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Petition for the Theatrical Cuts of the Original Star Wars Trilogy on Blu-ray — Page 4


fffffff said:

how about post a video on youtube asking GL to give us a poper release.

It could help.



 I think The People vs George Lucas can help with that. Wish I had checked this site before the end of '09, I might have been able to put together a quick video in the midst of my all out editing for other youtube uploads.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77



The Japanese BDs I've seen which were 4:3 were pillarboxed. (DBK and CardCaptor Sakura)

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


I believe 4:3 Blu-rays that are pillarboxed are STILL a 16:9 image.  I don't have an SD TV to confirm, but I think it would have black bars all the way around the squarish image.

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Molly said:

The Japanese BDs I've seen which were 4:3 were pillarboxed. (DBK and CardCaptor Sakura)

Yeah, the Disney BDs of older movies even allow you to fill in the pillarbox with pretty designs so it's definitely 4:3 in a 16:9 image.

I don't have a Blu-Ray system currently. If the OOT came out on Blu, i'd invest in a system simply because of that. Nuff said.

Number of signatories has now reached the first thousand...

Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here


Any famous people signed yet?

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


EyeShotFirst said:

Any famous people signed yet?

Did any famous people sign the old one? I hadn't noticed.


Darth Cracker said:

I don't have a Blu-Ray system currently. If the OOT came out on Blu, i'd invest in a system simply because of that. Nuff said.

I bought my first DVD player for Star Wars, it took 6 years, and I was sadly disappointed when I finally got it.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


Same here. I want to go Blu, but will only make the jump ASAP for SW or Lawrence. (Zhivago is going to be really tempting!!)

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment need to do right by the fans! The excuse of not wanting the original versions out there doesn't work anymore because, guess what, they were officially put out there (just in 1993 quality).

If they seriously plan on streeting the blu-ray as early as next year, I really don't see how "Star Wars in hi-def!" alone will make it a bestseller. DVD was a much different situation. It was people finally upgrading from vhs and laserdisc (formats from the mid-70's) to "everyone's favorite format."

The smart move would be to release the films individually (like in '06) but include the original version on a second disc in the same quality as the 20xx version. Just slap a sticker on the front reading "For the first time ever, the remastered original version in hi-def!" There's no way that won't guarantee way more copies getting sold.

The prequels' discs could easily include the theatrical versions with seamless branching, no need for a second disc. Phantom Menace is the obvious example, since they are likely to replace the weird-looking puppet Yoda with the much more Empire/Jedi-looking digital model from Clones and Sith. I would still want them to include the '99 version of the movie, if only for preservationist/historical reasons.

Speaking of which - and I don't wanna get too ahead of myself here - what are your thoughts on including the '97 SE and making ANH, Empire and Jedi three discs each? They'd still have plenty of room across the three discs for whatever extras they wanted to include (Blade Runner only would've needed the three blu-ray discs if they hadn't also put it out on hddvd day-and-date, and we don't have that problem anymore now that the format race is over). I certainly think it would be interesting from a historical perspective, to let people see where all the controversy started. If the '97 interpositives are still lying around, all LFL would need is to make a fresh hi-def master.

Seriously, I find it just a tad ridiculous how Blade Runner, the movie that got swept under in the summer of E.T., can get the ultimate home video treatment, but Star Wars can't because the rights are owned by LFL and not a major Hollywood studio. It's been said before, but George Lucas' career has been rife with irony.


If the OT is restored on Blu-I'm there. If LFL included the 97SE Trilogy-I'm in heaven. Besides having the OT I just want some way of revisiting my original SW experience. I could care less about the 2004 version and fourth eventual version.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Getting the word out -- I just posted to Yahoo Answers asking if people knew about this, and if they didn't to come over and sign! I would respectfully suggest that everyone here in support of this petition get the word out in other forums, on youtube, on twitter, on your myspace blog, and however else you can think of,  to come here to originaltrilogy.com and sign this petition.

If I could put this petition into an R2 unit, and send it down to Obi Wan, I would.

Help me Obi Wan Kenobi....you're my only hope!

1/25/10 update: Here I've added the links to my Yahoo Answers questions; Please visit and "star" them by clicking the star next to the word "Interesting".  I've seen in the past that heavily starred questions can end up on the main Yahoo Answers' page thus getting more exposure!

The links are:



As you can see, the first one has been resolved, and the other I posted in the "Other - Internet" category has been completely overlooked but you can try starring both. It may help get some votes!


You know, like my signature states, I don't give three billion shits to Star Wars anymore. I'm not signing anymore petitions for it. Know what I would sign a petition for actually? To get Tucker: The Man and His Dream or even WILLOW onto Blu-ray first. What about Labyrinth? OH, you Lucas jerk-offs forgot it was a LucasFilm Ltd. feature since all everyone does is bitch and moan about "WHERE'S MY OOT ON BLU-RAY DISC FORMAT?! I WANT MY DIAPER CHANGED!" Fuck the lot of you for Lucas to prioritise Star Wars over everything else.

Case in fucking point, when Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was released on the HD consoles along with everything ELSE, my hope would be for the upcoming, at the time, Indiana Jones game would also be released for HD consoles. NOPE, too fucking bad for someone like myself who prefers Indiana Jones over Star Wars!

I've sold everything I have which is related to Star Wars and don't regret it one single iota. Got good money for it too. BLASPHEMY you'll all cry and moan. I. DO. NOT. GIVE. A. FLYING. FUCK.

So fuck you very kindly and when the Indiana Jones Trilogy finally gets released onto Blu-ray, I'll be one happy monkey. Series burn-out is a bitch, isn't it?


Apparently he forgot this was originaltrilogy.com, not anything-except-originaltrilogy.com.


DarkGryphon2048 said:

What about Labyrinth? OH, you Lucas jerk-offs forgot it was a LucasFilm Ltd. feature since all everyone does is bitch and moan about "WHERE'S MY OOT ON BLU-RAY DISC FORMAT?! I WANT MY DIAPER CHANGED!"

Labyrinth is on Blu-ray, and it looks great.

As for the rest of your post--and your contribution to this forum in general--utter shite. You're quite welcome to leave if you'd like.

The petition isn't about getting Star Wars on Blu-ray now. It's about making sure it's a good release whenever it does arrive. Talk about missing the point entirely.

Forum Administrator



DarkGryphon,  the petition doesn't say anything about getting OOT released before those other movies.  It just talks about getting OOT released on Bluray.     Those other movies I pretty sure will get released without a petition(especially the Indiana Jones movies).   If you don't want to sign the petition and state your reasons for not doing so, that's fine.   But do you have to do it so rudely?   Take it from someone who is therapy and learning from past mistakes.   Being rude and angry gains you nothing in life.  

One final question:  if you care so little about Star Wars,  how come you've posted to a Star Wars forum over 250 times?    


DarkGryphon2048 said:

Know what I would sign a petition for actually? To get Tucker: The Man and His Dream or even WILLOW onto Blu-ray first.

DarkGryphon2048 said ON NOVEMBER 10, 2007:

And does anybody besides me know that Tucker: A Man and His Dream is also a Lucasfilm Ltd. title? WILLOW should also be re-released as a 2-Discer...

So...what job did your daddy have on those movies?


Phew, finally I know what some jagoff feels about Harry Potter and digital copy. It was so...hard...the not knowing.