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Hi everyone! Sorry I'm late to the party but I'm dling now from usenet and will start seeding as soon as I'm done!

Hooray to you Adywan! You are indeed amazing!

you all using the torrent realize that getting from the news group only takes about 20 mins? I am seeding and trying to help you all out that are using the torrent but wow 1 full day vs 20 mins.......no brainer. It costs 10 dollars to join easynews and then cancel your subscription after you get this. Then it will download as fast as your ISP is. I was dling at 989 kb/s. There are free news readers out there as well but something like easynews will find all of the pieces for you and zip them up into one nice file for download and is very fast.

Just want to help as many get it as fast as possible

Yeah, but having it on a torrent will get it to more people, easier long term, right? Plus if enough people seed it, it'll be faster... it's slow now because only a few people are seeding the torrent.

I see the torrent is up now, so the "get it now so somebody can seed it on BT" has already been accomplished. Anyway, whatever people want to do...

I'll have it by the time I get home tonight...
Initially I was just going to wait for the DVD5 and not even bother with the Xvid, but the suspense to see this thing is killing me so I'm downloading the torrent right now. It's moving at about 30-50kb/s and I'll help seed as long as I can.

You are the KING. The video quality and audio quality is amazing. I am truly blown away.

All the people who did the meshes of the Death Star and the composities did a wonderful job.

Everything looked so seemless.

Told me wife that we had to stay home today to celebrate. My girls loved it.

It made me feel like I was a kid again seeing it all those 30 years ago. I had the same wide-eyed expression on my face and the biggest smile as well.

Thank you AdyWan for spending all that time on this project and most of all for sharing your dream with us.
WOW! I am stunned... Now THIS IS a Special Edition!. Great work!

One standout spot in particular is the introduction of the Death Star, and I absolutely LOVED the underscoring during the conference room sequence, gives it a much more ominous feel.

Hey I registered at usenet.com and now I do not know what to do. Can anyone help me please?
Hey adywan, sorry it's me again asking for another favour.... seeing as how you don't have titanic available anymore could you possibly (if it doesn't take too long) upload a 25gb or 50gb version for the guys who are able to burn/watch in high def, i know the upload would take forever but i would be willing to do it if u sent me it on discs or even if i sent you a spare hard drive (i have loads), then i could upload it/host it for everyone.

Originally posted by: mbmapit
Hey adywan, sorry it's me again asking for another favour.... seeing as how you don't have titanic available anymore could you possibly (if it doesn't take too long) upload a 25gb or 50gb version for the guys who are able to burn/watch in high def, i know the upload would take forever but i would be willing to do it if u sent me it on discs or even if i sent you a spare hard drive (i have loads), then i could upload it/host it for everyone.



I think Adywan has done more than enough for everybody without asking him for something else(especially Titanic in a Star Wars thread). Let's keep it on topic.
so i think i figured it out. How is the new DS explosion?
the whole DS battle is awesome.......as well as the Obi/Vader Fight. Great music changes as well as scene changes and enhancements.
I just watched it and I must say, I like it. And the cameo of George Lucas is done very well. Athough I did see him imedially because I was looking for him, he isn't very notable.

A new release of Star Wars is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Originally posted by: BMadden

I think Adywan has done more than enough for everybody without asking him for something else(especially Titanic in a Star Wars thread). Let's keep it on topic.
He's already acknowledged "you don't have titanic available anymore". He's asking for an HD copy of Revisited.

adywan, you've done a great job . . . and I'm not even talkin'bout the edit.
You've done a great job recruiting new usenet subscribers!
Once hooked, they'll never go back.

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

Just finished watching it - Bloody brilliant. Really, really brilliant.
The DS battle was so utterly fantastci I had to watch it 3 times - exactly how it always should have been. The new graphics fit perfectly - you (and your CG colleagues) grasped perfectly how to fit the graphics in with the original look of the film without it yelling I'm HERE like Lucasfilms 'enhancements' did.

So many things to praise, obvious and subtle ones. The whole thing is exactly what the official SE's should have been - you have enhanced the film without altering it. Brilliant. Brilliant.

Nearly forgot to say - the TIE fighter attack in the DS battle nearly made me drop my beer...

So, a very big thank you from me!!!!!!

Now, where was George???? Just a clue would be nice...
LOL, I been using Usenet for a decade, just not for binariez.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)

More to say.....
Thank you for removing that infernal camera shake just b4 the TIEs attack the Falcon (only just noticed that)

The lightsaber fight was edited brilliantly - really added some pace and urgency to the whole thing that was previously missing. I'm undecided personally about the ROTS music there, though you have done a fantastic job making it fit, and I have no doubt that John Williams and his royal Lucasness would have done the same if theyd done ep3 b4 the SEs...

I think overall my favourite thing is that the stormtroopers are back to being white
And Luke's saber never turns green.
And Vaders flashing lights
And the Alderaan explosion
oh I'll stop there - you get the idea
Wow, everyone remembers how cool it was to see that Star Destroyer fly in overhead, now the **Revisited** adds two more of those 'wow' moments which solidify how menacing the Empire can be. The extended introduction to the Death Star, builds the Empire's mechanical traditions. Great work, taking the Star Destroyer (which seemed emormous at the introduction of the movie) and having it be dwarfed by the looming Sphere O' Fear. (or Deathticle depending on who you talk to) All the while, little dinky Tie's zoom here and there like little nats, who would expect that they would be the main feature in the final great Empire boosting moment. So that leaves us to the Death Star battle, the expanded Rebel army is having their way by avoiding the Death Star guns who can't keep up with the speedy Rebel fighters. "Here they Come!" is right, great shot of the swarm of Tie which should snuff out this pittiful little band. These moments show to me that Adywan has turned to the Dark Side... Thanks! The **Revisited** is a fantastic enhancement to the Legacy which is Star Wars.
(kudos on the battle droid as well)
Originally posted by: BMadden
Initially I was just going to wait for the DVD5 and not even bother with the Xvid, but the suspense to see this thing is killing me so I'm downloading the torrent right now. It's moving at about 30-50kb/s and I'll help seed as long as I can.

LOL - this is totally me too! keep seeding everyone and I will as well - only 14 more hours, then a quick burn... now I have to decide between the Packer NFC Championship game or an evening of Revisited. I am completely jealous of those who've already seen it!

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness - Chinese proverb

The torrent is really moving along now as it's gotten to over 100kb/s at some points. It should be done for me in about 3-4 hrs, but I'll keep seeding for days to help everyone get it.
Got the torrent, seeding at 86k, will increase the upload limit once I get the whole thing downloaded (in about 8 hours or so).

Will post a detailed review after viewing.
Part Man, Part Street, 100% Kosher
I just finished watching this thing and I have one MAJOR complaint, Adywan......

In the closing credits, you spelled the City By The Bay as SAN FRAN"S"ISCO.....how dare you?

Other than that............sheer genius!!!!!!!

As amazing as the big enhancements ( saber fight, escape from DS, DS battle) are, I think my favorite touch was the shot of the escape pod falling to Tatooine..... the twin suns in space, and the little entry burn around the escape pod.... such careful (and caring) attention to detail that should make Lucas and ILM hang their heads in shame.

Absolutely wonderful. And thanks for the mention in the credits. That was quite a treat.

Thank you for this. It is truly amazing. I saw my handle up on the credits too even though I only posted a few times. That was neat.
Has anyone created cover and DVD artwork for this masterpiece that can be downloaded yet?
Originally posted by: Denryanj
I just finished watching this thing and I have one MAJOR complaint, Adywan......

In the closing credits, you spelled the City By The Bay as SAN FRAN"S"ISCO.....how dare you? .

OOps That'll be fixed for the DVD

If anyone else spots any mistakes in the credits can you let me know as soon as possible please so i can fix it for the dvd releases. thanks