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Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (Released) — Page 4


Matching the style in one writing system is one thing (you can use the exact same font). Matching the style in a different writing system, that’s something else.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


Raiders of the Lost Jager - that’s my kind of movie.



JayArgonaut said:

litemakr said:

FrankT said:

Now that’s a thought, what edits were made to the TV version, if any?

I don’t have the tape any more but the only thing I recall being edited was when Indy says “holy shit” when he sees the nazi sub. None of the violence was edited that I remember and the melting/exploding heads were not censored.

IMDB (yes, I know - not always a reliable source of info) claims that 24 seconds were edited from the ABC broadcast.


Someone has uploaded the first three minutes of the ABC premiere:


Here’s another clip from the ABC premiere, this time with Indy and Marion being trapped in the Well of Souls. Indy’s exclamation of “Jesus” when his whip is mistaken by Marion for a snake, has been truncated to “Jeez.”


I imagine the goddamn’s uttered throughout the film would’ve been altered or removed. 😄

That’s fun to watch, wish I still had the tape. I didn’t have much motivation to keep it at the time since it didn’t have any extra scenes and my own VHS copy looked better. 24 seconds sounds excessive, I don’t recall footage actually being removed, just language toned down, but I’m curious if they actually did cut some things. Maybe some of the gunshot hits or skewered Satipo.


age said:


george was often seen in plaid. just sayin’ 😛

You really only need to hang mean bastards,
but mean bastards you need to hang.

John ‘The Hangman’ Ruth


Can you add Japanese, French and German audio to the next version?


Hi all, I’m a long time lurker to the site since around '09.

Can anyone share an invite to the site that hosts this ('spleen)?
This scan looks amazing and I believe the site also hosts the Grindhouse editions of ESB and ROTJ that I’m very interested in.

I remember seeing the IMAX (well, LieMAX) version of Raiders for the 30th anniversary and being taken aback at how over-saturated it was. I had just seen 35mm prints from 1982 of Wrath of Khan and The Thing, and both were pretty neutrally color-timed, if not a little cold. LPP prints were just being introduced in 1982 and Kodak really got it right; the prints looked amazing still. Now I know movies all look different and are lit differently according to the cinematographer, but most movies from the early 80’s shared a certain look, much like many movies nowadays will have teal/orange color-timings.

I used to live in LA a few years back and got to see 35mm/70mm print of many movies and always paid careful attention to their color thanks to this site introducing me to all the color revisionism going on nowadays. I got to see 70mm prints of films like Sound of Music, Vertigo, Spartacus, Grand Prix, and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
However, my fondest memories are of seeing Cinerama movies presented in actual three-strip 35mm Cinerama at the Cinerama Dome on Sunset Boulevard in 2012. Amazing!

I saw This Is Cinerama twice; once in the very front row, right in the middle of the row, so that entire curved Cinerama screen would engulf my field of vision and a second time around the middle row of the theater (Kubrick’s favorite spot). When I sat down in the front row, the old guy next to me look surprised and asked, “What are you doing here?!” He couldn’t believe younger people were into Cinerama haha.
Seeing it from the front row with it taking up my entire vision really transported me. Why has the movie going experience gone so downhill sine the 50’s?


litemakr said:

JayArgonaut said:

litemakr said:

FrankT said:

Now that’s a thought, what edits were made to the TV version, if any?

I don’t have the tape any more but the only thing I recall being edited was when Indy says “holy shit” when he sees the nazi sub. None of the violence was edited that I remember and the melting/exploding heads were not censored.

IMDB (yes, I know - not always a reliable source of info) claims that 24 seconds were edited from the ABC broadcast.


Someone has uploaded the first three minutes of the ABC premiere:


Here’s another clip from the ABC premiere, this time with Indy and Marion being trapped in the Well of Souls. Indy’s exclamation of “Jesus” when his whip is mistaken by Marion for a snake, has been truncated to “Jeez.”


I imagine the goddamn’s uttered throughout the film would’ve been altered or removed. 😄

That’s fun to watch, wish I still had the tape. I didn’t have much motivation to keep it at the time since it didn’t have any extra scenes and my own VHS copy looked better. 24 seconds sounds excessive, I don’t recall footage actually being removed, just language toned down, but I’m curious if they actually did cut some things. Maybe some of the gunshot hits or skewered Satipo.

I do recall the rear angle shot of the Hovitos chasing Indy was snipped a bit so you couldn’t see any bare butts. 😉

Where were you in '77?


Any plans on doing Temple of Doom (UK print)? The UK version has 1 minute removed by the BBFC, and has been out of print since 2012.


Would it be possible for anyone to send me an invite to myspleen?

Just wondering?


Wow this looks amazing, great work. So out of curiosity, I keep hearing the Xenon lamps were warmer back then in tone. Does anyone know how much of a difference it would have made? I can’t download this unfortunately as I am not a member of the site hosting, but would be interested in knowing anyway.

I get it would not look like the over done Blu Ray (as evidenced here) though I assume audiences would have seen a slightly more golden hue than is shown on this print when projected (not tech savvy so just asking)


Dek Rollins said:

^PM sent.

These requests should really be directed to the spleen forums. Why they keep being directed here is confusing.


Jetrell Fo said:

Dek Rollins said:

^PM sent.

These requests should really be directed to the spleen forums. Why they keep being directed here is confusing.

Because people keep sending them invites here. I don’t think I’ve seen any of those people come back.


Wazzles said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Dek Rollins said:

^PM sent.

These requests should really be directed to the spleen forums. Why they keep being directed here is confusing.

Because people keep sending them invites here. I don’t think I’ve seen any of those people come back.

Yeah, hit and runners. Apparently once they’ve become members, some of them don’t even bother to seed and simply delete the torrents once the download is complete.

“Logic is the battlefield of adulthood.”

  • Howard Berk

Supes81 said:

Wow this looks amazing, great work. So out of curiosity, I keep hearing the Xenon lamps were warmer back then in tone. Does anyone know how much of a difference it would have made? I can’t download this unfortunately as I am not a member of the site hosting, but would be interested in knowing anyway.

I get it would not look like the over done Blu Ray (as evidenced here) though I assume audiences would have seen a slightly more golden hue than is shown on this print when projected (not tech savvy so just asking)

This transfer does have a very slight bump in warmth and reduction in green, which would make up for the warmer bulb factor. However I have yet to find any compelling evidence that prints were timed with that in mind or that the bulb made a significant difference.

The blu-ray isn’t just warmer, it has actual color changes which are baked in regardless of color temperature. Reducing saturation and selecting a cooler color temp helps, but doesn’t fix the color issues. Add to that overexposed shots and it’s pretty much impossible to fully correct the blu-ray.


@litemakr: I cannot thank you enough for your efforts with presenting ROTLA as it was meant to be seen. You’ve given me a new found appreciation for the film. Are you accepting donations towards V2.0?

“Logic is the battlefield of adulthood.”

  • Howard Berk

JayArgonaut said:

@litemakr: I cannot thank you enough for your efforts with presenting ROTLA as it was meant to be seen. You’ve given me a new found appreciation for the film. Are you accepting donations towards V2.0?

Thanks, Jay! We hope to scan a second print to fill in missing and damaged areas. I do plan to accept donations, but not sure how to collect them just yet. Stay tuned.


litemakr said:

Supes81 said:

Wow this looks amazing, great work. So out of curiosity, I keep hearing the Xenon lamps were warmer back then in tone. Does anyone know how much of a difference it would have made? I can’t download this unfortunately as I am not a member of the site hosting, but would be interested in knowing anyway.

I get it would not look like the over done Blu Ray (as evidenced here) though I assume audiences would have seen a slightly more golden hue than is shown on this print when projected (not tech savvy so just asking)

This transfer does have a very slight bump in warmth and reduction in green, which would make up for the warmer bulb factor. However I have yet to find any compelling evidence that prints were timed with that in mind or that the bulb made a significant difference.

The blu-ray isn’t just warmer, it has actual color changes which are baked in regardless of color temperature. Reducing saturation and selecting a cooler color temp helps, but doesn’t fix the color issues. Add to that overexposed shots and it’s pretty much impossible to fully correct the blu-ray.

Thanks for the response. Yeah I have never found solid evidence of the Kelvins for lamps/bulbs from that time period, or if any film makers even cared when colour grading. So I guess if the filma makers never accounted for it, it would be a moot point.

Thanks again for the hard work on this. It really looks amazing.


Great job to everyone involved,
colors look very natural.
I’ve got the bluray set on the day it was released but colors were very different.
Where can one get 35mm version? (I’m not registered on myspleen and it looks like you can’t currently sign up for an account).
I wouldn’t mind donating as well to preserve more movies in 35mm format (with all the alterations by the studios, it seems like a worthwhile cause).


PerryMason said:

Great job to everyone involved,
colors look very natural.
I’ve got the bluray set on the day it was released but colors were very different.
Where can one get 35mm version? (I’m not registered on myspleen and it looks like you can’t currently sign up for an account).
I wouldn’t mind donating as well to preserve more movies in 35mm format (with all the alterations by the studios, it seems like a worthwhile cause).

PM Sent


Hey just wondering if I could get some information on getting a copy of this. Not sure how myspleen works and how to get to it. I saw a 35mm print in LA in 2014 and was blown away with how good the movie looked without the colors being altered. It was how I remembered the movie looking when I first saw it. Less cartooney and tougher. The screenshots on this thread are spot on for the correct colors. I want to pitch in for whatever the next version of this is being produced and any other indy movies. thanks


JayArgonaut said:

Wazzles said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Dek Rollins said:

^PM sent.

These requests should really be directed to the spleen forums. Why they keep being directed here is confusing.

Because people keep sending them invites here. I don’t think I’ve seen any of those people come back.

Yeah, hit and runners. Apparently once they’ve become members, some of them don’t even bother to seed and simply delete the torrents once the download is complete.

When I inquired about it over at the Spleen I was told that those coming there for Star Wars are usually the worst members ever. I choked on my water I laughed so hard.


HovitoButts said:

Hey just wondering if I could get some information on getting a copy of this. Not sure how myspleen works and how to get to it. I saw a 35mm print in LA in 2014 and was blown away with how good the movie looked without the colors being altered. It was how I remembered the movie looking when I first saw it. Less cartooney and tougher. The screenshots on this thread are spot on for the correct colors. I want to pitch in for whatever the next version of this is being produced and any other indy movies. thanks



Jetrell Fo said:

JayArgonaut said:

Wazzles said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Dek Rollins said:

^PM sent.

These requests should really be directed to the spleen forums. Why they keep being directed here is confusing.

Because people keep sending them invites here. I don’t think I’ve seen any of those people come back.

Yeah, hit and runners. Apparently once they’ve become members, some of them don’t even bother to seed and simply delete the torrents once the download is complete.

When I inquired about it over at the Spleen I was told that those coming there for Star Wars are usually the worst members ever. I choked on my water I laughed so hard.

Please PM me the thread link so that I can also share the laughter. I certainly wouldn’t want to be accused of publicly mocking new members…

“Logic is the battlefield of adulthood.”

  • Howard Berk