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As long as ANH:R HD has the spinning star field and the DS in the process of firing when it blows up I'll be happy.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Ronster said:

If I was served up a ANH:R HD version I really would not want to see anything changed to much from what it already was...

Reinstating Tarkin just before the DS explosion and 3PO's reaction to his buddy R2 getting blasted are a must for me. I love ANH:R, but those missing/repurposed moments were a bit of a gut punch to me.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I know you said no suggestions, but I was just wondering if you were ever going to fix the continuity error created by the standing R2 model against the three-legged R2 model? Because for the standing R2 model, silver tubes for the actor's feet can be clearly seen, with the feet moving in them, while on the three-legged "cruise" model, these silver tubes are nowhere to be seen. This is especially evident in the scene where Uncle Owen purchases the droids from the Jawas.

Just some shameless advertising! My personal Star Wars fan art and more at http://leadzero.deviantart.com/


Ah yes Ady addressed that issue in the original Revisited release, so you have nothing to worry about! :-)

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


what changes will be made? is there a change list? will be some errors are corrected? will this come with the German language from the bluray?


ray_afraid said:

Ronster said:

If I was served up a ANH:R HD version I really would not want to see anything changed to much from what it already was...

Reinstating Tarkin just before the DS explosion and 3PO's reaction to his buddy R2 getting blasted are a must for me. I love ANH:R, but those missing/<span>repurposed </span>moments were a bit of a gut punch to me.

with you on those 2 ray....

Why have i got the feeling all of a sudden that we are going to see this edit in HD sooner than we have been told about it?

Anyway it seems there are a few things that Ady wan'ts to change back so I will just wait for the new version whenever it shows up.


So is the option to play the Battle of the Heroes music during the final duel out of the equation 99-100% now?  It sounds like it based on the update on the wordpress site - but just making sure.


LeadZero said:

I know you said no suggestions, but



obikal said:

So is the option to play the Battle of the Heroes music during the final duel out of the equation 99-100% now?  It sounds like it based on the update on the wordpress site - but just making sure.
I'm not sure the original "option" will be present on ANHRHD.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I don't think I'll mind things going close to the purist cut... but I really hope that 3P0s "There's no escape for the princess this time" stays. Favorite part of the edit.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


adywan said:

The edit will be closer to the purist version in it's editing apart from the Obi-Wan hut scene, which will be the re-arranged version. 

Will the extended TIE attack during the Battle of Yavin still be there? I remember that being taken out for the Purist edition, but I do love that sequence. Really adds to the intensity of that moment in the battle. 


I can understand the music being taken back out (regardless of me liking that change in the original revisited), but I really don't want anything else changed back to more purist.  The extended Battle Of Yavin and that C3PO line were the best parts (albeilt the 2D images running across the screen in AE for the extended sequences, luckily that won't be the case anymore).


Thanks for the info Ady - I'm adding my +1 to the side of preferring your "original" cuts/edits over the purist edition, but obviously this is your baby, and I'll always have my other "non-HD" copy either way  :)  (And it still looks dang good for "non-HD", so I won't be losing sleep over it)


Keep up the great work across the board!  Looking forward to every single one coming over the next decade or so!  ;)  (That's meant to be encouraging, not depressing... ha)


My eyes are not good enough to tell the difference between SD and HD on my HDTV anyway, so it's all good for me.


Sojourn said:


adywan said:

The edit will be closer to the purist version in it's editing apart from the Obi-Wan hut scene, which will be the re-arranged version. 


Will the extended TIE attack during the Battle of Yavin still be there? I remember that being taken out for the Purist edition, but I do love that sequence. Really adds to the intensity of that moment in the battle. 

^ This.

The extended TIE Attack was the best thing about ANH:R and unlike changes like the music additions (which continues to divide a lot of people) the extended battle just felt like it belonged there.

lt also made perfect sense - why would there only be a handful of TIEs available?

If Ady is determined to keep the same cuts as 1977, I assume he'll add in the extra TIEs without any rearranging - but it would still be a nice touch to have the original Revisited version (lovingly recreated with Ady's greatly improved skill level) available via special features or even a branching disk.


I also hope the extended battle/added TIEs stay in ANH:R HD.  That was the best thing about the edit IMO, just added a whole lot. 


Personally I liked that it made the battle feel bigger....but I found myself missing the radio chatter...the whole narrative seems to stop during that part. The initial TIE reveal also seemed too big and showy. It kinda just screams "HEY, this is a new effect!". The music might be to blame here, not sure. I didn't mind seeing a wave of them coming in....but it made little sense for them to be coming from so far off...towards the DS....would have made more sense to see them coming FROM the DS...over its surface. I didn't care for the Imp March being added (much prefer it showing up in the 2nd OT film.......using one of the most iconic themes for something so wimpy as TIE fighters just seems wrong somehow. I love all the added TIEs....the battle seems way more epic now....but that intro shot (for me) is just too much.


My only issue with the extended TIE sequence was the EMPIRE march music being used.  You have some fast paced Williams music going on, and then the slower march kicks in and then merges back with the faster paced music... making it sound a bit clunky.

I could see some of those helping Ady with EMPIRE:R helping to recreate a newer version with either a new score to match/synch with William's faster paced music, or the scene being timed with William's ANH score.

And I'd still prefer the DS blowing up in mid-shot then seeing Tarkin scratching his chin looking pensive.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Monroville said:

And I'd still prefer the DS blowing up in mid-shot then seeing Tarkin scratching his chin looking pensive.

I'm greedy...I want both.


I personally love the TIE reveal and the Imperial March.  Whether Tarkin is there or not is really no matter to me as long as the explosion remains the same.  What distresses me is the thought that the Death Star reveal is going to be changed.  That is my single most favorite shot in the entire film.  When I show ANH:R to friends that is the shot I use to illustrate the degree of sophistication of this edit compared to all the others.


I'm not sure if this has been addressed at all before, and if it has I'm sorry to bring it up, but I need to know if something is going to be done to make Vader's voice uniform throughout the films.  His voice in ANH is to me the most menacing.  In the sequels it is deeper (slowed down?  Harmonizer?) and sounds contrived and phony.  Picture "Commander tear this ship apart until you've found those plans, and bring me the passengers. I want them alive!" done with the ROTJ voice.  It just wouldn't work.  Is it possible to repitch his voice in the sequels to more properly match the way it sounds in ANH?

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.


}{eywood said:

I'm not sure if this has been addressed at all before, and if it has I'm sorry to bring it up, but I need to know if something is going to be done to make Vader's voice uniform throughout the films.  His voice in ANH is to me the most menacing.  In the sequels it is deeper (slowed down?  Harmonizer?) and sounds contrived and phony.  Picture "Commander tear this ship apart until you've found those plans, and bring me the passengers. I want them alive!" done with the ROTJ voice.  It just wouldn't work.  Is it possible to repitch his voice in the sequels to more properly match the way it sounds in ANH?

I'm very certain Ady did lots of tweaking to the ANH Vader voice to make it match better with the other two films.


emanswfan said:

}{eywood said:

I'm not sure if this has been addressed at all before, and if it has I'm sorry to bring it up, but I need to know if something is going to be done to make Vader's voice uniform throughout the films.  His voice in ANH is to me the most menacing.  In the sequels it is deeper (slowed down?  Harmonizer?) and sounds contrived and phony.  Picture "Commander tear this ship apart until you've found those plans, and bring me the passengers. I want them alive!" done with the ROTJ voice.  It just wouldn't work.  Is it possible to repitch his voice in the sequels to more properly match the way it sounds in ANH?

I'm very certain Ady did lots of tweaking to the ANH Vader voice to make it match better with the other two films.

And that (making the ANH voice sound phony and artificially pitch manipulated) is the exact opposite of what should have been done.  The ESB and ROTJ voices are the ones that should have been tweaked back to James' real voice.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.


The ANH voice always sounded harsher to me -- not in a more realistic way, but in a poorer-recording-quality kind of way. I personally prefer the fullness and richness of the ESB and ROTJ Vader voice, but that's just my taste.