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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 68

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TV’s Frink said:

Dek Rollins said:

Warbler said:

Dek Rollins said:

Warbler said:

Dek Rollins said:

I don’t recall what I thought about the executive orders, but what I do know is that I didn’t like what he was doing, so I can only imagine that I wasn’t too happy about all of his executive orders.

and yet you’re okay with Trump doing everything via executive order?

Most of the ones he is issuing are things that I think need to be done. He practically undid the Obama legacy in a week, and I;m fine with that.

So it ok a President to do things via executive order instead of going through Congress, as long he/she is doing something you agree with?

Did I ever say that I morally disagree with Obama’s use of executive orders?

That’s what we’ve been trying to get at. If you didn’t disagree with him using executive orders (independent of what those orders were) then that’s fine. Republicans (including ferris, IIRC) screamed bloody murder because Obama was using executive orders, not because of what he was doing with those orders (I mean they bitched about the specifics to but I’m pointing to the fact that they said he was ruling by executive order). And now…silence…despite the fact that Trump is doing it at a rate that will far exceed what Obama done. It’s hypocritical.

This is not a doomsday rant.


Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Dek Rollins said:

Warbler said:

Dek Rollins said:

Warbler said:

Dek Rollins said:

I don’t recall what I thought about the executive orders, but what I do know is that I didn’t like what he was doing, so I can only imagine that I wasn’t too happy about all of his executive orders.

and yet you’re okay with Trump doing everything via executive order?

Most of the ones he is issuing are things that I think need to be done. He practically undid the Obama legacy in a week, and I;m fine with that.

So it ok a President to do things via executive order instead of going through Congress, as long he/she is doing something you agree with?

Did I ever say that I morally disagree with Obama’s use of executive orders?

That’s what we’ve been trying to get at. If you didn’t disagree with him using executive orders (independent of what those orders were) then that’s fine. Republicans (including ferris, IIRC) screamed bloody murder because Obama was using executive orders, not because of what he was doing with those orders (I mean they bitched about the specifics to but I’m pointing to the fact that they said he was ruling by executive order). And now…silence…despite the fact that Trump is doing it at a rate that will far exceed what Obama done. It’s hypocritical.

This is not a doomsday rant.

When you live in an alternate reality where facts are just opinions and opinions are facts, it’s hard to understand that.


TV’s Frink said:


The executive order on immigration was rash and not thought through before signing. When the news first came out, I incorrectly assumed that it would only impact new immigrants. But it affects people who already have visas. My company (a large tech company) has at least 70 different employees and/or their families that are affected by this executive order. At least we’re able to provide legal assistance to them. I feel for anyone who has a legal visa to be in the US but who has been detained or might get detained in the near future.

Fuck Trump.

This is what I mean, Dek. Trump’s thought process is irrelevant.

My point was that I don’t know if he considered the various consequences or not, and yes his thought process on the matter is relevant, considering that it’s what we are discussing. That specific order I think was a bad move and he probably didn’t think it through like he should have. It raises concern, but other than that I’m not sure how to describe my reaction.

Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation


Handman said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

Is it ok for white person to say the n-word in the performance of play where their character is a racist and uses that word?


Obviously. It looks like the specific issue in that case is that it’s a high school production, which makes sense why some might not be okay with it.


Hahah oh my god


Protests at JFK airport about the Travel Ban, where two Iraqi’s have already been detained (one now released), Live Feed here. I feel like I’ve been transported back to the 60s in more ways than one.


Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Dek Rollins said:

Warbler said:

Dek Rollins said:

Warbler said:

Dek Rollins said:

I don’t recall what I thought about the executive orders, but what I do know is that I didn’t like what he was doing, so I can only imagine that I wasn’t too happy about all of his executive orders.

and yet you’re okay with Trump doing everything via executive order?

Most of the ones he is issuing are things that I think need to be done. He practically undid the Obama legacy in a week, and I;m fine with that.

So it ok a President to do things via executive order instead of going through Congress, as long he/she is doing something you agree with?

Did I ever say that I morally disagree with Obama’s use of executive orders?

That’s what we’ve been trying to get at. If you didn’t disagree with him using executive orders (independent of what those orders were) then that’s fine. Republicans (including ferris, IIRC) screamed bloody murder because Obama was using executive orders, not because of what he was doing with those orders (I mean they bitched about the specifics to but I’m pointing to the fact that they said he was ruling by executive order). And now…silence…despite the fact that Trump is doing it at a rate that will far exceed what Obama done. It’s hypocritical.

This is not a doomsday rant.

^Alternate doomsday rant opinion.


DominicCobb said:

If there was any doubt as to how Trump decided which countries would be part of the ban and which wouldn’t:

Strangely, we had Democrats selling arms to a number of these places and taking money from them for privilege, and there were no issues with that here from their supporters. Now that Trump is on the map, there are issues all over the place here.



Dek Rollins said:

TV’s Frink said:


The executive order on immigration was rash and not thought through before signing. When the news first came out, I incorrectly assumed that it would only impact new immigrants. But it affects people who already have visas. My company (a large tech company) has at least 70 different employees and/or their families that are affected by this executive order. At least we’re able to provide legal assistance to them. I feel for anyone who has a legal visa to be in the US but who has been detained or might get detained in the near future.

Fuck Trump.

This is what I mean, Dek. Trump’s thought process is irrelevant.

My point was that I don’t know if he considered the various consequences or not, and yes his thought process on the matter is relevant, considering that it’s what we are discussing. That specific order I think was a bad move and he probably didn’t think it through like he should have. It raises concern, but other than that I’m not sure how to describe my reaction.

Either he didn’t think it through, or he did and he’s too dumb to understand what the consequences would be, or he did and he’s too much of an asshole to care about the consequences. None of these seem like something we should want in a president.


I’m curious where the line is drawn for punching people like Richard Spencer. Essentially, the justification is that he says despicable things (which he does, I won’t shed a single tear when he dies and doubtlessly burns in hell for all time), but if we are allowed to punch people who say despicable things, are we allowed to slash their tires? Throw a brick through their window? Where does it stop? This is why I am opposed to the celebration of violence against non-violent and non-criminal, but vile people.

The Person in Question


moviefreakedmind said:

I’m curious where the line is drawn for punching people like Richard Spencer. Essentially, the justification is that he says despicable things (which he does, I won’t shed a single tear when he dies and doubtlessly burns in hell for all time), but if we are allowed to punch people who say despicable things, are we allowed to slash their tires? Throw a brick through their window? Where does it stop?

It’s like porn, I don’t know how to define where it stops, but I’ll know it when I see it…and a Nazi getting punched isn’t it.



A Texas mosque was set on fire just hours after Trump signed an executive order restricting migration from Muslim-majority countries.

The Islamic Center of Victoria was set on fire around 2 a.m. on Saturday, according to local reports.

I guess we can go back to the 1950s/60s after all. Lovely that we’ll get to experience another civil rights crisis in this country.

Maybe this time we’ll learn.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I’m curious where the line is drawn for punching people like Richard Spencer. Essentially, the justification is that he says despicable things (which he does, I won’t shed a single tear when he dies and doubtlessly burns in hell for all time), but if we are allowed to punch people who say despicable things, are we allowed to slash their tires? Throw a brick through their window? Where does it stop?

It’s like porn, I don’t know how to define where it stops, but I’ll know it when I see it…and a Nazi getting punched isn’t it.

I liked watching it too; I’m just curious where the line is.

The Person in Question


Yeah, I’m not going to even try and defend that.