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Random Thoughts — Page 591


Certainly frames all those denigrating jokes about fruitcakes in a whole new light.


One will be probably be found in a Egyptian tomb next. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


yhwx said:

Don’t you read the Bible? This one passage in Leviticus tells me that listening to rock and/or rap music is a sin.

That’s the Pet Shop Boys.


Well on a business trip type thing for work in Champaign, Il (Wal-Mart manager business trip… I know right?) Although it’s more of a bunch of seminars. Anyway it actually starts tomorrow and I’m just checked into the motel. Nobody else from my store is here and everybody I see wearing Wal-Mart clothes in the motel is ignoring my attempts at small talk. Two hours away from home alone and so far the other people that are here for the same reason as I am don’t seem interested in talking to me. (I seem to be the only one that got sent alone) this is gonna be a fun couple of days.


I know the feeling. Hang in there.


Traveling by yourself for work is one of the most soul-suckingly boring things out there. I feel for you.


Don’t try to make small talk with them. Instead, have some fun messing with them.

Go and stand nearby and make it look as if you’re observing them, when they look your way pretend to write something down and then go back to observing them again. After a while make a phone call and as you walk past say something like, “Pretty unremarkable bunch of people, they really could all stand to be redistributed…” or something along those lines.

This is a good activity if you’re a sociopath, if you’re not, I dunno, maybe find the ugliest of them and offer to buy them a drink?


Yeah that wouldn’t work because it’s Wal-Mart and everybody here is a manager and therefore everybody here knows Wal-Mart doesn’t do things like that.


Apophis, the Moon Serpent may try to eat you. Let him.

What, again‽

This stupid Egyptian embodiment of chaos.


Bought the last pair of solar eclipse glasses at a local walmart. i feel special.


Just be certain they aren’t bogus glasses that offer no protection.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Just be certain they aren’t bogus glasses that offer no protection.

At least these were $1 glasses and not $50 bogus glasses like on Amazon.


ray_afraid said:

It’s nice too see several users who’ve been gone popping back in. But will they stay?

For what it’s worth, I plan to stick around. If I didn’t, then I wasted a whole two hours figuring out which old email I used for this account just so I could post for a couple days.


ray_afraid said:

And Duracell should use his awesome avatar with him and the lasers and the 3d glasses.

Seconded. Definitely would rather see the person I’m interacting with than a person the person I’m interacting with has a crush on.


Possessed said:

ray_afraid said:

And Duracell should use his awesome avatar with him and the lasers and the 3d glasses.

Seconded. Definitely would rather see the person I’m interacting with than a person the person I’m interacting with has a crush on.

Funny, I was just thinking the same about you and your avatar.


ray_afraid said:

It’s nice too see several users who’ve been gone popping back in. But will they stay?
And Bingo should post more.
And Duracell should use his awesome avatar with him and the lasers and the 3d glasses.
And Ender should send me a new, updated pic to keep in my wallet.

I told you, I don’t have any pictures of my breasts with a breastfeeding child! That’s not what nursing school was about!


DominicCobb said:

Possessed said:

ray_afraid said:

And Duracell should use his awesome avatar with him and the lasers and the 3d glasses.

Seconded. Definitely would rather see the person I’m interacting with than a person the person I’m interacting with has a crush on.

Funny, I was just thinking the same about you and your avatar.

Having an avatar of a random (Not real) thing and a woman you have a crush on aren’t the same. Hardly any body on a forum has themself as their avatar. Although if you really want to know what I look like it’s around here somewhere.