With the recent backlash regarding the newest changes to the OT, I think it's time for an overhaul on the main page. The layout is simple ,which is something I support - however, I'm NOT fond of the fact that it appears to only be a news ticker. There's no FAQ, no list of grievances aside from the petition itself. We need to explain our goals flat-out on the front page. Also, a feature similar to 005's comprehensive change list would be cool; hell, the site could even just link to it in this FAQ I'm talking about.
Just look at how the site looked in 2004* Straight to the point, with George's infamous quote regarding cultural heritage. A powerful beginning for a simple site dedicated to its mission. I'd love to see something like that, it's a real attention grabber.
Also, more radically, I think the fanedit part of the forum should be split off to fanedits.com. It gives less credibility to the mission, mainly due to the irony. While I do enjoy our fanediting community, I don't think the petition and/or site needs people brushing it off just because we're inconsistent.
*Once again, the simple text editor has demonstrated its propensity toward bugs. I can't hotlink it in text, so here's the front page from 2004: http://web.archive.org/web/20040923045515/http://www.originaltrilogy.com/[/url]]http://www.originaltrilogy.com/]http://web.archive.org/web/20040923045515/http://www.originaltrilogy.com/[/url][/url]
OK, that didn't work either. You're just going to have to copy/paste it, but the web archive page does indeed exist there.