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Do you plan on removing Leia’s “Somehow I’ve always known.”?
A quick suggestion, Can you possibly restructure the Jabba “plan” sequence? It seems to me there’s no plan to save Han at all. All they just do is to get captured and wait for Luke to rescue them.
I feel like that’s something that can’t be solved be fan editing
No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.
Do you plan on removing Leia’s “Somehow I’ve always known.”?
Do you plan on removing Leia’s “Somehow I’ve always known.”?
Nah, but I suppose it’d fair to try it when I get there and just see what I think.
I can no longer use FCP7 due to Apple and haven’t really done much to date with FCPX. This project will be a learning experience. I expect it to be maddening, but I’ll emerge from it capable of using the tools I will need to keep going with future projects.
I can see how FCPX would be much better for content creators, but it’ll feel counterintuitive until I reckon with it through playing around. We’ll get there; I already know how to do it, just not HOW to do it.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
I’d gotten so proficient with FCP7 and I’m swearing at FCPX as I try to adapt to its very different way of doing things. But we’re getting there, though I’m still just messing around rather than beginning real work on ROTJ.
Anyone have gonk droid sound effects? I only find one or two on Google, so I may have to try recording a few. I’d like to have the torture scene with the gonk droid repeating “gonk” rather than screaming. “Gonk. Gonk. Gonk-Gonk-GONK-GONK!!”
Removing the sounds outright leaves the shot feeling a little too long, and cutting into it early seems off. Since I’m keeping Lapti Nek, I need some sort of sound from the droid to make the transition out of the scene to work.
Anyone got Gonks? Or wants to try voice acting as one?
And if anyone has KK650’s V2.6, please let me know.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
I’ve got a bunch of Gonks from Battlefront if you want em.
Got your PM; thanks, snooker!
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Are you considering replacing (some of) Artoo’s beeps?
Are you considering replacing (some of) Artoo’s beeps?
No, they’re just as ingrained in my brain as any other beeps. This’ll just be trimming up a handful of little things while doing a semi-specialized edition.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Here’s an incredibly rough proof of concept for the gonk thing. Use your imagination, because I do not yet have the actual audio in front of me I hope to use for the film, and so I just muted it toward the end. The center channel is missing after the first gonk part, and since this is just a quick thing I didn’t bother to re-render.
As I sit and reflect on this project, the more I think I would be doing myself a big favor to NOT do it. At least not in the immediate future. Trying to bring the knife to ROTJ, which I had previously resolved not to do, while learning an aggravating new NLE with a baby on the way in a month… probably wasn’t a great idea. And posting a thread for it right away might have been even worse.
Maybe someday, after ROTJ:R is released, the Despecialized Edition goes as far as it can, and perhaps other things unforeseeable, the time will ripen to attempt something like this.
This project is currently: STALLED. I may revisit this, but then again, I might not. I might just have to wait until TLJ hits home video to learn enough FCPX to be able to work on it. Or I could just find a way to keep using FCP7 in perpetuity. 😕
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Congrats on the baby!
That preview clip is great! Sort of makes it feel more like maintenance rather than torture.
A quick suggestion, Can you possibly restructure the Jabba “plan” sequence? It seems to me there’s no plan to save Han at all. All they just do is to get captured and wait for Luke to rescue them.
Hadn’t planned to alter the… plan, but I am open to suggestions, provided they are simple and elegant changes.
I’ve seen videos somewhere on how to fix this… I’ll be back
Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329
Trying to bring the knife to ROTJ, which I had previously resolved not to do, while learning an aggravating new NLE with a baby on the way in a month… probably wasn’t a great idea. And posting a thread for it right away might have been even worse.
I feel your pain there. There are more than a couple old project threads floating around the forum I started years and years ago that I never finished. I’ve got a few things I’m working on now that I won’t announce/make threads for until I know completion is in sight.
Sorry to hear you’re putting this on hold, but I certainly understand your reasons.
Sucks that FCPX is so different than FCP7. I remember when X was announced during my last year of college, a lot of the other guys in my post-production program had nothing but awful things to say about it. A couple swore off Final Cut altogether in favor of either Avid or Premiere because of it.
At this point I’m leaning toward virtualizing Snow Leopard to keep old projects on life support and just keep using FCP7 for the foreseeable future. It’s not like I’m a progessional for whom it would be worth it. I will get better at FCPX by playing around first, but I’ll keep FCP7 here for a long time via a VM.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
My congratulations upon your coming fatherhood! 😃 I’d be stoked if you ever did choose to continue this project though, your edits always end up becoming my definitive versions of the films, and I’m still in need of an edit of ROTJ that lives up to my expectations. 😃 ROTJ:Revisited is probably still faar away.
I think the Jerjerrod deleted scenes should be restored.
I think the Jerjerrod deleted scenes should be restored.
If we can get a McDiarmid soundalike to dub in the Emperor’s lines seamlessly, then yes, absolutely.
I think the Jerjerrod deleted scenes should be restored.
If we can get a McDiarmid soundalike to dub in the Emperor’s lines seamlessly, then yes, absolutely.
Soon we’ll have a program for that - we already have one to recreate people’s faces… people’s voices mustn’t be too hard. Someone will eventually create an algorithm that analyzes pitch and every single factor that goes into someone’s voice and be able to recreate it. I really don’t doubt it.
I think the Jerjerrod deleted scenes should be restored.
If we can get a McDiarmid soundalike to dub in the Emperor’s lines seamlessly, then yes, absolutely.
Soon we’ll have a program for that - we already have one to recreate people’s faces… people’s voices mustn’t be too hard. Someone will eventually create an algorithm that analyzes pitch and every single factor that goes into someone’s voice and be able to recreate it. I really don’t doubt it.
Its only a matter of time. Adobe’s Project VoCo is an example (still unreleased) and a company called Lyrebird is doing something similar too.
We’ll be able to insert “your mother once thought as you do”!!
Yeah, I’m not crazy about that deleted scene, especially given the shape it’s in. Best of luck to anyone who wants to try to incorporate it, but I’m not your guy for it.
We can mash up every possible combination of Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, and Sebastian Shaw in each of their respective appearances. Make ROTJ Jabba look like 1997 ANH:SE Jabba. Have James Earl Jones’ Vader mutter “wizard” to himself as Luke evades his TIE in the Death Star trench. Map Tarkin’s face onto itself for ANH to match the uncanny CGI Rogue One version.
Hmm… I should throw in one more. Let’s say… recast Obi-Wan’s ghost to be Ewan McGregor throughout ESB and ROTJ.
All these things would be tons of fun, but I don’t really see any practical use for this technology for Star Wars at this point in time, at least visually. None that I would actually want to be included in a real project, though I would love to see any of the above as mockups. There’s more potential in the audio department; that could yield some very useful results for edits.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
I like your sarcasm.
May I suggest you cut all of the Emperor’s scenes before the confrontation? Neither of the scenes add anything besides the Enperor bossing Vader around (which sort of diminishes his character). With constant allusions to the Emperor (Moff being scared, Yoda’s warning) there would be a lot more tension when Luke meets him if we haven’t either. It would let the audience build him up throughout the movie.
That could certainly work. I’ll have to entertain that thought for a while, if this project ever actually becomes a thing again.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
May I suggest you cut all of the Emperor’s scenes before the confrontation? Neither of the scenes add anything besides the Enperor bossing Vader around (which sort of diminishes his character). With constant allusions to the Emperor (Moff being scared, Yoda’s warning) there would be a lot more tension when Luke meets him if we haven’t either. It would let the audience build him up throughout the movie.
That is an interesting idea. My only question is how to get him on board the Death Star without revealing him. Perhaps wipe to new scene while he descends the ramp of his shuttle so we only get a brief glimpse of him with his face obscured.
May I suggest you cut all of the Emperor’s scenes before the confrontation? Neither of the scenes add anything besides the Enperor bossing Vader around (which sort of diminishes his character). With constant allusions to the Emperor (Moff being scared, Yoda’s warning) there would be a lot more tension when Luke meets him if we haven’t either. It would let the audience build him up throughout the movie.
That is an interesting idea. My only question is how to get him on board the Death Star without revealing him. Perhaps wipe to new scene while he descends the ramp of his shuttle so we only get a brief glimpse of him with his face obscured.
You have the Mon Mothma line saying that he’s overseeing the completion of the Death Star himself and that he’s there, so I don’t think that’d be a problem.