ANH:RHD, and ROTJ:R?
Tie fighters are washed out in Star Wars. They have one of the original models at Planet Hollywood in Florida- they were blue.
I edited my reply because thinking about it, it didn’t beong in this thread, I can’t delete either, so I’ll just say this is one of the best vertions of ANH I hve ever seen 😃
Will the colors of ANH:R (HD) be based on the 4K77 No-DNR v1.4?
I do have another question. Concerning that Adywan doesn’t intend to re-use footage from ESB and ROTJ, will those sequences be recreated from scratch? (New CGI-Recreation)?
(Edit: I just re-watched ESB:R and, I have two more questions.)
I’ve noticed on the changes sheet that, the TIE Fighters were going to be color-changed to blue.
But, I’ve seen a photo gallery of changes from May 2009, saying that the TIE Fighters were going
to remain gray to add consistency from ANH:R. Are the TIE Fighters really gray or blue, what ever
color they are are they going to remain?Adding on to re-watching ESB:R, I’ve also noticed that the video format/dimensions were 2.35:1.
CinemaScope Format, a real win for me (I’ve grown to like that format). Will that remain in the
upscale of ESB:R, ANH:RHD, and ROTJ:R?Tie fighters are washed out in Star Wars. They have one of the original models at Planet Hollywood in Florida- they were blue.
Well one of the original models could still be from ESB or ROTJ. I’ve always read that due to technology
(working with bluescreens) they had to make the models grey in a New Hope. Then as things advanced, they were able to make the models blue in the later movies. I’m no expert though maybe that’s just urban legends, regardless, I think blue is the way to go.
Will the colors of ANH:R (HD) be based on the 4K77 No-DNR v1.4?
- Adding on to re-watching ESB:R, I’ve also noticed that the video format/dimensions were 2.35:1.
CinemaScope Format, a real win for me (I’ve grown to like that format). Will that remain in the
upscale of ESB:R, ANH:RHD, and ROTJ:R?
The aspect ratio has now been changed to 4:3 to suit George’s original intended vision
- Adding on to re-watching ESB:R, I’ve also noticed that the video format/dimensions were 2.35:1.
CinemaScope Format, a real win for me (I’ve grown to like that format). Will that remain in the
upscale of ESB:R, ANH:RHD, and ROTJ:R?The aspect ratio has now been changed to 4:3 to suit George’s original intended vision
- Adding on to re-watching ESB:R, I’ve also noticed that the video format/dimensions were 2.35:1.
CinemaScope Format, a real win for me (I’ve grown to like that format). Will that remain in the
upscale of ESB:R, ANH:RHD, and ROTJ:R?The aspect ratio has now been changed to 4:3 to suit George’s original intended vision
I don’t believe that for a single second.
Ady, have you ever considered utilizing some of Team Negative 1’s work for SWRevisited, like their Project 4K77?
Ady, have you ever considered utilizing some of Team Negative 1’s work for SWRevisited, like their Project 4K77?
The FaceBook Page for SWRevisited said this in it’s info, “ANH:R will deviate only slightly from the theatrical version.” What does that mean? What changes does he plan to make, are they changes that have originated from ANH:R (SD)?
Do we know what the status is on the Cantina Arm, the one Obi-Wan chops off? With Ponda Baba’s Rogue One appearance it seems the original arm is the official one, which arm will appear in Revisited HD? Either way I like the change of the cauterized wound on the severed arm.
Do we know what the status is on the Cantina Arm, the one Obi-Wan chops off? With Ponda Baba’s Rogue One appearance it seems the original arm is the official one, which arm will appear in Revisited HD? Either way I like the change of the cauterized wound on the severed arm.
I feel like most Rogue One edits remove that cameo so it needn’t dictate this edit.
Do we know what the status is on the Cantina Arm, the one Obi-Wan chops off? With Ponda Baba’s Rogue One appearance it seems the original arm is the official one, which arm will appear in Revisited HD? Either way I like the change of the cauterized wound on the severed arm.
How does those guys’ appearance in Rogue One change which arm it should be?
How does those guys’ appearance in Rogue One change which arm it should be?
How does those guys’ appearance in Rogue One change which arm it should be?
In the scene from Rogue One you can see Ponda Baba’s arm in the shot, which is the same arm that ends up on the floor in A New Hope
But A New Hope takes place after Rogue One…
You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)
But it’s not the arm he actually has in ANH
Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits
But A New Hope takes place after Rogue One…
I know? All I’m saying is that since he has that arm in Rogue One, it’s the most accurate one to have in the scene in A New Hope.
But A New Hope takes place after Rogue One…
I know? All I’m saying is that since he has that arm in Rogue One, it’s the most accurate one to have in the scene in A New Hope.
The first image doesn’t work for me.