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Pre-ANH bootleg telecine - a widescreen version (Released) — Page 8


Found the script used to process the raw source to make the Xvid. As I mentioned above, it was pretty aggressive - if I was to do it again today it's likely I would tone it down a bit.

loadplugin("C:\Program Files\DGMPGDec\DGDecode.dll")
part1=disc1.Pulldown(2, 4).trim(514,-6079)
part2=disc1.pulldown(0, 2).trim(6594,-21360)
part3=disc1.pulldown(0, 3).trim(27955,-15389)
part4=disc1.pulldown(1, 3).trim(43345,-13218)
part5=disc1.pulldown(2, 4).trim(56562,-18855)
part6=disc1.pulldown(1, 4).trim(75415,-16932)
part7=disc2.pulldown(0, 3).trim(1957,-9285)
part8=disc2.pulldown(2, 4).trim(11242,-11836)
part9=disc2.pulldown(1, 3).trim(23078,-260)
part10=disc2.pulldown(0, 2).trim(23338, -1797)
part11=disc2.pulldown(1, 3).trim(25134, -10034)
part12=disc2.pulldown(0, 2).trim(35169, -207)
part13=disc2.pulldown(0, 3).trim(35376, -11587)
part14=disc2.pulldown(2, 4).trim(46963, -6420)
part15=disc2.pulldown(1, 3).trim(53383, -18827)
part16=disc2.pulldown(0, 2).trim(72210, -221)
part17=disc2.pulldown(2, 4).trim(72431, -2458)
part18=disc2.pulldown(1, 3).trim(74889, -1256)
part19=disc2.pulldown(0, 2).trim(76145, -4992)
part20=disc2.pulldown(0, 3).trim(81137, -2236)
Levels(16, 1.4, 235, 16, 235, coring=false)

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Thanks for digging the scripts out. 

Might be a dumb question, Does the program figure out those various pulldown sections or is that something the user needs to figure out through tests?  Asking because considering blending two VCR captures of a tape, and if someone were to attempt something similar to this script, then those different captured parts would make for IVTC challenges.


No, in this case I figured it out manually. There are however IVTC filters with automatic field matching available for AviSynth (eg TIVTC).

Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here


The source of this tape was kind enough to inform us of more details of where it came from:

    Nothing remarkable – my source was off two ¾” U-Matic tapes owned by the father of a girlfriend of a then acquaintance of mine.  I simply arranged to go over one day with my early model VHS deck and make a copy.  I have no more information than that.  I would speculate that the guy was either a collector or somehow affiliated with the broadcast industry, as U-matics were considered primarily a professional format at the time.  The recording itself was clearly several generations down with all of the flaws and dropouts already there, which suggests it was more likely from a bootlegged source. 
I'm placing the time frame around early '78.  I was, at the time, nothing but vocal as to my appreciation of the film in question.  He responded by simply affording me access to something I might be interested in.
- The 3/4" U-Matic Video Cassette format was a larger version of a technology from which VHS and BETAMAX evolved.  It housed a wider tape running at twice the speed, yielding a superior image to either consumer format, but a step down from 1" reel to reel video - the current professional NTSC standard.


In this time, for most movie goers only the memories would remain, there was no home recording.  Can't imagine the excitement of being given the opportunity to re-see something you had initially thought would be gone possibly forever.  Of course the side effect was the ability of one piece of entertainment taking over the 'time' of the person with the recording.  Yes it allows for geeking out / research of the entertainment object so that it's better understood, which I think helped propel these movies to occupy a larger percentage of the public consciousness, but you wonder what got left behind.

But back to the topic here's the VHS Tape!

[Here's a video of a U-Matic tape for those like me who didn't know]


none said:

The source of this tape was kind enough to inform us of more details of where it came from ... But back to the topic here's the VHS Tape!


I don't suppose anyone has asked the owner to borrow the tape for playback in a semi-pro VHS machine for better capture? Combo VHS-to-DVD and regular consumer VHS machines are so sub-anyone's-standard.

For example, JVC Super VHS machines have "DigiPure Technology" for processing with:

  1. Digital Wide TBC (Time Base Corrector)
  2. 3-Dimensional Digital Circuit with 2 MB Frame Memory to make the following possible:
  • Precision 3-D Color Circuit for clearer color separation
  • Digital 3-D YNR/CNR to improve S/N ratio
  • Digital 3R Picture System to enhance detail


It might even be worth it for someone, in that enviable position, to pick one up from eBay at some nominal cost, if he doesn't already have one. There are a number of good models from which to choose and others have already done the research: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/310542-Best-VCR-Available-Today


I have a super vhs player and all it does is take a bad image and smear it with noise reduction to make a less sharper image, the composite and rca outputs are shit, and the only way you get an even decent image is with the s video which causes the smear problem and you cannot turn off the noise reduction or get a pure signal.


Maybe the professional decks are better but mine which is consumer grade and bought from cruchfield is complete and utter junk not worth the over hundred dollars it cost.  I used to have an analog deck that had 6 heads and that had a better signal for the analog video tape format of vhs.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


skyjedi2005 said:

I have a super vhs player and all it does is take a bad image and smear it with noise reduction to make a less sharper image ...

Links in the above referred VideoHelp forum page gives a pretty extensive list of machines and their user rankings. You might be able to tell from that if your player is defective or not even in the running. ;)

Even different machines with the similar fix-up features produce noticeably different results, as demonstrated on "J.R." at forum discussion VCR comparison: JVC HR-S9600 & Panasonic NV-FS200 (AG-1980). And that doesn't take into account switching on or off the other processing options to produce the most pleasing result.

For any kind of VHS capture, I'd say TBC (true TBC) is a minimum requirement.


The Panasonic AG-1980 is generally considered to be the best player at salvaging old tapes.  Whether SP, LP or EP.  Apparently you can throw just about anything at it.  And it has a built in TBC.

The JVC decks are generally thought to be better at already crisp SP tapes.


Does anyone know where I can get this and the "Star Wars The Bootleg" DVD


any help would be great.  

Remember, Highlander, you’ve both still got your full measure of life. Use it well, and your future will be glorious.


Since both mothr’s and Catnap’s projects are no longer available on the the site that used to host them, would it be alright if someone uploaded them to MySpleen? I could do it myself but I have no experience in making torrents and my upload speed is awful.


slumberdore: Sended PM from DL links.


I know this might be long gone but is there anyway i can still get this?

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


Is this the mono or stereo mix?

Project creator and film enthusiast.


CloakedDragon97: See 1st page. Its mono mix.


Is there anyone who could either PM me download/drive links? I would really like to have a copy of this. Thanks in advance!