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Ranking the Star Wars films — Page 77


Revised rankings with Rogue One, excluding animated films, TV movies, holiday specials, and other shit like that:

  1. Star Wars - The original, the one that introduced us all to this galaxy and the characters we love most, the only one that works as a standalone, the one with the most rewatch value, the most iconic of them all.

  2. The Empire Strikes Back - Arguably a “better” film than the original technically speaking, only loses the edge because its position in the middle of the trilogy requires you watch both of the others to get the story, and while its “darkness” is in some respects a virtue, it also means it has less charm than the original.

  3. Return of the Jedi - Ewoks are cringe when the focus is on them, but that is overblown (they have less screen time than people think) and the rest of the movie is great - the Jabba sequence is really fun and iconic, the space battle is awesome, and the Emperor scenes are the best of the entire series.

  4. The Force Awakens - Yeah it’s a soft reboot, but it’s a fun soft reboot and it made me feel like a kid watching the originals again so it did its job, and I suspect it will seem better in hindsight as a necessary set-up for the sequels if they are done well. Characters are great too.

  5. Revenge of the Sith - Lots of terrible dialogue but the story itself is not bad, essential even to understanding Vader, the only one of the prequels that really does its job in this regard, and Palpatine is incredible in this movie.

  6. Rogue One - I fell asleep in the theater watching this movie the first time. That’s how boring the whole first hour or so is. Lots of fan service and “member berry” moments (more than TFA), unsettling CGI people, tries too hard to be edgy and “grimdark,” and the characters are terrible, unmemorable, and unrelatable. Plus the soundtrack is by far the worst of the series. (No John Williams in Star Wars is sacrilege.) Still, seeing Vader kick some ass again was nice I guess, and helped recover his reputation a little bit from the whiny emo of the prequels.

  7. Attack of the Clones - The love story is arguably the worst ever put on screen, most of the rest is a boring mess, and the CGI action sequences that were the only things that gave the movie any redeeming value whatsoever have aged terribly. The only thing that makes it better than TPM is that at least it felt like it was made for the teenage crowd rather than the under 10 crowd - no Jar Jar or little kids.

  8. The Phantom Menace - Lots of Jar Jar and little kids, incredibly fucking boring basically all the time, CGI has aged terribly, horrible childish potty humor, the plot makes no sense whatsoever, and it isn’t even essential to the plot of the rest of the series and so might as well not even exist (which is why it is axed in the machete order). The only good thing that came out of it is “Duel of the Fates,” and by that I refer more to the music than the duel itself. Darth Maul isn’t even a good villain; he is all style and no substance.


Alderaan said:

I don’t begrudge anyone liking the Disney movies, even if they do suck. It’s their preference. But it does suck to see the same three people, Hasbro, Fink, and DominicanBob policing every thread on the forum in their neverending, tens of thousands of posts crusade to stamp out negative sentiment and criticism of a couple of **** movies. Especially on an OOT forum.

I never feel as if they have ever tried to stamp out all negative opinions. I think that they have always defended why they like TFA with class and chivalry. I find their opinions to be valuable and interesting. For example, I agree with you that Han and Leia weren’t perfect in TFA. I thought Han was damn near perfect but Carries acting felt a little stiff and her and Hans conversation about Kylo still feels like it can be improved upon. She was fine but far from perfect for me.

I have an opinion and I respectfully explained why I feel such a way. Sometimes I think that Haseo, Cobb, and Frink get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


darthrush said:

…get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

You mean like reverting to childish behaviour and mocking people for liking the prequels?
I would enjoy knowing why it’s okay for some people to be childish and mock people for their differing opinions, but not vice versa. I’d also like to know which lame justification I’ll get this time.
There are a lot of double standards here but I think the “you can’t disagree with me but I can disagree with you, and in turn mock you” may be the biggest one.
There’s not one sole perpetrator but the irony of arguments like these surely can’t be lost on everyone.


Ryan-SWI said:

darthrush said:

…get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

You mean like reverting to childish behaviour and mocking people for liking the prequels?
I would enjoy knowing why it’s okay for some people to be childish and mock people for their differing opinions, but not vice versa. I’d also like to know which lame justification I’ll get this time.
There are a lot of double standards here but I think the “you can’t disagree with me but I can disagree with you, and in turn mock you” may be the biggest one.
There’s not one sole perpetrator but the irony of arguments like these surely can’t be lost on everyone.

Nobody here is going to PrequelTrilogy dot com to bash the PT. If you want a place to discuss your PT love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place.
Keep in mind that the only uniting thread we all share here is a love of the Original Trilogy. Don’t expect people to share or respect your opinion of anything else, but you are free to have whatever opinions your have on any subject. And everybody is free to state their disagreement and engage in debate.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

darthrush said:

…get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

You mean like reverting to childish behaviour and mocking people for liking the prequels?
I would enjoy knowing why it’s okay for some people to be childish and mock people for their differing opinions, but not vice versa. I’d also like to know which lame justification I’ll get this time.
There are a lot of double standards here but I think the “you can’t disagree with me but I can disagree with you, and in turn mock you” may be the biggest one.
There’s not one sole perpetrator but the irony of arguments like these surely can’t be lost on everyone.

Nobody here is going to PrequelTrilogy dot com to bash the PT. If you want a place to discuss your PT love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place.
Keep in mind that the only uniting thread we all share here is a love of the Original Trilogy. Don’t expect people to share or respect your opinion of anything else, but you are free to have whatever opinions your have on any subject. And everybody is free to state their disagreement and engage in debate.

Sorry Ray but this a very poor argument. If you follow your argument, the same could be said for TFA lovers: “If they want a place to discuss their TFA love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place”.

There should not be double standards when it comes to PT lovers and TFA lovers.



imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

darthrush said:

…get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

You mean like reverting to childish behaviour and mocking people for liking the prequels?
I would enjoy knowing why it’s okay for some people to be childish and mock people for their differing opinions, but not vice versa. I’d also like to know which lame justification I’ll get this time.
There are a lot of double standards here but I think the “you can’t disagree with me but I can disagree with you, and in turn mock you” may be the biggest one.
There’s not one sole perpetrator but the irony of arguments like these surely can’t be lost on everyone.

Nobody here is going to PrequelTrilogy dot com to bash the PT. If you want a place to discuss your PT love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place.
Keep in mind that the only uniting thread we all share here is a love of the Original Trilogy. Don’t expect people to share or respect your opinion of anything else, but you are free to have whatever opinions your have on any subject. And everybody is free to state their disagreement and engage in debate.

Sorry Ray but this a very poor argument. If you follow your argument, the same could be said for TFA lovers: “If they want a place to discuss their TFA love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place”.

I could get behind this as well. But there seem to be more TFA fans than not around here, so that’s how it goes. It would be the same if the PT ratio was flipped.
My point about OT love being the only thing to count on here stands.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

darthrush said:

…get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

You mean like reverting to childish behaviour and mocking people for liking the prequels?
I would enjoy knowing why it’s okay for some people to be childish and mock people for their differing opinions, but not vice versa. I’d also like to know which lame justification I’ll get this time.
There are a lot of double standards here but I think the “you can’t disagree with me but I can disagree with you, and in turn mock you” may be the biggest one.
There’s not one sole perpetrator but the irony of arguments like these surely can’t be lost on everyone.

Nobody here is going to PrequelTrilogy dot com to bash the PT. If you want a place to discuss your PT love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place.
Keep in mind that the only uniting thread we all share here is a love of the Original Trilogy. Don’t expect people to share or respect your opinion of anything else, but you are free to have whatever opinions your have on any subject. And everybody is free to state their disagreement and engage in debate.

Sorry Ray but this a very poor argument. If you follow your argument, the same could be said for TFA lovers: “If they want a place to discuss their TFA love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place”.

There should not be double standards when it comes to PT lovers and TFA lovers.

I actually have to agree with impscum here. The argument that you shouldn’t express your PT love here because of the website tile is pretty weak.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


darthrush said:

I actually have to agree with impscum here. The argument that you shouldn’t express your PT love here because of the website tile is pretty weak.

Didn’t read every post but I doubt anyone ever said that it’s verboten to say you like the PT. What was said or implied was that this forum is called Original Trilogy .com, and the common thread we have here is enjoyment of the OT. It just so happens that most of us hate the PT with a passion, so don’t be surprised if your professed love for the PT is met with mockery.

Then there are those of us OT-only fans who admire quality filmmaking and good storytelling, and don’t care for the new movies at all, while others here get considerable enjoyment out of being pandered to. We have no problem mocking each other either.


Alderaan said:

Then there are those of us fans who admire quality filmmaking and good storytelling, and those of us who don’t care for the new movies at all. We have no problem mocking each other either.



Now now, don’t be embarrassed by your love of people pandering to you.


Alderaan said:

Now now, don’t be embarrassed by your love of people pandering to you.

I love no such thing, just quality filmmaking. That’s why I fixed the post.


So you don’t like gratuitous appearances by out-of-place characters from other movies?

Because that was a thing in the PT too.


Did I ever say I did? Just because I like the new movies doesn’t mean I can’t criticize elements of them.

And something like that is pretty inconsequential when it comes to the overall quality of a film.


DominicCobb said:

And something like that is pretty inconsequential when it comes to the overall quality of a film.

Not in 2017…


DominicCobb said:

And something like that is pretty inconsequential when it comes to the overall quality of a film.

So what about the rehash part, where they cheaply imitate the original and spit it back out at you?


Alderaan said:

DominicCobb said:

And something like that is pretty inconsequential when it comes to the overall quality of a film.

So what about the rehash part, where they cheaply imitate the original and spit it back out at you?

Well I think we disagree when it comes to what constitutes a “cheap imitation.”


DominicCobb said:

Alderaan said:

DominicCobb said:

And something like that is pretty inconsequential when it comes to the overall quality of a film.

So what about the rehash part, where they cheaply imitate the original and spit it back out at you?

Well I think we disagree when it comes to what constitutes a “cheap imitation.”

It was not cheap at all. It costed a lot. However, it was bad.



Do not try to undo my great work. I cleansed the stupid irregularity and made the verb proper.



ray_afraid said:

imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

darthrush said:

…get annoyed when users revert to childish behavior and mock people who like the Disney films. They are not policing people who disagree with them.

You mean like reverting to childish behaviour and mocking people for liking the prequels?
I would enjoy knowing why it’s okay for some people to be childish and mock people for their differing opinions, but not vice versa. I’d also like to know which lame justification I’ll get this time.
There are a lot of double standards here but I think the “you can’t disagree with me but I can disagree with you, and in turn mock you” may be the biggest one.
There’s not one sole perpetrator but the irony of arguments like these surely can’t be lost on everyone.

Nobody here is going to PrequelTrilogy dot com to bash the PT. If you want a place to discuss your PT love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place.
Keep in mind that the only uniting thread we all share here is a love of the Original Trilogy. Don’t expect people to share or respect your opinion of anything else, but you are free to have whatever opinions your have on any subject. And everybody is free to state their disagreement and engage in debate.

Sorry Ray but this a very poor argument. If you follow your argument, the same could be said for TFA lovers: “If they want a place to discuss their TFA love, maybe OriginalTrilogy dot com isn’t the best place”.

I could get behind this as well. But there seem to be more TFA fans than not around here, so that’s how it goes. It would be the same if the PT ratio was flipped.
My point about OT love being the only thing to count on here stands.

So basically You’re saying mocking and insulting people is totally fine on any issue so long as “majority rules” on any given topic. I mean I know some threads can devolve into a big self important echo chamber at times, but it’s still pretty funny to get indirect confirmation.

Some people think TPM is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars, some people think TFA is, but really… Does it matter?
The fact that anyone in the world gets so bent out of shape about a movie they don’t like, that they need to mock people who do for almost 20 years, is new levels of ridiculous.
It’s even more ridiculous when those same people get what they’ve been dishing out for almost 20 years and can’t handle it.

Expecting some absurd unspoken mocking rule is not going to happen, people who go around mocking everyone and buckle down and get mad when the same thing is done to them just come off as sad.


Ryan, you need to have thicker skin. If people go over the line and harass you, then that’s different of course. But you should be able to absorb criticism of things you like and defend them without getting so agitated.