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Random Thoughts — Page 547


In spider-man unlimited, green goblin’s line “the iso-8 is ours!” Sounds more like “The ice awages arse!”

When’s something gonna happen?


doubleKO said:

Tyrphanax said:

doubleKO said:

Sougouk said:

It depends what kind of rap… Beastie Boys & Run DMC are good kinds of rap.


A Tribe Called Quest
DJ Format & Abdominal
Binary Star
Boogie Down Productions/KRS One
Chali 2na
Del the Funky Homosapien (first 4 albums)
Deltron 3030 (first album)
Dilated Peoples
DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (first 3 albums)
DJ Shadow
Eric B. & Rakim (Paid in Full)
Gang Starr (Step in the Arena)
Guru’s Jazzmatazz
Jurassic 5
Kool Keith (not for everybody)
Lyrics Born
Mighty Underdogs
Mos Def
People Under the Stairs
Ugly Duckling
Ultramagnetic MCs
Wu-Tang Clan

That’s my shit right there.

You forgot MF DOOM though. <_<

Just favourites that are on my phone right now.


Afrika Bambaata/Soulsonic Force
Big Daddy Kane
Biz Markie
Busta Rhymes
Company Flow
Cut Chemist
Dan the Automator
De La Soul
Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy
The D.O.C. (first album)
Eazy E (first album)
Epik High (hit and miss)
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
Group Home
Hilltop Hoods
Invisbl Skratch Picklz/DJ Q-bert
LL Cool J (more misses than hits)
Main Source
Naughty By Nature (first album)
N.W.A (first album)
Public Enemy (not really a fan of their sound, but usually on point)
The Pharcyde
The Roots (hit and miss)
Souls of Mischief
Time Machine
Tone Lōc (first album)

I didn’t listen to hip-hop/rap for many years, thinking I had grown out of it. I still always liked Run DMC and the Beastie Boys, but commercial rap was shaped a lot by “gangsta” shit that quickly lost its appeal once my teenage years came to an end.

I still dust off Straight Outta Compton now and then; it was pivotal and it still rocks - however, that album along with Dr. Dre’s The Chronic (which I loved at the time) set hip-hop down the wrong path; the path of violence, materialism and misogyny. It wasn’t until my 30s, when I deliberately spent months tracking down all the stuff that fell through the cracks; the more upbeat, more literate, more positive groups, that my love for the genre was reignited.

It is difficult to get away from the language, from the n word, and let’s face it - rappers usually rap about how good they are, so I understand when people hate the genre altogether, but there are ways to be creative about it, ways to employ the English language to great effect without bragging about all the guns, bling, bitches and Escalades that you have.

The ability of the DJ also became a lot more important to me, I initially only cared about the rapping, and completely overlooked the talent of DJs like Jazzy Jeff, while at the same time overlooking the laziness of DJs like Dre, who used drum machines and DATs rather than two turntables and a microphone.

The artist that most frustrates me is Eminem. He is without doubt a supremely talented lyricist and rapper, but I hate his music. Partly due to his voice and his material, but largely due to the fact that Dre is his producer, churning out the same tired drum machine garbage and G-funk loops in the studio.

DJ Premier’s beats and scratching on Gang Starr’s Step in the Arena is so good I tracked down the instrumental version, DJ Jazzy Jeff and Young Einstein from Ugly Duckling are turntable gods. Not to mention that none of these groups (Gang Starr, DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Ugly Duckling) curse or use the n word - you can play three of the best DJs in hip-hop at a kid’s birthday party. Dr. Octagon is certainly not going to appeal to everyone, but the combination of Dan the Automator and DJ Q-bert is sublime.

I don’t expect to convert anyone who has never liked rap, but if you like stuff like Run DMC and the Beastie Boys and have never moved past that, or you used to like gangsta rap and now don’t, maybe you should check out some of the artists I’ve listed. The best stuff is in the first list ;)

I was one of those kids who grew up bashing on rap and hip-hop for a long time until I actually got down into it, largely thanks to my love of the Tony Hawk games which opened me up to more underground stuff outside of the popular norm at the time through acts like Quasimoto, Madlib, Loot Pack, Hieroglyphics, Del the Funkee Homosapien, Jurassic 5, Cut Chemist, and on and on and just expanding from there. There’s such a depth and difference to different acts or rappers (even between the same rapper in a different group or solo) that you can get wildly different styles within the same genre. There’s just something about a rapper who can seriously flow and has a deep vocabulary to draw from that just makes me smile. There’s even some nerdcore rap that’s getting pretty good these days. And everything Dan the Automator touches turns to gold.

I know what you mean about the language, the message, and the production behind the rise of gangster rap and wanting to get away from it and into the more upbeat stuff and DJ skills (more like the earlier groups, I love strong samples and enjoy just listening to Madlib’s Beat Konducta series and MF DOOM’s Special Herbs), but at the same time, it’s such a window into the era and the lifestyle that’s just supremely interesting to me. It’s not something I can listen to all the time, but it just draws me in. But then I also enjoy Army of the Pharaohs and Jedi Mind Tricks which can be ultraviolent, so maybe I’m just broken inside haha.

I definitely agree in regards to Eminem as well. He’s got a lot of talent, but his subject matter doesn’t really interest me. Kinda feels like a waste because he can flow and he’s got the intelligence and vocabulary to make some really great music, but it’s just this rote “I’m so damaged” schtick that he’s never really deviated from.

But yeah, I find myself frustrated when I suggest rap or hip-hop to people and they just shrug it off as just the junk rap you hear on the radio. There really honestly is some really good stuff to be found out there.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


The best rap song ever is Bitches Ain’t Shit by Ben Folds.


doubleKO said:

I was kinda hoping for stuff that wasn’t on the list  ;)

Tyr, if you have any more suggestions I’d like to hear those too!

I’m sure you’ve heard of:
MF DOOM (or Madvillain or Danger Doom or King Geedorah) (Try out MM…FOOD)
Loot Pack
(Pretty much anyone off of the Stones Throw label)

I also enjoy (but listen to less):
TuPac (He’s a damn classic!)
Big Pun (hit or miss, check out Still Not A Player)
Kanye West (hit or miss, but Graduation is quite a good album. He’s gone to kinda a conceptual/artsy place that’s not for everyone [even me], but I suggest 808s and Heartbreak because it’s very different from Graduation)
Busdriver (Imaginary Places)
Grayskul (Prom Quiz or Scarecrow)
Jedi Mind Tricks (not for everybody at all, can be brutal but try out Saviorself)
Army of the Pharaohs (same as the above, lots of group raps so like an ultraviolent, conspiracy theory-believing Jurassic 5, check out Seven)
Outkast (their early stuff is really interesting, try out Elevators)
Tyler, the Creator (Not for everyone, haha)
Ludacris (hit or miss, try out Stand Up because I enjoy raps that kinda parody the game)
DMX (mostly for the hilarity of his angry raps like X Gon Give It To Ya)
G-Eazy (hit or miss modern white-guy raps, check out I Mean It)

For Nerdcore, I’m really picky about it because a lot of it is just junk that’s really tryhard. Most of these guys can be hit or miss, too.
Mega Ran
Richie Branson
Adam Warrock
Dr. Awkward
Dual Core
mc chris

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Thanks for the suggestions, looks like I’ve got some digging to do!

I could never get into TuPac’s stuff, he was pretty good but just too focussed on violence and depressing ghetto themes, that’s also why I don’t really care for Nas, despite his ability.

I know I listened to Madvillain at least once, but it didn’t take. Will check out more MF DOOM. I liked some of OutKast’s earlier stuff for a while but went off it again. Never gone too far into nerdcore but I quite like some of MC Frontalot’s tracks. Not really a fan of mc chris.


Are you inferring Tupac has been dead all these years? 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


No, you are inferring. I am implying. :p


Oh crap, I forgot Busta Rhymes. And Wu-Tang. RZA, GZA, OBD. Man.

doubleKO said:

Thanks for the suggestions, looks like I’ve got some digging to do!

I could never get into TuPac’s stuff, he was pretty good but just too focussed on violence and depressing ghetto themes, that’s also why I don’t really care for Nas, despite his ability.

I know I listened to Madvillain at least once, but it didn’t take. Will check out more MF DOOM. I liked some of OutKast’s earlier stuff for a while but went off it again. Never gone too far into nerdcore but I quite like some of MC Frontalot’s tracks. Not really a fan of mc chris.

Yeah, I hear ya. Some of it just isn’t for everyone. Especially nerdcore. It’s hard for me to get into even.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


This is one of my favourite nerdcore tracks: Optimus Rhyme - Obey the Moderator

Agreed on Wu-Tang, I didn’t like them the first few times I heard them and dismissed them as gangsta rap, but they aren’t really. They can be pretty hardcore with their language and do have a lot of gang-related themes, but RZA’s spooky hypnotic beats mixed with classical music are phenomenal. Sometimes their rhymes seem to make no sense but are just combinations of words that sound great together, and the samples from old kung-fu movies complete their unique sound. So many guys that can flow in that outfit. RIP ODB!


I dig the title too! 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


doubleKO said:

No, you are inferring. I am implying. :p

Several years ago, I sat behind someone on the train who was explaining to the person seated next to them how Tupac was still alive, and releasing new material. They even had a sketchboard with a portrait of Tupac they had been working on.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I think Tupac and Biggie are still alive, living on a small island, and Puff Daddy sends them provisions by plane, every month.


Living in peace or like Sneetches on beaches?


They probably started out like Sneetches on beaches, but realized life is too short to be enemies.


Holy carp… I have recently been in agony due to a broken tooth with a nerve that is practically exposed. Last night I took six ibuprofen capsules, two codeine tablets, and held a cotton bud soaked in toothache drops (ethanol/phenol/benzocaine) on the exposed centre of the tooth, followed by another one soaked in clove oil just to get a few hours sleep.

Today I went to the doctor, and she gave me a small vial of magnesium salts. I waited until the pain was almost unbearable again, dissolved less than a teaspoon of this substance in lukewarm water and swirled it around in my mouth for about five minutes. Less than ten minutes later, the pain was almost completely gone and so far has not returned. She said she only had to do this twice for her own tooth and the pain never came back.

This shit is freaking awesome and I recommend it to anyone with tooth pain.


doubleKO said:

Holy carp… I have recently been in agony due to a broken tooth with a nerve that is practically exposed. Last night I took six ibuprofen capsules, two codeine tablets, and held a cotton bud soaked in toothache drops (ethanol/phenol/benzocaine) on the exposed centre of the tooth, followed by another one soaked in clove oil just to get a few hours sleep.

Today I went to the doctor, and she gave me a small vial of magnesium salts. I waited until the pain was almost unbearable again, dissolved less than a teaspoon of this substance in lukewarm water and swirled it around in my mouth for about five minutes. Less than ten minutes later, the pain was almost completely gone and so far has not returned. She said she only had to do this twice for her own tooth and the pain never came back.

This shit is freaking awesome and I recommend it to anyone with tooth pain.

Very cool.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


If so you’re in for a good time once you get passed the nervousness.


I think I might be becoming insomniac. I nod off all afternoon at work, then I stare at my ceiling until 2am when I finally fall asleep.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.