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Harmy ive just had a quick check throught he pal Jedi and it looks fantastic, looking forward to watching it over the weekend.


Finished watching the PAL version of Jedi and WOW what an amazing job Harmy, this is my only version of Jedi from now on.


ninjasmurf said:

i want to go to there.

Comment win.  :D


Hey Harmy, could I get links for the MKV please?



So I was skimming through this a bit yesterday, and maybe it's been a while since I last watched the SE, but I don't remember there being CGI in the Rancor scene. Why was this replaced?

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Asaki said:

So I was skimming through this a bit yesterday, and maybe it's been a while since I last watched the SE, but I don't remember there being CGI in the Rancor scene. Why was this replaced?

I believe the original version has very visible matte lines that Harmy wants to restore; although, I could be wrong. I think the 2004 SE made them less visible.


I hate to say it, but I found the older inserts in the rancor scene to be distracting.  If I put in the GOUT, I can watch the entire scene and not find anything to be wrong with it, but seeing it in just a few shots made the quality difference from the surrounding '04 footage very obvious.  Since they are so different from each other, I really think the scene should either be all GOUT or all '04, but not both.  Since I usually don't mind the recomposites if they don't alter the actual content, I definitely lean towards all '04 for this scene.

In other parts of the movie the GOUT inserts stand out less.  Brightening the throne room scenes does improve the lightsabers, but it also brings out video noise in the dark backgrounds and conflicts with non-saber shots in the same set, which go back to being dark again.  Wouldn't it be better to isolate the sabers and just brighten them by themselves, so the rest of the image wouldn't be affected?  I haven't got the faintest idea how to do that myself (lol), but it seems like that would be the way to go.

But despite a few such things, the colour correction of the '04 footage is generally fantastic, and I really liked seeing the high quality picture without the nasty blue cast and oversaturated reds everywhere.


Thanks, hairy_hen. I know the rancor stands out a bit but it actually isn't from the GOUT, it's from G'KAR, so the resolution is the same but maybe the GOUT would have actually been a better source because G'KAR has a lot of compression artefacts and a humongous amount of DVNR.

Brightening the lightsabres separately probably would work but it would be more work than I feel it's worth. Maybe I should have lightened up the whole scene, not just the sabre shots. But then, there were two workprint versions and I asked numerous times for suggestions about the colour correction and I never got any, so I'm definitely not making a new version now. I will try and follow some of your suggestions in my new HD version though.



Wow, I guess the G'KAR really does look awful...

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Harmy, I would like to check this out, hopefully this weekend if JDownloader will play nicely for me. Can you PM the links to the NTSC DVD5 please?

Can you remind me, as it's been a while since I read through the thread, does the NTSC DVD have the GOUT audio (the '93 mix 2-channel Dolby Surround)? But hairy_hen's 5.1 mix will sync to iy?

Also did you use msycamore's Jabba subtitles? 

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A question, and a comment:

What is a G'KAR?

Regarding the matte lines, there are two schools of thought.  When I first saw them, I was surprised, because I never saw them in the theater.  If their exposure is a byproduct of conversion to home video, then removing them is actually an act of preservation of the original theatrical experience.

But I understand your wanting to put them back in.  Everyone has their own original experiences and it's good that so many of them are being restored.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Moth3r said:

Harmy, I would like to check this out, hopefully this weekend if JDownloader will play nicely for me. Can you PM the links to the NTSC DVD5 please?

PM sent

Can you remind me, as it's been a while since I read through the thread, does the NTSC DVD have the GOUT audio (the '93 mix 2-channel Dolby Surround)? But hairy_hen's 5.1 mix will sync to iy?

It does sync to h_h's mix but it won't fit to a DVD5 with it.

Also did you use msycamore's Jabba subtitles? 

No, but there are burnt in white subs.


BTW. Goddamn!!! Could you guys stop this thing with the avatars!!!


Harmy said:

BTW. Goddamn!!! Could you guys stop this thing with the avatars!!!

One of us!  One of us!


Harmy said:

BTW. Goddamn!!! Could you guys stop this thing with the avatars!!!

I couldn't agree with you more, pretty damn annoying and stupid, this is how we know each other, but that said, I am SURE that is why certain individuals are doing it to begin with.


dark_jedi said:

Harmy said:

BTW. Goddamn!!! Could you guys stop this thing with the avatars!!!

I couldn't agree with you more, pretty damn annoying and stupid, this is how we know each other, but that said, I am SURE that is why certain individuals are doing it to begin with.

Ah, you're just upset because Moth3r is using one of yours :p


Like I said, some people get off on being, well you know, and what, I can't agree with Harmy on this one?


Well, I understand the confusion, but you are allowed to read the user name instead of looking at the picture ;-)

Anyway, we're way off topic here.


Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

A question, and a comment:

What is a G'KAR?

Regarding the matte lines, there are two schools of thought.  When I first saw them, I was surprised, because I never saw them in the theater.  If their exposure is a byproduct of conversion to home video, then removing them is actually an act of preservation of the original theatrical experience.

But I understand your wanting to put them back in.  Everyone has their own original experiences and it's good that so many of them are being restored.

G'KAR a recording of a German SD anamorphic digital broadcast of the 97SE. It's is not a very good quality, but it seems to be the best there is for 97SE Jedi.

And I'm pretty sure the matte lines must have been there in the cinema, it's just that people wouldn't notice them, because they weren't looking for them. I remember reading a review of the 97SE, where the guy complained about them not fixing the Rancor matte lines after he saw the SE in the cinema.