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Rate 'The Last Jedi' (NO SPOILERS) (was: Rate TFA (NO SPOILERS)) — Page 6


ZkinandBonez said:

I’m glad to see that my scale of “Citizen Kane - Ed Wood” has had an impact.

Also I agree that it’s important to judge a film by what it’s trying to accomplish.

The Empire Strikes Back is the best film ever made, period.


Alderaan said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I’m glad to see that my scale of “Citizen Kane - Ed Wood” has had an impact.

Also I agree that it’s important to judge a film by what it’s trying to accomplish.

The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars film ever made, period.



No, it’s the best film period. And I say that as someone who is usually into dramas, and not much of an action/adventure fan.


Alderaan said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I’m glad to see that my scale of “Citizen Kane - Ed Wood” has had an impact.

Also I agree that it’s important to judge a film by what it’s trying to accomplish.

The Empire Strikes Back is the best film ever made, period.

That is quite the statement.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Alderaan said:

No, it’s the best film period. And I say that as someone who is usually into dramas, and not much of an action/adventure fan.

That’s not really much of an argument though.
I mean if it’s your favourite film I’m not criticizing that. It’s one of my favourite movies as well.

However, your claim is somewhat, well, “exaggerated.” Calling it one of the best sci-fi films ever made I’d agree with immediately. Calling it one of the best film in general however is something I’d feel no reason to criticize, though I’m not sure if I would personally agree, and that’s coming from someone who really loves that film.

Also my previous statement wasn’t to claim that Citizen Kane is THE best movie of all time, although I’d definitely call it one of the best myself. I was being somewhat half-sarcastic, but mostly just trying to differentiate good artistic standalone films from the kind of Ed Wood films that hardly deserve to be called movies.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Alderaan said:

No, it’s the best film period. And I say that as someone who is usually into dramas, and not much of an action/adventure fan.

Really>? What about The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Vertigo, It’s a Wonderful Life, The Wizard of Oz, Any Kubrick film (apart from Eyes Wide Shit) to name but a few masterpieces. ESB is good but it’s definitely not the best ‘film’ ever made…


The Godfather and The Godfather Part II are a couple of my other favorite films. I also love the Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, Casablanca, and several Hitchcock masterpieces. I could go on and on. However, the Empire Strikes Back is still #1 for me. The script is a masterpiece, and the film is a visual and auditory extravaganza that maximizes the medium in a way most other top films cannot. The execution of the film is such a beautiful thing to behold.

Look at AFI’s all-time great lists. You will see Star Wars at #13. Empire is not on the list, because cineastes are pretentious and don’t like to get into sequels, but I’m sure most people who get into Star Wars will agree that Empire is an even better film.


Disagree. While Empire might be the best Star Wars film, in my opinion the best FILM of the saga is Star Wars. That is, Empire is arguably the most defining and impactful piece in building the saga (the force, the family, the Yoda, the love story, the redemption, etc). But if each film were to be judged against the landscape of great films, in my opinion the only one that really stands on its own at a comparable level alongside the greats like Citizen Kane, Casablanca, etc., is Star Wars.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


ANH: 9
ESB: 10
TFA: 8
TPM: -19,938,989
AOTC: -84,889,288
ROTS: -109,894,380


Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Disagree. While Empire might be the best Star Wars film, in my opinion the best FILM of the saga is Star Wars. That is, Empire is arguably the most defining and impactful piece in building the saga (the force, the family, the Yoda, the love story, the redemption, etc). But if each film were to be judged against the landscape of great films, in my opinion the only one that really stands on its own at a comparable level alongside the greats like Citizen Kane, Casablanca, etc., is Star Wars.

The quality of the making of the film Empire Strikes Back is, for the most part, superior to the quality of the making of the film Star Wars. The script is better. The acting is better. The characters are more three dimensional. The framing and blocking is better. The cinematography is better. The score is better. The pacing of the action is better. The special effects are better.

As good a film as Star Wars is … and its very very good … the only filmmaking aspect that stands up well to the quality of Empire is the editing, in my opinion.


TK428 said:

Every film must be judged on its own merit. Even if CITIZEN KANE is a 5 star film (whatever grading scale), it’s 5 stars on its own merit. The scale must be applied within the confines of what the film is trying to do and does it succeed and was it bad, good or great. Just my opinion.

SW77 - ***** stars
TESB - ***** stars
ROTJ - **** stars
TPM - ** stars
AOTC - * star
ROTS - *** stars
TFA - ****½ stars

Nice. I like to rate films on their own scales too. Most don’t, but that way makes more sense to me.


Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Disagree. While Empire might be the best Star Wars film, in my opinion the best FILM of the saga is Star Wars. That is, Empire is arguably the most defining and impactful piece in building the saga (the force, the family, the Yoda, the love story, the redemption, etc). But if each film were to be judged against the landscape of great films, in my opinion the only one that really stands on its own at a comparable level alongside the greats like Citizen Kane, Casablanca, etc., is Star Wars.

Yes! I love SW and ESB equally but for different reasons. I’ve been trying to put a finger on it for awhile but that sounds very right to me.


Alderaan said:

As good a film as Star Wars is … and its very very good … the only filmmaking aspect that stands up well to the quality of Empire is the editing, in my opinion.

While ESB has overall very solid acting, I would say the best acting in ANH (Guinness and Cushing) is easily way above any perforce in ESB. In my opinion of course.



Guinness and Cushing were outstanding of course, but Empire has Yoda, plus James Earl Jones and David Prowse combined to make Vader so much more intimidating than he was even in the first film. Harrison, Carrie, and Luke were all so much better too.


Alderaan said:

Guinness and Cushing were outstanding of course, but Empire has Yoda, plus James Earl Jones and David Prowse combined to make Vader so much more intimidating than he was even in the first film. Harrison, Carrie, and Luke were all so much better too.

Guiness, Cushing and James Earl Jones in ANH should beat out yoda.


ESB has several things that reduce its stature as a “great” standalone film. The dialog on Hoth is weak. The effects are sometimes gratuitous and border on cheesy (Cloud City, Obiwan force ghost), the Leia love triangle is sometimes strained. Many things happen that have little or nothing to do with the story (the asteroid creature, Luke getting lost in the snow). The whole movie is clearly an “installment”, without beginning or ending (not that movies necessarily need that, but movies of this genre generally do). Much of the film is claustrophobic and takes place in enclosed areas rather than in large expansive areas. In my opinion, the effects (with the exception of Yoda) don’t hold up as well as those in Star Wars.

What makes ESB great is: (1) Yoda, and (2) the two climactic scenes at the end (Han/Leia/carbonite, and the lightsabre battle). The rest of the movie is an exciting chase.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


DominicCobb said:

TK428 said:

Every film must be judged on its own merit. Even if CITIZEN KANE is a 5 star film (whatever grading scale), it’s 5 stars on its own merit. The scale must be applied within the confines of what the film is trying to do and does it succeed and was it bad, good or great. Just my opinion.

SW77 - ***** stars
TESB - ***** stars
ROTJ - **** stars
TPM - ** stars
AOTC - * star
ROTS - *** stars
TFA - ****½ stars

Nice. I like to rate films on their own scales too. Most don’t, but that way makes more sense to me.

The Last Movie Seen thread, and specifically the ball rating system, but also the x out of y rating system, agree with you.


The only effect I think is dated from Empire are the tauntauns. They never really felt life like to me, in close ups or when they run. Other than that, I’m with Alderaan in saying Empire is a near perfect SW film.

The Rise of Failures


Sorry to break it to everyone here, but Citizen Kane is a boring, overwrought wreck of a film.

I’m really surprised at how low the consensus rating for SW77 is on this site. People who rate it in the 8 range: why aren’t you on a Citizen Kane geek site instead of this one?