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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 97

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moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:


I agree with the criticism, but I wouldn’t call it fascism. That’s a word that is getting thrown around far too much.

The question is, will Trump and co really try to break out of the establishment. It’s clear that the population has been deliberately divided 50/50 and deliberately left with nothing but a need to turn on each other in the case of a great shock to the system from any number of possible sources.

Bush, Baker, and Pence and the Super Bowl. WOW! White, supposedly Protestant, apparently heterosexual males trotted out in front of 110 million viewers.

Back to the political spectrums…

                       THE HUMAN OPTIMUM (total enslavement to True Law)

TOTALITARIANISM (total enslavement to the will of men)

The reason the Republican Establishment and it’s phony conservative Judas Goats HATE their own base so much is because they are what is left of the Private Oligarchical impulse combined with traitorous Econo-Fascist “Progressive” globalists. This is why they have no problem helping promote Cultural Marxism with private libertine Libertarianism. It is also why they will take on enormous debt, for debt together with the remains of the Lawful Marketplace is what fuels Econo-Fascism.

The modern American Conservative Movement was a Western/Midwestern based break with the East Coast based Establishment RINOs.



Trump told the sheriffs, “the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years.” He blamed the news media for not publicizing this development, then added, “But the murder rate is the highest it’s been in, I guess, 45 to 47 years.”

The country’s murder rate is not the highest it’s been in 47 years. It is almost at its lowest point, actually, according to the FBI, which gathers statistics every year from police departments around the country.

Why? Why does he do this? Why does he lie when we all know the truth? What is wrong with him? Can someone who supports him please explain to me why he lies about this stuff? Does he not know? Does he not care? Is there an agenda here? If he’s not intentionally lying why does he shoot his mouth off like this? If he’s running an ostensibly pro-gun administration, why say something like this that is not only patently false, but also has the potential to hurt the pro-gun platform you’re standing on?

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

Why? Why does he do this? Why does he lie when we all know the truth? What is wrong with him?

I believe that this is going to be the new mode of politics, and that it is here to stay. Trump has shown that what works in advertising on most buyers also works on most voters. Namely, it doesn’t matter what you say - all that matters is how you make the listener feel. There is absolutely no requirement for veracity whatsoever. There is nothing “wrong” with him - the discovery has begun a new era. Dark times ahead, that’s my opinion.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


You see the President of the United States trying to use Twitter to shame a company into picking his wife’s line of clothes back up the day after she successfully sues a blogger for starting a rumor that may have hurt her chances to make lucrative deals now that she’s in the world’s eye?


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Handman said:

Jetrell Fo said:

The simulation performed exactly as predicted.

What does this mean?

I don’t believe it matters. This thread isn’t about debate anymore, it’s a fear-mongering smorgasbord for Trump haters.

I’ve noticed that when I watch the press conferences live, listen to all the questions being asked by different “news agencies” and the answers given, those same “news agencies” end up writing only what they want to write. This thread has become nothing more than the culmination of half-truths and alternate facts from an opposing perspective touted by the same people that accuse the President and his staff of doing the same thing.

I find it disappointing and insulting that there are people in the world that equate this tactic with debate. Example, I nailed Frink on the CNN picture he posted “allegedly”" showing Trump’s daughter and her Fiance at a White House meeting. He never spoke of it afterwards, I didn’t say anything further, but he didn’t acknowledge he was wrong. When someone else posts something contrary to the masses beliefs they get half a dozen members pouncing on them and a few that don’t ever let them forget it. Frink and a few others still make half-ass snide comments about certain things that go back weeks in the guise of “humor”.

For anyone looking to actually debate, and we do have a few, there should be a new thread for it. One that allows for actual debate and not this travesty. This is just my opinion on the matter, and I realize it doesn’t matter, but it’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it regardless.


Jetrell Fo said:

Example, I nailed Frink on the CNN picture he posted “allegedly”" showing Trump’s daughter and her Fiance at a White House meeting. He never spoke of it afterwards, I didn’t say anything further, but he didn’t acknowledge he was wrong.

I am doing my very best to ignore you as much as I possibly can in every single situation (not just in this thread). However, this was one of the few times I actually responded to you because I was not wrong, despite your accusations. They (she and her husband, not fiance) were at the meeting, it wasn’t a dinner, and the follow-up link you posted was from a dinner the previous evening and was unrelated to the point being made. And you posted a link yourself that showed where they both sat during the meeting.

If you want to believe you are right and the proof is that people are ignoring you, that’s your business. I look forward to ignoring whatever response you cook up to make yourself feel better.


She was 100% at the meeting, no one is pretending to deny it on either side.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

She was 100% at the meeting, no one is pretending to deny it on either side.

One person here is questioning it because CNN is fake news.


Jetrell, you decry the lack of proper debate here. Some time ago I tried having a discussion with you, and since then I’ve decided not to try again. Debate was impossible, as the most basic laws of logic (modus ponens, etc.) seemed absent. By contrast most others here, even those with whom I disagree much more strongly, such as Ferris, do share a basis in verbal reasoning. If people don’t always respond to you, it may be out of frustration. My apologies for being so blunt.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


dahmage said:


trump doesn’t think the pipeline is controversial. Can any reasonable person justify that line of “thinking”?

It’s just one misrepresentation after another from Trump. In the case of the Keystone XL pipeline, it would create 35 permanent jobs: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2017/01/27/pipeline-backers-make-big-promises-about-jobs-growth.html

The Dakota pipeline would probably create even fewer permanent jobs.

The idea that a pipeline would create more jobs is absurd on its surface, since that oil would be transported via truck, train, or ship into the US without the pipeline, and these methods would employ many more people.

And in what universe is this pipeline uncontroversial? It was literally stopped by thousands upon thousands of protesters in a nationwide outcry. The fact that he seems to be so uninformed about the pipeline protests is damning evidence that he lives in his own bubble surrounded by a force-field of alternative facts.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


thejediknighthusezni said:

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:


I agree with the criticism, but I wouldn’t call it fascism. That’s a word that is getting thrown around far too much.

The question is, will Trump and co really try to break out of the establishment. It’s clear that the population has been deliberately divided 50/50 and deliberately left with nothing but a need to turn on each other in the case of a great shock to the system from any number of possible sources.

Bush, Baker, and Pence and the Super Bowl. WOW! White, supposedly Protestant, apparently heterosexual males trotted out in front of 110 million viewers.

Back to the political spectrums…

                       THE HUMAN OPTIMUM (total enslavement to True Law)

TOTALITARIANISM (total enslavement to the will of men)

The reason the Republican Establishment and it’s phony conservative Judas Goats HATE their own base so much is because they are what is left of the Private Oligarchical impulse combined with traitorous Econo-Fascist “Progressive” globalists. This is why they have no problem helping promote Cultural Marxism with private libertine Libertarianism. It is also why they will take on enormous debt, for debt together with the remains of the Lawful Marketplace is what fuels Econo-Fascism.

The modern American Conservative Movement was a Western/Midwestern based break with the East Coast based Establishment RINOs.



Jetrell Fo said:

Handman said:

Jetrell Fo said:

The simulation performed exactly as predicted.

What does this mean?

I don’t believe it matters. This thread isn’t about debate anymore, it’s a fear-mongering smorgasbord for Trump haters.

In my opinion, the above is spoken like a Trump yes-man. I believe it is also a back door insult. The posts in this are not just fear mongering from Trump haters. I am quite frankly tired of the disrespect shown by the above to those that disagree with Trump. I wish the person above would stop being so irritating, arrogant, obnoxious, conceited and condescending.


NeverarGreat said:

dahmage said:


trump doesn’t think the pipeline is controversial. Can any reasonable person justify that line of “thinking”?

It’s just one misrepresentation after another from Trump. In the case of the Keystone XL pipeline, it would create 35 permanent jobs: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2017/01/27/pipeline-backers-make-big-promises-about-jobs-growth.html

The Dakota pipeline would probably create even fewer permanent jobs.

The idea that a pipeline would create more jobs is absurd on its surface, since that oil would be transported via truck, train, or ship into the US without the pipeline, and these methods would employ many more people.

And in what universe is this pipeline uncontroversial? It was literally stopped by thousands upon thousands of protesters in a nationwide outcry. The fact that he seems to be so uninformed about the pipeline protests is damning evidence that he lives in his own bubble surrounded by a force-field of alternative facts.

agreed. I have always viewed the “doing A will create BBBBBBBB jobs!” as a case of making very obvious white lies. and never assumed that those making the claims really took themselves seriously. Isn’t it obvious that anything related to constructing these pipelines is temporary? and also, the people building these things probably already have jobs, its just that they will be working on the pipepline instead of a different project.

if you want to help with employment, i think you need to think farther ahead. encourage research and development into new energy markets. you know, like Obama did?


NeverarGreat said:

dahmage said:


trump doesn’t think the pipeline is controversial. Can any reasonable person justify that line of “thinking”?

It’s just one misrepresentation after another from Trump. In the case of the Keystone XL pipeline, it would create 35 permanent jobs: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2017/01/27/pipeline-backers-make-big-promises-about-jobs-growth.html

The Dakota pipeline would probably create even fewer permanent jobs.

The idea that a pipeline would create more jobs is absurd on its surface, since that oil would be transported via truck, train, or ship into the US without the pipeline, and these methods would employ many more people.

And in what universe is this pipeline uncontroversial?

The Trumpiverse.


Warbler said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:


I agree with the criticism, but I wouldn’t call it fascism. That’s a word that is getting thrown around far too much.

The question is, will Trump and co really try to break out of the establishment. It’s clear that the population has been deliberately divided 50/50 and deliberately left with nothing but a need to turn on each other in the case of a great shock to the system from any number of possible sources.

Bush, Baker, and Pence and the Super Bowl. WOW! White, supposedly Protestant, apparently heterosexual males trotted out in front of 110 million viewers.

Back to the political spectrums…

                       THE HUMAN OPTIMUM (total enslavement to True Law)

TOTALITARIANISM (total enslavement to the will of men)

The reason the Republican Establishment and it’s phony conservative Judas Goats HATE their own base so much is because they are what is left of the Private Oligarchical impulse combined with traitorous Econo-Fascist “Progressive” globalists. This is why they have no problem helping promote Cultural Marxism with private libertine Libertarianism. It is also why they will take on enormous debt, for debt together with the remains of the Lawful Marketplace is what fuels Econo-Fascism.

The modern American Conservative Movement was a Western/Midwestern based break with the East Coast based Establishment RINOs.


Don’t even try.


Yeah, I know.


doubleofive said:

You see the President of the United States trying to use Twitter to shame a company into picking his wife’s line of clothes back up the day after she successfully sues a blogger for starting a rumor that may have hurt her chances to make lucrative deals now that she’s in the world’s eye?



According to the official White House schedule, Trump had a national security briefing at 10:30 am. But 20 minutes later, a more pressing issue arose:

“My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person – always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!”

The tweet was sent by iPhone, indicating someone else (Ivanka???) sent it on behalf of Trump, who typically tweets from his unsecured Android phone.

I’m just glad he didn’t let a stupid unimportant national security briefing get in the way of an issue which is much more important to all Americans.