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Random Pictures and Gifs (now with winning!) [NSFW] — Page 181


Lord Haseo said:

TV’s Frink said:

The Universe is severely overrated.

And Earth is underrated?

one69chev said:

People are often more than the sum total of the things they have accomplished in their lives.

That doesn’t mean anything if they can’t manifest that into the world in some tangible way.

Does that mean that people who are unable to ‘manifest’ that ‘something’ are not qualified to live?

I do not think they should have their lives taken from them but they are unworthy of the life they have been given. I’m haunted at the thought of the thousands of people that could have shaped humanity in inconceivable ways had they been born and billions that actually existed and either squandered their talents to settle for the mundane or were destined for mediocrity due to shitty genes and toxic temperaments/mindsets they couldn’t shake off.

Should the handicapped be exterminated?

If I were in charge I would leave that up to the parents.

The elderly?

No, but I think the elderly people who didn’t save up enough funds to be self-sufficient when they retired should receive no assistance from the Government. You literally have decades to prepare for it and there are many better ways that money can be spent. When I think about this dilemma a kid with cancer trumps the elderly in the end. I can see how you could disagree with me though.

I also don’t believe in food stamps in general.

This way of thinking can be dangerous and living in Eastern Europe, I am reminded of a time when a lot of people thought that way. You are certainly entitled to your opinions but I would submit that human life has value even if said human is unable to leave their mark on the world in any significant way.

I hope my previous statement negates that comparison in your mind.

You’re less than a stone’s throw from those to whom he compared you.


TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

Until Vulcans land on earth, become enamored with sandwiches, and thus begins the spread of of such an important discovery to the rest of the universe, my claim still stands.

Who are you to say this hasn’t already happened?

I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you…

Which wouldn’t matter much because you’ve contributed nothing to humanity beyond two ridiculous edits of already ridiculous movies… 😉


Lord Haseo said:

TV’s Frink said:

The Universe is severely overrated.

And Earth is underrated?

By you, certainly.

one69chev said:

People are often more than the sum total of the things they have accomplished in their lives.

That doesn’t mean anything if they can’t manifest that into the world in some tangible way.

Does that mean that people who are unable to ‘manifest’ that ‘something’ are not qualified to live?

I do not think they should have their lives taken from them but they are unworthy of the life they have been given. I’m haunted at the thought of the thousands of people that could have shaped humanity in inconceivable ways had they been born and billions that actually existed and either squandered their talents to settle for the mundane or were destined for mediocrity due to shitty genes and toxic temperaments/mindsets they couldn’t shake off.

Should the handicapped be exterminated?

If I were in charge I would leave that up to the parents.

Jesus, dude.

The elderly?

No, but I think the elderly people who didn’t save up enough funds to be self-sufficient when they retired should receive no assistance from the Government. You literally have decades to prepare for it and there are many better ways that money can be spent. When I think about this dilemma a kid with cancer trumps the elderly in the end. I can see how you could disagree with me though.

I also don’t believe in food stamps in general.

Jesus, dude.


darth_ender said:

TV’s Frink said:

darth_ender said:

Until Vulcans land on earth, become enamored with sandwiches, and thus begins the spread of of such an important discovery to the rest of the universe, my claim still stands.

Who are you to say this hasn’t already happened?

I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you…


Which wouldn’t matter much because you’ve contributed nothing to humanity beyond two ridiculous edits of already ridiculous movies… 😉



darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Maybe she helped or encouraged someone else at a key moment in their life. Maybe she saved an abandoned cat. Even a small contribution is valuable.

As it pertains to the lives of everyday people? Yes it is. As it pertains to the Universe? Absolutely not.

Tell me, who has ever lived on this planet that has ever contributed anything to the Universe?

Unless we are being monitored by some other intelligent life in the Cosmos (or they stumbled onto something of our in space) and that effect ripples until an event of great importance happens we haven’t…ergo all of our lives are meaningless.

Everything will one day come to an end: humanity, the earth, the planets and stars…all will become lifeless until another Big Bang cycle hopefully produces another set of miniscule planets that manage to develop life. You realize that no human has ever done more than influence other humans who live on this planet. It is that influence that has given humanity meaning. If we are an influence for good, then our lives have been worthwhile. If you cannot believe that, then humanity is nothing more than a biological blip in a virtually 100% lifeless, meaningless universe.

Exactly. You seem repulsed at the idea.


Why do exemplary people matter, then? Don’t they matter just as little as everyone else?


Lord Haseo said:

darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Maybe she helped or encouraged someone else at a key moment in their life. Maybe she saved an abandoned cat. Even a small contribution is valuable.

As it pertains to the lives of everyday people? Yes it is. As it pertains to the Universe? Absolutely not.

Tell me, who has ever lived on this planet that has ever contributed anything to the Universe?

Unless we are being monitored by some other intelligent life in the Cosmos (or they stumbled onto something of our in space) and that effect ripples until an event of great importance happens we haven’t…ergo all of our lives are meaningless.

Everything will one day come to an end: humanity, the earth, the planets and stars…all will become lifeless until another Big Bang cycle hopefully produces another set of miniscule planets that manage to develop life. You realize that no human has ever done more than influence other humans who live on this planet. It is that influence that has given humanity meaning. If we are an influence for good, then our lives have been worthwhile. If you cannot believe that, then humanity is nothing more than a biological blip in a virtually 100% lifeless, meaningless universe.

Exactly. You seem repulsed at the idea.

I can’t say that you’re wrong, but that doesn’t mean that you’re right.


yhwx said:

Lord Haseo said:

darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Maybe she helped or encouraged someone else at a key moment in their life. Maybe she saved an abandoned cat. Even a small contribution is valuable.

As it pertains to the lives of everyday people? Yes it is. As it pertains to the Universe? Absolutely not.

Tell me, who has ever lived on this planet that has ever contributed anything to the Universe?

Unless we are being monitored by some other intelligent life in the Cosmos (or they stumbled onto something of our in space) and that effect ripples until an event of great importance happens we haven’t…ergo all of our lives are meaningless.

Everything will one day come to an end: humanity, the earth, the planets and stars…all will become lifeless until another Big Bang cycle hopefully produces another set of miniscule planets that manage to develop life. You realize that no human has ever done more than influence other humans who live on this planet. It is that influence that has given humanity meaning. If we are an influence for good, then our lives have been worthwhile. If you cannot believe that, then humanity is nothing more than a biological blip in a virtually 100% lifeless, meaningless universe.

Exactly. You seem repulsed at the idea.

I can’t say that you’re wrong, but that doesn’t mean that you’re right.

You may be wrong for all I know, but you may be right.


Lord Haseo said:

darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Maybe she helped or encouraged someone else at a key moment in their life. Maybe she saved an abandoned cat. Even a small contribution is valuable.

As it pertains to the lives of everyday people? Yes it is. As it pertains to the Universe? Absolutely not.

Tell me, who has ever lived on this planet that has ever contributed anything to the Universe?

Unless we are being monitored by some other intelligent life in the Cosmos (or they stumbled onto something of our in space) and that effect ripples until an event of great importance happens we haven’t…ergo all of our lives are meaningless.

Everything will one day come to an end: humanity, the earth, the planets and stars…all will become lifeless until another Big Bang cycle hopefully produces another set of miniscule planets that manage to develop life. You realize that no human has ever done more than influence other humans who live on this planet. It is that influence that has given humanity meaning. If we are an influence for good, then our lives have been worthwhile. If you cannot believe that, then humanity is nothing more than a biological blip in a virtually 100% lifeless, meaningless universe.

Exactly. You seem repulsed at the idea.

I’m repulsed by the idea that, no matter your views on the afterlife, your view of the here-and-now includes so little compassion as to feel no remorse at wishing someone who repulses you dead. Such a negative outlook on your fellow humans is really far more damning than publicly drinking from ketchup bottles.


Jeebus said:

Why do exemplary people matter, then? Don’t they matter just as little as everyone else?

With enough time we can have the technology to bend the laws of reality to our whim. If humanity were more ‘focused’ this would come to fruition in less time. Could be thousands of years, could be millions. That part is pointless to speculate.


Lord Haseo said:

Jeebus said:

Why do exemplary people matter, then? Don’t they matter just as little as everyone else?

With enough time we can have the technology to bend the laws of reality to our whim.



Lord Haseo said:

Jeebus said:

Why do exemplary people matter, then? Don’t they matter just as little as everyone else?

With enough time we can have the technology to bend the laws of reality to our whim. If humanity were more ‘focused’ this would come to fruition in less time. Could be thousands of years, could be millions. That part is pointless to speculate.

Grasping at straws, scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Honestly, Haseo, there’s nothing I can debate about your world view. I just find it kind of depressing. I wouldn’t adopt, but I’m not you.


darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Maybe she helped or encouraged someone else at a key moment in their life. Maybe she saved an abandoned cat. Even a small contribution is valuable.

As it pertains to the lives of everyday people? Yes it is. As it pertains to the Universe? Absolutely not.

Tell me, who has ever lived on this planet that has ever contributed anything to the Universe?

Unless we are being monitored by some other intelligent life in the Cosmos (or they stumbled onto something of our in space) and that effect ripples until an event of great importance happens we haven’t…ergo all of our lives are meaningless.

Everything will one day come to an end: humanity, the earth, the planets and stars…all will become lifeless until another Big Bang cycle hopefully produces another set of miniscule planets that manage to develop life. You realize that no human has ever done more than influence other humans who live on this planet. It is that influence that has given humanity meaning. If we are an influence for good, then our lives have been worthwhile. If you cannot believe that, then humanity is nothing more than a biological blip in a virtually 100% lifeless, meaningless universe.

Exactly. You seem repulsed at the idea.

I’m repulsed by the idea that, no matter your views on the afterlife, your view of the here-and-now includes so little compassion as to feel no remorse at wishing someone who repulses you dead. Such a negative outlook on your fellow humans is really far more damning than publicly drinking from ketchup bottles.

It’s not just the act, it’s the reason she did it. The reason she did it ties into my overall look humanity and the universe.


With enough minds singularly focused on the progression of humanity we could eventually have technology that will allow us to have a potentially limitless influence on the Cosmos. All the contributions of those people would have meant something in the end thus their lives would have meant something. I’m not sure what’s so hard to understand about that.


yhwx said:

Honestly, Haseo, there’s nothing I can debate about your world view. I just find it kind of depressing. I wouldn’t adopt, but I’m not you.

I understand completely. Thank you for your contributions to the discussion; you gave me a couple things to consider.


Lord Haseo said:

darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

darth_ender said:

Lord Haseo said:

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

Maybe she helped or encouraged someone else at a key moment in their life. Maybe she saved an abandoned cat. Even a small contribution is valuable.

As it pertains to the lives of everyday people? Yes it is. As it pertains to the Universe? Absolutely not.

Tell me, who has ever lived on this planet that has ever contributed anything to the Universe?

Unless we are being monitored by some other intelligent life in the Cosmos (or they stumbled onto something of our in space) and that effect ripples until an event of great importance happens we haven’t…ergo all of our lives are meaningless.

Everything will one day come to an end: humanity, the earth, the planets and stars…all will become lifeless until another Big Bang cycle hopefully produces another set of miniscule planets that manage to develop life. You realize that no human has ever done more than influence other humans who live on this planet. It is that influence that has given humanity meaning. If we are an influence for good, then our lives have been worthwhile. If you cannot believe that, then humanity is nothing more than a biological blip in a virtually 100% lifeless, meaningless universe.

Exactly. You seem repulsed at the idea.

I’m repulsed by the idea that, no matter your views on the afterlife, your view of the here-and-now includes so little compassion as to feel no remorse at wishing someone who repulses you dead. Such a negative outlook on your fellow humans is really far more damning than publicly drinking from ketchup bottles.

It’s not just the act, it’s the reason she did it. The reason she did it ties into my overall look humanity and the universe.

Yeah, people shouldn’t do things that they enjoy.

Lord Haseo said:

Jeebus said:

Why do exemplary people matter, then? Don’t they matter just as little as everyone else?

With enough time we can have the technology to bend the laws of reality to our whim. If humanity were more ‘focused’ this would come to fruition in less time. Could be thousands of years, could be millions. That part is pointless to speculate.

That won’t happen, though. It’s a fantasy.


We don’t even know why she did it!

We don’t even know she did it!

We know it!



Jeebus said:

Lord Haseo said:
With enough time we can have the technology to bend the laws of reality to our whim. If humanity were more ‘focused’ this would come to fruition in less time. Could be thousands of years, could be millions. That part is pointless to speculate.

That won’t happen, though. It’s a fantasy.

And how many of humanity’s achievements were labeled fantasy that prior to those breakthroughs happening?


Lord Haseo said:

Jeebus said:

Lord Haseo said:
With enough time we can have the technology to bend the laws of reality to our whim. If humanity were more ‘focused’ this would come to fruition in less time. Could be thousands of years, could be millions. That part is pointless to speculate.

That won’t happen, though. It’s a fantasy.

And how many of humanity’s achievements were labeled fantasy that prior to those breakthroughs happening?

Big difference between going to someone in ancient Rome and telling them “in the future; people can listen to music anywhere through these mini music-boxes that go in your ear,” and saying that humans will be able to ‘bend reality’ (which doesn’t even mean anything). And even if it was possible (it isn’t), it would have to happen so far in the future that humanity very likely won’t ever get to that point before going extinct.


Where are my Random Pictures and Gifs? Three pages of basically no actual images.

Not enough people read the EU.