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"Normal" people trying to sound like they are SW experts — Page 2


suspiciouscoffee said:

Once, someone told me “I know everything about Star Wars, more than you do. Ask me any question.”

He never got any of them right. He claimed "I only know the movies, not the books or anything. All of them were basic questions regarding the OT.

I had the same mentality back in the sixth grade.


dahmage said:

When i was in elementary school i remember first hearing from a friend of a friend that there were books for Eps 1-3 and 7-9, and that the ending books got weird with Luke destroying planets and starships with his mind.

I still don’t know what that information was based on, i am assuming it was EU stuff, but i have never been into the EU so i don’t know.

Sounds like he misremembered an event from the novel Darksaber. In that book, Luke’s Jedi students all pooled their Force energies together to destroy a fleet of star destroyers attacking Yavin 4.


suspiciouscoffee said:

Worst case scenario; I think R1 would be more Hunger Games with X-Wings and TIE Fighters rather than Divergent. The difference being that Hunger Games movies are watchable at worst, where Divergent movies are utter garbage.

I had the misfortune of watching one of those Divergent movies. Worst theatrical choice I made that year.


MalàStrana said:

DominicCobb said:

Dek Rollins said:

One of my older brothers told me that someone he was talking to said something to the effect of “George Lucas already has the scripts for episodes 7 8 and 9 written.” This was back in like, 2007.

I was told the same thing back in 1999 or so.

Give Lucas a few hours and he will deliver finished scripts for 7-8-9 (even 10-11-12 if you offer him a cup of coffee). Not good, but finished. But if you want a STAR WARS quality script, he needs 4 years/10 hours of work per day. I would very much like to read the synopsis of the ST he “sold” to Disney in 2012… I’m pretty sure it’s American graffiti with x-wings and tie-fighters (like R1 is Divergent with x-wings and tie-fighters…).

Your math is wrong. Lucas hates writing, he’d never finish a script in a few hours. The PT is the result of him spending years and working hours per day (though mainly just staring at a blank page I’d imagine). To get a good script out of him you’d need a team of people constantly providing feedbacks and critiques. Otherwise it’ll be shite.

Very curious as to why you think R1 has anything to do with Divergent.


Honestly the large majority of my friends and family are Star Wars fans to some extent. It is widely known by them that I’m the “Star Wars guy.” So I don’t often hear people talk about SW like they’re experts because they know they’re at risk of being schooled by myself.


DominicCobb said:

Honestly the large majority of my friends and family are Star Wars fans to some extent. It is widely known by them that I’m the “Star Wars guy.” So I don’t often hear people talk about SW like they’re experts because they know they’re at risk of being schooled by myself.

Same thing with my family. After the force awakens I got about 20 text messages from grandparents, aunts and cousins asking about the movie and it’s connections to the other movies. I wouldn’t brand myself as an expert. My entire family just isn’t nearly as intense as a fan.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


It would take a while to come up with all the examples I could think of, but here’s a few I can remember off the top of my head.

A friend insisting the Thrawn trilogy was truly the basis for the ST movies, couldn’t get him to shut up till the SECOND trailer for TFA.

Numerous people insisting the OT stormtroopers were still clones of Jango Fett. Ugh, that one just got me so infuriated, especially given they were all people who put the PT above the OT, so I was already arguing with wackos.

Not kidding, people insisting that the 2004 SE’s are the original theatrical versions. I show them something from the original, and they’re like “why did they get rid of Jabba, why did they cut out the wampa, where’s that funny song with screaming cockroach guy”.


emanswfan said:

Not kidding, people insisting that the 2004 SE’s are the original theatrical versions. I show them something from the original, and they’re like “why did they get rid of Jabba, why did they cut out the wampa, where’s that funny song with screaming cockroach guy”.

*infinite faceplams*


DominicCobb said:

MalàStrana said:

DominicCobb said:

Dek Rollins said:

One of my older brothers told me that someone he was talking to said something to the effect of “George Lucas already has the scripts for episodes 7 8 and 9 written.” This was back in like, 2007.

I was told the same thing back in 1999 or so.

Give Lucas a few hours and he will deliver finished scripts for 7-8-9 (even 10-11-12 if you offer him a cup of coffee). Not good, but finished. But if you want a STAR WARS quality script, he needs 4 years/10 hours of work per day. I would very much like to read the synopsis of the ST he “sold” to Disney in 2012… I’m pretty sure it’s American graffiti with x-wings and tie-fighters (like R1 is Divergent with x-wings and tie-fighters…).

Your math is wrong. Lucas hates writing, he’d never finish a script in a few hours. The PT is the result of him spending years and working hours per day (though mainly just staring at a blank page I’d imagine). To get a good script out of him you’d need a team of people constantly providing feedbacks and critiques. Otherwise it’ll be shite.

Well judging from some of the avilable transcripts of script meetings for ESB and ROTJ, he would dismiss most of the feedback when it comes to characters and scenes. However, I do think he needs someone to write dialogue for his characters and scenes (like Kasdan in ESB and ROTJ).



DominicCobb said:

MalàStrana said:

DominicCobb said:

Dek Rollins said:

One of my older brothers told me that someone he was talking to said something to the effect of “George Lucas already has the scripts for episodes 7 8 and 9 written.” This was back in like, 2007.

I was told the same thing back in 1999 or so.

Give Lucas a few hours and he will deliver finished scripts for 7-8-9 (even 10-11-12 if you offer him a cup of coffee). Not good, but finished. But if you want a STAR WARS quality script, he needs 4 years/10 hours of work per day. I would very much like to read the synopsis of the ST he “sold” to Disney in 2012… I’m pretty sure it’s American graffiti with x-wings and tie-fighters (like R1 is Divergent with x-wings and tie-fighters…).

Your math is wrong. Lucas hates writing, he’d never finish a script in a few hours. The PT is the result of him spending years and working hours per day (though mainly just staring at a blank page I’d imagine). To get a good script out of him you’d need a team of people constantly providing feedbacks and critiques. Otherwise it’ll be shite.

Very curious as to why you think R1 has anything to do with Divergent.

You should read more Mala posts, I think that would explain it.


TV’s Frink said:

With some of the “experts” here, I think I prefer normal people.

I have to say, being a long-time nerd there are times when I agree. People like this can sometimes be refreshing. 😉

Forum Moderator

Why would anyone rip off Divergent? That would be the equivalent of ripping off Eragon.

The Person in Question


DuracellEnergizer said:

emanswfan said:

Not kidding, people insisting that the 2004 SE’s are the original theatrical versions. I show them something from the original, and they’re like “why did they get rid of Jabba, why did they cut out the wampa, where’s that funny song with screaming cockroach guy”.

*infinite faceplams*

My palm is now permenantly embedded within my face



TV’s Frink said:

DominicCobb said:

MalàStrana said:

DominicCobb said:

Dek Rollins said:

One of my older brothers told me that someone he was talking to said something to the effect of “George Lucas already has the scripts for episodes 7 8 and 9 written.” This was back in like, 2007.

I was told the same thing back in 1999 or so.

Give Lucas a few hours and he will deliver finished scripts for 7-8-9 (even 10-11-12 if you offer him a cup of coffee). Not good, but finished. But if you want a STAR WARS quality script, he needs 4 years/10 hours of work per day. I would very much like to read the synopsis of the ST he “sold” to Disney in 2012… I’m pretty sure it’s American graffiti with x-wings and tie-fighters (like R1 is Divergent with x-wings and tie-fighters…).

Your math is wrong. Lucas hates writing, he’d never finish a script in a few hours. The PT is the result of him spending years and working hours per day (though mainly just staring at a blank page I’d imagine). To get a good script out of him you’d need a team of people constantly providing feedbacks and critiques. Otherwise it’ll be shite.

Very curious as to why you think R1 has anything to do with Divergent.

You should read more Mala posts…

I’d rather not.


I consider myself a normal person except for the Star Wars bug. Only prequel I ever stood in line at midnight for is “Revenge of the Sith” and I’m glad I did…it was a satisfying film on first viewing, in context. Later on, the plot holes become bigger and bigger…

But in my experience, “normal people” take the prequels as gospel. That is the difference. To the true fans, this is bothersome. We grew up loving, treasuring, memorizing the originals. We didn’t just watch once or a couple times like any other movies.

A true SW fan finds the prequels at least partially offensive.

Jar-Jar is the Emperor in the extra special edition of ROTJ (scenes 1, 3, and then 6 to the end).


Most of the normal people I know haven’t even seen the prequels, let alone take them as gospel.


TV’s Frink said:

Most of the normal people I know haven’t even seen the prequels, let alone take them as gospel.

Doesn’t sound normal to me!!

Jar-Jar is the Emperor in the extra special edition of ROTJ (scenes 1, 3, and then 6 to the end).


I don’t think Lucasfilm is marketing to purists. (And how much Disney supervises any of this is up for debate.) TFA’s financial success rests at least partly on bringing in the casual fans who grew up on the original films, even it if was the SE’s. The current films are tied into the events of the OT. Rebels is dealing with some of the aftermath of the Clone Wars.

Prequel toys are still being made. And unless things have changed fairly recently, prequel characters still appear in the theme parks.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:
Prequel toys are still being made. And unless things have changed fairly recently, prequel characters still appear in the theme parks.

Before TFA, everywhere I went I’d see ROTS cardboard cutouts with Lava and the Anakin/Obi-Wan duel propped up everywhere near the toys/games section. Now all of that sort of stuff has either been changed to OT characters (Darth Vader, R2D2, C3P0, Yoda, Luke, Leia, Han) or simply Kylo Ren. Even the new gum packaging only has OT characters on them. That’s pretty much what I meant, of course you can still buy PT stuff but almost all of their focus at the moment is post-PT like the comic books and novels.

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


imperialscum said:

Trooperman37 said:

TV’s Frink said:

Most of the normal people I know haven’t even seen the prequels, let alone take them as gospel.

Doesn’t sound normal to me!!

His “normal” is a different normal.

Since you’ve never met me, I’d like to know what “normal” you think you’ve pegged me with.


I still see some PT crap showing up every now and then, but the OT has certainly been the focus of their marketing blitz.

The Person in Question


With the 40th anniversary coming up next year, that only makes sense.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?