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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 268

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It is in the other threads too. and click on his name.


I would love to know what he was banned for and how long is will be banned.


Well, I’m not going to pick up the Conservative slack now that all the others have a-“banned”-oned ship. I’m too busy to get into debates these days, and I’m in agreement with the liberals here over much of our current situation anyway, so I’m just going to let you satisfy your voracious appetites for believing you are always right in a sounding room of liberal ideology. Enjoy the thread to yourselves for a while 😉


Thanks, Obama!

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


*sigh* oh well.


Hey, the last guy who responded to your post got banned. Er, wait, the second-to-last guy who rEJ#J#IJD)I#JOI#J


Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


CatBus said:

Hey, the last guy who responded to your post got banned. Er, wait, the second-to-last guy who rEJ#J#IJD)I#JOI#J


No carrier! No carrier! You’re the carrier!


darth_ender said:

Well, I’m not going to pick up the Conservative slack now that all the others have a-"banned-oned ship. I’m too busy to get into debates these days, and I’m in agreement with the liberals here over much of our current situation anyway, so I’m just going to let you satisfy your voracious appetites for believing you are always right in a sounding room of liberal ideology. Enjoy the thread to yourselves for a while 😉

Let’s not misrepresent Fo when he’s not here to defend himself. He was a self-proclaimed Bernie supporter, and he said repeatedly that he was only linking to Conservative/Russian/neo-Nazi agitprop on a lark, not because he really believed it. And why should we doubt him? As such, his self-professed politics will be easily replaced by our many other actual Bernie supporters. You’ll be the lonely Conservative a little longer.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Warbler said:

dahmage said:

Warb, that image isn’t what you think it is.

What is it you think I think it is? I know it can’t be the middle finger, Jetrell Fo already denied that. 😉

Ctlr F5. It is no longer that ape. Instead it is the electric tower img.


damn cache stuff. I wish I didn’t have clear my cache every time someone switches their avatar. You would think it would show the current avatar when I post it as an image. *sigh*


Too much cache and not enough cash


The House Democrats claim they sent a letter to Mike Pence (head of the Trump Transition Team) in November stating that Flynn had not disclosed that he was serving as an agent of a foreign government, and that this posed a conflict of interest with being national security advisor.

Flynn himself claims he told Pence about this in January.

Pence claims he did not find out about this until March.

The difference? Pence’s timeline clears him of anything but unwitting involvement. But the Democrats kept receipts of the entire transaction, including the reply letter from the Trump Transition Team indicating the letter was received.

Next stop, Paul “Shut Up! Shut Up! No Leaks!” Ryan. Then, President Hatch.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


This doesn’t sound shady at all!


President Trump allegedly sought to submit federal ethics forms that detail his wealth without signing them, which could shield him from trouble if they prove to be inaccurate.

Trump’s lawyer, Sheri Dillon, reportedly told the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) last year that he should not have to sign the financial disclosure report because he was submitting it voluntarily, according to letters obtained by the Associated Press. The signature verifies that the forms are accurate.

The head of the ethics agency, Walter Shaub, responded that he would not accept the forms without Trump’s signature, a standard part of the reporting process.

OGE would process the forms, Shaub wrote in a letter earlier this month, “on the condition that the President is committed to certifying that the contents of his report are true, complete and correct… When we met on April 27, 2017, you requested that he be excused from providing this certification.”

The Associated Press received the correspondence through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). OGE and Dillon did not immediately respond to a request for comment by The Hill.


da fuq? that is some super shady shit. here are some forms, i just won’t stand by them as being accurate. happy?



That was quite a ride. I enjoyed the 2001 Homage 😃, made experiencing Trump’s mind worthwhile I suppose.